In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
import nivapy3 as nivapy
import mvm_python
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sn'ggplot')

In [6]:
# Connect to NIVABASE
eng = nivapy.da.connect()

Connection successful.

TOC Thematic Report - February 2019 (Part 1: Data clean-up)

This notebook describes cleaning and updating data for the ~260 "core" ICPW stations (as opposed to the broader network of 430 "trends" stations).

Note that there is substantial overlap between the "core" and "trends" sites, but the data are stored separately in the database: the most recent data for the "trends" work is associated with a project named 'ICPW_TOCTRENDS_2018' (project_id=4390), whereas the "core" stations are split according to country with projects named 'ICPWaters CA', 'ICPWaters NO' etc. In theory, where a station is used in both the "core" and "trends" work, the associated chemistry data should be the same, but in practice this is not always be the case. Note also that, in 2015, Tore created a set of country-specific "TOC trends" projects, named e.g. 'ICPW_TOCTRENDS_2015_NO'. These include yet more duplicated data, but they should now be considered deprecated as they have been superseded by 'ICPW_TOCTRENDS_2018'.

The purpose of the work presented here is to (i) quality assess and upload the latest data for the "core" stations; (ii) review - and where necessary update - the sites used in each country (e.g. changes to monitoring mean that some locations are no longer suitable for ICPW); and (iii) to check that the "core" and "trends" datasets are broadly in agreement.

1. Update and restructure data from Focal Centres

1.1. Canada

There are 18 Canadian stations in the "core" ICPW programme and I have added the most recent templates to the database.

The code below applies a correction factor of 1.28 to the records for TOC in Nova Scotia collected before March 1995. See e-mail exchanges with Don, John and Heleen on 15/02/2019 for further details.

In [3]:
## Switch TOC/DOC pre-March 1995 to method with correction factor of 1.28
#with eng.begin() as conn: 
#    sql = ("UPDATE resa2.water_chemistry_values2 "
#           "SET method_id = 10823 "
#           "WHERE sample_id IN ( "
#           "  SELECT water_sample_id "
#           "  FROM resa2.water_samples "
#           "  WHERE station_id IN (23461, 23462, 23463, 23464, 23465) "
#           "  AND sample_date < DATE '1995-03-01') "
#           "AND method_id IN (10294, 10273)")
#    conn.execute(sql)

1.2. Finland

Jussi has supplied an entirely new dataset for all Finnish stations covering the period from 1990 to 2017. This supersedes the data already in the database. I have therefore removed all post-1990 data for both "core" and "TOC_TRENDS_2015" stations, and replaced the values with the most recent dataset. I have also updated the station properties (NFC codes etc.) based on the latest information provided.

One of the "core" Finnish stations, FI13, is no longer monitored. Jussi has proposed that this station be removed from the "core" and replaced with Nat_FI_27. This is a nearby station with similar characteristics and ongoing monitoring. It is also one of the "trends" stations, with code 'Nat_FI_27' in the 2015 trends dataset and code 'Tr18_FI_39478' in the latest trends work.

Based on this, I have removed FI13 from the "core" and substituted Nat_FI_27 instead.

1.3. Czech Republic

The Czech data was reviewed and updated during 2016. The latest data provided during 2017 has now also been added.

1.4. Germany

It looks as though there has been a long-running confusion regarding site names and codes for the German stations. As far as I can make out, the following changes are required:

  • Station DE34, which is currently named "Odenwald, Schmerbach 1" in our database, should actually be named "Odenwald, Rombach 4"

  • Station DE35, which is currently named "Taunus, Rombach 4" in our database, should actually be labelled "DE36" and named "Odenwald, Schmerbach 1"

  • Station DE11, which is currently named "Schwarzwald, Kleine Kinzig" in our database, should actually be labelled "DE35" and named "Schwarzwald, Kleine Kinzig Huettenhardt"

I have made these changes, as well as updating the station properties with the NFC codes provided by Jens. Hopefully this will help to avoid confusion in the future.

Note: Changing site names/codes like this is quite dangerous, as there is a good chance of data becoming associated with the wrong station. It might be worth getting Jens to check the data we have after this clean-up, or perhaps submitting an entirely new dataset if that's not too much work.

Other points to note:

  • Monitoring has stopped at several of the German stations, and we also seem to have a gap in data submission between 2013 and 2016 (giving an actual data gap from the end of 2012 to the end of 2014)

  • For the lakes, Jens has provided data from a wide variety of depths. We are primarily interested in surface samples, but restricting the data to just depth = 0 results in a very limited dataset. As with some other countries, I have therefore filtered the data to include samples (including "mixed samples") from less than or equal to 2 m depth.

1.5. Latvia

Data tidied by Cathrine - see e-mail received 18.02.2019.

1.6. Moldova

Data tidied by Cathrine - see e-mail received 18.02.2019. I have created two new stations (MD01 and MD02) and associated them with a new project ('ICPWaters MD').

1.7. Estonia

Data tidied by Espen - see e-mail received 18.02.2019.

1.8. Italy

Data tidied by Espen - see e-mail received 18.02.2019. I have created 6 new stations (IT07 to IT12) and added them to the existing 'ICPWaters IT' project.

1.9. Switzerland

Data tidied by Espen - see e-mail received 18.02.2019.

1.10. Sweden

The latest Swedish data are available from the MVM database. For consistency, it seems sensible to update the entire data series using the API, thereby ensuring that NIVA has the most recent quality assured data. The file


lists the 22 Swedish stations in the "core" programme. I have deleted all the data associated with these stations. The code below then uses my MVM_Python package to download updated series from the Swedish database and add them to RESA.

In [3]:
# Get a list of the Swedish sites
stn_xlsx = (r'../../../Call_For_data_2018/replies'
swe_df = pd.read_excel(stn_xlsx)
print (len(swe_df))

station_id station_code station_name nfc_code
0 23597 SE01 Delångersån Iggersund 18985
1 23598 SE02 Alsterån Getebro 44
2 23600 SE05 Tväringen 126
3 23601 SE06 Stensjön 132
4 23602 SE08 Brunnsjön 98

In [4]:
# Lookup table matching MVM pars to RESA methods
par_map_xlsx = (r'../../../Sweden_MVM_API/map_mvm_pars_to_resa2.xlsx')
par_map_df = pd.read_excel(par_map_xlsx)

mvm_par factor icpw_par icpw_method_id
0 Alk/Acid 1.00 ALKGMILLI 10297
1 SO4_IC 1.00 SO4_IC mekv/l 10555
2 NO2+NO3-N 1.00 NO3N 10265
3 Cl 1.00 Cl 10556
4 TOC 1.00 TOC 10273
5 KMnO4 0.25 Perm 10267
6 pH 1.00 pH 10268
7 Ca 1.00 Ca mekv/l 10551
8 Mg 1.00 Mg mekv/l 10552
9 Na 1.00 Na mekv/l 10553
10 K 1.00 K mekv/l 10554
11 NH4-N 1.00 NH4N 10264
12 AlI_NAJ 1.00 LAL 10292
13 Kond_25 1.00 K25 10260
14 Tot-P 1.00 TOTP 10275
15 Vattentemperatur 1.00 TEMP 10272
16 Tot-N_ps 1.00 TOTN 10274
17 Tot-N_TNb 1.00 TOTN 10274
18 PO4-P 1.00 ORTP 10279
19 F 1.00 F 10255
20 AL 1.00 TAL 10249

In [5]:
def f(row):
    """ Function to deal with flags.
    if '<' in row['value_']:
        val = '<'
    elif '>' in row['value_']:
        val = '>'
        val = np.nan
    return val

In [ ]:
# # Path to local file containing MVM access tokens
# token_xlsx = r'../../../Sweden_MVM_API/md_mvm_tokens.xlsx'

# # Time period of interest
# st_yr = 1970
# end_yr = 2016

# # Loop over stations
# for idx, row in list(swe_df.iterrows()):
#     # Get IDs
#     resa_id = row['station_id']
#     mvm_id = row['nfc_code']
#     name = row['station_name']
#     print('Processing: %s' % name)
#     print ('    Getting data from MVM...')
#     # Get data from MVM
#     mvm_df = mvm_python.query_mvm_station_data(mvm_id, 
#                                                st_yr, 
#                                                end_yr, 
#                                                token_xlsx)
#     print ('    Restructuring...')
#     # Get pars of interest    
#     mvm_df = pd.merge(mvm_df, par_map_df, 
#                       how='inner',
#                       left_on='par_name', 
#                       right_on='mvm_par')
#     # Convert units
#     mvm_df['value'] = mvm_df['value'] * mvm_df['factor']
#     # If multiple depths are available, get the shallowest
#     mvm_df.sort_values(by=['depth1', 'depth2'], inplace=True)
#     mvm_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['mvm_id', 'sample_date', 'par_name'], 
#                            inplace=True)
#     # Get just cols of interest
#     mvm_df = mvm_df[['sample_date', 'icpw_method_id', 'value']]  
#     # Occasionally, there are still some duplicates (e.g. Tot-N_ps and Tot-N_TNb)
#     # at the same site-date. Average these for now
#     mvm_df = mvm_df.groupby(['sample_date', 
#                              'icpw_method_id']).agg({'value':'mean'}).reset_index()
#     # Sometimes values of 0 are reported. Drop these as dubious
#     mvm_df['value'].replace(0, np.nan, inplace=True)
#     mvm_df.dropna(subset=['value'], inplace=True)
#     # Make sure the df can be pivoted (integrity check - don't actually need 
#     # to pivot, so result is not saved as variable)
#     mvm_df.pivot(index='sample_date', columns='icpw_method_id')
#     # Build water samp df
#     ws_df = mvm_df[['sample_date']].copy()
#     ws_df['station_id'] = resa_id
#     ws_df['depth1'] = 0
#     ws_df['depth2'] = 0
#     ws_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['sample_date'], inplace=True)
#     ws_df.sort_values(by='sample_date', inplace=True)
#     ws_df = ws_df[['station_id', 'sample_date', 'depth1', 'depth2']]
#     # Add water samples to db
#     print ('    Writing data to WATER_SAMPLES table...')
#     dtypes = {c:types.VARCHAR(ws_df[c].str.len().max())
#               for c in ws_df.columns[ws_df.dtypes == 'object'].tolist()}

