New to pynams? Check out the intro and basic examples, peak fitting with pynams, and 1D diffusion
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=["svg"]
from __future__ import print_function, division
import pynams
from pynams import Sample, Profile, styles, Block
from pynams.diffusion import models
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
folder = os.path.join(pynams.__path__[0], 'example_FTIR_spectra\\KunlunDiopside\\')
my_sample = Sample(length_a_microns=7000,
length_b_microns=[2185, 2190, 2188, 2185, 2188],
length_c_microns=[1546, 1551, 1536, 1548, 1548],
3-dimensional diffusion in a rectangular parallelepiped can be determined analytically simply by multiplying the 1D unit solutions together (Carslaw & Jaeger 1959 Section 6.4; Crank 1975 Section 2.5.1).
'Non-path integrated' indicates that these are diffusion profiles assumed to go through the center of the sample, e.g., for a sample that has been polished into the center such that each measurement is assumed to have a constant concentration.
Required input:
Change the length of the x and y lists with keyword points (default=50)
In [4]:
fig, axes, v, x, y = models.diffusion3Dnpi(lengths_microns=my_sample.lengths_microns,
log10Ds_m2s=-11, time_seconds=3600.)
In [5]:
models.diffusion3Dnpi(lengths_microns=1000., log10Ds_m2s=[-13., -12., -11.],
time_seconds=30*60, initial=0, final=0.8, ytop=0.8,
centered=False, show_line_at_initial=False);
In [6]:
v, x, y = models.diffusion3Dnpi(lengths_microns=my_sample.lengths_microns, final=0.5,
log10Ds_m2s=-10.5, time_seconds=3600., axes=axes,
print('shape of 3D matrix of concentration data')
print('\ndata shown in plots above is returned as x and y')
'Whole-block' here indicates that the measurements include changes along the direction of the infrared ray path, i.e., the thickness direction. The calculations start out like 3Dnpi above and then account for the path integration.
Required input:
Other keywords and options are similar to 3Dnpi above.
In [7]:
raypaths = ['c', 'c', 'b']
fig, ax, x, y = models.diffusion3Dwb(lengths_microns=my_sample.lengths_microns,
log10Ds_m2s=-11, time_seconds=3600.,
for idx, axis in enumerate(ax):
axis.text(0, 0.2, ' '.join(('ray path ||', raypaths[idx])), ha='center')
A pynams Block is a group of exactly 3 orthogonal profiles.
The 3 profiles must have directions = a, b, and c and raypaths (thickness directions) consistent with the sample, but these directions don't necessarily have to correspond to the true crystallographic or optical axes.
In [14]:
# Example data in pynams folder
profile1 = Profile(name = 'Kunlun diopside initial || a',
sample = my_sample, folder=folder,
direction = 'a', raypath = 'c',
fnames = ['K4q_adc05', 'K4q_bdcMID', 'K4q_adc65'],
positions_microns = [525., 3500., 6525.])
profile2 = Profile(name = 'Kunlun diopside initial || b',
sample = my_sample, folder=folder,
direction = 'b', raypath = 'c',
fnames = ['K4q_bdc01', 'K4q_bdcMID', 'K4q_bdc02'],
positions_microns = [120., 1094, 2067])
profile3 = Profile(name = 'Kunlun diopside initial || c',
sample = my_sample, folder = folder,
direction = 'c', raypath = 'b',
fnames = ['K4q_cdb01', 'K4q_cdbMID', 'K4q_cdb02', 'K4q_cdb03'],
positions_microns = [100., 773., 1454., 1326.])
In [13]:
profile1.initial_profile = profile1 # this is the default assumed above
In [ ]:
my_first_block = Block(name = 'Kunlun diopside initial',
profiles = [profile1, profile2, profile3])
In [10]:
fig, list_of_3_axes = my_first_block.plot_areas_3panels()
In [15]:
fig, list_of_3_axes = my_first_block.plot_areas_3panels(wholeblock=True)
In [40]:
my_second_block = my_first_block
fig, list_of_3_axes = my_first_block.plot_areas_3panels(wholeblock=True)
style2 = {'marker':'o', 'markerfacecolor':'None', 'color':'r', 'markersize':12}
my_second_block.plot_areas_3panels(wholeblock=True, styles3=[style2]*3, axes3=list_of_3_axes);
In [19]:
fig, list_of_axes = my_first_block.plot_diffusion(time_seconds=3*3600., labelDy=0.2,
In [24]:
fig, list_of_axes = my_first_block.plot_diffusion(time_seconds=2*3600., labelDy=0.1,
wholeblock_data=True, init=1., fin=0.4,
log10D_m2s=[-12., -12.5, -11.5])