Most of these problems, you should be able to solve on your own. congratulations! you are a programmer now! But here is one hint that will help you out with Problem 2
Type in here the text for your problem. what is tau? how does it depend on M?
For this problem, I want you to use the nice 'tabulate' environment, downloaded from unzip the downloaded file, change directories into it and type the command
pip install tabulate.
You can use tabulate like this.....
In [4]:
from tabulate import tabulate
header = [["mineral","M (A/m)","B (uT)", "tau (sec)"]]
table=[['mineral','some number','some field','some number'],
['mineral', 'another number','another field','another number']]
print tabulate(header)
print tabulate(table)
# and so on. of course you put in your own data.