

rhocube is a Python code that computes 3D density models, and integrates them over $dz$, creating a 2D map.

In the case of optically thin emission, this 2D density map is proportional to the brightness map. Ideal for fitting, e.g., observed images of LBV shells, planetary nebulae, HII regions, and many more. Its flexibility allows for applications way beyond astronomy only.

Below we showcase the flexibility and the capabilities of rhocube. Follow the examples, clone the code, use it, and come up with own 3D density models and density field transforms!


Robert Nikutta, Claudia Agliozzo

Licence and attribution

Please see README.md

Imports, setup, simple plotting function

In [1]:
from rhocube import *
from models import *
import warnings
import pylab as p
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline

def myplot(images,titles='',interpolation='bicubic'):
    if not isinstance(images,list):
        images = [images]
    n = len(images)
    if not isinstance(titles,list):
       titles = [titles] 
    assert (len(titles)==n)
    side = 2.5
    fig = p.figure(figsize=((side+0.4)*n,side))
    for j,image in enumerate(images):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1,n,j+1)
        im = ax.imshow(image,origin='lower',extent=[-1,1,-1,1],cmap=matplotlib.cm.Blues_r,interpolation=interpolation)
        if titles is not None:

Cube class

All models, whether provided with rhocube or own, inherit basic functionality from the Cube class. The class provides a npix^3 cube of voxels, their 3D coordinate arrays X,Y,Z, and several methods for constructing the density field $\rho(x,y,z)$. It also provides methods for shifting the model in $x$ and $y$ directions, and, for models where this is appropriate, for rotating the model about some of the principal axes.

Available models

Several common geometrical models for the density distribution come with rhocube. Below we demonstrate how to instantiate and to use them. Further down we will show how rhocube can be easily extended with own models.


The PowerLawShell model is spherically symmetric, has an inner and outer radius, and the density falls off in radial direction as $1/r^{\rm exponent}$. Let's instantiate a constant-density shell model with inner radius = 0.5, outer radius = 0.6, in a 101^2 pixel image (=101^3 cube of computed voxels).

In [2]:
model = PowerLawShell(101,exponent=0.)   # npix, radial exponent in 1/r^exponent (0 = constant-density shell)
args = (0.5,0.6,0,0,None)  # rin, rout, xoff, yoff, weight
model(*args)  # call the model instance with these parameter values
myplot(model.image)  # the computed rho(x,y,z) in in model.rho; the z-integrated rho_surface(x,y) is in model.image

The shell model can also be shifted in the $x$ and $y$ directions on the image. The $x$-axis points right, the $y$-axis points up.

In [3]:
args = (0.2,0.4,-0.2,0.3,None) # same model instance, but different parameter values, and shifted left and up

Let's plot shells with different radial powers.

In [4]:
args = (0.2,0.8,0,0,None)
powers = (0,-1,-2)   # the exponents in 1/r^exponent
images, titles = [], []
for j,pow in enumerate(powers):
    mod = PowerLawShell(101,exponent=pow)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():  # we're just silencing a runtime warning here
    titles.append("exponent = %d" % pow)


Another model is a Gaussian ("Normal") shell with radius r, width sigma around r, and lower & upper clip radii rlo and rup.

In [5]:
model = TruncatedNormalShell(101)
args = (0.6,0.15,0.4,0.9,0,0,None)  # r, sigma, rlo, rup, xoff, yoff, weight
myplot(model.image,("Gaussian shell",))
p.axhline(0)  # indicate profile line
fig2 = p.figure()
p.plot(N.linspace(-1,1,model.npix),model.image[model.npix/2,:]) # plot the profile accross the image
p.title("Profile accross a central line")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f200b3e3190>

Constant-density torus

The torus model has a torus radius and a tube radius, can be offset in $x$ and $y$, and can be tilted about the $x$-axis (points right) and $z$-axis (points to the observer). The tilts are given in degrees.

In [6]:
model = ConstantDensityTorus(101)
args = (0.6,0.2,0,0,30,40,None) # radius, tube radius, xoff, yoff, tiltx, tiltz, weight

Constant-density dual cone

The dual cone model has a height (from center) and a opening angle theta (in degrees). Like the torus, the dual cone can be tilted about the $x$ and $z$ axes, and shifted in $x$ and $y$.

In [7]:
model = ConstantDensityDualCone(101)
tilts = ([0,0],[90,0],[0,90],[50,30])  # about [x,z] axes
args = [[0.8,45]+tilts_+[0,0,None] for tilts_ in tilts] # height,theta,tiltx,tiltz,xoff,yoff,weight
images, titles = [],[]
for j,args_ in enumerate(args):
    titles.append('tiltx = %d deg, tiltz = %d deg' % tuple(args[j][2:4]))


The density fields computed by rhocube need not be spherically or axially symmetric. A model provided with rhocube is a 3D helical tube, i.e. a parametric curve with a given tube cross-section radius. Let's define a helix that spirals outwards along the surface of a dual cone:

In [8]:
model = Helix3D(101,envelope='dualcone')
args = (0.8,1,0.2,0,0,0,0,0,None) # height from center (= radius at top), number of turns, tube cross-section radius, x/y/z tilts, x/y offsets, weight

Building kdtree

Caution: This class of models internally computes a k-d tree to speed up subsequent computations of the density field. Note that the k-d tree construction time is an expensive function of npix. The subsequent computations are then much faster. In other words: you might not have the patience to wait for a 301^3 voxel tree to be constructed.

In [9]:
tilts = ([0,0,0],[90,0,0],[0,90,0],[0,0,90],[70,30,40])  # tilt angles about the [x,y,z] axes
args = [[0.8,1,0.2]+tilts_+[0,0,None] for tilts_ in tilts] # height, nturns, tube radius, x/y/z tilts, x/y offsets, weight
images, titles = [],[]
for j,args_ in enumerate(args):
    titles.append('tilt x,y,z = %d,%d,%d deg' % (args[j][3],args[j][4],args[j][5]))

The plot above shows the same helix rotated in 3D to five different points of view.

The helix can also spiral along the surface of a cylinder:

In [10]:
model = Helix3D(101,envelope='cylinder')
args = (0.6,1,0.2,0,0,0,0,0,None) # height, nturns, tube cross-section radius, 3 tilts, 2 offsets, weight

Building kdtree

Adding custom model classes

Custom models can be very easily added to rhocube. Just write a small Python class. Below we show in a simple example how one can construct a custom 3D density model that computes a spherically symmetric $\rho(R)$ which varies as the cosine of distance, i.e. $\rho(R)\propto\cos(R)$.

In [11]:
class CosineShell(Cube):
    def __init__(self,npix):
        Cube.__init__(self,npix,computeR=True)  # 'computeR' is a built-in facility, and by default True; check out also 'buildkdtree'
    def __call__(self):
    def get_rho(self):
        self.rho = N.cos(self.R*N.pi)
        self.apply_rho_ops() # shift, rotate3d, smoothing

You can then use it simply like this:

In [12]:
model = CosineShell(101) # 101 pixels along each cube axis
model() # this model has no free parameters
p.axhline(0)  # indicate profile line
fig2 = p.figure()
p.plot(N.linspace(-1,1,model.npix),model.image[model.npix/2,:]) # plot the profile accross the image
p.title("Profile accross a central line")

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f200a5bc650>

Special functions and methods

transform class

An optional transform function $f(\rho)$ can be passed as an argument when creating a model instance. Transform functions are implemented as simple Python classes. The transform will be applied to the density field before $z$-integration, i.e. $\int dz\ f(\rho(x,y,z))$ will be computed. For instance, squaring of the density field $\rho(x,y,z)$ before integration can be achived via:

In [13]:
model1 = PowerLawShell(101,exponent=-1.,smoothing=None)  # no transform of rho(x,y,z)
model2 = PowerLawShell(101,exponent=-1.,smoothing=None,transform=PowerTransform(2.)) # i.e. rho^2(x,y,z) will be computed
args = (0.3,0.8,0,0,None) # rin, rout, xoff, yoff, weight
       [r'no transf., $\rho[50,40,30]=$%.4f' % model1.rho[50,40,30],\
        r'$\rho^2$ transf., $\rho[50,40,30]$=%.4f' % model2.rho[50,40,30]])

Note how the $\rho$ value of voxel [50,40,30] (as an example) on the right is exactly the squared value of the model on the left.

inverse function

If the supplied $f(\rho)$ class also provides an inverse function _inverse, e.g. $f^{-1} = \sqrt{\cdot}$ when $f = (\cdot)^2$, then from a scaled image the entire cube of $\rho(x,y,z)$ voxels can be computed with correct scaling. This is very useful if the application of rhocube is to model the $z$-integrated image of some observations for instance, but the 3D density distribution is not known. For example:

