In [1]:
!pip install NeuroM[plotly]
In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
# Import neurom module
import neurom as nm
# Import neurom visualization module
from neurom import viewer
from neurom.view import plotly
In [3]:
# Load a single morphology
neuron = nm.load_neuron('../test_data/valid_set/Neuron.swc')
# Load a population of morphologies from a set of files
pop = nm.load_neurons('../test_data/valid_set/')
# Get a single morphology from the population
single_neuron = pop.neurons[0]
In [4]:
# Visualize a morphology in two dimensions
fig, ax = plotly.draw(neuron, plane='xy', inline=True)
In [5]:
# Visualize a morphology in three dimensions
fig, ax = plotly.draw(neuron, inline=True)
In [6]:
# Visualize a single tree in three dimensions
fig, ax = plotly.draw(neuron.neurites[0], inline=True)
In [7]:
# Visualize the dendrogram of a morphology
fig, ax = viewer.draw(neuron, mode='dendrogram')
In [8]:
# Extract the total number of neurites (basal and apical dendrites, and axons)
number_of_neurites = nm.get('number_of_neurites', neuron)
# Extract the total number of sections
number_of_sections = nm.get('number_of_sections', neuron)
# Extract the soma radius
soma_radius = neuron.soma.radius
# Extract the number of sections per neurite
number_of_sections_per_neurite = nm.get('number_of_sections_per_neurite', neuron)
# Print result
print("Neuron id : {0} \n\
Number of neurites : {1} \n\
Soma radius : {2:.2f} \n\
Number of sections : {3}".format(, number_of_neurites[0], soma_radius, number_of_sections[0]))
print("Neurite type \t\t\t| Number of sections")
for i, neurite in enumerate(neuron.neurites):
print("{0:31} | {1}".format(str(neurite.type), number_of_sections_per_neurite[i]))
In [9]:
# Extract the lengths of the sections
section_lengths = nm.get('section_lengths', neuron)
# Extract the lengths of the segments
segment_lengths = nm.get('segment_lengths', neuron)
# Extract the local bifurcation angles
local_bif_angles = nm.get('local_bifurcation_angles', neuron)
# Extract the remote bifurcation angles
remote_bif_angles = nm.get('remote_bifurcation_angles', neuron)
# Extract the radial distances of the sections
section_radial_distances = nm.get('section_radial_distances', neuron)
# Extract the path distances of the sections
section_path_distances = nm.get('section_path_distances', neuron)
# Print result
features = (segment_lengths, section_lengths, local_bif_angles,
remote_bif_angles, section_path_distances, section_radial_distances)
def check(feature_list, n):
return '{0:.2f}'.format(feature_list[n]) if n < len(feature_list) else ''
for n in range(0, 50):
args = (check(f, n) for f in features)
In [10]:
# Extract the section lengths of axonal trees
ax_section_lengths = nm.get('section_lengths', neuron, neurite_type=nm.AXON)
# Extract the section lengths of basal dendrite trees
ba_section_lengths = nm.get('section_lengths', neuron, neurite_type=nm.BASAL_DENDRITE)
# Extract the section lengths of apical dendrite trees
ap_section_lengths = nm.get('section_lengths', neuron, neurite_type=nm.APICAL_DENDRITE)
print('\nAxonal section lengths = ', ax_section_lengths)
print('\nBasal section lengths = ', ba_section_lengths)
print('\nApical section lengths = ', ap_section_lengths)
Now we are ready to extract basic statistical measurements, using common Python functions. For this, we will use numpy
, which is a package for scientific computing with Python.
In [11]:
import numpy as np
# We can get the mean section length
mean_sl = np.mean(section_lengths)
# We can get the standard deviation of the section lengths
std_sl = np.std(section_lengths)
# We can get the minimum section length
min_sl = np.min(section_lengths)
# ... and the maximum section length
max_sl = np.max(section_lengths)
print('Section length statistics:')
print(' [mean, std] = [{0:.2f}, {1:.2f}]'.format(mean_sl, std_sl))
print(' [min, max]: [{0:.2f}, {1:.2f}]'.format(min_sl, max_sl))
The distribution of the extracted measurements can be plotted with matplotlib
, which is a Python library for plot generation. We will use the matplotlib.pyplot
sub module.
In [12]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Select the feature of choice
feature = nm.get('segment_lengths', neuron)
# Create empty figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11,3))
# Create histogram
ax = fig.add_subplot('131')
ax.hist(feature, bins=25, edgecolor='black')
# Create cumulative histogram
ax = fig.add_subplot('132')
ax.hist(feature, bins=25, cumulative=True, edgecolor='black')
# Create boxplot; flier points are indicated with green dots
ax = fig.add_subplot('133')
_ = ax.boxplot(feature, sym='g.')
Now we are ready to fit the extracted data using common Python functions. For this, we will use scipy
, which is a package for numerical routines for scientific computing with Python.
In [13]:
from neurom import stats
data = nm.get('segment_lengths', neuron)
# Let’s start with a normal distribution. We will fit the data that we extracted above with a normal distribution
p =, distribution='norm')
# The output of the function is a named tuple of type FitResults
print('Fit output type : ', type(p))
# The parameters are stored in the variable params, which in the case of the normal distribution stores the mu and sigma
# of the normal distribution
mu, sigma = p.params
ks_dist, pvalue = p.errs
# Print result
print('[mu, sigma] : [{0:.2f}, {1:.2f}]\n'.format(mu, sigma))
# We need to check the statistical error of the performed fit to evaluate the accuracy of the
# selected model. To do so we use the errors variable of FitResults:
print('Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance : {0:.2f}'.format(ks_dist))
print('P-value : {0:.2f}'.format(pvalue))
The result of the fitting can be visualized:
In [14]:
from scipy.stats import norm
# Create a histogram as above
fig = plt.figure()
plt.hist(data, bins=25, density=True, edgecolor='black')
# Plot range: 5 standard deviations around the mean
norm_range = np.arange(mu - 5.*sigma, mu + 5.*sigma, 0.001)
# Plot the normal pdf with the given range, mu and sigma
_ = plt.plot(norm_range, norm.pdf(norm_range, mu, sigma), linewidth=3., c='r', alpha=0.8)
It is also possible to find the optimal distribution that best fits the data, among a number of distributions that are
supported by scipy
In [15]:
p = stats.optimal_distribution(data, distr_to_check=('lognorm', 'logistic', 'norm'))
print('Fit results:', p)
In [16]:
# Threshold value
threshold = 10
# Get the ids of sections which length exceeds the threshold
selected_ids = np.where(section_lengths > threshold)
# Get the values of section lengths that exceed the threshold
In [17]:
# Get the length of all sections with a radial distance between 0.0 and 60.0
section_indices = np.where((section_radial_distances >= 0.0) & (section_radial_distances < 60.0))
selected_section_lengths = section_lengths[section_indices]