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AVL Trees

This notebook implements AVL trees. The set $\mathcal{A}$ of AVL trees is defined inductively:

  • $\texttt{Nil} \in \mathcal{A}$.
  • $\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r) \in \mathcal{A}\quad$ iff
    • $\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r) \in \mathcal{B}$,
    • $l, r \in \mathcal{A}$, and
    • $|l.\texttt{height}() - r.\texttt{height}()| \leq 1$.

According to this definition, an AVL tree is an ordered binary tree such that for every node $\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r)$ in this tree the height of the left subtree $l$ and the right subtree $r$ differ at most by one.

The class AVLTree represents the nodes of an AVL tree. This class has the following member variables:

  • mKey is the key stored at the root of the tree,
  • mValue is the values associated with this key,
  • mLeft is the left subtree,
  • mRight is the right subtree, and
  • mHeight is the height.

The constructor __init__ creates the empty tree.

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class AVLTree:
    def __init__(self):
        self.mKey    = None
        self.mValue  = None
        self.mLeft   = None
        self.mRight  = None
        self.mHeight = 0

Given an ordered binary tree $t$, the expression $t.\texttt{isEmpty}()$ checks whether $t$ is the empty tree.

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def isEmpty(self):
    return self.mKey == None

AVLTree.isEmpty = isEmpty

Given an ordered binary tree $t$ and a key $k$, the expression $t.\texttt{find}(k)$ returns the value stored unter the key $k$. The method find is defined inductively as follows:

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{find}(k) = \Omega$,

    because the empty tree is interpreted as the empty map.

  • $\texttt{Node}(k, v, l, r).\texttt{find}(k) = v$,

    because the node $\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r)$ stores the assignment $k \mapsto v$.

  • $k_1 < k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2, v, l, r).\texttt{find}(k_1) = l.\texttt{find}(k_1)$,

    because if $k_1$ is less than $k_2$, then any mapping for $k_1$ has to be stored in the left subtree $l$.

  • $k_1 > k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2, v, l, r).\texttt{find}(k_1) = r.\texttt{find}(k_1)$,

    because if $k_1$ is greater than $k_2$, then any mapping for $k_1$ has to be stored in the right subtree $r$.

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def find(self, key):
    if self.isEmpty():
    elif self.mKey == key:
        return self.mValue
    elif key < self.mKey:
        return self.mLeft.find(key)
        return self.mRight.find(key)
AVLTree.find = find

The method $\texttt{insert}()$ is specified via recursive equations.

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{insert}(k,v) = \texttt{Node}(k,v, \texttt{Nil}, \texttt{Nil})$,
  • $\texttt{Node}(k, v_2, l, r).\texttt{insert}(k,v_1) = \texttt{Node}(k, v_1, l, r)$,
  • $k_1 < k_2 \rightarrow
      \texttt{Node}(k_2, v_2, l, r).\texttt{insert}(k_1, v_1) =
      \texttt{Node}\bigl(k_2, v_2, l.\texttt{insert}(k_1,v_1), r\bigr).\texttt{restore}()$,
  • $k_1 > k_2 \rightarrow
     \texttt{Node}(k_2, v_2, l, r).\texttt{insert}\bigl(k_1, v_1\bigr) = 
     \texttt{Node}\bigl(k_2, v_2, l, r.\texttt{insert}(k_1,v_1)\bigr).\texttt{restore}()$.

The function $\texttt{restore}$ is an auxiliary function that is defined below. This function restores the balancing condition if it is violated after an insertion.

