first example code for use of densitys

all densitys are seperated in atomic hydrogyn (HI), ioninised hydrogyn (HII) and molecular hydrogn (H2)

this example contains

  • constant densitys
  • superposition of different typses
  • superposition of same types

Further on there is another example for all implemented density models of the Milky-Way

In [2]:
from crpropa import *

first we start with the use of a constant density

the first double set the HI, the second the HII and the third the H2 density-number in SI units

In [3]:
CD = ConstantDensity(1,2,0.5)

to see the output option we check the density at a random position

the output options are:

  • getDensity: for the sum of all densitys
  • getHIDensity: for the HI part
  • getHIIDensity: for the HII part
  • getH2Density: for the H2 part
  • getNucleonDensity: for the sum of nuclei ($n_{HI} + n_{HII} + 2\cdot n_{H2}$)

In [4]:
position = Vector3d(2,1,3)

n_tot = CD.getDensity(position)
n_HI = CD.getHIDensity(position)
n_HII = CD.getHIIDensity(position)
n_H2 = CD.getH2Density(position)
n_nucl = CD.getNucleonDensity(position)

print('total density n = %f' %n_tot)
print('HI density n_HI = %f' %n_HI)
print('HII density n_HII = %f' %n_HII)
print('H2 density n_H2 = %f' %n_H2)
print('nucleon density n_nucl = %f' %n_nucl)

total density n = 3.500000
HI density n_HI = 1.000000
HII density n_HII = 2.000000
H2 density n_H2 = 0.500000
nucleon density n_nucl = 4.000000

the ConstantDensity can be adjusted to new values and the useage of several parts can be chosen

therefore are methodes to change and activate (set-function) and methodes to see actual configuration (getisfor-functions)

In [7]:
#see the actual configuration
print('HI: %s, HII: %s, H2: %s, \n \n' %(CD.getIsForHI(), CD.getIsForHII(), CD.getIsForH2()))

# change activity

# change activity and density number
CD.setHII(False, 1.5)

# change density number

# see the changes in the Description

HI: True, HII: True, H2: True, 

ConstantDensity:HI component is not activ and has a density of 1e+06 cm^-3      HII component is not activ and  has a density of 1.5e+06 cm^-3      H2 component is activ and  has a density of 1.3e+06 cm^-3

the output of the getDensity and getNucleonDensity depends on the activity of the types. Only acitvated types are used for summing up

In [8]:
n_tot = CD.getDensity(position)
n_HI = CD.getHIDensity(position)
n_HII = CD.getHIIDensity(position)
n_H2 = CD.getH2Density(position)
n_nucl = CD.getNucleonDensity(position)

print('total density n = %f' %n_tot)
print('HI density n_HI = %f' %n_HI)
print('HII density n_HII = %f' %n_HII)
print('H2 density n_H2 = %f' %n_H2)
print('nucleon density n_nucl = %f' %n_nucl)

total density n = 1.300000
HI density n_HI = 1.000000
HII density n_HII = 1.500000
H2 density n_H2 = 1.300000
nucleon density n_nucl = 2.600000

customize a density with different density models

To customize a density use the DensityList. In a superposition of globel models of density distribution of the Milkyway keep care of normalisation. Therfore you can just add components by deactivating the other

In [10]:
CD1 = ConstantDensity(0,2,0)     # for use HII
CD2 = ConstantDensity(3,1,2.5)   # for use HI, H2

CUS = DensityList()

# first deactivate not wanted parts



# add density 


# get output

n_tot = CUS.getDensity(position)
n_HI = CUS.getHIDensity(position)
n_HII = CUS.getHIIDensity(position)
n_H2 = CUS.getH2Density(position)
n_nucl = CUS.getNucleonDensity(position)

print('total density n = %f' %n_tot)
print('HI density n_HI = %f' %n_HI)
print('HII density n_HII = %f' %n_HII)
print('H2 density n_H2 = %f' %n_H2)
print('nucleon density n_nucl = %f' %n_nucl)

total density n = 7.500000
HI density n_HI = 3.000000
HII density n_HII = 3.000000
H2 density n_H2 = 2.500000
nucleon density n_nucl = 10.000000


you can also superposition total models without deactivating several components

In [11]:
#set wanted density
CD1 = ConstantDensity(1,3,4)
CD2 = ConstantDensity(1.5,2,3.3)

DL = DensityList()

# add density to list


# see output
n_tot = DL.getDensity(position)
n_HI = DL.getHIDensity(position)
n_HII = DL.getHIIDensity(position)
n_H2 = DL.getH2Density(position)
n_nucl = DL.getNucleonDensity(position)

print('total density n = %f' %n_tot)
print('HI density n_HI = %f' %n_HI)
print('HII density n_HII = %f' %n_HII)
print('H2 density n_H2 = %f' %n_H2)
print('nucleon density n_nucl = %f' %n_nucl)

total density n = 14.800000
HI density n_HI = 2.500000
HII density n_HII = 5.000000
H2 density n_H2 = 7.300000
nucleon density n_nucl = 22.100000

In [12]:

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