PIV analysis and Plotting

Code set using data from PIV experiments on 09-21-17
$U_\infty = 4.5 (400rpm)$
Test 0:
Data taken at 500Hz continuously
Test 1:
Data taken at 500Hz for 100 images on a 1Hz loop
Test 2:
Data taken at 500Hz for 500 images on a .5Hz loop
Test 3:
Data taken at 500Hz continuously

Laser Power = 14amps
Last updated: 09-26-17
Code Strucutre:

  • import libraries
  • run analysis codes
  • read in data
  • plot outer
  • plot inner

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import PIV as piv
import time_series as ts
import time
import sys
import h5py
from scipy.signal import medfilt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hotwire as hw
import imp
from datetime import datetime
%matplotlib inline 
now = datetime.now()
#for setting movie
import time
import pylab as pl
from IPython import display

In [2]:
# import functions to be run
%run 'air_prop.py'
%run 'piv_outer.py'
%run 'piv_readin.py'
%run 'piv_inner.py'

Read in and Filter Datasets

In [3]:
#data sets taken continuously (test_0, test_3)
#Parameter set
date = '092117_0'
data_delimiter = '\t'
num_images = 10917
sizex = 128
sizey = 129
walloffset = 2 #mm
side_error = 5
#determine file name
file_name = dict()
for j in range(1, num_images+1):
    file_name[j] = '/B' + str('{0:05}'.format(j)) + '.txt'
#list name of data set folders
base_name = dict()
#List the base name for each test to be read in and analyzed, names taken directly from folder
base_name[0] = '/media/drummond/My Passport/DATA/FPF/test_092117/Cam_Date=170921_Time=120913_TR_SeqPIV_MP(1x16x16_50ov_ImgCorr)=unknown'
base_name[1] = '/media/drummond/My Passport/DATA/FPF/test_092117/Cam_Date=170921_Time=140859_TR_SeqPIV_MP(1x16x16_50ov_ImgCorr)=unknown'
[u, v, x, y, bad_im] = piv_readin(date, file_name, base_name, num_images, data_delimiter, sizex, sizey, walloffset, side_error)

Reading In: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Complete
Done Read in!
Reading In: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Complete
Done Read in!
Mask Found!
Data Saved!

In [ ]:
#data set taken on cycle, 100 images every 1hz (test_1)
#Parameter set
date = '092117_1'
data_delimiter = '\t'
num_images = 10907
sizex = 128
sizey = 129
walloffset = 2 #mm
side_error = 5
#determine file name
file_name = dict()
for j in range(1, num_images+1):
    file_name[j] = '/B' + str('{0:05}'.format(j)) + '.txt'
#list name of data set folders
base_name = dict()
#List the base name for each test to be read in and analyzed, names taken directly from folder
base_name[0] = '/media/drummond/My Passport/DATA/FPF/test_092117/Cam_Date=170921_Time=124152_TR_SeqPIV_MP(1x16x16_50ov_ImgCorr)=unknown'
piv_readin(date, file_name, base_name, num_images, data_delimiter, sizex, sizey, walloffset, side_error)

In [ ]:
#data set taken on cycle, 500 images every .5hz (test_1)
#Parameter set
date = '092117_2'
data_delimiter = '\t'
num_images = 10520
sizex = 128
sizey = 129
walloffset = 2 #mm
side_error = 5
#determine file name
file_name = dict()
for j in range(1, num_images+1):
    file_name[j] = '/B' + str('{0:05}'.format(j)) + '.txt'
#list name of data set folders
base_name = dict()
#List the base name for each test to be read in and analyzed, names taken directly from folder
base_name[0] = '/media/drummond/My Passport/DATA/FPF/test_092117/Cam_Date=170921_Time=130741_TR_SeqPIV_MP(1x16x16_50ov_ImgCorr)=unknown'
piv_readin(date, file_name, base_name, num_images, data_delimiter, sizex, sizey, walloffset, side_error)

