Diffusion modeling

New to pynams? Check out the intro and basic examples and peak fitting with pynams

Some setup

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=["svg"]
from __future__ import print_function, division
import pynams
from pynams import Spectrum, Profile, Diffusivities, dlib, styles
from pynams.diffusion import models
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os # package to figure out where pynams is on your computer

FTIR_file_location = os.path.join(pynams.__path__[0], 'example_FTIR_spectra\\')

spectrum = Spectrum(fname='augite1', folder=FTIR_file_location, thickness_microns=268.)

profile = Profile(fnames=['olivine1', 'olivine2', 'olivine3', 'olivine4'],  
                  positions_microns=[10., 20., 30., 40.])


Got baseline  C:\Users\Elizabeth Ferriss\Documents\code\Pynams\pynams\example_FTIR_spectra\olivine1-baseline.CSV
Got baseline  C:\Users\Elizabeth Ferriss\Documents\code\Pynams\pynams\example_FTIR_spectra\olivine2-baseline.CSV
Got baseline  C:\Users\Elizabeth Ferriss\Documents\code\Pynams\pynams\example_FTIR_spectra\olivine3-baseline.CSV
Got baseline  C:\Users\Elizabeth Ferriss\Documents\code\Pynams\pynams\example_FTIR_spectra\olivine4-baseline.CSV

1D diffusion

Simple analytic solutions assuming diffusivity is independent of the diffusing species.

Error functions (the default) are usually preferred for the early stages of diffusion, and the infinite sum (erf_or_sum='infsum') more accurately represents diffusion at later stages (Crank 1975, Section 2.1)

In [2]:
fig, ax, x_data, y_data = models.diffusion1D(length_microns=500., log10D_m2s=-12., time_seconds=3600.)

In [3]:
fig, ax, x_data, y_data = models.diffusion1D(length_microns=500, log10D_m2s=-12, time_seconds=2*3600,
                                             init=0.2, fin=1., symmetric=False, centered=False)

Plot 1D diffusion profiles on top of your data

The plot_diffusion method combines plot_area_profile() with diffusion1D() and includes most of the same keywords.

In [4]:
fig, ax, ax_water = profile.plot_diffusion(time_seconds=60*5, log10D_m2s=-13, centered=False)

In [5]:
fig, ax, ax_water = profile.plot_diffusion(time_seconds=60*5, log10D_m2s=-13, centered=True, 
                                           fin=0.6, symmetric=False)

Fit 1D diffusion data

Default solves for time while holding constant

  • the initial constant = the maximum concentration (vary_initial=True)
  • the log10 of the diffusivity in m2/s constant at -12
  • the final concentration = zero

Change these setting using keywords log10Dm2s, vary_initial, vary_final, varyD, vary_time, initial_unit_value, final_unit_value

In [6]:
initial, final, log10D, minutes = profile.fitD(symmetric=False)

initial: 33.48+/-0
final: 0.00+/-0
log10D m2/s: -12.00+/-0
minutes: 0.34+/-0.11

Plot a range of possible diffusion curves

In [7]:
import numpy as np
time_minutes_long = 60
time_minutes_short = 5
time_minutes_average = np.mean((time_minutes_long, time_minutes_short))
log10D = -12.
centered = False

fig, ax, ax_water = profile.plot_diffusion(time_seconds=time_minutes_average, 
                                           centered=centered, ytop=40)
label = ' '.join((str(time_minutes_average), 'minutes'))
ax.text(15, 35, label, color='b')

x, y1 = profile.diffusion1D(time_seconds=time_minutes_long, log10D_m2s=log10D, 
x, y2 = profile.diffusion1D(time_seconds=time_minutes_short, log10D_m2s=log10D, 
ax.fill_between(x, y1, y2, color='g', alpha=0.3);

label2 = ' '.join((str(time_minutes_short), 'to', str(time_minutes_long), 'minutes'))
ax.text(15, 25, label2, color='g');

Some H diffusivities from the literature are stored in pynams

In [8]:
print('Olivine proton-polaron diffusion at 1000C')

print('\nOlivine proton-vacancy diffusion at 1000C')

Olivine proton-polaron diffusion at 1000C
-9.81760789768 || a
-11.1902176071 || b
-11.4044461195 || c
D0 or Ea = 0 || not oriented

Olivine proton-vacancy diffusion at 1000C
-12.8740178166 || a
-12.8740178166 || b
-11.9906695916 || c
D0 or Ea = 0 || not oriented

1D diffusion in a thin slab

See Eq 4.18 in Crank, 1975. C is the concentration

In [9]:
from pynams.diffusion import models
time_hours, c_over_c0 = models.diffusionThinSlab(log10D_m2s=-14., thickness_microns=300., 
                                                 max_time_hours=2000, timesteps=300)
plt.plot(time_hours, c_over_c0)
plt.xlabel('Time in hours')
plt.ylabel('Concentration / Initial concentration\nmeasured in the center of the slab')
plt.title('1-dimensional diffusion in a thin slab');