In [ ]:
.container { width:100% } 

Implementing Priority Queues as Heaps

Ths notebook presents heaps. We define the set $\mathcal{H}$ of heaps by induction:

  • $\texttt{Nil} \in \mathcal{H}$.
  • $\texttt{Node}(p,v,l,r) \in \mathcal{H}$ if and only if the following is true:

    • $p \leq l \;\wedge\; p \leq r$

      The priority stored at the root is less than or equal to every other priority stored in the heap. This condition is known as the heap condition.

      It is important to remember that we associate high priorities with small numbers.

    • $\mid l.\texttt{count}() - r.\texttt{count}() \mid \;\leq\, 1$

      The number of elements in the left subtree differs from the number of elements stored in the right subtree by at most one. This condition is known as the balancing condition.

    • $l \in \mathcal{H} \;\wedge\; r \in \mathcal{H}$

      Both the left and the right subtree of a heap are heaps.

The class Heap is a superclass for constructing heaps. We will later define the classes Nil and Node that represent heaps of the form $\texttt{Nil}$ and $\texttt{Node}(p, v, l, r)$ respectively. The class Heap has one static variable sNodeCount which is needed to assign unique identifiers to different nodes. Every object of class Heap has a uniques identifier mID that is stored as a member variable. This identifier is used by graphviz. In order to generate new identifiers we use the static variable sNodeCount as a counter.

In [ ]:
class Heap:
    sNodeCount = 0
    def __init__(self):
        Heap.sNodeCount += 1
        self.mID = str(Heap.sNodeCount)
    def getID(self):
        return self.mID  # used only by graphviz

The function make_string is a helper function that is used to simplify the implementation of the method __str__.

  • self is the object that is to be rendered as a string
  • attributes is a list of the names of those member variables of the object self that are used to create the string that is returned.

In [ ]:
def _make_string(self, attributes):
        # get the name of the class of the object self
        name = self.__class__.__name__
        # map the function __str__ to all attributes and join them with a comma
        return f"{name}({', '.join(map(str, [getattr(self, at) for at in attributes]))})"
Heap._make_string = _make_string

Graphical Representation

In [ ]:
import graphviz as gv

The method $t.\texttt{toDot}()$ takes a binary trie $t$ and returns a graph that depicts the tree $t$.

In [ ]:
def toDot(self):
    dot = gv.Digraph(node_attr={'shape': 'record', 'style': 'rounded'})
    nodeDict = {}
    for n, t in nodeDict.items():
        if isinstance(t, Nil):
            dot.node(n, label='', shape='point') 
        elif isinstance(t, Node):
            if t.mValue != None:
                dot.node(n, label='{' + str(t.mPriority) + '|' + str(t.mValue) + '}')
                dot.node(n, label= str(t.mPriority))
            assert False, f'Unknown node {t}'
    for n, t in nodeDict.items():
        if isinstance(t, Node):
            dot.edge(n, t.mLeft .getID())
            dot.edge(n, t.mRight.getID())
    return dot

Heap.toDot = toDot

The method $t.\texttt{collectIDs}(d)$ takes a binary trie $t$ and a dictionary $d$ and updates the dictionary so that the following holds: $$ d[\texttt{id}] = n \quad \mbox{for every node $n$ in $t$.} $$ Here, $\texttt{id}$ is the unique identifier of the node $n$, i.e. $d$ associates the identifiers with the corresponding nodes.

In [ ]:
def _collectIDs(self, nodeDict):
    nodeDict[self.getID()] = self
    if isinstance(self, Node):
        self.mLeft ._collectIDs(nodeDict)
Heap._collectIDs = _collectIDs

Defining $\texttt{Nil}$ and $\texttt{Node}(p, v, l, r)$ as Classes

The class Nil represents an empty heap.

In [ ]:
class Nil(Heap):
    def _count(self):
        return 0
    def __str__(self):
        return 'Nil()'

The class Node represents a heap of the form $\texttt{Node}(p,v,l,r)$ where

  • $p$ is the priority stored as mPriority,
  • $v$ is the value stored as mValue,
  • $l$ is the left subtree stored as mLeft,
  • $r$ is the right subtree stored as mRight,
  • The number of nodes is stored in the member variable mCount.

In [ ]:
class Node(Heap):
    def __init__(self, priority, value, left, right):
        self.mPriority = priority
        self.mValue    = value
        self.mLeft     = left
        self.mRight    = right
        self.mCount    = left._count() + right._count() + 1
    def _extract(self):
        return self.mPriority, self.mValue, self.mLeft, self.mRight
    def _count(self):
        return self.mCount
    def __str__(self):
        return _make_string(self, ['mPriority', 'mValue', 'mLeft', 'mRight'])

Implementing the Method top

For the class Nil, the function topis specified via a single equation:

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{top}() = \Omega$

In [ ]:
def top(self):
    return None = top

For the class Node, the function top is specified via the following equation:

  • $\texttt{Node}(p,v,l,r).\texttt{top}() = (p,v)$

In [ ]:
def top(self):
    return self.mPriority, self.mValue = top
del top

Implementing the method insert

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{insert}(p,v) = \texttt{Node}(p,v,\texttt{Nil}, \texttt{Nil})$

