PIV analysis and Plotting

Code set using data from PIV experiments on 07-27-17
$U_\infty = 4.5 (400rpm)$
$\today$ Data taken at 500Hz on 10 image loop at 1Hz
Laser Power = 14amps
Last updated: 09-14-17
Code Strucutre:

  • import libraries
  • run analysis codes
  • read in data
  • plot outer
  • plot inner

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import PIV as piv
import time_series as ts
import time
import sys
import h5py
from scipy.signal import medfilt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import hotwire as hw
import imp
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# import functions to be run
%run 'air_prop.py'
%run 'piv_outer.py'
%run 'piv_readin.py'
%run 'piv_inner.py'

In [ ]:
#Parameter set
date = '072717'
data_delimiter = '\t'
num_images = 10911
sizex = 128
sizey = 128
walloffset = 7.5 #mm
side_error = 5
#determine file name
file_name = dict()
for j in range(1, num_images+1):
    file_name[j] = '/B' + str('{0:05}'.format(j)) + '.txt'
#list name of data set folders
base_name = dict()
#List the base name for each test to be read in and analyzed, names taken directly from folder
base_name[0] = '/home/drummond/Local_files/FPF/test_072717/data/Cam_Date=170727_Time=103432_TR_SeqPIV_MP(2x16x16_50ov_ImgCorr)=unknown'

piv_readin(date, file_name, base_name, num_images, data_delimiter, sizex, sizey, walloffset, side_error)

Reading In: |██████████████████████████████████████████████████| 100.0% Complete
Data Saved!

In [3]:
##Plot Outer Normalized Data##
date = '072717'
num_tests = 1
piv_outer(date, num_tests)


In [4]:
##Plot Inner Normalized Data##
date = '072717'
num_tests = 1
utau = .133
piv_inner(date, num_tests, utau)


  • Mean data matches well with other experimental and DNS datasets
  • $u_{rms}$ falls on top of hot wire data, yet becomes noisy towards the top of the FOV
  • $v_{rms}$ has approriate shape and order of magnitude
  • $u'v'^+$ has appropriate magnitude but off in shape
  • Test how increasing # of images taken during each cycle effects rms profiles as laser has a standard time for which it takes to stabalize our and reach an equilibrium. Some of the current rms could be coming from variance in the laser light intensity
  • Take experiment at 100 images per cycle and 500 images per cycle and 1000 images per cycle

In [ ]: