As part of a project on climatic teleconnection, a student investigates how El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) relates to monsoon rainfall. A result could be a plot showing the sliding correlation between Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) and SST anomalies [RD-4]. A more sophisticated version of this task would be to calculate the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI, [RD-5], [RD-6]). Additionally, also the comparison of the ENSO index with other CCI datasets (e.g. Cloud, Fire) would be interesting.
To reduce the amount of data to download and later work with, it is beneficial to do spatial and temporal subsetting, as well as variable selection as early in the workflow pipeline as possible. Cate supports these operations at download time, or when opening a dataset.
In [ ]:
from cate.core.ds import DATA_STORE_REGISTRY
import cate.ops as ops
from cate.util import ConsoleMonitor
In [ ]:
monitor = ConsoleMonitor()
In [ ]:
data_store = DATA_STORE_REGISTRY.get_data_store('esa_cci_odp')
local_store = DATA_STORE_REGISTRY.get_data_store('local')
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Set regions of interest
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s_india = '72, 8, 85, 17' # 'lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max'
pacific = '-175, -10, -115, 10' # 'lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max'
Download the desired spatial and temporal subsets and ECVs as separate datasets
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soil_sources = data_store.query('')
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# Doesn't work, see Issue 256. The dataset is already downloaded
# region=s_india,
# time_range='2007-01-01, 2007-12-31',
# var_names='sm, sm_uncertainty',
# monitor=monitor)
In [ ]:
sst_sources = data_store.query('')
In [ ]:
# The dataset is already downloaded
# region=pacific,
# time_range='2006-01-01, 2007-12-31',
# var_names='analysed_sst, analysis_error',
# monitor=monitor)
Open and plot the first time slices of the downloaded datasets
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soil = ops.open_dataset('local.SOIL_2007')
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In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
ops.plot_map(soil, var='sm', time='2007-01-01', region=s_india, file='/home/ccitbx/Desktop/uc6_fig1.png')
In [ ]:
sst = ops.open_dataset('local.SST_2006_2007')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
ops.plot_map(sst, var='analysed_sst', time='2006-01-01', region=pacific, file='/home/ccitbx/Desktop/uc6_fig2.png')
Further operations (index calculation, long term averaging) work on monthly datasets. Hence, aggregate the daily datasets to monthly temporal resolution
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sst_monthly = ops.temporal_aggregation(sst)
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In [ ]:
soil_monthly = ops.temporal_aggregation(soil)
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Create a long term averaged sea surface temperature dataset
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sst_lta = ops.long_term_average(sst_monthly)
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The index calculation operation reads the reference dataset from a given file name, hence, save the long term average dataset. This takes longer than previous operations, as most of the actual calculation is done in a streaming fashion, when writing the dataset.
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ops.write_netcdf4(sst_lta, '/home/ccitbx/Desktop/')
Calculate ENSO index
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enso_index = ops.enso_nino34(ds=sst_monthly,
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ENSO index result is in a tabular format, correlation takes a dataset, hence we convert the table to a dataset
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enso_ds = ops.from_dataframe(enso_index)
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We want to calculate correlation with a one month lag. Subset the datasets accordingly
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soil_monthly_jan_nov = ops.subset_temporal(soil_monthly, '2007-01-01, 2007-11-01')
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In [ ]:
enso_index_dec_oct = ops.subset_temporal(enso_ds, '2006-12-01, 2007-10-01')
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Extract a point of Soil Moisture data to correlate with the ENSO index
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soil_monthly_jan_nov_point = ops.tseries_point(soil_monthly_jan_nov, (78, 12), 'sm')
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Perform correlation
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corr = ops.pearson_correlation_scalar(enso_index_dec_oct, soil_monthly_jan_nov_point, 'ENSO N3.4 Index', 'sm')
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