An example of exploratory data analysis on data collected from Etcheverry Roof. Here is a link to download the data.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import bokeh
import numpy as np
import sklearn
import pandas as pd
from import output_notebook, show
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
import scipy
from math import isnan
import seaborn as sns  # makes matplotlib beautiful

Loading BokehJS ...

In [2]:
etch_roof_pg_url = ''  # pocket geiger data
data_pg = pd.read_csv(etch_roof_pg_url)

deviceTime_utc deviceTime_local deviceTime_unix cpm cpmError
0 2018-06-25 18:50:40+00:00 2018-06-25 11:50:40-07:00 1529952640 2.8 0.748331
1 2018-06-25 18:45:40+00:00 2018-06-25 11:45:40-07:00 1529952340 2.4 0.692820
2 2018-06-25 18:40:40+00:00 2018-06-25 11:40:40-07:00 1529952040 2.4 0.692820
3 2018-06-25 18:35:40+00:00 2018-06-25 11:35:40-07:00 1529951740 1.8 0.600000
4 2018-06-25 18:30:40+00:00 2018-06-25 11:30:40-07:00 1529951440 3.4 0.824621

In [3]:
etch_roof_co2_url = ''  # CO2 data
data_co2 = pd.read_csv(etch_roof_co2_url)

deviceTime_utc deviceTime_local deviceTime_unix co2_ppm noise
0 2018-06-25 18:50:39+00:00 2018-06-25 11:50:39-07:00 1529952639 565.98 3.17
1 2018-06-25 18:45:39+00:00 2018-06-25 11:45:39-07:00 1529952339 564.79 3.17
2 2018-06-25 18:40:39+00:00 2018-06-25 11:40:39-07:00 1529952039 573.11 3.14
3 2018-06-25 18:35:39+00:00 2018-06-25 11:35:39-07:00 1529951739 575.31 3.14
4 2018-06-25 18:30:39+00:00 2018-06-25 11:30:39-07:00 1529951439 574.84 3.18

In [4]:
# weather data
etch_roof_weather_url = ''
data_weather = pd.read_csv(etch_roof_weather_url)

deviceTime_utc deviceTime_local deviceTime_unix temperature pressure humidity
0 2018-06-25 18:50:39+00:00 2018-06-25 11:50:39-07:00 1529952639 19.67 1002.12 62.95
1 2018-06-25 18:45:39+00:00 2018-06-25 11:45:39-07:00 1529952339 19.69 1002.10 62.73
2 2018-06-25 18:40:39+00:00 2018-06-25 11:40:39-07:00 1529952039 19.68 1002.07 62.53
3 2018-06-25 18:35:39+00:00 2018-06-25 11:35:39-07:00 1529951739 19.69 1002.09 62.46
4 2018-06-25 18:30:39+00:00 2018-06-25 11:30:39-07:00 1529951439 19.71 1002.10 62.46

In [5]:
data_weather['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(data_weather['deviceTime_utc'])

p = figure(plot_width=960, plot_height=480, title='Etcheverry Rooftop Temperature', x_axis_type='datetime')

p.line(data_weather['datetime'], data_weather['temperature'], line_width=2)
p.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=[('Time', '$x'), ('Temp', '$y')]))

p.xaxis.axis_label = 'Time'
p.yaxis.axis_label = 'Temperature'


In [6]:
def near_time_search(list_, time, delta):
    """Binary search algorithm to find the datetime closest to 
    `time` within the list/array `list_`.
    :param list_:       SORTED list of timestamps
    :param time:        timestamp being searched for
    :return:            Nan if no timestamp found within `delta` of `time`
                        timestamp closest to `time`
    >>> near_time_search([1, 2, 3], 2, 1)
    >>> near_time_search([3.4, 3.8, 4, 6], 4.1, 0.3)
    >>> near_time_search([3.4, 3.8, 4, 6], 4.1, 0.05)
    >>> near_time_search([3.4, 3.8, 4, 6], 10, 3.5)
    >>> near_time_search([3.4, 3.8, 4, 6], 10, 7)  # should return `6`, not `4`
    >>> near_time_search([3.4, 3.8, 4, 6], 5, 7)  # should return `6`, not `4`
    >>> near_time_search(np.ones((1_000_000,)), 0.8, 0.2)
    lo = 0
    hi = len(list_)
    mid = (lo + hi) // 2
    while lo < mid < hi:
        if list_[mid] < time:
            lo = mid + 1
        elif list_[mid] > time:
            hi = mid - 1
            return list_[mid]
        mid = (lo + hi) // 2
    if (mid < hi) and (abs(list_[mid] - time) <= delta):
        return list_[mid]
    elif abs(list_[mid - 1] - time) <= delta:
        return list_[mid - 1]
    return float('nan')