#     ws_df.to_sql(name='water_samples', 
#                  schema='resa2',
#                  con=eng, 
#                  if_exists='append', 
#                  index=False,
#                  dtype=dtypes)
#     # Get sample_ids back from db
#     print ('    Identifying sample IDs...')
#     sql = ('SELECT water_sample_id, station_id, sample_date '
#            'FROM resa2.water_samples '
#            'WHERE station_id = %s' % resa_id)
#     ws_df = pd.read_sql_query(sql, eng)

#     print ('    Checking data integrity...')
#     # Join sample id to chemistry
#     chem_df = pd.merge(mvm_df, ws_df, how='left', on='sample_date')
#     # Get cols of interest
#     chem_df = chem_df[['water_sample_id', 'icpw_method_id', 'value']]
#     chem_df.columns = ['sample_id', 'method_id', 'value_']
#     # Drop NaNs
#     chem_df.dropna(how='any', inplace=True)
#     # Deal with flags
#     chem_df['value_'] = chem_df['value_'].astype(str)
#     chem_df['flag1'] = chem_df.apply(f, axis=1)

#     # Extract numeric chars
#     chem_df['value'] = chem_df['value_'].str.extract("([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)", expand=True)
#     chem_df['value'] = chem_df['value'].astype(float)
#     del chem_df['value_']
#     # Reorder cols
#     chem_df = chem_df[['sample_id', 'method_id', 'value', 'flag1']]

#     # Check flags are consistent
#     if not pd.isnull(chem_df['flag1']).all():
#         if not set(chem_df['flag1'].unique()).issubset(['<', '>', np.nan]):
#             print ('Some flags are not valid:')
#             print (chem_df['flag1'].unique())

#     # Add chem to db
#     print ('    Writing data to WATER_CHEMISTRY_VALUES2 table...')
#     dtypes = {c:types.VARCHAR(chem_df[c].str.len().max())
#               for c in chem_df.columns[chem_df.dtypes == 'object'].tolist()}

#     chem_df.to_sql(name='water_chemistry_values2', 
#                    schema='resa2',
#                    con=eng, 
#                    if_exists='append', 
#                    index=False,
#                    dtype=dtypes)
#     print ('    Done.')

1.11. USA

As described in the trends notebook John has supplied an entirely new set of data for the US, but some of the NFC codes have changed. I have therefore updated the codes in our database to reflect these changes. The latest station codes for the 95 "core" US sites are given in


Note that John's most recent dataset does not include any data for 4 of the "core" stations:

US82, US94, US125 and X15:1C1-106

because these are no longer active.

I have deleted all the old data associated with the US sites, except for the 4 stations listed above. The code below reads John's new files and creates an Excel worksheet in the same format as the ICPW template, which can then be added back to the database.

In [6]:
# Get list of US "core" stations
stn_xlsx = r'../../../Call_For_data_2018/usa_trends_and_core_sites.xlsx'
stn_df = pd.read_excel(stn_xlsx, sheet_name='Stations')
us_cds = list(stn_df['nfc_code'].unique())

# Exclude inactive stations ['US82', 'US94', 'US125', 'X15:1C1-106']
inactive = ['ME-9998E', '1C1-092', '1C1-096', '1C1-106E']
us_cds = [i for i in us_cds if i not in inactive]
len(us_cds) # Should be 91


In [7]:
# Read stream data
riv_xl_path = r'../../../Call_for_Data_2018/replies/usa/Stoddard LTM streams_2018.xls'
riv_df = pd.read_excel(riv_xl_path, sheet_name='LTM stream data 1979-2016')

# Tidy
del riv_df['PROGRAM'], riv_df['YR']
del riv_df['ALDS'], riv_df['ALOR']
del riv_df['DIC'], riv_df['FLOW']

# Rename

# Convert units
riv_df['Ca'] = riv_df['Ca']*40.1/(1000*2)        # ueq/l to mg/l
riv_df['Cl'] = riv_df['Cl']*35.45/(1000*1)       # ueq/l to mg/l
riv_df['K'] = riv_df['K']*39.1/(1000*1)          # ueq/l to mg/l
riv_df['Mg'] = riv_df['Mg']*24.3/(1000*2)        # ueq/l to mg/l
riv_df['Na'] = riv_df['Na']*23./(1000*1)         # ueq/l to mg/l
riv_df['NH4N'] = riv_df['NH4N']*14.              # ueq/l to ugN/l
riv_df['NO3N'] = riv_df['NO3N']*14.              # ueq/l to ugN/l
riv_df['SULF'] = riv_df['SULF']*96.065/(1000*2)  # ueq/l to mgSO4/l


0 01362285 1983-08-15 60.0 32.0 2.40199 0.740905 28.0 0.7 0.19941 0.829845 0.6003 NaN 429.8 6.50 2.5 7.075187 NaN
1 01362285 1983-11-01 10.0 26.0 2.20149 0.769265 27.0 1.8 0.30107 0.890595 0.7015 NaN 180.6 6.30 2.1 6.935893 NaN
2 01362285 1983-12-15 10.0 18.0 2.30174 0.779900 23.0 2.5 0.28152 0.760590 0.5014 NaN 309.4 6.24 1.9 5.994456 NaN
3 01362285 1984-02-02 30.0 20.0 2.30174 0.740905 22.5 2.2 0.23069 0.850500 0.6003 NaN 410.2 6.20 1.8 6.835025 NaN
4 01362285 1984-04-02 50.0 24.0 2.20149 0.769265 25.0 0.9 0.25024 0.810405 0.5014 NaN 270.2 6.35 1.6 6.354700 NaN

In [8]:
# Read lake data
la_xl_path = r'../../../Call_for_Data_2018/replies/usa/Stoddard LTM lakes_2018.xls'
la_df = pd.read_excel(la_xl_path, sheet_name='LTM lake data 1980-2016')

# Fill NaN in DEPTH column with 0
la_df['DEPTH'] = la_df['DEPTH'].fillna(0)

# Get surface only
la_df = la_df.query("DEPTH <= 1")

# Tidy
del la_df['PROGRAM'], la_df['SAMTYPE']
del la_df['year'], la_df['month'], la_df['day']
del la_df['ALDS'], la_df['ALOR'], la_df['CHLA']
del la_df['DIC'], la_df['PHEQ'], la_df['DEPTH']

# Rename

# Convert units
la_df['Ca'] = la_df['Ca']*40.1/(1000*2)        # ueq/l to mg/l
la_df['Cl'] = la_df['Cl']*35.45/(1000*1)       # ueq/l to mg/l
la_df['K'] = la_df['K']*39.1/(1000*1)          # ueq/l to mg/l
la_df['Mg'] = la_df['Mg']*24.3/(1000*2)        # ueq/l to mg/l
la_df['Na'] = la_df['Na']*23./(1000*1)         # ueq/l to mg/l
la_df['NH4N'] = la_df['NH4N']*14.              # ueq/l to ugN/l
la_df['NO3N'] = la_df['NO3N']*14.              # ueq/l to ugN/l
la_df['SULF'] = la_df['SULF']*96.065/(1000*2)  # ueq/l to mgSO4/l


0 020058O 1992-06-08 171.0 27.90 2.101040 0.449860 100.0 21.25 12.70 0.500480 0.498150 0.70035 2.38 16.24 5.574 NaN 1.81 4.235986 NaN
1 020058O 1992-07-06 172.0 42.30 1.941041 0.359818 90.0 20.61 12.78 0.450432 0.478224 0.67045 25.62 9.94 5.600 NaN 0.30 4.455975 NaN
2 020058O 1992-08-03 153.0 29.66 1.910966 0.347765 80.0 20.35 12.44 0.410550 0.438372 0.67045 20.16 10.78 5.731 NaN 0.19 4.066431 NaN
3 020058O 1992-09-01 188.0 38.52 1.500742 0.339966 70.0 20.45 11.88 0.350336 0.518076 0.73048 74.48 8.82 5.664 NaN 0.85 4.256160 NaN
4 020058O 1992-10-05 175.0 35.73 2.371113 0.659725 90.0 20.94 11.94 0.380443 0.498150 0.65044 -16.24 0.00 5.670 NaN 2.42 4.216293 NaN

In [9]:
# Combine river and lake data
us_df = pd.concat([riv_df, la_df], axis=0, sort=False)

# Filter to just sites in core project
us_df = us_df[us_df['Code'].isin(us_cds)]

# Join ICPW codes
us_df = pd.merge(us_df, stn_df[['station_code', 'nfc_code']], 
                 left_on='Code', right_on='nfc_code')

# Average duplicates
us_df = us_df.groupby(['station_code', 'Date']).mean()

# Tidy

# Check we have data for all sites
assert len(us_df['station_code'].unique()) == len(us_cds), 'Some stations have no data.' 

