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Ordered Binary Trees

This notebook implements ordered binary trees. In order to define this notion, we first have to define the concept of ordered binary trees. In order to do this, assume a set $\texttt{Key}$ and a set $\texttt{Value}$ are given.

Next, we define the notion of an ordered binary tree. The set $\mathcal{B}$ of all ordered binary trees is defined inductively.

  • $\texttt{Nil} \in \mathcal{B}$
  • $\texttt{Node}(k, v, l, r) \in \mathcal{B}$ iff the following conditions hold:

    • $k \in\texttt{Key}$,
    • $v \in\texttt{Value}$,
    • $l \in\mathcal{B}$,
    • $r \in\mathcal{B}$,
    • all keys that occur in the left subtree $l$ are smaller than $k$,
    • all keys that occur in the right subtree $r$ are bigger than $k$,

      therefore $l < k < r$.

The class OrderedBinaryTree represents the nodes of an ordered binary tree.

  • $\texttt{Nil}$ is created as $\texttt{OrderedBinaryTree}()$.
  • $\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r)$ is created as follows:
    t = OrderedBinaryTree()
    t.mKey   = k
    t.mValue = v
    t.mLeft  = l
    t.mRight = r
    The constructor creates the empty tree.

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class OrderedBinaryTree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.mKey   = None
        self.mValue = None
        self.mLeft  = None
        self.mRight = None

Given an ordered binary tree $t$, the expression $t.\texttt{isEmpty}()$ checks whether $t$ is the empty tree.

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def isEmpty(self):
    return self.mKey == None

OrderedBinaryTree.isEmpty = isEmpty
del isEmpty

Given an ordered binary tree $t$ and a key $k$, the expression $t.\texttt{find}(k)$ returns the value stored unter the key $k$. The method find is defined inductively as follows:

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{find}(k) = \Omega$,

    because the empty tree is interpreted as the empty map.

  • $\texttt{Node}(k, v, l, r).\texttt{find}(k) = v$,

    because the node $\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r)$ stores the assignment $k \mapsto v$.

  • $k_1 < k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2, v, l, r).\texttt{find}(k_1) = l.\texttt{find}(k_1)$,

    because if $k_1$ is less than $k_2$, then any mapping for $k_1$ has to be stored in the left subtree $l$.

  • $k_1 > k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2, v, l, r).\texttt{find}(k_1) = r.\texttt{find}(k_1)$,

    because if $k_1$ is greater than $k_2$, then any mapping for $k_1$ has to be stored in the right subtree $r$.

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def find(self, key):
    if self.isEmpty():
        return None
    elif self.mKey == key:
        return self.mValue
    elif key < self.mKey:
        return self.mLeft.find(key)
        return self.mRight.find(key)
OrderedBinaryTree.find = find
del find

Given an ordered binary tree $t$, a key $k$ and a value $v$, the expression $t.\texttt{insert}(k, v)$ updates the tree $t$ such that the key $k$ is associated with the value $v$. The method inser is defined inductively as follows:

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{insert}(k,v) = \texttt{Node}(k,v, \texttt{Nil}, \texttt{Nil})$,

    If the tree is empty, the information to be stored can be stored at the root.

  • $\texttt{Node}(k,v_2,l,r).\texttt{insert}(k,v_1) = \texttt{Node}(k, v_1, l, r)$,

    If the key $k$ is located at the root, we can just overwrite the old information.

  • $k_1 < k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2, v_2, l, r).\texttt{insert}(k_1, v_1) = \texttt{Node}(k_2, v_2, l.\texttt{insert}(k_1, v_1), r)$,

    If the key $k_1$, which is the key for which we want to store a value, is less than the key $k_2$ at the root, then we have to insert the information in the left subtree.