In [ ]:
def insert(self, p, v):
    return Node(p, v, Nil(), Nil())

Nil.insert = insert
  • $p_{\mathrm{top}} \leq p \;\wedge\; l.\texttt{count}() \leq r.\texttt{count}() \;\rightarrow\; \texttt{Node}(p_{\mathrm{top}},v_\mathrm{top},l,r).\texttt{insert}(p,v) = \texttt{Node}\bigl(p_\mathrm{top},v_\mathrm{top},l.\texttt{insert}(p,v), r\bigr)$
  • $p_{\mathrm{top}} \leq p \;\wedge\; l.\texttt{count}() > r.\texttt{count}() \;\rightarrow \texttt{Node}(p_{\mathrm{top}},v_\mathrm{top},l,r).\texttt{insert}(p,v) = \texttt{Node}\bigl(p_\mathrm{top},v_\mathrm{top},l,r.\texttt{insert}(p,v)\bigr)$
  • $p_{\mathrm{top}} > p \;\wedge\; l.\texttt{count}() \leq r.\texttt{count}() \;\rightarrow \texttt{Node}(p_{\mathrm{top}},v_\mathrm{top},l,r).\texttt{insert}(p,v) = \texttt{Node}\bigl(p,v,l.\texttt{insert}(p_\mathrm{top},v_\mathrm{top}), r\bigr)$
  • $p_{\mathrm{top}} > p \;\wedge\; l.\texttt{count}() > r.\texttt{count}() \;\rightarrow \texttt{Node}(p_{\mathrm{top}},v_\mathrm{top},l,r).\texttt{insert}(p,v) = \texttt{Node}\bigl(p,v,l,r.\texttt{insert}(p_\mathrm{top},v_\mathrm{top})\bigr)$

In [ ]:
def insert(self, p, v):
    p_top, v_top, l, r = self._extract()
    if p_top <= p:
        if l._count() <= r._count():
            return Node(p_top, v_top, l.insert(p, v), r)
            return Node(p_top, v_top, l, r.insert(p, v))
        if l._count() <= r._count():
            return Node(p, v, l.insert(p_top, v_top), r)
            return Node(p, v, l, r.insert(p_top, v_top))

Node.insert = insert
del insert

Implementing the Method remove

  • $\texttt{Nil}.\texttt{remove}() = \texttt{Nil}$

In [ ]:
def remove(self):
    return self

Nil.remove = remove
  • $\texttt{Node}(p,v,\texttt{Nil},r).\texttt{remove}() = r$
  • $\texttt{Node}(p,v,l,\texttt{Nil}).\texttt{remove}() = l$
  • $l = \texttt{Node}(p_1,v_1,l_1,r_1) \;\wedge\; r = \texttt{Node}(p_2,v_2,l_2,r_2) \;\wedge\; p_1 \leq p_2 \;\rightarrow \texttt{Node}(p,v,l,r).\texttt{remove}() = \texttt{Node}(p_1,v_1,l.\texttt{remove}(),r)$
  • $l = \texttt{Node}(p_1,v_1,l_1,r_1) \;\wedge\; r = \texttt{Node}(p_2,v_2,l_2,r_2) \;\wedge\; p_1 > p_2 \rightarrow \texttt{Node}(p,v,l,r).\texttt{remove}() = \texttt{Node}(p_2,v_2,l,r.\texttt{remove}())$

In [ ]:
def remove(self):
    p, v, l, r = self._extract()
    if isinstance(l, Nil):
        return r
    if isinstance(r, Nil):
        return l
    p1, v1, l1, r1 = l._extract()
    p2, v2, l2, r2 = r._extract()
    if p1 <= p2:
        return Node(p1, v1, l.remove(), r)
        return Node(p2, v2, l, r.remove())
Node.remove = remove
del remove


In [ ]:
h = Nil()

In [ ]:
h = h.insert(2, 'a')

In [ ]:
h = h.insert(1, 'b')

In [ ]:
h = h.insert(7, 'c')

In [ ]:
h = h.insert(0, 'd')

In [ ]:
h = h.insert(8, 'e')

In [ ]:
h = h.insert(3, 'f')

In [ ]:
h = h.insert(4, 'g')

In [ ]:
h = h.remove()

In [ ]:
h = h.remove()

In [ ]:
h = h.remove()

In [ ]:
h = h.remove()

In [ ]:
h = h.remove()

In [ ]:
h = h.remove()

In [ ]:
h = h.remove()

In [ ]:
for i in range(1, 31):
    h = h.insert(i, None)


Given a list L, the function heap_sort(L) returns a sorted version of L. The algorithm works in two phases.

  • In the first phase, all elements of the list L are inserted into the empty heap H, which is initially empty.
  • In the second phase, the elements of H are extracted one by one beginning with the smallest elements. These elements are appended to the list S, which is initially empty. When the function returns, H contains all the elements of L and is sorted ascendingly.

In [ ]:
def heap_sort(L):
    H = Nil()
    for p in L:
        H = H.insert(p, None)
    S = []
    while isinstance(H, Node):
        p, _ =
        H = H.remove()
    return S

In [ ]:
heap_sort([77, 54, 68, 7, 13, 1, 4, 5, 6, 3, 12, 67, 12, 14, 23, 54, 67])

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