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def insert(self, key, value):
    if self.isEmpty():
        self.mKey    = key
        self.mValue  = value
        self.mLeft   = AVLTree()
        self.mRight  = AVLTree()
        self.mHeight = 1
    elif self.mKey == key:
        self.mValue = value
    elif key < self.mKey:
        self.mLeft.insert(key, value)
        self.mRight.insert(key, value)

AVLTree.insert = insert

The method $\texttt{self}.\texttt{delete}(k)$ removes the key $k$ from the tree $\texttt{self}$. It is defined as follows:

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{delete}(k) = \texttt{Nil}$,
  • $\texttt{Node}(k,v,\texttt{Nil},r).\texttt{delete}(k) = r$,
  • $\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,\texttt{Nil}).\texttt{delete}(k) = l$,
  • $l \not= \texttt{Nil} \,\wedge\, r \not= \texttt{Nil} \,\wedge\, \langle r',k_{min}, v_{min} \rangle := r.\texttt{delMin}() \;\rightarrow\; \texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r).\texttt{delete}(k) = \texttt{Node}(k_{min},v_{min},l,r').\texttt{restore}()$
  • $k_1 < k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l,r).\texttt{delete}(k_1) = \texttt{Node}\bigl(k_2,v_2,l.\texttt{delete}(k_1),r\bigr).\texttt{restore}()$,
  • $k_1 > k_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l,r).\texttt{delete}(k_1) = \texttt{Node}\bigl(k_2,v_2,l,r.\texttt{delete}(k_1)\bigr).\texttt{restore}()$.

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def delete(self, key):
    if self.isEmpty():
    if key == self.mKey:
        if self.mLeft.isEmpty():
        elif self.mRight.isEmpty():
            self.mRight, self.mKey, self.mValue = self.mRight._delMin()
    elif key < self.mKey:
AVLTree.delete = delete

The method $\texttt{self}.\texttt{delMin}()$ removes the smallest key from the given tree $\texttt{self}$ and returns a triple of the form $$ (\texttt{self}, k_m, v_m) $$ where $\texttt{self}$ is the tree that remains after removing the smallest key, while $k_m$ is the smallest key that has been found and $v_m$ is the associated value.

The function is defined as follows:

  • $\texttt{Node}(k, v, \texttt{Nil}, r).\texttt{delMin}() = \langle r, k, v \rangle$,
  • $l\not= \texttt{Nil} \wedge \langle l',k_{min}, v_{min}\rangle := l.\texttt{delMin}() \;\rightarrow\; \texttt{Node}(k, v, l, r).\texttt{delMin}() = \langle \texttt{Node}(k, v, l', r).\texttt{restore}(), k_{min}, v_{min} \rangle $

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def _delMin(self):
    if self.mLeft.isEmpty():
        return self.mRight, self.mKey, self.mValue
        ls, km, vm = self.mLeft._delMin()
        self.mLeft = ls
        return self, km, vm
AVLTree._delMin = _delMin

Given two ordered binary trees $s$ and $t$, the expression $s.\texttt{update}(t)$ overwrites the attributes of $s$ with the corresponding attributes of $t$.

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def _update(self, t):
    self.mKey    = t.mKey
    self.mValue  = t.mValue
    self.mLeft   = t.mLeft
    self.mRight  = t.mRight
    self.mHeight = t.mHeight
AVLTree._update = _update

The function $\texttt{restore}(\texttt{self})$ restores the balancing condition of the given binary tree at the root node and recompute the variable $\texttt{mHeight}$.

The method $\texttt{restore}$ is specified via conditional equations.

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{restore}() = \texttt{Nil}$,

    because the empty tree already is an AVL tree.

  • $|l.\texttt{height}() - r.\texttt{height}()| \leq 1 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r).\texttt{restore}() = \texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r)$.

    If the balancing condition is satisfied, then nothing needs to be done.