def nts_with_arr(list_, time_arr, delta):
    result = []
    for elem in time_arr:
#         print(elem)
        result.append(near_time_search(list_, elem, delta))
    return result

# run doctests to see whether the function behaves as it should
import doctest

TestResults(failed=0, attempted=7)

Correlations Between $temperature$ and $CO_2$ Concentration

First, we need to find corresponding $temperature$ and $CO_2$ observations based on the timestamps of the obsevations. We will use the near_time_search function for this.

In [7]:
# the data needs to be sorted in ascending order according to time (it is
# sorted in descending order)
data_co2.sort_values('deviceTime_unix', inplace=True)
data_weather.sort_values('deviceTime_unix', inplace=True)

co2_temp_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['co2_time', 'temp_time', 'co2', 'temp'])
co2_temp_df['co2_time'] = data_co2['deviceTime_unix']
co2_temp_df['temp_time'] = nts_with_arr(data_weather['deviceTime_unix'].tolist(),

time_diff = (co2_temp_df['temp_time'] - co2_temp_df['co2_time'])

57584      0.0
57583   -300.0
57582      0.0
57581   -300.0
57580      0.0
57579   -300.0
57578      0.0
57577      0.0
57576   -300.0
57575      0.0
57574   -300.0
57573      0.0
57572   -300.0
57571      0.0
57570      0.0
57569   -300.0
57568      0.0
57567   -300.0
57566      0.0
57565   -300.0
57564      0.0
57563      0.0
57562   -300.0
57561      0.0
57560   -300.0
57559      0.0
57558   -300.0
57557      0.0
57556      0.0
57555   -300.0
29         0.0
28      -300.0
27         0.0
26         0.0
25      -300.0
24         0.0
23      -300.0
22         0.0
21      -300.0
20         0.0
19         0.0
18      -300.0
17         0.0
16      -300.0
15         NaN
14      -299.0
13         0.0
12         0.0
11      -300.0
10         0.0
9       -300.0
8          0.0
7       -300.0
6          0.0
5       -300.0
4          0.0
3       -300.0
2          0.0
1       -300.0
0          0.0
Length: 57585, dtype: float64

Interestingly, there are many instances where the $temperature$ and $CO_2$ timestamps are different by about 300 seconds. These probably correspond to instances where one of the sensors did not make a measurement, so we would want these to be NaN and thus excluded from our calculation of correlation.

In [8]:
# let's see how many differences are +-300 or NaN

 0.0      28231
-300.0    20876
NaN        3801
-299.0     1873
 1.0        597
-298.0      543
-294.0      338
-5.0        232
 2.0        177
-6.0        152
-293.0      126
 6.0         92
-1.0         91
 295.0       63
 294.0       40
-2.0         36
-297.0       31
 298.0       20
-296.0       17
 4.0         16
-3.0         15
 7.0         14
-295.0       13
 299.0       13
-182.0       12
 3.0          9
-292.0        9
-290.0        7
 300.0        7
 5.0          7
-16.0         2
-289.0        2
 291.0        2
-281.0        2
-22.0         2
-261.0        2
-40.0         2
-12.0         2
-28.0         1
 12.0         1
 283.0        1
-278.0        1
-256.0        1
-26.0         1
-106.0        1
-285.0        1
 276.0        1
-275.0        1
-272.0        1
-44.0         1
-131.0        1
-110.0        1
-67.0         1
-98.0         1
-257.0        1
-202.0        1
-33.0         1
-91.0         1
 296.0        1
-252.0        1
Length: 82, dtype: int64

We don't want to consider elements with time difference more than a few seconds, because those will spuriously lead us to count the same observation twice (think why!). Pandas lets us easily remove rows with duplicate values using the DataFrame.drop_duplicates function.

In [9]:
co2_temp_df['temp_time'] = nts_with_arr(data_weather['deviceTime_unix'].tolist(),
                                        delta=300)  # <-- delta=30 instead of 300
# print("==========================================================================")
# print("Let's see how many repeated timestamps we have with `delta` of 300 seconds.")
# print("--------------------------------------------------------------------------")
# print(co2_temp_df['temp_time'].value_counts(dropna=False))

# co2_temp_df['pg_time'] = nts_with_arr(data_pg['deviceTime_unix'].tolist(),
#                                       co2_temp_df['co2_time'].tolist(),
#                                       delta=1500)

# Now let's remove the duplicates
co2_temp_df = co2_temp_df.drop_duplicates(subset=['temp_time'], keep='first')

         co2_time     temp_time  co2 temp
57584  1510944049  1.510944e+09  NaN  NaN
57582  1510944649  1.510945e+09  NaN  NaN
57580  1510945249  1.510945e+09  NaN  NaN
57578  1510945849  1.510946e+09  NaN  NaN
57577  1510946149  1.510946e+09  NaN  NaN
57575  1510946749  1.510947e+09  NaN  NaN
57573  1510947349  1.510947e+09  NaN  NaN
57571  1510947949  1.510948e+09  NaN  NaN
57570  1510948249  1.510948e+09  NaN  NaN
57568  1510948849  1.510949e+09  NaN  NaN
57566  1510949449  1.510949e+09  NaN  NaN
57564  1510950049  1.510950e+09  NaN  NaN
57563  1510950349  1.510950e+09  NaN  NaN
57561  1510950949  1.510951e+09  NaN  NaN
57559  1510951549  1.510952e+09  NaN  NaN
57557  1510952149  1.510952e+09  NaN  NaN
57556  1510952449  1.510952e+09  NaN  NaN
57554  1510953049  1.510953e+09  NaN  NaN
57552  1510953649  1.510954e+09  NaN  NaN
57550  1510954249  1.510954e+09  NaN  NaN
57549  1510954549  1.510955e+09  NaN  NaN
57547  1510955149  1.510955e+09  NaN  NaN
57545  1510955749  1.510956e+09  NaN  NaN
57543  1510956349  1.510956e+09  NaN  NaN
57542  1510956649  1.510957e+09  NaN  NaN
57540  1510957249  1.510957e+09  NaN  NaN
57537  1510957731           NaN  NaN  NaN
57536  1510957849  1.510958e+09  NaN  NaN
57532  1510958449  1.510958e+09  NaN  NaN
57531  1510958631  1.510959e+09  NaN  NaN
...           ...           ...  ...  ...
52     1529937039  1.529937e+09  NaN  NaN
50     1529937645  1.529938e+09  NaN  NaN
48     1529938239  1.529938e+09  NaN  NaN
47     1529938539  1.529939e+09  NaN  NaN
45     1529939139  1.529939e+09  NaN  NaN
43     1529939739  1.529940e+09  NaN  NaN
41     1529940339  1.529940e+09  NaN  NaN
40     1529940639  1.529941e+09  NaN  NaN
38     1529941239  1.529941e+09  NaN  NaN
36     1529941839  1.529942e+09  NaN  NaN
34     1529942439  1.529942e+09  NaN  NaN
33     1529942739  1.529943e+09  NaN  NaN
31     1529943339  1.529943e+09  NaN  NaN
29     1529943939  1.529944e+09  NaN  NaN
27     1529944539  1.529945e+09  NaN  NaN
26     1529944839  1.529945e+09  NaN  NaN
24     1529945439  1.529945e+09  NaN  NaN
22     1529946039  1.529946e+09  NaN  NaN
20     1529946639  1.529947e+09  NaN  NaN
19     1529946939  1.529947e+09  NaN  NaN
17     1529947539  1.529948e+09  NaN  NaN
14     1529948445  1.529948e+09  NaN  NaN
13     1529948739  1.529949e+09  NaN  NaN
12     1529949039  1.529949e+09  NaN  NaN
10     1529949639  1.529950e+09  NaN  NaN
8      1529950239  1.529950e+09  NaN  NaN
6      1529950839  1.529951e+09  NaN  NaN
4      1529951439  1.529951e+09  NaN  NaN
2      1529952039  1.529952e+09  NaN  NaN
0      1529952639  1.529953e+09  NaN  NaN