# Rename

# Save to Excel
out_xl = r'../../../Call_for_Data_2018/replies/usa/usa_lake_stream_all_core_to_2016_tidied.xlsx'
us_df.to_excel(out_xl, sheet_name='Data', index=False)


0 US05 1983-04-21 89.0 0.0 0.870371 2.97780 NaN NaN 0.220133 0.369846 2.10105 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN 3.842600 NaN NaN NaN
1 US05 1983-05-25 80.0 1.7 0.820446 2.80055 NaN NaN 0.220133 0.339835 2.05114 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN 3.842600 NaN NaN NaN
2 US05 1983-07-07 80.0 0.4 0.850521 3.04870 23.0 NaN 0.229908 0.339835 2.04102 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN 3.746535 NaN NaN NaN
3 US05 1983-10-25 33.0 2.3 0.910470 2.83600 17.0 NaN 0.279956 0.369846 2.06103 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN 3.938665 NaN NaN NaN
4 US05 1984-04-27 109.0 2.3 0.810421 2.87145 25.0 NaN 0.269790 0.329873 1.99111 NaN 0.0 NaN 3.21 4.034730 NaN NaN NaN

In [ ]:
# # Delete existing data for 91 stations

# # Get station IDs
# sql = ("SELECT station_id FROM resa2.stations "
#        "WHERE station_code IN %s" % str(tuple(list(us_df['Code'].unique()))))
# id_df = pd.read_sql(sql, eng)

# print ('Deleting from SAMPLE_SELECTIONS')
# sql = ("DELETE FROM resa2.sample_selections "
#        "WHERE water_sample_id IN ( "
#        "  SELECT water_sample_id FROM resa2.water_samples "
#        "  WHERE station_id IN %s)" % str(tuple(list(id_df['station_id'].unique()))))
# eng.execute(sql)

# # Delete from WCV2
# print ('Deleting from WATER_CHEMISTRY_VALUES2')
# sql = ("DELETE FROM resa2.water_chemistry_values2 "
#        "WHERE sample_id IN ( "
#        "  SELECT water_sample_id FROM resa2.water_samples "
#        "  WHERE station_id IN %s)" % str(tuple(list(id_df['station_id'].unique()))))
# eng.execute(sql)

# # Delete from WATER_SAMPLES
# print ('Deleting from WATER_SAMPLES')
# sql = ("DELETE FROM resa2.water_samples "
#        "WHERE station_id IN %s" % str(tuple(list(id_df['station_id'].unique()))))
# eng.execute(sql)

1.12. UK

There are 6 UK stations within the "core" programme. As described in the "trends" notebook, some issues have been identified with the historic data already in the database. I will therefore delete all the old data and upload corrected values compatible with the most recent trends work. For the UK, the "core" stations are a subset of the "trends" stations, so it's just a question of uploading a cut-down version of the cleaned "trends" dataset. I have created a new Excel file for just the "core" stations here


This has been uploaded to the database.

In [ ]:
# # Delete existing data for 6 UK stations

# print ('Deleting from SAMPLE_SELECTIONS')
# sql = ("DELETE FROM resa2.sample_selections "
#        "WHERE water_sample_id IN ( "
#        "  SELECT water_sample_id FROM resa2.water_samples "
#        "  WHERE station_id IN (23608, 23609, 23610, 23611, 23612, 36165))")
# eng.execute(sql)

# # Delete from WCV2
# print ('Deleting from WATER_CHEMISTRY_VALUES2')
# sql = ("DELETE FROM resa2.water_chemistry_values2 "
#        "WHERE sample_id IN ( "
#        "  SELECT water_sample_id FROM resa2.water_samples "
#        "  WHERE station_id IN (23608, 23609, 23610, 23611, 23612, 36165))")
# eng.execute(sql)

# # Delete from WATER_SAMPLES
# print ('Deleting from WATER_SAMPLES')
# sql = ("DELETE FROM resa2.water_samples "
#        "WHERE station_id IN (23608, 23609, 23610, 23611, 23612, 36165)")
# eng.execute(sql)

1.13. Ireland

The existing "core" project includes 10 stations in Ireland, but 7 of these (all the river sites) are no longer monitored. Julian has proposed a further 11 lake sites as replacements, which gives 21 Irish sites in total, but only 14 of them with active monitoring.

All the station locations and metadata for the Irish sites are given in


Note that for many of the sites there are several possible monitoring points (e.g. on the lake shore or out in open water), but all of them are given the same geographic co-ordinates in Julian's spreadsheet (i.e. a "station" comprises several nearby monitoring "points"). For ICPW, we have historically focused on the open water sites, so I have filtered the shoreline samples out from Julian's dataset. In some cases, there are several open water sampling points per station as well. This leads to duplicates, because the same site has been monitoried more than once on the same date, but at different points. These duplicated values are usually very similar, and differences will therefore be ignored.

I have created 11 new sites in the database based on the details in the Excel file above. This Excel file below contains the aggregated data supplied by Julian for the period from 2007 to 2017


Note: While adding the data to the database, I have noticed that historic values (i.e. those already in the database) for alkalinity look very high. From a brief check, I suspect many values are a factor of 1000 too large. This will need investigating further before undertaking the trends analysis - see section 2.6, below.

1.14. Poland

There are currently four Polish stations within the "core" programme (PL01 to PL04), but these have not been monitored since 2012 (see e-mail from Rafal received 17.06.2017 at 17.43). Instead, he has suggested 5 new stations and supplied data for these from 1999 to 2017. Details for the new sites are given in


I have therefore created new stations with codes PL05 to PL09, together with a tidied data sheet here


which has been added to the database.

2. Quality checking

There are clearly some issues with the raw data in the database. Before going further with the trends analysis, I'd like to try to catch as many of the data errors as possible. For now, I'll focus on the main parameters of interest for the trends report: SO4, base cations (Ca and Mg), NO3, Alkalinity, ANC (calculated from Ca, Mg, K, Na, NH4, Cl, SO4 and NO3), DOC/TOC and pH.

2.1. Select projects

In [10]:
# Select projects
prj_grid = nivapy.da.select_resa_projects(eng)

582 projects in the RESA database.

In [11]:
# Select all relevant projects
prj_df = prj_grid.get_selected_df()
print (len(prj_df), 'projects selected.')

15 projects selected.
project_id project_number project_name contact_person project_description
383 1679 None ICPWaters US None None
424 2120 None ICPWaters NO None None
425 2140 None ICPWaters CA None None
467 2923 None ICPWaters UK None None
468 2943 None ICPWaters FI None None
469 2944 None ICPWaters SE None None
474 2986 None ICPWaters CZ None None
475 2987 None ICPWaters IT None None
476 2988 None ICPWaters PL None None
477 2989 None ICPWaters CH None None
478 2990 None ICPWaters LV None None
479 2991 None ICPWaters EE None None
518 3445 None ICPWaters IE None None
581 4410 None ICPWaters MD None None
380 1660 None ICPWaters DE None None

Note: There are a total of 25 countries that have submitted data to ICPW in the past, but only the 15 above are suitable for the trends analysis. For reference, the others are:

Country Comment
Armenia Data only from 2004 - 2008. Does not use template. No response to recent calls for data
Austria Only 1 station. No data since 2012
Belarus Only 1 station. No response to recent calls for data
France No longer involved in project. Never supplied data?
Hungary No longer involved in project. Never supplied data?
Montenegro Data only from 2006 - 2009. Does not use template. No response to recent calls for data
Netherlands Currently being processed by Cathrine
Russia Data only from 2009 - 2014. Does not use template. No response to recent calls for data
Slovakia Supplied as part of "trends" work. Could also be used in "core", but some overlap with Polish sites?
Spain No data supplied. No response to recent calls for data

Of these, it should eventually be possible to include data from the Netherlands, and maybe Slovakia too.

2.2. Select stations

In [12]:
# Get stations for these projects
stn_df = nivapy.da.select_resa_project_stations(prj_df, eng)
print (len(stn_df), 'stations associated with the selected projects.')

261 stations associated with the selected projects.
station_id station_code station_name latitude longitude altitude
0 221 BIE01 Birkenes 58.385426 8.241721 190.0
1 12080 STE01 Storgama v. dam 59.052333 8.653606 587.0
2 23505 DE01 Schwarzwald, Dürreychbach 48.750167 8.443167 730.0
3 23506 DE02 Fichtelgebirge, Eger 50.085000 11.824500 664.0
4 23507 DE03 Rothaargebirge, Elberndorfer Bach 50.987833 8.201333 540.0

In [13]:
# Map


2.3. Select parameters

In [14]:
# Get available parameters
st_dt = '1970-01-01'
end_dt = '2019-01-01'
par_grid = nivapy.da.select_resa_station_parameters(stn_df,

110 parameters available for the selected stations and dates.

In [15]:
# Select relevant parameters
par_df = par_grid.get_selected_df()

parameter_id parameter_name unit
0 3 ALK mmol/l
1 65 ALK-E µEq/l
13 11 Ca mg/l
51 13 Mg mg/l
56 5 NO3-N µg/l N
39 12 K mg/l
57 14 Na mg/l
55 49 NH4-N µg/l N
17 7 Cl mg/l
77 8 SO4 mg/l
85 6 TOC mg C/l
108 1 pH None

2.4. Select chemistry data

In [16]:
# Get chem
wc_df, dup_df = nivapy.da.select_resa_water_chemistry(stn_df,

The database contains unexpected duplicate values for some station-date-parameter combinations.
Only the most recent values will be used, but you should check the repeated values are not errors.
The duplicated entries are returned in a separate dataframe.

station_id station_code station_name sample_date depth1 depth2 ALK-E_µEq/l ALK_mmol/l Ca_mg/l Cl_mg/l K_mg/l Mg_mg/l NH4-N_µg/l N NO3-N_µg/l N Na_mg/l SO4_mg/l TOC_mg C/l pH_
0 108 LAE01 Langtjern, utløp 1972-09-01 00:00:00 0.0 0.0 NaN 0.0 1.30 NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.0 0.60 NaN NaN 5.04
1 108 LAE01 Langtjern, utløp 1972-12-11 00:00:00 0.0 0.0 NaN 0.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.0 NaN NaN NaN 4.92
2 108 LAE01 Langtjern, utløp 1973-04-04 15:15:00 0.0 0.0 NaN 0.0 1.31 NaN 0.13 0.27 NaN 40.0 0.67 NaN NaN 4.80
3 108 LAE01 Langtjern, utløp 1973-04-05 17:40:00 0.0 0.0 NaN 0.0 1.32 NaN 0.15 0.27 NaN 40.0 0.69 NaN NaN 4.69
4 108 LAE01 Langtjern, utløp 1973-04-06 12:00:00 0.0 0.0 NaN 0.0 1.31 NaN 0.12 0.27 NaN 30.0 0.67 NaN NaN 4.67

In [17]:
# Save for speed
wc_df.to_csv('working_chem.csv', index=False, encoding='utf-8')

In [18]:
# Load saved data
wc_df = pd.read_csv('working_chem.csv', encoding='utf-8')
wc_df['sample_date'] = pd.to_datetime(wc_df['sample_date'])

2.5. Basic quality checking

2.5.1. Duplicates

The code above produces a warning about duplicated values, which should be investigated.

In [19]:
# Which stations have duplicates?

array(['LAE01', 'BIE01', 'STE01', 'KAE01', 'DALELV', 'CA10', 'CA11',
       'CA12', 'CA13', 'CA14', 'CA16', 'CA17', 'CA20', 'DE02', 'DE03',
       'DE04', 'DE07', 'DE08', 'DE09', 'DE13', 'DE14', 'DE16', 'DE18',
       'DE19', 'DE20', 'DE21', 'DE25', 'DE28', 'DE29', 'DE30', 'DE31',
       'DE32', 'DE33', 'DE34', 'DE36', 'EE01', 'LV03', 'LV04', 'LV05',
       'LV07', 'LV08'], dtype=object)

There are duplicated values for stations in Norway, Canada, Germany, Estonia and Latvia. The duplicates in Norway are due to the way the NIVA lab handles reanalyses, and my code is designed to query these correctly. For the other countries, the problem is due to submitting both DOC and TOC data for the same water sample. These are added to our database under separate methods, but for ICPW both TOC and DOC get mapped to TOC in the output, because ICPW does not distinguish between the two. My code will currently pick one of the duplicates at random, which is not ideal. However, as long as the ICPW assumption that TOC ~ DOC is correct, this shouldn't actually cause problems. (And if this assumption is not correct, we have broader issues to deal with in the ICPW database).

2.5.2. Number of stations with data

From above, there are 261 stations associated with the selected projects. Do they all have at least some relevant data?

In [20]:
print(len(wc_df['station_id'].unique()), 'stations with data.')

260 stations with data.

In [21]:
# Identify missing station
set(stn_df['station_id']) - set(wc_df['station_id'])


In [22]:
stn_df.query('station_id == 38562')

station_id station_code station_name latitude longitude altitude
251 38562 IE20 Clare, Naminna, Mid Lake 52.78408 -9.22064 NaN

So, the only station with no data is IE20 - one of the new Irish lakes. I have checked Julian's original data submission and this looks OK: the only data he supplied for IE20 is from the shoreline, and these samples have been deliberately excluded - see section 1.13, above.

2.5.3. Distribution of data through time

The code below calculates the number of water samples per year per station. A bar plot is produced for each country, where the height of each bar shows the average number of samples per year and the error bars show the minimum and maximum. For example, in Norway during 1973, the minimum number of samples was 146 (at Langtjern) and the maximum number was 368 (at Birkenes).

In [23]:
# Get countries from proj names
sql = ("SELECT station_id, "
       "  SUBSTR(b.project_name, -2, 2) AS country "
       "FROM resa2.projects_stations a "
       "LEFT JOIN resa2.projects b "
       "ON a.project_id = b.project_id "
       "WHERE station_id IN %s "
       "AND SUBSTR(b.project_name, 1, 9) = 'ICPWaters'"% str(tuple(list(stn_df['station_id']))))
cnt_df = pd.read_sql(sql, eng)

# Join to chem
wc_df = pd.merge(wc_df, cnt_df, on='station_id')

In [24]:
# Extract year
wc_df['year'] = wc_df['sample_date'].dt.year

# Number of samples per year per site
agg = wc_df.groupby(['station_id', 'country', 'year']).agg({'station_code':'count'}).reset_index()
agg.columns = ['station_id', 'country', 'year', 'count']

# Plot
g = sn.catplot(data=agg, 

for ax in g.axes:
    ax[0].xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=True)    

/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/scipy/stats/ FutureWarning: Using a non-tuple sequence for multidimensional indexing is deprecated; use `arr[tuple(seq)]` instead of `arr[seq]`. In the future this will be interpreted as an array index, `arr[np.array(seq)]`, which will result either in an error or a different result.
  return np.add.reduce(sorted[indexer] * weights, axis=axis) / sumval

The plots above illustrate the wide variability in monitoring across the ICPW programme. Some points to note:

  • The Norwegian sites have been monitored very consistently since the the 1980s (about 1 sample per week), as have some of the Canadian sites. It may be possible to try more sophisticated/detailed trend analyses using these high-frequency data

  • Germany, Poland, Sweden and the USA (plus some Canadian sites) typically have monthly monitoring i.e. still quite detailed

  • Switzerland, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, the UK and the Czech Republic typically have fewer than 12 samples per year. This data is less detailed, and probably only suitable for calculating annual averages (rather than attempting to capture e.g. seasonal effects)

  • The dataset for Moldova currently only covers the period from 2014 to 2017. It is therefore not yet suitable for estimating trends

2.6. Parameter distributions

The code below produces boxplots for each parameter, split by country.

In [25]:
# Melt to long format
wc_lng = wc_df.melt(id_vars=['station_id', 'station_code', 
                             'station_name', 'country', 
                             'sample_date', 'year', 
                             'depth1', 'depth2'],

# Plot
g = sn.catplot(data=wc_lng,

for ax in g.axes:
    ax[0].xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', labelbottom=True)    

Note the following:

  • There are clearly issues with the alkalinity data for the Irish and Italian stations. As mentioned in Section 1, I suspect there may be unit errors in some of the old templates (the recent ones look OK), which have resulted in values being uploaded that are a factor of 1000 too large. Needs further investigation

  • Alkalinity for the Norwegian sites (from NIVA's lab) is reported in mmol/l. These values need converting to ueq/l in order to be compatible with data from the Focal Centres

  • The data from Moldova is very different to that from the other ICPW sites. I don't know much about Moldova, but I guess the values are plausible if the regional is strongly influenced by marine processes and/or limestone geology? These sites don't have enough data for inclusion in the trends work, but check the values look reasonable with Øyvind nevertheless

  • There are a few very high Cl concentrations in a few of the German and Italian samples. Are these values plausible, or likely contaminated?

  • There are very high ammonium concentrations at some of the German sites, and very high nitrate concentrations in both Germany and Latvia. The nitrate values are plausible for heavily impacted (e.g. agricultural) systems, but they look a bit out of place within ICPW. Are these values reasonable? Some of the samples have NO3-N concentrations well above the drinking water limit specified by the Nitrates Directive (11.3 mg-N/l), which seems pretty high for supposedly "pristine" catchments

  • There are clearly issues with the TOC values from some of the US stations. This problem was previously identified during data preparation for the "TOC trends" paper and John is following it up (see e-mail from John received 15.02.2019 at 21.54 for details)

  • Some pH values from Latvia and Germany are very low. Did acidification really cause pH values as low as 3?

2.6.1. Correct alkalinity


Checking of the Irish data shows that, in the past, alkalinity has been supplied both as meq/l and as ueq/l. It seems pretty obvious that errors have been made regarding the units in some cases, such that values in ueq/l have been reported as meq/l, which results in an incorrect multiplier of 1000 being applied. Looking at the distribution of alkalinity values for the Irish sites, the following SQL can be used to identify and fix the problem (by switching the method from meq/l to ueq/l).

SET method_id    = 10298
WHERE sample_id IN
  (SELECT water_sample_id
  WHERE station_id IN
    ( SELECT station_id FROM RESA2.PROJECTS_STATIONS WHERE project_id = 3445
AND method_id = 10297
AND value     > 2;


Similarly, during 2010 to 2012, it looks as though alkalinity values in ueq/l for sites IT01 to IT06 have been mistakenly entered into the database as meq/l. This has been fixed using the following SQL

SET method_id    = 10298
WHERE sample_id IN
  (SELECT water_sample_id
  WHERE station_id IN
    ( SELECT station_id FROM RESA2.PROJECTS_STATIONS WHERE project_id = 2987
AND method_id = 10297
AND value     > 10;

2.6.2. Correct Catskills TOC and Al

In [7]:
## Apply factor of 1/83.26 to DOC
#with eng.begin() as conn: 
#    sql = ("UPDATE resa2.water_chemistry_values2 "
#           "SET value = value/83.26 "
#           "WHERE sample_id IN ( "
#           "  SELECT water_sample_id "
#           "  FROM resa2.water_samples "
#           "  WHERE station_id IN (23658, 23659, 23660, 23661) "
#           "  AND sample_date > DATE '2014-10-01') "
#           "AND method_id = 10273")
#    conn.execute(sql)

In [8]:
## Apply factor of 26.98 to Al
#with eng.begin() as conn: 
#    sql = ("UPDATE resa2.water_chemistry_values2 "
#           "SET value = value*26.98 "
#           "WHERE sample_id IN ( "
#           "  SELECT water_sample_id "
#           "  FROM resa2.water_samples "
#           "  WHERE station_id IN (23658, 23659, 23660, 23661) "
#           "  AND sample_date > DATE '2014-10-01') "
#           "AND method_id = 10249")
#    conn.execute(sql)