Jupyter Notebook for turning in solutions to the problems in the Essentials of Paleomagnetism Textbook by L. Tauxe

Problems in Chapter 3

Problem 1a

To make a plot, we need to import the plotting package matplotlib.pyplot and tell ipython to plot inside the notebook:

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # import the plotting module
%matplotlib inline 
# This allows us to plot in the notebook environment

Write your equation for magnetic energy in words (and Latex) here.

In [5]:
thetas=np.arange(0,180,1) # makes an array of thetas from 0 to 180 at 1 degree increments.   
Es=np.cos(np.radians(thetas)) # replace this with YOUR equation - this is just and EXAMPLE. 
plt.plot(thetas,Es) # make a nice plot
plt.title("Write your title here")
plt.xlabel("Write your X-axis Label here")
plt.ylabel("Write your Y-axis Label here")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10bdda110>

Problem 1b

What are you trying to do.

In [7]:
# figure out thermal energy here and print it out
YOUR_NUMBER=1 # obviously this is not the real number.  what is it?  
print 'thermal energy is: ',YOUR_NUMBER

thermal energy is:  1

How does this compare with 1a?