  • $k_1 > k_2 \rightarrow

     \texttt{Node}(k_2, v_2, l, r).\texttt{insert}(k_1, v_1) = 
     \texttt{Node}(k_2, v_2, l, r.\texttt{insert}(k_1, v_1))$,

    If the key $k_1$, which is the key for which we want to store a value, is bigger than the key $k_2$ at the root, then we have to insert the information in the right subtree.

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def insert(self, key, value):
    if self.isEmpty():
        self.mKey   = key
        self.mValue = value
        self.mLeft  = OrderedBinaryTree()
        self.mRight = OrderedBinaryTree()
    elif self.mKey == key:
        self.mValue = value
    elif key < self.mKey:
        self.mLeft.insert(key, value)
        self.mRight.insert(key, value)

OrderedBinaryTree.insert = insert
del insert

Given an ordered binary tree $t$ and a key $k$, the expression $t.\texttt{delete}(k)$ removes the key $k$ nad its associated value from $t$. The method delete is defined inductively.

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{delete}(k) = \texttt{Nil}$.
  • $\texttt{Node}(k,v,\texttt{Nil},r).\texttt{delete}\bigl(k\bigr) = r$.
  • $\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,\texttt{Nil}).\texttt{delete}(k) = l$.
  • If $l \not= \texttt{Nil} \,\wedge\, r \not= \texttt{Nil} \,\wedge\, r.\texttt{delMin}() = [r',k_{min}, v_{min}]$, then

    $$\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r).\texttt{delete}(k) = \texttt{Node}(k_{min},v_{min},l,r').$$

    If the key to be removed is found at the root of the tree and neither of its subtrees is empty, the call $r\mathtt{.}\texttt{delMin}()$ removes the smallest key together with its associated value from the subtree $r$ yielding the subtree $r'$. The smallest key from $r$ is then stored at the root of the new tree.

  • $k_1 < k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l,r).\texttt{delete}\bigl(k_1) = \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l.\texttt{delete}(k_1),r)$.

    If the key that is to be removed is less than the key stored at the root, the key $k$ can only be located in the left subtree $l$. Hence, $k$ is removed from the left subtree $l$ recursively.

  • $k_1 > k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l,r).\texttt{delete}(k_1) = \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l,r.\texttt{delete}(k_1))$.

    If the key that is to be removed is greater than the key stored at the root, the key $k$ can only be located in the right subtree $r$. Hence, $k$ is removed from the right subtree $r$ recursively.

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def delete(self, key):
    if self.isEmpty():
    if key == self.mKey:
        if self.mLeft.isEmpty():
            self._update(self.mRight) # funktioniert nicht: self = self.mRight
        elif self.mRight.isEmpty():
            rs, km, vm = self.mRight._delMin()
            self.mKey   = km
            self.mValue = vm
            self.mRight = rs
    elif key < self.mKey:
OrderedBinaryTree.delete = delete
del delete

Given a non-empty ordered binary tree $t$, the expression $t.\texttt{delMin}()$ removes the smallest key $k_m$ and its associated value $v_m$ from $t$ and returns the triple $$(r,k_m,v_m),$$ where $r$ is the tree that results from removing $k_m$ and $v_m$ from $t$. The function is defined via the following equations:

  • $\texttt{Node}(k, v, \texttt{Nil}, r).\texttt{delMin}() = (r, k, v)$

    If the left subtree is empty, $k$ has to be the smallest key in the tree $\texttt{Node}(k, v, \texttt{Nil}, r)$. If $k$ is removed, we are left with the subtree $r$.

  • $l\not= \texttt{Nil} \wedge l.\texttt{delMin}() = (l',k_{min}, v_{min}) \;\rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k, v, l, r).\texttt{delMin}() = \bigl(\texttt{Node}(k, v, l', r), k_{min}, v_{min}\bigr)$.

    If the left subtree $l$ in the binary tree $t = \texttt{Node}(k, v, l, r)$ is not empty, then the smallest key of $t$ is located inside the left subtree $l$. This smallest key is recursively removed from $l$. This yields the tree $l'$. Next, $l$ is replaced by $l'$ in $t$. The resulting tree is $t' = \texttt{Node}(k, v, l', r)$.

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def _delMin(self):
    if self.mLeft.isEmpty():
        return self.mRight, self.mKey, self.mValue
        ls, km, vm = self.mLeft._delMin()
        self.mLeft = ls
        return self, km, vm
OrderedBinaryTree._delMin = _delMin
del _delMin

Given two ordered binary trees s and t, the expression s._update(t) overwrites the attributes of s with the corresponding attributes of t.

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def _update(self, t):
    self.mKey   = t.mKey
    self.mValue = t.mValue
    self.mLeft  = t.mLeft
    self.mRight = t.mRight
OrderedBinaryTree._update = _update
del _update

Given an ordered binary tree $b$, the method $b.\texttt{keyList}()$ returns the list of all keys occurring in $b$.

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def keyList(self):
    if self.isEmpty():
        return []
    return self.mLeft.keyList() + [self.mKey] + self.mRight.keyList()

OrderedBinaryTree.keyList = keyList
del keyList

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import graphviz as gv

Given an ordered binary tree $t$, the function $t.\texttt{toDot}()$ renders the tree graphically using graphviz.

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def toDot(self):
    OrderedBinaryTree.sNodeCount = 0 # static variable of class OrderedBinaryTree
    dot = gv.Digraph(node_attr={'shape': 'record', 'style': 'rounded'})
    NodeDict = {}
    for n, t in NodeDict.items():
        if t.mValue != None:
            dot.node(str(n), label='{' + str(t.mKey) + '|' + str(t.mValue) + '}')
        elif t.mKey != None:
            dot.node(str(n), label=str(t.mKey))
            dot.node(str(n), label='', shape='point')
    for n, t in NodeDict.items():
        if not t.mLeft == None:
            dot.edge(str(n), str(t.mLeft.mID))
        if not t.mRight == None:
            dot.edge(str(n), str(t.mRight.mID))
    return dot

OrderedBinaryTree.toDot = toDot
del toDot

Given a binary tree t the method t._assignIDs(NodeDict) assigns a unique identifier with each node. The dictionary NodeDict maps these identifiers to the nodes where they occur.

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def _assignIDs(self, NodeDict):
    OrderedBinaryTree.sNodeCount += 1
    self.mID = OrderedBinaryTree.sNodeCount
    NodeDict[self.mID] = self
    if self.isEmpty():
    self.mLeft ._assignIDs(NodeDict)
OrderedBinaryTree._assignIDs = _assignIDs
del _assignIDs

The function $\texttt{demo}()$ creates a small ordered binary tree.

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def demo():
    m = OrderedBinaryTree()
    m.insert("anton",  123)
    m.insert("hugo" ,  345)
    m.insert("gustav", 789)
    m.insert("jens",   234)
    m.insert("hubert", 432)
    m.insert("andre",  342)
    m.insert("philipp", 342)
    m.insert("rene",   345)
    return m

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t = demo()

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Let's generate an ordered binary tree with random keys.

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import random as rnd

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t = OrderedBinaryTree()
for k in range(30):
    k = rnd.randrange(100)
    t.insert(k, None)

This tree looks more or less balanced. Lets us create a tree where things do not work out that well.

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t = OrderedBinaryTree()
for k in range(30):
    t.insert(k, None)

In order to check whether the method delete works as expected, we try the following:

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for k in range(30):

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import random as rnd

Let us compute the set $S$ of prime numbers up to $n$. Mathematically, this set can be defined as $$ S = \{ 2, \cdots, n \} - \bigl\{ p \cdot q \;\big|\; p, q \in \{2, \cdots, n \} \bigr\}. $$

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n = 100
S = OrderedBinaryTree()
L = list(range(2, n + 1))
for x in L:
    S.insert(x, None)
for p in range(2, n // 2 + 1):
    for q in range(p, n // p + 1):
        S.delete(p * q)

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