Two stage neural network implementation for MNIST digits classifier using Start


This is a step by step implementation of a multilayer neural network for MNIST digit classification using Start. Input images in MNIST database are 28x28 pixels. Images are black and white so one bit is required to represents each pixel. This neural network classifies input image to one of the possible digits (0-9).

Importing packages

Start and mnist packages are in the src directory. "Start install path"/start/src directory needs to be in $PYTHONPATH for these packages to load.

  • mnist package is used for loading mnist data and other related functions.
  • Start package that has the components to build a neural network.

In [11]:
import numpy as np
import mnist.utils.load_mnist as load_mnist
import start.neural_network as nn
import start.layer_dict as ld
import start.weight_update_params as wup

Loading MNIST data

load_mnist function returns training data, validation data and test data as three numpy arrays. Shape of these arrays is Number of samples * 795.

In [12]:
# Load the training, validation and test data
# Each data is a numpy array of shape Number of Samples * 795
# 0:783 are inputs, 784:793 are outputs, 794 is classified output
# N is chose as first dimention as it is easy to shuffle training data
# during training
training_data, validation_data, test_data = load_mnist.load_mnist()

validation_x = np.transpose(validation_data[:, 0:784]) 
validation_y_class = np.transpose(validation_data[:, 794])
val_acc = lambda: net.classification_accuracy(validation_x, validation_y_class)

test_x = np.transpose(test_data[:, 0:784]) 
test_y_class = np.transpose(test_data[:, 794])
test_acc = lambda: net.classification_accuracy(test_x, test_y_class)


Neural Network architecture

The MNIST digit classifier net in this eaxmaple has the following architecture.

Creating the net object

A neural net object is created layer by layer. The first step is to create a net object. Input layer is created automatically when a net is created.

In [13]:
# Create Network - specify input layer neurons (28x28=784)
net = nn.NeuralNetwork("test_net", 784)

Adding layers

Layers are added sequentially to the net. Last layer added has to be an output layer.

In [14]:
# Fully connected layer of 800 neurons
layer = ld.hdict["fc"](800)

# Relu activation layer of 800 neurons
layer = ld.hdict["relu"](800)

# Fully connected layer of 80 neurons
layer = ld.hdict["fc"](80)

# Fully connected layer of 80 neurons
layer = ld.hdict["relu"](80)

# Fully connected layer of 10 neurons
layer = ld.hdict["fc"](10)

# Add softmax output layer
layer = ld.odict["softmax"](10)

Check the network architecture

In [15]:

Specify L2 loss coeffcient

In [16]:
# Specify l2 loss

Set weight update method

In [17]:
# Define weight update method
params = wup.GradientDescentParams(.3)
# params = wup.MomentumParams(.3)
# params = wup.AdamParams()

Initialize the network

In [21]:
# For repeatability of results published below
# Initialize the network

Train the network

In [22]:
# Set training related parameters
mini_batch_size = 32
epochs = 20
verbose = 0

# Train the network
for epoch in range(1, epochs+1):
    print("Epoch " + str(epoch))
    mini_batches = [training_data[k:k + mini_batch_size, :] for k in
                   range(0, len(training_data), mini_batch_size)]
    for count, mini_batch in enumerate(mini_batches, start=1):
        x = np.transpose(mini_batch[:, 0:784])
        y = np.transpose(mini_batch[:, 784:794])
        net.train(x, y)
        if ((count%100 == 0) and verbose):
            print("Count {0} validation data accuracy = {1} %.".format(count, val_acc()))
    print("Epoch {0} validation data accuracy = {1} %.".format(epoch, val_acc()))

Epoch 1
Epoch 1 validation data accuracy = 95.25 %.

Epoch 2
Epoch 2 validation data accuracy = 96.44 %.

Epoch 3
Epoch 3 validation data accuracy = 97.07 %.

Epoch 4
Epoch 4 validation data accuracy = 97.25 %.

Epoch 5
Epoch 5 validation data accuracy = 97.81 %.

Epoch 6
Epoch 6 validation data accuracy = 97.75 %.

Epoch 7
Epoch 7 validation data accuracy = 97.78 %.

Epoch 8
Epoch 8 validation data accuracy = 98.08 %.

Epoch 9
Epoch 9 validation data accuracy = 98.07 %.

Epoch 10
Epoch 10 validation data accuracy = 97.83 %.

Epoch 11
Epoch 11 validation data accuracy = 98.14 %.

Epoch 12
Epoch 12 validation data accuracy = 98.08 %.

Epoch 13
Epoch 13 validation data accuracy = 97.88 %.

Epoch 14
Epoch 14 validation data accuracy = 98.29 %.

Epoch 15
Epoch 15 validation data accuracy = 98.51 %.

Epoch 16
Epoch 16 validation data accuracy = 98.48 %.

Epoch 17
Epoch 17 validation data accuracy = 98.54 %.

Epoch 18
Epoch 18 validation data accuracy = 98.54 %.

Epoch 19
Epoch 19 validation data accuracy = 98.51 %.

Epoch 20
Epoch 20 validation data accuracy = 98.5 %.

Test accuracy

In [23]:
print("Test data accuracy = {0} %.".format(test_acc()))

Test data accuracy = 98.53 %.

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