  • $\begin{array}[t]{cl}
          & l_1.\texttt{height}() = r_1.\texttt{height}() + 2    \\ 
    \wedge & l_1 = \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l_2,r_2) \ \wedge & l_2.\texttt{height}() \geq r_2.\texttt{height}() \[0.2cm] \rightarrow & \texttt{Node}(k_1,v_1,l_1,r_1).\texttt{restore}() =
    \end{array} $
  • $\begin{array}[t]{cl}
           & l_1.\texttt{height}() = r_1.\texttt{height}() + 2    \\ 
    \wedge & l_1 = \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l_2,r_2)               \\
    \wedge & l_2.\texttt{height}() < r_2.\texttt{height}()     \\
    \wedge & r_2 = \texttt{Node}(k_3,v_3,l_3,r_3)               \\
    \rightarrow & \texttt{Node}(k_1,v_1,l_1,r_1).\texttt{restore}() = 
                  \texttt{Node}\bigl(k_3,v_3,\texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l_2,l_3),\texttt{Node}(k_1,v_1,r_3,r_1) \bigr)
  • $\begin{array}[t]{cl}
          & r_1.\texttt{height}() = l_1.\texttt{height}() + 2    \\ 
    \wedge & r_1 = \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l_2,r_2) \ \wedge & r_2.\texttt{height}() \geq l_2.\texttt{height}() \[0.2cm] \rightarrow & \texttt{Node}(k_1,v_1,l_1,r_1).\texttt{restore}() =
    \end{array} $
  • $\begin{array}[t]{cl}
           & r_1.\texttt{height}() = l_1.\texttt{height}() + 2    \\ 
    \wedge & r_1 = \texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,l_2,r_2)               \\
    \wedge & r_2.\texttt{height}() < l_2.\texttt{height}()     \\
    \wedge & l_2 = \texttt{Node}(k_3,v_3,l_3,r_3)               \\
    \rightarrow & \texttt{Node}(k_1,v_1,l_1,r_1).\texttt{restore}() = 
                  \texttt{Node}\bigl(k_3,v_3,\texttt{Node}(k_1,v_1,l_1,l_3),\texttt{Node}(k_2,v_2,r_3,r_2) \bigr)

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def _restore(self):
    if abs(self.mLeft.mHeight - self.mRight.mHeight) <= 1:
    if self.mLeft.mHeight > self.mRight.mHeight:
        k1, v1, l1, r1 = self.mKey, self.mValue, self.mLeft, self.mRight
        k2, v2, l2, r2 = l1.mKey, l1.mValue, l1.mLeft, l1.mRight
        if l2.mHeight >= r2.mHeight:
            self._setValues(k2, v2, l2, createNode(k1, v1, r2, r1))
            k3, v3, l3, r3 = r2.mKey, r2.mValue, r2.mLeft, r2.mRight
            self._setValues(k3, v3, createNode(k2, v2, l2, l3),
                                    createNode(k1, v1, r3, r1))
    elif self.mRight.mHeight > self.mLeft.mHeight:
        k1, v1, l1, r1 = self.mKey, self.mValue, self.mLeft, self.mRight
        k2, v2, l2, r2 = r1.mKey, r1.mValue, r1.mLeft, r1.mRight
        if r2.mHeight >= l2.mHeight:
            self._setValues(k2, v2, createNode(k1, v1, l1, l2), r2)
            k3, v3, l3, r3 = l2.mKey, l2.mValue, l2.mLeft, l2.mRight
            self._setValues(k3, v3, createNode(k1, v1, l1, l3),
                                    createNode(k2, v2, r3, r2))
AVLTree._restore = _restore

The function $\texttt{self}.\texttt{_setValues}(k, v, l, r)$ overwrites the member variables of the node $\texttt{self}$ with the given values.

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def _setValues(self, k, v, l, r):
    self.mKey   = k
    self.mValue = v
    self.mLeft  = l
    self.mRight = r
AVLTree._setValues = _setValues

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def _restoreHeight(self):
    self.mHeight = max(self.mLeft.mHeight, self.mRight.mHeight) + 1
AVLTree._restoreHeight = _restoreHeight

The function $\texttt{createNode}(k, v, l, r)$ creates an AVL-tree of that has the pair $(k, v)$ stored at its root, left subtree $l$ and right subtree $r$.

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def createNode(key, value, left, right):
    node         = AVLTree()
    node.mKey    = key
    node.mValue  = value
    node.mLeft   = left
    node.mRight  = right
    node.mHeight = max(left.mHeight, right.mHeight) + 1
    return node

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import graphviz as gv

Given an ordered binary tree, this function renders the tree graphically using graphviz.

