
The file utils.py contains some usefull stuff which is used throughout all notebooks in this site.

First of all it includes the initialization of all constants and variables for the use of MNIST database:

In [2]:
# import the mnist class
from mnist import MNIST 

# init with the 'data' dir
mndata = MNIST('./data')    

# Load data

# The number of pixels per side of all images
img_side = 28

# Each input is a raw vector.
# The number of units of the network 
# corresponds to the number of input elements
n_mnist_pixels = img_side*img_side

Then you find a function to plot mnist images in a row of subplots:

In [3]:
# Set the maximum number of plots to be printed in a row
windows = 8

# A custom plot that uses imshow to draw a matrix
# x      :  array           The matrix to be plotted
# fig    :  figure object   Figure device to use
# window :  int             The current subplot position
# windows:  int             Number of subplot
def plot_img(x, fig, window, windows = windows) :
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, windows, window)
    ax.imshow(x, interpolation = 'none', 
              aspect = 'auto', cmap=cm.Greys)  

and a function to reshape raw mnist data as squared matrices:

In [4]:
# transform a raw input in an image matrix  
# x:      array    the raw input vector
# return  array    a squared matrix
def to_mat(x) :
    return x.reshape( img_side, img_side )

Finally you have some general use functions.

A list of transfer functions:

In [5]:
# Add a bias unit to the input
def biased(x) :
    return hstack([1,x])

# step function
# return:    1 if x > 0
#            0 otherwise
def step(x) :
    return 1.0*(x>0)

# sigmoid function
# t   float temperature
def sigmfun(x, t = 1.0) :
    return 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-x/t))

# sigmoid derivative
def sigmder(y) :
    return y*(1-y)

# hyperbolic tangent function
# th     float threshold
# alpha  float amplitude
def tanhfun(x, t = 0.0, alpha = 1.0) :
    return tanh(alpha*(x - th))

# hyperbolic tangent derivative
def tanhder(y) :
    return 1-y**2

A function to build a dataset of points based on two lists (belonging/not belonging) centroids.

In [6]:
# Create an array with 2-dimensional patterns belonging to two categories
# n_patterns    :        int                 Number of patterns
# std_deviation :        float               Standard deviation of noise
# centroids1    :        2-elements-vectors  Points from which the
#                        list                patterns belonging to 
#                                            the class are generated
# centroids2    :        2-elements-vectors  Points from which the
#                        list                patterns not belonging 
#                                            to the class are generated
# returns       :        array               Each row contains a pattern as
#                                            its first two elements and
#                                            the group (belonging/not 
#                                            belonging/) as its third element
def build_dataset( n_patterns = 100, 
                   std_deviation = 0.2,
                   centroids1 = [ [-1.2, 1.8], [-1.8, 1.2] ], 
                   centroids2 = [ [-0.2, 0.4], [-0.8, -0.2 ] ] ) :
    # Decide to which group patterns are from.
    # First half belongs to the class
    categories = arange(n_patterns)/(n_patterns/2)   
    # Each row of this array will contain a 2-element-wide 
    # input pattern plus an integer defining to which category
    # the pattern belongs   
    data = zeros([n_patterns,3])

    # Iterate the patterns to generate
    for t in xrange(n_patterns) :
        pattern = zeros(2)
        if categories[t] > 0 : 
            index = int( rand()*len(centroids1) )
            pattern = array(centroids1[index])
        else :
            index = int( rand()*len(centroids2) )
            pattern = array(centroids2[index])
        # Add noise to each element of the centroid
        pattern += std_deviation*randn(2)

        # Fill up data 
        data[t,:] = hstack([pattern, categories[t]])
    return data

Next cell is just for styling

In [1]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
def css_styling():
    styles = open("../style/ipybn.css", "r").read()
    return HTML(styles)
