In [1]:
import numpy as np, GPy, pandas as pd
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
In [2]:
from topslam.simulation import qpcr_simulation
In [3]:
seed_differentiation = 5001
seed_gene_expression = 0
In [4]:
Xsim, simulate_new, t, c, labels, seed = qpcr_simulation(seed=seed_differentiation)
In [5]:
Y = simulate_new()
In order to fit the Baysian GPLVM, we will use five other dimensionality reduction techniques as initialization. This means, we present the BaysianGPLVM with the solutions generated from these techniques as a starting point. BayesianGPLVM will then proceed from there and find the most likeliy fit and reduced space dimensionality. (See ARD parameters later)
In [6]:
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE, LocallyLinearEmbedding, SpectralEmbedding, Isomap
from sklearn.decomposition import FastICA, PCA
methods = {'t-SNE':TSNE(n_components=2),
'Spectral': SpectralEmbedding(n_components=2, n_neighbors=10),
'Isomap': Isomap(n_components=2, n_neighbors=10),
'ICA': FastICA(n_components=2)
In [7]:
from topslam.optimization import run_methods
X_init, dims = run_methods(Y, methods)
We run BayesianGPLVM using the optimization routines given in the optimization package of topslam. You can run the BayesianGPLVM yourself for more control (see for example We do not expect any linear relation in the data and will therefore not model a linear dimenion:
In [8]:
from topslam.optimization import create_model, optimize_model
m = create_model(Y, X_init, linear_dims=0)
In [9]:
m.optimize(messages=1, max_iters=5e3)
In [10]:
print("Most significant input dimensions: {}".format(m.kern.get_most_significant_input_dimensions()[:2]))
In [11]:
Everything before this stage was initialization and running of the model. We can now use the learnt model to extract the probabilistic landscape from this model, and plot the extracted timeline. We will also compare it to the other dimensionality reduction techniques and their extracted timelines (for ICA and t-SNE).
In [12]:
from topslam import ManifoldCorrectionTree
m_topslam = ManifoldCorrectionTree(m)
We can plot the extracted landscape and a graph representing the minimal spanning tree along which we extract the time. We simulated the time for the samples in order, so the start for the extracted time is 0. The startin cell plays a crucial role in the extraction of the timeline and should always be supplied.
In [13]:
ax = m_topslam.plot_waddington_landscape()
m_topslam.plot_time_graph(labels=labels, start=0, ax=ax)
In [14]:
from topslam.plotting import plot_comparison
with sns.axes_style('white'):
ax = plot_comparison(m_topslam, X_init, dims, labels, np.unique(labels), 0)
In [15]:
from scipy.stats import linregress
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from topslam.simulation.graph_extraction import extract_manifold_distances_mst
In [16]:
pt_topslam = m_topslam.get_pseudo_time(start=0)
D_ica, mst_ica = extract_manifold_distances_mst(squareform(pdist(X_init[:, dims['ICA']])))
pt_ica = D_ica[0] # only take the distances from the start (which is 0 in this case)
D_tsne, mst_tsne = extract_manifold_distances_mst(squareform(pdist(X_init[:, dims['t-SNE']])))
pt_tsne = D_tsne[0] # only take the distances from the start (which is 0 in this case)
In [17]:
result_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['slope', 'intercept', 'r_value', 'p_value', 'std_err'])
result_df.loc['topslam'] = linregress(pt_topslam, t.flat)[:]
result_df.loc['ICA'] = linregress(pt_ica, t.flat)[:]
result_df.loc['t-SNE'] = linregress(pt_tsne, t.flat)
In [18]:
In [19]:
time_df = pd.DataFrame(t, columns=['simulated'])
time_df['topslam'] = pt_topslam
time_df['ICA'] = pt_ica
time_df['t-SNE'] = pt_tsne
In [20]:
sns.jointplot('simulated', 'topslam', data=time_df, kind='reg')
In [21]:
sns.jointplot('simulated', 'ICA', data=time_df, kind='reg')
In [22]:
sns.jointplot('simulated', 't-SNE', data=time_df, kind='reg')
In [ ]: