Jupyter Notebook problems in the Essentials of Paleomagnetism Textbook by L. Tauxe

Problems in Chapter 3

Problem 1a

Calculate the magnetostatic interaction energy for one Bohr magneton in a field of 40 $\mu$T and plot for angles 0 $\rightarrow$ 180. To do anything, we need to import numpy and matplotlib first.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline 
# This allows us to plot in the notebook environment

Use the equation: $E=-m_b B \cos(\theta)$ for range of $\theta$s.

In [2]:
# define some variables
mb=9.27e-24 # one Bohr magneton in Am^2
B=40e-6 # field in tesla
thetas=np.arange(0,180,1) # makes an array of thetas from 0 to 180
Es=-mb*B*np.cos(np.radians(thetas)) # makes an array of energies
plt.plot(thetas,Es) # make a nice plot
plt.title("Magnetostatic energy versus angle")
plt.xlabel("Angle between moment and applied field") # label x axis
plt.ylabel("Magnetostatic in Joules"); # label y axis 
# putting a ';' at the end of the plotting block suppresses an annoying announcement

Problem 1b

For the rest of the problem we need to know the thermal energy (Bolzmann's constant $k=1.38 x 10^{-23}$ J/K and the absolute temperature $T=300$ Kelvin.

In [3]:
print ('Thermal energy at room temperature is: ',k*T)

Thermal energy at room temperature is:  4.14e-21

Which is a LOT bigger than the magnetostatic energy.

Problem 2a

We must find the induced moment $m$ knowing that the magnetetization (moment per unit volume) is $M=\chi_p H$ for a paramagnetic substance. For Fayalite $\chi_p$ = = 4.4 x 10$^{-4}$ (cgs; per unit volume).

In [4]:
chi_p=4.4e-4 # susceptibility of fayalite in cgs per volume
B = 10. # applied field in Oersteds
vol=2. # volume in cm^3
M=chi_p*B # magnetization
m=M*vol # moment in emu
print (m)


Problem 2b

Now we have to convert everything to SI.

$\chi_{SI} = 4\pi\chi_{cgs}$

$H_{SI}={{H_{cgs}}\over {4\pi 10^{-3}}}$


In [5]:
H_SI = B/(np.pi*4.*1e-3)
print ('Magnetization in A/m is: ',M_SI)
print ('magnetic moment in Am^2 is: ',m_SI)

Magnetization in A/m is:  4.3999999999999995
magnetic moment in Am^2 is:  8.799999999999999e-06

Now we have to convert the $m$ in Am$^2$ to emu cm$^{-3}$ by muliplying by 10$^3$.

In [6]:
print ('converted to cgs, m is: ',m_cgs)

converted to cgs, m is:  0.008799999999999999

Problem 3

The governing equation here is the Curie Law of paramagnetic susceptibility (Equation 3.6 in the text): $$ \chi_p={M\over H} = {{Nm^2\mu_o}\over{3kv}}\cdot {1\over T}. $$

which shows that $\chi_p$ is inversely related to temperature. We were given $\chi_p$ at 273K, so at 773K, we have: $$ \chi_{773} = {\chi_{273}} { 273\over{773}} = { 4.4 \times 10^{-4} } { 273\over{773}} = 1.6 \times 10^{-4} { {\hbox {emu}} \over {\hbox {cm}^3 \hbox{oe}}} $$

So if $H$ = 100 oe at T= 773K:

$$ M = \chi_{773} H = 1.6 \times 10^{-2} { {\hbox {emu}} \over {\hbox {cm}^3 }} $$

Problem 4

Here again we use the Curie Law of Paramagnetism: $$ \chi_p = {N\over v} m_b^2 { {\mu_o}\over {3kT}} . $$

${N\over v}$ is the number of atomic magnetic moments per unit volume. The number of atoms was given to us as 4 x 10$^{28}$ per m$^3$ and ${\bf m_b}$ is their moment (the Bohr magneton). Looking up from Figure 3.4 in the text we find that there are 5 unpaired spins for Mn$^{2+}$. So ${N\over v}$ is 20 x 10$^{28}$. The other parameters are given in the text as $\mu_o = 4 \pi$ x 10$^{-7}$ Hm$^{-1}$, $m_b$ = 9.27 x 10$^{-24}$ Am$^2$ and $k$ = 1.381 x 10$^{-23}$ JK$^{-1}$. So, $\chi_p \sim 1.7$ x 10$^{-3}$.

In [7]:
print (chi_p)


Problem 5a

For this problem, we use the data in the file BMoskinBan81.txt. Read it in and make a simple X,Y plot of the data.

In [2]:
# read in the data files 
import pandas as pd
data=pd.read_csv('Chapter_3/BMoskinBan91.txt',sep='\t',header=0) # read in data
data.head()     # take a peek.

T (C) M/Ms
0 32.454 0.993
1 57.050 0.977
2 66.509 0.971
3 76.439 0.963
4 87.662 0.956

Now make the plot.

In [3]:
plt.plot(data['T (C)'],data['M/Ms'])
plt.xlabel('Temperature ($^{\circ}$C)')

It looks like the Curie Temperature is about 570$^{\circ}$C.

Problem 5b

To do this problem, we should write a function to calculate ${M_s (T)}\over {M_s (T_o)}$ using Equation 3.11 in the book. We will plot the data M/M$_o$ against T/T$_c$.

In [17]:
def M_over_Ms(Tc,gamma):
    Calculates the M/Ms curve using Equation 3.11 in Essentials text book, given Curie T and gamma
    Returns array of M/Ms values. 
    return Ms,Ts

And now let's call it..

In [18]:

for gamma in np.arange(.36,.43,.01):

    print (gamma,zeroK)
plt.plot(data['T (C)']/Tc,data['M/Ms']/zeroK,'r-',linewidth=2,label='Data')


0.36 1.15128535128
0.37 1.15579951
0.38 1.16033136862
0.39 1.16488099653
0.4 1.16944846341
0.41 1.1740338392
0.42 1.17863719413
0.43 1.18325859869

It looks like $\gamma$ = 0.38 is the best fit to the data and the value of 0.43 cited by Dunlop and Ozdemir (1997) is off.

In [ ]: