
Supervised learning

  • load mnist dataset
  • try Random Forest and Gradient Boosted Trees to classify mnist data set
  • perform crossvalidation and grid search over the parameters of RF and GBT
  • choose neural network library and fit mnist dataset
  • build and train network similar to LeNet, NeoCognitron or some other specially design for digit recognition (advanced)

Unsupervised learning

  • try several clustering algorithms on mnist dataset (how to estimate quality of the clustering considering we know labels)
  • perform PCA + any classifier algorithm
  • perform PCA + Decision Tree, compare results to Decision Tree alone for different maximal tree heights.
  • perform Isomap (or other manifold learning) on mnist data set, plot the result mapping (advanced)

For the next lecture

  • Go to http://www.scala-lang.org/ and install scala. Make sure scala shell (scala command) works fine.
  • Get familiar with scala programming language (advanced)