Mean Velocity Plots

In [4]:
# Plot Outer Normalized Data
date = '092117'
legend = [r'$Re_{\theta}=$30288, Cont.', r'$Re_{\theta}=$30288, 100im', r'$Re_{\theta}=$30288, 500im']
num_tests = 3
piv_outer(date, num_tests, legend)


Inner Normalized Plots

In [5]:
##Plot Inner Normalized Data##
date = '092117'
num_tests = 3
utau = .15
legend = [r'$Re_{\theta}=$30288, Cont.', r'$Re_{\theta}=$30288, 100im', r'$Re_{\theta}=$30288, 500im']
piv_inner(date, num_tests, utau, legend)

Control Volume Analysis

1). Create mean velocity field from mean u and v velocity fields ($(u^2 + v^2)^{1/2}$)
2). Integrate left side of image (control volume in)
3). Integrate right side of image (control volumne out)
4). Calculate difference (control volume delta) and divide by streamwise length of FOV

In [6]:
## Control Volume Analysis ##
umean = np.nanmean(u[0], axis=0)
vmean = np.nanmean(v[0], axis=0)
mean_vel = np.sqrt(umean**2 + vmean**2)
cv_in = np.trapz(mean_vel[:, 0], x = y)*-1
cv_out = np.trapz(mean_vel[:, -1], x = y)*-1
cv_delta = cv_out - cv_in
vel_out_y = cv_delta / (x[-1] - x[0])

plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.semilogx(y, mean_vel[:, 0], '-xb')
plt.semilogx(y, mean_vel[:, -1], '-xr')
plt.legend(['Control Volume In', 'Control Volume Out'])
plt.ylabel('Velocity Magnitude (m/sec)')
plt.xlabel('Wall Normal Position (m)')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7f6c351d7b38>

The control volume input is {{print('%.4g'%(cv_in))}} $m^2/sec$
The control volume ouput is {{print('%.4g'%(cv_out))}} $m^2/sec$
Giving a difference of {{print('%.4g'%(cv_delta))}}
For which the top length of the control volume is {{ x[-1] - x[0] }}m
Giving the average v velocity to be {{print('%.4g'%(vel_out_y))}} $m/sec$

Pixel Locking

Procedure: Take masked and filtered datasets
1). Convert into 1-D vector of all velocities (10520 images x 127 rows x 97 columns)
2). Convert into displacement using known image frequency ($500hz$)
3). Convert into # of pixel displacement by using calibration size ($.2mm/pixel$)

In [11]:
freq = 500 #hz
pixel_size = 0.0002 #mm/pixel
#calculate displacement in x dir
x_disp = u[0]*(1/freq)
#organize into 1-d vector
x_disp = np.array(np.reshape(x_disp, [1, 127*68*10917]))[0]
#calculate in pixel disp
x_disp = x_disp / pixel_size
plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.hist(x_disp[0:1000000], bins=5000, range=[20, 40], normed=True)
plt.title('Streamwise Velocity pixel displacement PDF')
plt.xlabel('Pixel Displacement')
plt.ylabel('Normalize Counts')

(2, 10917, 127, 68)

In [12]:
#calculate displacement in y dir
y_disp = v[0]*(1/freq)
#organize into 1-d vector
y_disp = np.array(np.reshape(y_disp, [1, 127*68*10917]))[0]
#calculate in pixel disp
y_disp = y_disp / pixel_size
plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(10, 8), dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
plt.hist(y_disp[:1000000], bins=5000, normed=True)
plt.title('Wall-normal Velocity pixel displacement PDF')
plt.xlabel('Pixel Displacement')
plt.ylabel('Normalize Counts')

Autocorrelation Plot

-working to examine when each point in the velocity field becomes time indep.

  • in development

In [ ]:


Velocity plots:

  • Mean data matches well with other experimental and DNS datasets
  • U component collapes for all statistics examined
  • V component is correct order but is not resolved due to low dynamic range
  • CONTROL VOLUME ANALYSIS: V is order .001 $m/sec$
  • PIXEL DISP PDFs: No evidence of pixel locking

To Do

  • Increase dynamic range through increasing resolution of v velocity displacement by increasing $Re$ and decreasing image frame rate ($\Delta T$)