There are many ways to measure how similar two strings are: Hamming distance, edit distance and global alignment value for example. Another way is to turn each string into a set, e.g. the set of its constituent $k$-mers, then consider how similar the sets are.
We define a function that, given a string, returns the set of its constituent $k$-mers.
In [1]:
def string_to_kmer_set(Astr, k):
return set([Astr[i:i+k] for i in range(len(Astr)-k+1)])
In [2]:
string_to_kmer_set("hello", 3)
The Jaccard similarity coefficient $J(A, B)$ of non-empty sets $A$ and $B$ is:
$$\frac{|A \cap B|}{|A \cup B|}$$It equals 1 when the sets are identical and 0 when they are disjoint. Otherwise it is between 0 and 1.
In [3]:
def jaccard(Aset, Bset):
# return Jaccard similarity coefficient between two sets
isz = len(Aset.intersection(Bset))
return float(isz) / (len(Aset) + len(Bset) - isz)
In [4]:
def jaccard_kmer(Astr, Bstr, k):
# turn two strings into sets, then return Jaccard similarity coefficient of those sets
return jaccard(string_to_kmer_set(Astr, k),
string_to_kmer_set(Bstr, k))
In [5]:
jaccard_kmer("ABC", "ABD", 2)
# intersection: {AB}, union: {AB, BC, BD}
# so answer = 1/3
Explicitly building and intersecting sets of strings seems inefficient. Let's see how long it takes to run on many randomly generated pairs of similar strings.
In [6]:
import random
def add_mutations(string, num_muts):
""" Add num_muts random substitution mutations to string """
for _ in range(num_muts):
rndi = random.randint(0, len(string)-1)
string = string[:rndi] + random.choice('ACGT') + string[rndi+1:]
return string
def random_jaccard_kmer(length, k):
""" Make a random string and a second string separated from the
first by a few mutations, then return the two strings and
their jaccard similarity coefficient. """
str1 = ''.join([random.choice('ACGT') for _ in range(length)])
str2 = add_mutations(str1, random.randint(0, float(length)/20))
return str1, str2, jaccard_kmer(str1, str2, k)
In [7]:
add_mutations('ACGTACGT', 2)
In [8]:
random_jaccard_kmer(20, 4)
In [9]:
import timeit
timeit.timeit('random_jaccard_kmer(1000, 10)',
from __main__ import random_jaccard_kmer;
import random;
It takes >10 seconds to find Jaccard similarities between 10,000 random pairs of 100-long DNA strings, using $k$-mer length of 10.
In [10]:
def string_to_min_kmer(Astr, k):
return min([Astr[i:i+k] for i in range(len(Astr)-k+1)])
In [11]:
string_to_min_kmer("hello", 3)
We can compare two strings by comparing their minimal $k$-mers:
In [12]:
def jaccard_min_kmer(Astr, Bstr, k):
return 1 if string_to_min_kmer(Astr, k) == string_to_min_kmer(Bstr, k) else 0
In [13]:
jaccard_min_kmer("ABC", "ABD", 2)
In [14]:
jaccard_min_kmer("ABC", "ACB", 2)
In [15]:
jaccard_min_kmer("DBC", "ABC", 2)
This can yield a Jaccard similarity of 0 or 1; we cannot distinguish intermedaite amounts of similarity. On the other hand, we avoided building any sets.
We'll use the mmh3 library, which contains an implementation of MurmurHash3, a fast and widely used non-cryptographic hash function. Instead of taking our representative as being the minimal $k$-mer, we'll first hash the $k$-mers, then take the $k$-mer with minimal hash value:
In [16]:
# you might need to 'pip install mmh3' first
import mmh3
In [17]:
def string_to_min_hash(Astr, k):
return min([mmh3.hash (Astr[i:i+k]) for i in range(len(Astr)-k+1)])
In [18]:
string_to_min_hash("hello", 3)
That's the minimum among the hash values of the 3-mers of "hello".
In [19]:
def jaccard_min_kmer_hash(Astr, Bstr, k):
return 1 if string_to_min_hash(Astr, k) == string_to_min_hash(Bstr, k) else 0
In [20]:
jaccard_min_kmer_hash("ABC", "ABD", 2)
In [21]:
jaccard_min_kmer_hash("ABC", "ACB", 2)
In [22]:
jaccard_min_kmer_hash("DBC", "ABC", 2)
's return value won't necessarily match jaccard_min_kmer
's, since the function permutes the alphabetical order of the $k$-mers.
and jaccard_min_kmer_hash
return 0 or 1 -- not very precise! We can get a better estimate by calling jaccard_min_kmer_hash
multiple times, each time using a different hash function.
Let's rewrite string_to_min_hash
to include a seed
parameter that "salts" the hash function.
In [23]:
def string_to_min_hash(Astr, k, seed=0):
return min([mmh3.hash(Astr[i:i+k], seed) for i in range(len(Astr)-k+1)])
Now we can call string_to_min_hash
with various hash functions, or various saltings of the same function.
In [24]:
[string_to_min_hash("hello", 3, k) for k in range(10, 20)]
In [25]:
def jaccard_min_kmer_hashes(Astr, Bstr, k, seeds=[0]):
tot = sum(string_to_min_hash(Astr, k, seed) == string_to_min_hash(Bstr, k, seed) for seed in seeds)
return float(tot) / len(seeds)
In [26]:
jaccard_min_kmer_hashes("ABC", "ABD", 2, seeds=range(10))
Not a terrible estimate.
In [27]:
jaccard_min_kmer_hashes("ABC", "ABD", 2, seeds=range(100))
Again, not terrible.
In [28]:
jaccard_min_kmer_hashes("ABC", "ABD", 2, seeds=range(10000))
A very good estimate: off by only about 1%.
Why does this function give an estimate of Jaccard similarity? Each hash function permutes the ordering of the $k$-mers differently. For each permutation, some $k$-mer from the union of all $k$-mers becomes the minimal one. By calculating the fraction of the hash functions for which this minimal $k$-mer is present in both sets, we're estimating the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union: the Jaccard similarity.
In [29]:
def random_jaccard_kmer(length, k):
str1 = ''.join([random.choice('ACGT') for _ in range(length)])
str2 = add_mutations(str1, random.randint(0, length/20))
return str1, str2, jaccard_min_kmer_hashes(str1, str2, k, seeds=range(10))
import timeit
timeit.timeit('random_jaccard_kmer(1000, 10)',
from __main__ import random_jaccard_kmer;
import random;
It's slower than what we had before, but for large enough sets it could be faster.