In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib
from IPython.display import HTML
import requests

# plotting options
%matplotlib inline
#pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default') # Make the graphs a bit prettier

Import stations CSV

My first step is to find interesting stations and one of the requirements is to find some that have a good time range coverage so I will evaluate the files downloaded.

Reading the stations coordinates CSV

In [2]:
stations = pd.read_csv(
    names=['usaf','wban','stname','ctry','fips','state','call','lat' ,'lon' ,'elev'],
print (len(stations))

usaf wban stname ctry fips state call lat lon elev
0 000000 99999 NYGGBUKTA GREENLAND- STA GL GL NaN NaN +73483 +021567 +00030
1 000010 99999 JAN HAYEN NO NO NaN NaN +70983 -007700 +00229
2 000020 99999 ISFJORD RADIO SPITZBERGEN NO NO NaN NaN +78067 +013633 +00079

Get correct coordinates dividing the lat/lon by 1000 and the elevation by 10. Then generate a unique index and a column that specficies if the id is from a USAF station or from WBAN. Finally drop any station that doesn't have a location to use.

In [3]:
stations['lat'] = lat: float(lat)/1000)
stations['lon'] = stations.lon.apply(lambda lon: float(lon)/1000)
stations['elev'] = stations.elev.apply(lambda e: float(e)/10.0)

In [4]:
stations['id']     = stations.apply(lambda row : "{}-{}".format(row.usaf,row.wban),axis=1)

usaf wban stname ctry fips state call lat lon elev
000000-99999 000000 99999 NYGGBUKTA GREENLAND- STA GL GL NaN NaN 73.483 21.567 3.0
000010-99999 000010 99999 JAN HAYEN NO NO NaN NaN 70.983 -7.700 22.9
000020-99999 000020 99999 ISFJORD RADIO SPITZBERGEN NO NO NaN NaN 78.067 13.633 7.9
000030-99999 000030 99999 BJORNOYA BARENTS SEA NO NO NaN NaN 74.467 19.283 29.0
000040-99999 000040 99999 VAROO NO NO NaN NaN 70.367 31.100 11.9

In [5]:

usaf wban stname ctry fips state call lat lon elev
999999-94910 999999 94910 WATERLOO MUNICIPAL AP US US IA KALO 42.554 -92.401 267.6
999999-94925 999999 94925 GRAND FORKS AF US US ND KRDR 47.961 -97.401 277.7
999999-94931 999999 94931 HIBBING CHISHOLM-HIBBING AP US US MN KHIB 47.387 -92.839 413.6
999999-94995 999999 94995 CRN NE LINCOLN 8 ENE US US NE C52A 40.848 -96.565 362.4
999999-94996 999999 94996 CRN NE LINCOLN 11 SW US US NE B3BA 40.695 -96.854 418.2

Read CSV of observations

Instantiate the path where the NCDC data has been downloaded

In [6]:
p = Path('../../data/ncdc')

Check if we have already the stations CSV or generate it from the files. To generate the CSV the name file will be inspected but also a full read of the file will be performed in order to count the number of observations on every station.

In [7]:
gsodCSV = p.joinpath('gsod.csv')
if not gsodCSV.exists():
    ops = p.joinpath('raw').joinpath('gsod').glob('**/*.op')
    agsod = []

    for op in ops:
            data ='.op','').split('-')
            data.append(sum(1 for line in encoding='utf8' ))-1)
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
          print (op.absolute())
    dfGsod = pd.DataFrame(data = agsod, columns=['usaf','wban','year','obs'])
    dfGsod['id'] = dfGsod.apply(lambda row: "{}-{}".format(row.usaf,row.wban) ,axis=1)
    dfGsod = dfGsod.set_index(['id'])

In [8]:
print ('Reading existing stations per year CSV')
dfGsod = pd.read_csv(str(gsodCSV),index_col=['id'])
print ("{:,} station files".format(len(dfGsod)))
print ("{:,} observations".format(dfGsod.obs.sum()))

Reading existing stations per year CSV
404,762 station files
111,648,951 observations
year obs
033110-99999 1931 357
105130-99999 1931 196
103610-99999 1931 1
030050-99999 1931 365
122050-99999 1931 359

Year statistics per station

Now study this dataframe, grouping by id and see the total years recorded, max and min

In [9]:
year_groups = dfGsod[['year']].groupby(level=0)
year_count  = year_groups.count()
year_max    = year_groups.max()
year_min    = year_groups.min()

years = pd.concat([year_count,year_max,year_min],axis=1)
years.columns = ['count','max','min']

count max min
008209-99999 1 2009 2009
008210-99999 1 2009 2009
010010-99999 41 2009 1955
010013-99999 3 1988 1986
010014-99999 24 2009 1986

Count observations per station

In [10]:
obs_groups = dfGsod[['obs']].groupby(level=0)
obs_count = obs_groups.sum()

008209-99999 27
008210-99999 32
010010-99999 14180
010013-99999 335
010014-99999 6300

Join stations and observations statistics

Now we can check if the indexes of both data frames are unique and then join them to retreive only the stations with observations

In [11]:
stations.index.is_unique and years.index.is_unique and obs_count.index.is_unique


In [12]:
scdf = pd.concat([stations,years,obs_count],axis=1,join='inner')

usaf wban stname ctry fips state call lat lon elev count max min obs
010010-99999 010010 99999 JAN MAYEN NO NO NaN ENJA 70.933 -8.667 9 41 2009 1955 14180
010014-99999 010014 99999 SOERSTOKKEN NO NO NaN ENSO 59.783 5.350 49 24 2009 1986 6300
010015-99999 010015 99999 BRINGELAND NO NO NaN ENBL 61.383 5.867 327 23 2009 1987 8030
010016-99999 010016 99999 RORVIK/RYUM NO NO NaN NaN 64.850 11.233 14 5 1991 1987 1555
010017-99999 010017 99999 FRIGG NO NO NaN ENFR 59.933 2.417 48 18 2005 1988 4086

Finally we can study this dataset and filter the appropriate stations for our study on this first iteration

In [13]:

Get preferred stations

Next step is done at CartoDB an analysis and mapping service. From the exported stations.csv, I've created a map of the stations that have more than 40 years, are below 500 meters elevation and that intersect with the warm regions according to the Köppen-Geiger classification. The map is interactive, you can zoom in and click on stations to check it's attributions.

In [14]:
HTML('<iframe width="100%" height="520" frameborder="0" src="" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>')


To get those stations back to this notebook I will use CartoDB SQL API so I will execute this SQL using the CSV format so it can be read directly into a Pandas DataFrame.

WITH regions AS (
    WHEN 31 THEN 'Cfa'
    WHEN 32 THEN 'Cfb'
    WHEN 33 THEN 'Cfc'
    WHEN 34 THEN 'Csa'
    WHEN 35 THEN 'Csb'
    WHEN 36 THEN 'Csc'
    ELSE 'NA' 
  END cat
  FROM climate_regions 
  WHERE gridcode >= 31 and gridcode <= 36
), wstations AS ( 
  FROM jsanz.stations s 
  JOIN regions r ON ST_Intersects(s.the_geom,r.the_geom)
  WHERE count >= 40 AND elev < 500
  select id, string_agg(cat,', ') from wstations group by id

In [15]:
query = '*,%0A++CASE+GRIDCODE+%0A++++WHEN+31+THEN+%27Cfa%27%0A++++WHEN+32+THEN+%27Cfb%27%0A++++WHEN+33+THEN+%27Cfc%27%0A++++WHEN+34+THEN+%27Csa%27%0A++++WHEN+35+THEN+%27Csb%27%0A++++WHEN+36+THEN+%27Csc%27%0A++++ELSE+%27NA%27+%0A++END+cat%0A++FROM+climate_regions+%0A++WHERE+gridcode+>%3D+31+and+gridcode+<%3D+36%0A),+wstations+AS+(,,r.the_geom)%0A++WHERE+count+>%3D+40+AND+elev+<+500%0A)%0A++select+id,+string_agg(cat,%27,+%27)+cat+from+wstations+group+by+id'
selections = pd.read_csv(query,index_col=['id'])

161400-99999 Cfa
062650-99999 Cfb
746710-13806 Cfa
373950-99999 Cfa
161490-99999 Cfa

Check if the index of the imported dataframe is unique and then join it with our stations dataset. This join will keep only data on both data frames using the parameter join='inner'.

In [16]:


In [17]:
scdfc = pd.concat([scdf,selections],axis=1,join='inner')

usaf wban stname ctry fips state call lat lon elev count max min obs cat
161400-99999 161400 99999 BOLOGNA/BORGO PANIG IY IT NaN LIPE 44.533 11.300 49.0 42 2009 1964 13853 Cfa
062650-99999 062650 99999 SOESTERBERG NL NL NaN EHSB 52.133 5.283 16.0 52 2008 1951 18578 Cfb
746710-13806 746710 13806 FORT CAMPBELL AAF US US KY KHOP 36.673 -87.492 174.7 51 1999 1943 18197 Cfa
373950-99999 373950 99999 KUTAISI RS GG NaN NaN 42.267 42.633 116.0 55 2009 1937 15626 Cfa
161490-99999 161490 99999 RIMINI IY IT NaN LIPR 44.033 12.617 13.0 43 2009 1945 14001 Cfa

Descriptors for the preferred stations data frame

Note: This is the formal answer for this week assignment, all the previous work was meant to have this dataset ready to work with it. Next weeks I will load the real observations data and do more coding with it but as for now, this is enough for the tasks asked.

Frenquency table for the selected stations by country and filtering those with more than 20 stations.

In [18]:
scdfc_group_ctry = scdfc.groupby(['ctry']).size()

AU       26
CI       65
DL       43
IY       54
JP       87
PL       35
RS       21
US      141
dtype: int64

Frequency table for the climate categories. Some climate areas overlapped, that's why there are three records with two assigned categories.

In [19]:
scdfc_group_cat = scdfc.groupby(['cat']).size()

Cfa         349
Cfa, Csa      1
Cfb         210
Cfb, Cfa      1
Cfc           8
Csa         101
Csa, Csb      1
Csb          22
dtype: int64

Frequency table for the number of years recorded.

In [20]:
scdfc_group_count = scdfc.groupby(['count']).size()

40       33
41       42
42       43
43       49
44       49
45       44
46       63
47       42
48       56
49       38
50       28
51       24
52       22
53       14
54       12
55       17
56       17
57       14
58       14
59        8
60        9
61        8
62        6
63       12
64        7
65        5
66        4
67        4
68        5
69        2
70        1
71        1
dtype: int64