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This notebook implements ordered binary trees. In order to define this notion, we first have to define the concept of ordered binary trees. In order to do this, assume a set $\texttt{Key}$ and a set $\texttt{Value}$ are given.
Next, we define the notion of an ordered binary tree. The set $\mathcal{B}$ of all ordered binary trees is defined inductively.
$\texttt{Node}(k, v, l, r) \in \mathcal{B}$ iff the following conditions hold:
all keys that occur in the right subtree $r$ are bigger than $k$,
therefore $l < k < r$.
The class OrderedBinaryTree
represents the nodes of an ordered binary tree.
t = OrderedBinaryTree()
t.mKey = k
t.mValue = v
t.mLeft = l
t.mRight = r
The constructor creates the empty tree.
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class OrderedBinaryTree:
def __init__(self):
self.mKey = None
self.mValue = None
self.mLeft = None
self.mRight = None
Given an ordered binary tree $t$, the expression $t.\texttt{isEmpty}()$ checks whether $t$ is the empty tree.
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def isEmpty(self):
return self.mKey == None
OrderedBinaryTree.isEmpty = isEmpty
del isEmpty
Given an ordered binary tree $t$ and a key $k$, the expression $t.\texttt{find}(k)$ returns the value stored unter the key $k$.
The method find
is defined inductively as follows:
$\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{find}(k) = \Omega$,
because the empty tree is interpreted as the empty map.
$\texttt{Node}(k, v, l, r).\texttt{find}(k) = v$,
because the node $\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r)$ stores the assignment $k \mapsto v$.
$k_1 < k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2, v, l, r).\texttt{find}(k_1) = l.\texttt{find}(k_1)$,
because if $k_1$ is less than $k_2$, then any mapping for $k_1$ has to be stored in the left subtree $l$.
$k_1 > k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2, v, l, r).\texttt{find}(k_1) = r.\texttt{find}(k_1)$,
because if $k_1$ is greater than $k_2$, then any mapping for $k_1$ has to be stored in the right subtree $r$.
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def find(self, key):
if self.isEmpty():
return None
elif self.mKey == key:
return self.mValue
elif key < self.mKey:
return self.mLeft.find(key)
return self.mRight.find(key)
OrderedBinaryTree.find = find
del find
Given an ordered binary tree $t$, a key $k$ and a value $v$, the expression $t.\texttt{insert}(k, v)$ updates the tree $t$ such that the key $k$ is associated with the value $v$.
The method inser
is defined inductively as follows:
$\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{insert}(k,v) = \texttt{Node}(k,v, \texttt{Nil}, \texttt{Nil})$,
If the tree is empty, the information to be stored can be stored at the root.
$\texttt{Node}(k,v_2,l,r).\texttt{insert}(k,v_1) = \texttt{Node}(k, v_1, l, r)$,
If the key $k$ is located at the root, we can just overwrite the old information.
$k_1 < k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2, v_2, l, r).\texttt{insert}(k_1, v_1) = \texttt{Node}(k_2, v_2, l.\texttt{insert}(k_1, v_1), r)$,
If the key $k_1$, which is the key for which we want to store a value, is less than the key $k_2$ at the root, then we have to insert the information in the left subtree.
$k_1 > k_2 \rightarrow
\texttt{Node}(k_2, v_2, l, r).\texttt{insert}(k_1, v_1) =
\texttt{Node}(k_2, v_2, l, r.\texttt{insert}(k_1, v_1))$,
If the key $k_1$, which is the key for which we want to store a value, is bigger than the key $k_2$ at the root, then we have to insert the information in the right subtree.
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def insert(self, key, value):
if self.isEmpty():
self.mKey = key
self.mValue = value
self.mLeft = OrderedBinaryTree()
self.mRight = OrderedBinaryTree()
elif self.mKey == key:
self.mValue = value
elif key < self.mKey:
self.mLeft.insert(key, value)
self.mRight.insert(key, value)
OrderedBinaryTree.insert = insert
del insert
Given an ordered binary tree $t$ and a key $k$, the expression $t.\texttt{delete}(k)$ removes the key $k$ nad its associated value from $t$. The method delete
is defined inductively.
If $l \not= \texttt{Nil} \,\wedge\, r \not= \texttt{Nil} \,\wedge\, r.\texttt{delMin}() = [r',k_{min}, v_{min}]$, then
$$\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r).\texttt{delete}(k) = \texttt{Node}(k_{min},v_{min},l,r').$$
If the key to be removed is found at the root of the tree and neither of its subtrees is empty, the call $r\mathtt{.}\texttt{delMin}()$ removes the smallest key together with its associated value from the subtree $r$ yielding the subtree $r'$. The smallest key from $r$ is then stored at the root of the new tree.
$k_1 < k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l,r).\texttt{delete}\bigl(k_1) = \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l.\texttt{delete}(k_1),r)$.
If the key that is to be removed is less than the key stored at the root, the key $k$ can only be located in the left subtree $l$. Hence, $k$ is removed from the left subtree $l$ recursively.
$k_1 > k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l,r).\texttt{delete}(k_1) = \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l,r.\texttt{delete}(k_1))$.
If the key that is to be removed is greater than the key stored at the root, the key $k$ can only be located in the right subtree $r$. Hence, $k$ is removed from the right subtree $r$ recursively.