In [14]:
# make a model with density transforming as rho-->rho^2
model = PowerLawShell(101,exponent=-1,transform=PowerTransform(2.))
args = (0.3,0.8,0,0,None)
print "transform and _inverse functions of the model:"
print model.transform
print model.transform._inverse

transform and _inverse functions of the model:
<rhocube.PowerTransform instance at 0x7f200a635e60>
<bound method PowerTransform._inverse of <rhocube.PowerTransform instance at 0x7f200a635e60>>

Now imagine that fitting the map to a data map told you that you must scale your 2D model image by a factor scale to match the 2D data image... By how much should you multiply the underlying 3D density field $\rho(x,y,z)$ in order to achieve the desired scaling?

In [15]:
scale = 16.  # this is the image scaling factor you got from fitting...
# ... and since the model knows the _inverse transform function, it can compute the required scaling of rho(x,y,z)
print "Image scale = %.3f requires rho to be scaled by %.5f" % (scale,model.transform._inverse(scale))

Image scale = 16.000 requires rho to be scaled by 4.00000

Let's try the same model but with a different transform

In [16]:
model = PowerLawShell(101,exponent=-1,transform=PowerTransform(3.))
args = (0.3,0.8,0,0,None)
scale = 16.  # this is the image scaling factor you got from fitting...
print "Image scale = %.3f requires rho to be scaled by %.5f" % (scale,model.transform._inverse(scale))

Image scale = 16.000 requires rho to be scaled by 2.51984

Several common transform classes are provided with rhocube, e.g. PowerTransform, which we used above, or LogTransform which computes a base-base logarithm of $\rho(x,y,z)$. Another provided transform is GenericTransform which can take any parameter-free numpy function and an inverse functon (the defaults are func=’sin’ and inversefunc=’arcsin’). Custom transform functions can be easily added.

Smoothing of the 3D density field

Upon instantiating a model, the smoothing parameter can be specified. If smoothing is a float value, it is the width (in standard deviations) of a 3D Gaussian kernel that $\rho(x,y,z)$ will be convolved with, resulting in a smoothed 3D density distribution. Smoothing does preserve the total $\sum_i (x,y,z)$, where $i$ runs over all voxels, but need not preserve $\rho$ within a single voxel. smoothing=1.0 is the default, and does not alter the resulting structure significantly. If smoothing=None, no smoothing will be performed.

In [17]:
model0 = PowerLawShell(31,exponent=-2,smoothing=None) # no smoothing
model1 = PowerLawShell(31,exponent=-2,smoothing=1.0)  # Gaussian 3D kernel smoothing, width=1sigma
model2 = PowerLawShell(31,exponent=-2,smoothing=2.0)  # Gaussian 3D kernel smoothing, width=2sigma
args = (0.3,0.8,0,0,None)
       ['no smoothing','Gaussian 3D smoothing 1 sigma','Gaussian 3D smoothing 2 sigma'],interpolation='none')

In [18]:
print "Sum over all voxels\nwithout smoothing: %.2f\nwith smoothing=1.0: %.2f\nwith smoothing=2.0: %.2f" % (model0.rho.sum(), model1.rho.sum(), model2.rho.sum())

Sum over all voxels
without smoothing: 20994.67
with smoothing=1.0: 20994.67
with smoothing=2.0: 20994.67

Smoothing indeed preserves the total mass.

The weight parameter

When calling a model instance with parameter values, a weight argument can be given. If weight=None (the default), $\rho(x,y,z)$ will be computed by the model function as-is. If weight is a floating-point number, then the $\rho(x,y,z)$ cube will be normalized such that the sum of all voxels equals weight. Any transform function (if given) will be applied to $\rho(x,y,z)$ before normalizing to weight. Examples:

In [19]:
def myprint(t,model):
    print "%s, weight = %r --> model.rho.sum() = %.1f" % (t,model.weight,model.rho.sum())

model = PowerLawShell(101,exponent=-1)
myprint("No transform",model)
myprint("No transform",model)

model = PowerLawShell(101,exponent=-1,transform=PowerTransform(2.))

No transform, weight = None --> model.rho.sum() = 432034.8
No transform, weight = 0.8 --> model.rho.sum() = 0.8
PowerTransform(2), weight = None --> model.rho.sum() = 786456.7
PowerTransform(2), weight = 0.8 --> model.rho.sum() = 0.8