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def toDot(self):
    AVLTree.sNodeCount = 0 # this is a static variable of the class AVLTree
    dot = gv.Digraph(node_attr={'shape': 'record', 'style': 'rounded'})
    NodeDict = {}
    for n, t in NodeDict.items():
        if t.mValue != None:
            dot.node(str(n), label='{' + str(t.mKey) + '|' + str(t.mValue) + '}')
        elif t.mKey != None:
            dot.node(str(n), label=str(t.mKey))
            dot.node(str(n), label='', shape='point')
    for n, t in NodeDict.items():
        if not t.mLeft == None:
            dot.edge(str(n), str(t.mLeft.mID))
        if not t.mRight == None:
            dot.edge(str(n), str(t.mRight.mID))
    return dot

AVLTree.toDot = toDot

This method assigns a unique identifier with each node. The dictionary NodeDict maps these identifiers to the nodes where they occur.

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def _assignIDs(self, NodeDict):
    AVLTree.sNodeCount += 1
    self.mID = AVLTree.sNodeCount
    NodeDict[self.mID] = self
    if self.isEmpty():
    self.mLeft ._assignIDs(NodeDict)
AVLTree._assignIDs = _assignIDs

The function $\texttt{demo}()$ creates a small ordered binary tree.

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def demo():
    m = AVLTree()
    m.insert("anton",  123)
    m.insert("hugo" ,  345)
    m.insert("gustav", 789)
    m.insert("jens",   234)
    m.insert("hubert", 432)
    m.insert("andre",  342)
    m.insert("philipp",  342)
    m.insert("rene",   345)
    return m

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t = demo()

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Let's generate an ordered binary tree with random keys.

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import random as rnd

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t = AVLTree()
for k in range(30):
    k = rnd.randrange(100)
    t.insert(k, None)

This tree looks more or less balanced. Lets us try to create a tree by inserting sorted numbers because that resulted in linear complexity for ordered binary trees.

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t = AVLTree()
for k in range(30):
    t.insert(k, None)

Next, we compute the set of prime numbers $\leq 100$. Mathematically, this set is given as follows: $$ \bigl\{2, \cdots, 100 \bigr\} - \bigl\{ i \cdot j \bigm| i, j \in \{2, \cdots, 100 \}\bigr\}$$

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S = AVLTree()
for k in range(2, 101):
    S.insert(k, None)
for i in range(2, 101):
    for j in range(2, 101):
        S.delete(i * j)

The function $t.\texttt{maxKey}()$ returns the biggest key in the tree $t$. It is defined inductively:

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{maxKey}() = \Omega$,
  • $\texttt{Node}(k,v,l,\texttt{Nil}).\texttt{maxKey}() = k$,
  • $r \not= \texttt{Nil} \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(k,v,l,r).\texttt{maxKey}() = r.\texttt{maxKey}()$.

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def maxKey(self):
    if self.isEmpty():
        return None
    if self.mRight.isEmpty():
        return self.mKey
    return self.mRight.maxKey()

AVLTree.maxKey = maxKey

The function $\texttt{leanTree}(h, k)$ computes an AVL tree of height $h$ that is as lean as possible. All key in the tree will be integers that are bigger than $k$. The definition by induction:

  • $\texttt{leanTree}(0, k) = \texttt{Nil}$,

    because there is only one AVL tree of height $0$ and this is the tree $\texttt{Nil}$.

  • $\texttt{leanTree}(1, k) = \texttt{Node}(k+1,0,\texttt{Nil}, \texttt{Nil})$,

    since, if we abstract from the actual keys and values, there is exactly one AVL tree of height $1$.

  • $\texttt{leanTree}(h+1,k).\texttt{maxKey}() = l \rightarrow \texttt{leanTree}(h+2,k) = \texttt{Node}\bigl(l+1,\,0,\,\texttt{leanTree}(h+1,k),\,\texttt{leanTree}(h, l+1)\bigr) $.

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def leanTree(h, k):
    if h == 0: 
        return AVLTree()
    if h == 1:
        return createNode(k + 1, None, AVLTree(), AVLTree())
    left = leanTree(h - 1, k)
    l    = left.maxKey()
    return createNode(l + 1, None, left, leanTree(h - 2, l + 1))

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l = leanTree(6, 0)

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