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def delete(self, key):
if self.isEmpty():
if key == self.mKey:
if self.mLeft.isEmpty():
self._update(self.mRight) # funktioniert nicht: self = self.mRight
elif self.mRight.isEmpty():
rs, km, vm = self.mRight._delMin()
self.mKey = km
self.mValue = vm
self.mRight = rs
elif key < self.mKey:
OrderedBinaryTree.delete = delete
del delete
Given a non-empty ordered binary tree $t$, the expression $t.\texttt{delMin}()$ removes the smallest key $k_m$ and its associated value $v_m$ from $t$ and returns the triple $$(r,k_m,v_m),$$ where $r$ is the tree that results from removing $k_m$ and $v_m$ from $t$. The function is defined via the following equations:
$\texttt{Node}(k, v, \texttt{Nil}, r).\texttt{delMin}() = (r, k, v)$
If the left subtree is empty, $k$ has to be the smallest key in the tree $\texttt{Node}(k, v, \texttt{Nil}, r)$. If $k$ is removed, we are left with the subtree $r$.
$l\not= \texttt{Nil} \wedge l.\texttt{delMin}() = (l',k_{min}, v_{min}) \;\rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k, v, l, r).\texttt{delMin}() = \bigl(\texttt{Node}(k, v, l', r), k_{min}, v_{min}\bigr)$.
If the left subtree $l$ in the binary tree $t = \texttt{Node}(k, v, l, r)$ is not empty, then the smallest key of $t$ is located inside the left subtree $l$. This smallest key is recursively removed from $l$. This yields the tree $l'$. Next, $l$ is replaced by $l'$ in $t$. The resulting tree is $t' = \texttt{Node}(k, v, l', r)$.
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def _delMin(self):
if self.mLeft.isEmpty():
return self.mRight, self.mKey, self.mValue
ls, km, vm = self.mLeft._delMin()
self.mLeft = ls
return self, km, vm
OrderedBinaryTree._delMin = _delMin
del _delMin
Given two ordered binary trees s
and t
, the expression s._update(t)
overwrites the attributes of s
with the corresponding attributes of t
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def _update(self, t):
self.mKey = t.mKey
self.mValue = t.mValue
self.mLeft = t.mLeft
self.mRight = t.mRight
OrderedBinaryTree._update = _update
del _update
Given an ordered binary tree $b$, the method $b.\texttt{keyList}()$ returns the list of all keys occurring in $b$.
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def keyList(self):
if self.isEmpty():
return []
return self.mLeft.keyList() + [self.mKey] + self.mRight.keyList()
OrderedBinaryTree.keyList = keyList
del keyList
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import graphviz as gv
Given an ordered binary tree $t$, the function $t.\texttt{toDot}()$ renders the tree graphically using graphviz
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def toDot(self):
OrderedBinaryTree.sNodeCount = 0 # static variable of class OrderedBinaryTree
dot = gv.Digraph(node_attr={'shape': 'record', 'style': 'rounded'})
NodeDict = {}
for n, t in NodeDict.items():
if t.mValue != None:
dot.node(str(n), label='{' + str(t.mKey) + '|' + str(t.mValue) + '}')
elif t.mKey != None:
dot.node(str(n), label=str(t.mKey))
dot.node(str(n), label='', shape='point')
for n, t in NodeDict.items():
if not t.mLeft == None:
dot.edge(str(n), str(t.mLeft.mID))
if not t.mRight == None:
dot.edge(str(n), str(t.mRight.mID))
return dot
OrderedBinaryTree.toDot = toDot
del toDot
Given a binary tree t
the method t._assignIDs(NodeDict)
assigns a unique identifier with each node. The dictionary NodeDict
maps these identifiers to the nodes where they occur.
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def _assignIDs(self, NodeDict):
OrderedBinaryTree.sNodeCount += 1
self.mID = OrderedBinaryTree.sNodeCount
NodeDict[self.mID] = self
if self.isEmpty():
self.mLeft ._assignIDs(NodeDict)
OrderedBinaryTree._assignIDs = _assignIDs
del _assignIDs
The function $\texttt{demo}()$ creates a small ordered binary tree.
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def demo():
m = OrderedBinaryTree()
m.insert("anton", 123)
m.insert("hugo" , 345)
m.insert("gustav", 789)
m.insert("jens", 234)
m.insert("hubert", 432)
m.insert("andre", 342)
m.insert("philipp", 342)
m.insert("rene", 345)
return m
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t = demo()
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Let's generate an ordered binary tree with random keys.
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import random as rnd
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t = OrderedBinaryTree()
for k in range(30):
k = rnd.randrange(100)
t.insert(k, None)
This tree looks more or less balanced. Lets us create a tree where things do not work out that well.
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t = OrderedBinaryTree()
for k in range(30):
t.insert(k, None)
In order to check whether the method delete
works as expected, we try the following:
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for k in range(30):
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import random as rnd
Let us compute the set $S$ of prime numbers up to $n$. Mathematically, this set can be defined as $$ S = \{ 2, \cdots, n \} - \bigl\{ p \cdot q \;\big|\; p, q \in \{2, \cdots, n \} \bigr\}. $$
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n = 100
S = OrderedBinaryTree()
L = list(range(2, n + 1))
for x in L:
S.insert(x, None)
for p in range(2, n // 2 + 1):
for q in range(p, n // p + 1):
S.delete(p * q)
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