[31502 rows x 4 columns]

Now let's fill in the $temperature$ and $CO_2$ concentration values.

In [10]:
# first let's remove rows where `temp_time` is `NaN`
# make the entire row `NaN` if `temp_time` is `NaN`
for idx, _, temp_time, _, _ in co2_temp_df.itertuples():
    if isnan(temp_time):
        co2_temp_df.loc[idx, 'co2_time'] = float('nan')
# drop rows that are filled with `NaN`s only
co2_temp_df = co2_temp_df.dropna(how='all')

In [11]:
# now let's fill in the values
for idx, _, _, _, _ in co2_temp_df.itertuples():
        co2_temp_df.loc[idx, 'co2'] = data_co2.loc[idx, 'co2_ppm']
        co2_temp_df.loc[idx, 'temp'] = data_weather.loc[idx, 'temperature']
    except KeyError as ke:
#         print('Skipped index %d' % idx)

co2_time temp_time co2 temp
57584 1.510944e+09 1.510944e+09 544.68 NaN
57582 1.510945e+09 1.510945e+09 572.51 NaN
57580 1.510945e+09 1.510945e+09 563.1 NaN
57578 1.510946e+09 1.510946e+09 566.09 NaN
57577 1.510946e+09 1.510946e+09 564.07 NaN
57575 1.510947e+09 1.510947e+09 561.7 NaN
57573 1.510947e+09 1.510947e+09 565.86 NaN
57571 1.510948e+09 1.510948e+09 564.58 NaN
57570 1.510948e+09 1.510948e+09 572.19 NaN
57568 1.510949e+09 1.510949e+09 564.95 NaN
57566 1.510949e+09 1.510949e+09 565.65 NaN
57564 1.510950e+09 1.510950e+09 567.01 NaN
57563 1.510950e+09 1.510950e+09 566.1 NaN
57561 1.510951e+09 1.510951e+09 559.57 NaN
57559 1.510952e+09 1.510952e+09 552.49 NaN
57557 1.510952e+09 1.510952e+09 559.38 NaN
57556 1.510952e+09 1.510952e+09 554.15 NaN
57554 1.510953e+09 1.510953e+09 552.59 NaN
57552 1.510954e+09 1.510954e+09 557.66 NaN
57550 1.510954e+09 1.510954e+09 551.9 NaN
57549 1.510955e+09 1.510955e+09 551.97 NaN
57547 1.510955e+09 1.510955e+09 547.32 NaN
57545 1.510956e+09 1.510956e+09 541.78 NaN
57543 1.510956e+09 1.510956e+09 546.46 NaN
57542 1.510957e+09 1.510957e+09 543.01 NaN
57540 1.510957e+09 1.510957e+09 540.54 NaN
57536 1.510958e+09 1.510958e+09 541.93 NaN
57532 1.510958e+09 1.510958e+09 541.77 NaN
57531 1.510959e+09 1.510959e+09 0 NaN
57526 1.510959e+09 1.510959e+09 534.4 NaN
... ... ... ... ...
52 1.529937e+09 1.529937e+09 575.97 18.59
50 1.529938e+09 1.529938e+09 575.73 18.44
48 1.529938e+09 1.529938e+09 578.91 18.53
47 1.529939e+09 1.529939e+09 579.81 18.44
45 1.529939e+09 1.529939e+09 576 18.52
43 1.529940e+09 1.529940e+09 567.76 18.53
41 1.529940e+09 1.529940e+09 583 18.45
40 1.529941e+09 1.529941e+09 580.13 18.49
38 1.529941e+09 1.529941e+09 569.55 18.57
36 1.529942e+09 1.529942e+09 577.98 18.65
34 1.529942e+09 1.529942e+09 575.13 18.84
33 1.529943e+09 1.529943e+09 578.06 18.8
31 1.529943e+09 1.529943e+09 582.02 18.86
29 1.529944e+09 1.529944e+09 580 19.07
27 1.529945e+09 1.529945e+09 575.28 19.02
26 1.529945e+09 1.529945e+09 582.5 19.16
24 1.529945e+09 1.529945e+09 579.3 19.19
22 1.529946e+09 1.529946e+09 564.46 19.14
20 1.529947e+09 1.529947e+09 567.74 19.28
19 1.529947e+09 1.529947e+09 569.21 19.34
17 1.529948e+09 1.529948e+09 570.44 19.34
14 1.529948e+09 1.529948e+09 575.41 19.47
13 1.529949e+09 1.529949e+09 568.55 19.52
12 1.529949e+09 1.529949e+09 568.16 19.48
10 1.529950e+09 1.529950e+09 566.41 19.58
8 1.529950e+09 1.529950e+09 564.89 19.55
6 1.529951e+09 1.529951e+09 567.07 19.65
4 1.529951e+09 1.529951e+09 574.84 19.71
2 1.529952e+09 1.529952e+09 573.11 19.68
0 1.529953e+09 1.529953e+09 565.98 19.67

31501 rows × 4 columns

Let's clean up NaNs one last time before we find the ~correlations~!!!

In [12]:
co2_temp_df = co2_temp_df.dropna()

co2_time temp_time co2 temp
57371 1.511000e+09 1.511000e+09 471.72 17.57
57369 1.511000e+09 1.511000e+09 471.16 16.58
57368 1.511001e+09 1.511001e+09 472.03 16.39
57366 1.511001e+09 1.511001e+09 474.86 16.4
57364 1.511002e+09 1.511002e+09 474.91 16.74
57362 1.511003e+09 1.511003e+09 467.75 17.09
57361 1.511003e+09 1.511003e+09 465.32 17.24
57359 1.511003e+09 1.511003e+09 471.89 16.91
57357 1.511004e+09 1.511004e+09 467.57 17.19
57355 1.511005e+09 1.511005e+09 461.67 17.51
57354 1.511005e+09 1.511005e+09 460.31 17.7
57352 1.511006e+09 1.511006e+09 459.28 17.82
57350 1.511006e+09 1.511006e+09 456.34 17.87
57348 1.511007e+09 1.511007e+09 462.31 17.99
57347 1.511007e+09 1.511007e+09 468.66 18.1
57345 1.511008e+09 1.511008e+09 474.71 18.18
57343 1.511008e+09 1.511008e+09 468.6 18.33
57341 1.511009e+09 1.511009e+09 461.65 18.35
57340 1.511009e+09 1.511009e+09 465.05 18.39
57338 1.511010e+09 1.511010e+09 471.94 18.58
57336 1.511010e+09 1.511010e+09 464.38 18.62
57334 1.511011e+09 1.511011e+09 461.58 18.73
57333 1.511011e+09 1.511011e+09 453.32 18.71
57331 1.511012e+09 1.511012e+09 455.09 18.78
57329 1.511012e+09 1.511012e+09 456.21 18.94
57327 1.511013e+09 1.511013e+09 453.36 19.11
57326 1.511013e+09 1.511013e+09 452.59 19.13
57324 1.511014e+09 1.511014e+09 450.42 19.21
57322 1.511015e+09 1.511015e+09 459.49 19.16
57320 1.511015e+09 1.511015e+09 458.69 19.17
... ... ... ... ...
52 1.529937e+09 1.529937e+09 575.97 18.59
50 1.529938e+09 1.529938e+09 575.73 18.44
48 1.529938e+09 1.529938e+09 578.91 18.53
47 1.529939e+09 1.529939e+09 579.81 18.44
45 1.529939e+09 1.529939e+09 576 18.52
43 1.529940e+09 1.529940e+09 567.76 18.53
41 1.529940e+09 1.529940e+09 583 18.45
40 1.529941e+09 1.529941e+09 580.13 18.49
38 1.529941e+09 1.529941e+09 569.55 18.57
36 1.529942e+09 1.529942e+09 577.98 18.65
34 1.529942e+09 1.529942e+09 575.13 18.84
33 1.529943e+09 1.529943e+09 578.06 18.8
31 1.529943e+09 1.529943e+09 582.02 18.86
29 1.529944e+09 1.529944e+09 580 19.07
27 1.529945e+09 1.529945e+09 575.28 19.02
26 1.529945e+09 1.529945e+09 582.5 19.16
24 1.529945e+09 1.529945e+09 579.3 19.19
22 1.529946e+09 1.529946e+09 564.46 19.14
20 1.529947e+09 1.529947e+09 567.74 19.28
19 1.529947e+09 1.529947e+09 569.21 19.34
17 1.529948e+09 1.529948e+09 570.44 19.34
14 1.529948e+09 1.529948e+09 575.41 19.47
13 1.529949e+09 1.529949e+09 568.55 19.52
12 1.529949e+09 1.529949e+09 568.16 19.48
10 1.529950e+09 1.529950e+09 566.41 19.58
8 1.529950e+09 1.529950e+09 564.89 19.55
6 1.529951e+09 1.529951e+09 567.07 19.65
4 1.529951e+09 1.529951e+09 574.84 19.71
2 1.529952e+09 1.529952e+09 573.11 19.68
0 1.529953e+09 1.529953e+09 565.98 19.67

31395 rows × 4 columns

Now let's find the correlation between $temperature$ and $CO_2$ concentration (finally!!!) using the handy scipy.stats.pearsonr function, which also returns the two-tailed p-value for the two series of data being analyzed.

In [13]:
r_value, p_value = pearsonr(co2_temp_df['temp'], co2_temp_df['co2'])
print(f"Pearson's correlation coefficient: {r_value}")
print(f"Two-tailed p-value: {p_value}")

Pearson's correlation coefficient: 0.044320617523771116
Two-tailed p-value: 3.948398229481934e-15

A correlation coefficient $<0.30$ suggests there is no correlation between temperature and $CO_2$ concentration. Let's verify that graphically.

In [14]:
plt.scatter(co2_temp_df['temp'], co2_temp_df['co2'])
plt.xlabel("Temperature (degrees Celcius))")
plt.ylabel("CO2 concentration (ppm)")

Clearly, there is no correlation between temperature and $CO_2$ concentration.

More Correlations

Let's look for correlated variables a little more systematically by making a correlation matrix. Pandas lets us do that easily using the DataFrame.corr function.

In [15]:
co2_temp_df = co2_temp_df.assign(humidity=pd.Series(np.full(co2_temp_df.shape[0], float('nan'))).values)
co2_temp_df = co2_temp_df.assign(pressure=pd.Series(np.full(co2_temp_df.shape[0], float('nan'))).values)

In [16]:
for idx, _, _, _, _, _, _ in co2_temp_df.itertuples():
        co2_temp_df.loc[idx, 'pressure'] = data_weather.loc[idx, 'humidity']
        co2_temp_df.loc[idx, 'humidity'] = data_weather.loc[idx, 'pressure']
    except KeyError as ke:
        print('Skipped index %d' % idx)

In [17]:
co2_temp_df['temp'] = co2_temp_df['temp'].astype(float)
co2_temp_df['co2'] = co2_temp_df['co2'].astype(float)

correlation_matrix = co2_temp_df.corr()

with sns.axes_style("dark"):
    sns.heatmap(data=correlation_matrix.loc['co2': 'pressure', 'co2': 'pressure'],
                vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0, annot=True, cbar=True, linecolor='#000000FF', linewidth='0.1')

Okay, so there is weak correlation ($0.7\geq|r|\geq0.3$) between $humidity$ and $pressure$, and very weak correlation ($r<0.3$) for the rest.


Now, finally, let's see if weather indicators have any correlation with the background radiation level.

In [18]:
co2_temp_df = co2_temp_df.assign(radiation=pd.Series(np.full(co2_temp_df.shape[0], float('nan'))).values)

# co2_temp_df['pg_time'] = nts_with_arr(co2_temp_df['co2_time'].astype(int).tolist(),
#                                       data_pg['deviceTime_unix'].tolist(),
#                                       delta=300)

pg_tt = pd.Series(nts_with_arr(co2_temp_df['co2_time'].astype(int).tolist(),

# time_diff = (data_pg['deviceTime_unix'] - co2_temp_df['co2_time'])

co2_temp_df['pg_time'] = nts_with_arr(pg_tt.tolist(),


1.513385e+09    1
1.511786e+09    1
1.520050e+09    1
1.511810e+09    1
1.511808e+09    1
1.511806e+09    1
1.511804e+09    1
1.511802e+09    1
1.511800e+09    1
1.520053e+09    1
1.527641e+09    1
1.511794e+09    1
1.520064e+09    1
1.511790e+09    1
1.519575e+09    1
1.511784e+09    1
1.511817e+09    1
1.511782e+09    1
1.511780e+09    1
1.520065e+09    1
1.511776e+09    1
1.511773e+09    1
1.511771e+09    1
1.511769e+09    1
1.511768e+09    1
1.511766e+09    1
1.511763e+09    1
1.511761e+09    1
1.511759e+09    1
1.511757e+09    1
1.523513e+09    1
1.523516e+09    1
1.523571e+09    1
1.523569e+09    1
1.528493e+09    1
1.523566e+09    1
1.523563e+09    1
1.523561e+09    1
1.523560e+09    1
1.523558e+09    1
1.523555e+09    1
1.523554e+09    1
1.523552e+09    1
1.523549e+09    1
1.523548e+09    1
1.523546e+09    1
1.523544e+09    1
1.523542e+09    1
1.523539e+09    1
1.523537e+09    1
1.523534e+09    1
1.523533e+09    1
1.523532e+09    1
1.523530e+09    1
1.523527e+09    1
1.523525e+09    1
1.523523e+09    1
1.523521e+09    1
1.523519e+09    1
1.523410e+09    1
Length: 16144, dtype: int64

In [19]:

0         1529952640
1         1529952340
2         1529952040
3         1529951740
4         1529951440
5         1529951140
6         1529950840
7         1529950540
8         1529950240
9         1529949940
10        1529949640
11        1529949340
12        1529949040
13        1529948740
14        1529948440
15        1529948146
16        1529947846
17        1529947540
18        1529947240
19        1529946940
20        1529946640
21        1529946340
22        1529946040
23        1529945740
24        1529945440
25        1529945140
26        1529944840
27        1529944540
28        1529944240
29        1529943940
221037    1447995129
221038    1447994828
221039    1447994528
221040    1447994227
221041    1447993927
221042    1447993626
221043    1447993336
221044    1447993035
221045    1447992735
221046    1447992434
221047    1447992134
221048    1447991833
221049    1447991533
221050    1447991232
221051    1447990932
221052    1447990631
221053    1447990331
221054    1447990030
221055    1447989730
221056    1447989429
221057    1447989128
221058    1447988828
221059    1447988527
221060    1447988227
221061    1447987936
221062    1447987636
221063    1447987335
221064    1447987035
221065    1447986733
221066    1447986433
Name: deviceTime_unix, Length: 221067, dtype: int64

In [20]:

NaN              31393
 1.520014e+09        1
 1.511000e+09        1
Name: pg_time, dtype: int64

In [21]:
# for idx, c02_time, _, _, _, _, _, _ in co2_temp_df.itertuples():
#     try:
#         co2_temp_df.loc[idx, 'radiation'] = data_pg.loc[near_time_search(list_=), 'humidity']
#     except KeyError as ke:
#         print('Skipped index %d' % idx)
#         continue