In [1]:
%pylab inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from __future__ import division
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
The Jaccard Similarity of sets $S$ and $T$: \begin{equation} SIM(S,T) = \frac{| S \cup T |}{| S \cap T |} \end{equation}
In [2]:
#Exercise 3.1.1
data = [
set([1, 2, 3, 4]),
set([2, 3, 5, 7]),
set([2, 4, 6]),
def Jaccard_similarity_calc(set_a, set_b):
"""calculate the Jaccard similarity of two sets
res = \frac{a \cap b}{a \cup b}
assert isinstance(set_a, set), '{} is not a set'.format(set_a)
assert isinstance(set_b, set), '{} is not a set'.format(set_b)
logging.debug('a:{}, b:{}'.format(set_a, set_b))
logging.debug('inter:{}, union:{}'.format(set_a.intersection(set_b), set_a.union(set_b)))
return len(set_a.intersection(set_b)) / len(set_a.union(set_b))
for comb in list(itertools.combinations(range(3),2)):
set_a, set_b = data[comb[0]], data[comb[1]]
print('a:{}, b:{}, SIM:{:.3f}'.format(set_a, set_b, Jaccard_similarity_calc(set_a, set_b)))
In [3]:
#Exercise 3.1.2
data = [
[1, 1, 1, 2],
[1, 1, 2, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 3, 4],
def Jaccard_bag_similarity_calc(a, b):
"""calculate the Jaccard bag similarity of two sets
see page 76, movie ratings 3.
intersecton = min(times of element in the two sets)
union = sum of length of the two sets
res = intersection / union
from collections import Counter
count_a = Counter(a)
count_b = Counter(b)
logging.debug('count_a:{}\n count_b:{}'.format(count_a,count_b))
inter = [min(count_a[x], count_b[x]) for x in count_a if x in count_b]
return sum(inter) / (len(a) + len(b))
for comb in list(itertools.combinations(range(3),2)):
set_a, set_b = data[comb[0]], data[comb[1]]
print('a:{}, b:{}, JbSIM:{:.3f}'.format(set_a, set_b, Jaccard_bag_similarity_calc(set_a, set_b)))
exercise 3.1.3
令 $X_A = I\{A\}$,则有 $E[X_A] = \sum I\{A\}P[A] = P[A]$
令 $x_i$ 表示 S 和 T 中有 $i$ 个相同元素,则:
\begin{align} E[x_i] & = P[\text{S 和 T 中有 $i$ 个相同元素}] \\ & = \frac{C_n^i \, C_{n-i}^{2(m-i)}}{C_n^{m} C_n^{m}} \end{align}所以
\begin{align} E[J] & = \sum_{i=0}^m E[x_i] \, J_i \\ & = \frac{\sum_{i=0}^m \, C_n^i \, C_{n-i}^{2(m-i)} \, \frac{i}{2(m-i)}}{C_n^{m} C_n^{m}} \end{align}#todo 推导最终式
k-shingle: any substring of length $k$ found within the document.
hashing Shingles: h(shingle) = bucket
In [4]:
def to_alphanumeric_string(s):
"""remove any non-alphanumeric characte in string s.
import re
s = s.lower()
s = re.sub('\W', ' ', s)
logging.debug('after: del special char: {}'.format(s))
s = re.sub('\s+', ' ', s).strip()
logging.debug('after: del multiple whitespace: {}'.format(s))
return s
def k_shingle_extrac(document, k):
"""extract all k-shingles from document.
document = to_alphanumeric_string(document)
assert len(document) >= k, 'k should be less than the length of document'
k_shingles = []
while len(document) >= k:
shingle = document[0:k]
if shingle not in k_shingles:
document = document[1:]
return k_shingles
print('Example 3.3: {}'.format(k_shingle_extrac('abcdabd', 2)))
print('other example: {}'.format(k_shingle_extrac("Hello, I'm So-So. ", 2)))
In [5]:
#exercise 3.2.1
data = "The most effective way to represent documents as sets, for the purpose of iden- tifying lexically similar documents is to construct from the document the set of short strings that appear within it. "
print('first 10 3-shingles:{}'.format(k_shingle_extrac(data,3)[0:10]))
In [6]:
#exercise 3.2.2
def stopwords_shingles_extract(document, k):
"""extract the stopwords-shingle.
stropwords-shingle = stop-words + k words
stop_words_list = ['the', 'you', 'to', 'as', 'for', 'of', 'is', 'that', 'it', 'from']
document = to_alphanumeric_string(document)
document = document.split()
shingles = []
k = k + 1 #len(shingle) = 1 stop-word + k words
if document[0] in stop_words_list:
shingle = ' '.join(document[0:k])
logging.debug('hit: {}'.format(shingle))
if shingle not in shingles:
except IndexError:
logging.debug('Index Error: no of char:{}, k: {}'.format(len(document), k))
k = len(document)
document = document[1:]
return shingles
print('stop-shingles:{}'.format(stopwords_shingles_extract(data, 2)))
#exercise 3.2.3
k-shingles 最大数量:所有提取的 shingle 均不同
the largest number = n - (k - 1) = n - k + 1
In [7]:
#Example 3.6
my_database = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
my_features_dict = {
'S1':['a', 'd'],
'S3':['b', 'd', 'e'],
'S4':['a', 'c', 'd']
def matrix_representation_create(database, features_dict):
"""create the matrix representation of one database.
matrix_ = np.zeros((len(database), len(features_dict)),
matrix = pd.DataFrame(matrix_, index=database, columns=sorted(features_dict.keys()))
for feature_name, values in features_dict.iteritems():
for value in values:
matrix.loc[value, feature_name] = 1
return matrix
my_matrix = matrix_representation_create(my_database, my_features_dict)
In [8]:
#Example 3.7
def minhash(matrix, row_orders):
"""calculate the minhash value of matrix according to element permutation in Fig 3.3.
hash_fun_names = ['h{}'.format(i) for i in range(1, len(row_orders)+1)]
hash_table = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(row_orders), matrix.shape[1])), index=hash_fun_names, columns=matrix.columns)
for row_order, hash_fun_name in zip(row_orders, hash_fun_names):
matrix_p = matrix.loc[row_order,:]
logging.debug('after permutation: \n{}'.format(matrix_p))
for c in matrix_p.columns:
first_one_index = next((i for i, x in enumerate(matrix_p.loc[:,c]) if x), None)
hash_table.loc[hash_fun_name, c] = row_order[first_one_index]
return hash_table
minhash(my_matrix, [['b', 'e', 'a', 'd', 'c']])
minhash and Jaccard Similarity: $P[h(S1) = h(S2)] = SIM(S1, S2)$
Proof: rows can be divided into three classes:
randomly permute rows, there is at least one colunm whose value is 1: $$ P[h(S1) = h(S2)] = \frac{len(x)}{len(X+Y)} $$
minhash signature:
use vector $[h_1(S), h_2(S), ... , h_n(S)]$ to represent matrix M
namely, reduce the dim: columns(M) -----> n
Computing Minhash Signatures
picking a random permutation of large rows and find its hash value both are time-consuming ==> simulation
In [9]:
my_matrix.index = range(my_matrix.shape[0])
h_rows = [
[1, 2, 3, 4, 0],
[1, 4, 2, 0, 3]
def minhash_by_rows(matrix, row_orders):
"""calculate the minhash value of matrix according to row_permutation in Fig 3.4.
hash_fun_names = ['h{}'.format(i) for i in range(1, len(row_orders)+1)]
hash_table = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(row_orders), matrix.shape[1])), index=hash_fun_names, columns=matrix.columns)
for row_order, hash_fun_name in zip(row_orders, hash_fun_names):
logging.debug('row_order:{}, h:{}'.format(row_order, hash_fun_name))
matrix_p = matrix.copy()
matrix_p.index = row_order #new rows permutation
matrix_p.sort_index(inplace=True) #adjust rows orders
logging.debug('after permutation: \n{}'.format(matrix_p))
for c in matrix_p.columns:
first_one_index = next((i for i, x in enumerate(matrix_p.loc[:,c]) if x), None)
hash_table.loc[hash_fun_name, c] = first_one_index
return hash_table
my_minhash_res = minhash_by_rows(my_matrix, h_rows)
print('minhash: 5dim -> 2dim \n\
true hash res:\n{}\n'.format(my_minhash_res))
for comb in list(itertools.combinations(range(4),2)):
s_a, s_b = 'S{}'.format(comb[0]+1), 'S{}'.format(comb[1]+1)
print('{}-{}'.format(s_a, s_b)),
set_a, set_b = set(my_minhash_res.iloc[:,comb[0]]), set(my_minhash_res.iloc[:,comb[1]])
print('minhash:{:.3f}'.format(Jaccard_similarity_calc(set_a, set_b))),
print('true SIM:{:.3f}'.format(Jaccard_similarity_calc(set(my_features_dict[s_a]), set(my_features_dict[s_b]))))
对 $M$ 中的所有行做一次随机组合得到 $\bar{M}$,非常耗时。
解决方法是不直接操作矩阵 $M$,而是分两步操作:
1) 选择合适的哈希函数生成行号序列来模拟随机排列结果,如上个代码区块中 h_rows
即可用 $h_1(x) = (x + 1) \% 5$ 和 $h_2(x) = (3x + 1) \% 5$ 生成对应的行号
In [10]:
def add_hash_func(a, b, c):
return lambda x: (a*x + b) % c
h_funcs = [
add_hash_func(1, 1, 5),
add_hash_func(3, 1, 5)
h_rows = []
for h_func in h_funcs:
h_rows.append(map(h_func, range(5)))
2) 再按照行号重新对行排序,生成新矩阵 $\bar{M}$
但第 2 步排序仍然需要操作矩阵,见函数 minhash_by_rows
中的语句 matrix_p.sort_index(inplace=True)
In [11]:
#Fig 3.4
df_matrix = my_matrix
df_h_rows = pd.DataFrame(np.array(h_rows).T)
df_h_rows.columns = ['h{}'.format(x+1) for x in df_h_rows.columns]
print('Hash functions computed for the matrix:\n{}\n'.format(pd.concat([df_matrix, df_h_rows], axis=1)))
print('signature matrix\n(SIG):\n{}'.format(my_minhash_res))
Let SIG(i,c) be the element of the signature matrix for the ith hash function and column c.
替代方法是借助思路:$ SIG(i,c) = min(h_i(S_c=1)) $
即对于 $h_i(S_c)$ 值来说,它只可能是 “1” 对应的行号,而第一个 “1” 肯定是最小的行号。
比如,我们想得到 SIG(1,1) 的值,
$S1 = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0]^T$,对应的 $h1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 0]^T$,
SIG(1,1) 只能取 “1” 的行号,即 1 或 4,
又 SIG 是第一个遇到的 “1”,所以 SIG(1,1) 肯定是 1。
我们对每个 SIG(i,c) 都可以通过遍历 $S_i$ 中 "1" 位置,取出 $h_c$ 中相应位置的行号,行号中最小的值就是解。
#todo: 验证计算量
In [12]:
#Example 3.8
def minhash_signatures_calc(df_M, hash_funcs, nagging=False):
"""computing minhash signatures by the way in Example 3.8.
logging.debug('data matrix:\n{}\n'.format(df_M))
h = []
for hash_func in hash_funcs:
h.append(map(hash_func, range(df_M.shape[0])))
df_h = pd.DataFrame(np.array(h).T)
df_h.columns = ['h{}'.format(x+1) for x in df_h.columns]
logging.debug('hash matrix:\n{}\n'.format(df_h))
if nagging:
print('hash matrix:\n{}\n'.format(pd.concat([df_matrix, df_h], axis=1)))
df_signatures = pd.DataFrame(np.ones((df_h.shape[1], df_M.shape[1]))*np.inf, index=df_h.columns, columns=df_M.columns)
logging.debug('signatures matrix:\ninit\n{}\n'.format(df_signatures))
for r in df_M.index:
for c in df_h.columns:
r_1_loc = df_M.loc[r,:] == 1
logging.debug('r:{}, c:{}, 1 loc:\n{}\n'.format(r,c, r_1_loc))
sig_c = df_signatures.loc[c,:]
line_bigger_loc = sig_c > df_h.loc[r, c]
logging.debug('bigger row loc:\n{}\n'.format(line_bigger_loc))
sig_c[line_bigger_loc & r_1_loc] = df_h.loc[r, c]
df_signatures.loc[c,:] = sig_c
if nagging:
print('row:{},\n signature matrix:\n{}\n'.format(r, df_signatures))
return df_signatures
minhash_signatures_calc(df_matrix, h_funcs, nagging=True)
In [13]:
#exercise 3.3.1
#generate 120 permutations
h_rows = list(itertools.permutations(range(5),5))
my_minhash_res = minhash_by_rows(my_matrix, h_rows)
for comb in list(itertools.combinations(range(4),2)):
s_a, s_b = 'S{}'.format(comb[0]+1), 'S{}'.format(comb[1]+1)
print('{}-{}'.format(s_a, s_b)),
#calc Jaccard similarity
print('true SIM:{:.3f}'.format(Jaccard_similarity_calc(set(my_features_dict[s_a]), set(my_features_dict[s_b])))),
#calc the fraction of the 120 permutations in which the value is same
print('fraction:{:.3f}'.format(sum(my_minhash_res.loc[:,s_a] == my_minhash_res.loc[:,s_b])/120))
In [14]:
#exercise 3.3.2
h_funcs[2:4] = [
add_hash_func(2, 4, 5),
add_hash_func(3, -1, 5)
minhash_signatures_calc(df_matrix, h_funcs, nagging=True)
In [15]:
#exercise 3.3.3
my_database = range(6)
my_features_dict = {
'S1':[2, 5],
'S2':[0, 1],
'S3':[3, 4],
'S4':[0, 2, 4]
df_fig_3_5 = matrix_representation_create(my_database, my_features_dict)
print('Fig 3.5:\n{}\n'.format(df_fig_3_5))
h_funcs = [
add_hash_func(2, 1, 6),
add_hash_func(3, 2, 6),
add_hash_func(5, 2, 6)
df_matrix = df_fig_3_5
my_minhash_res = minhash_signatures_calc(df_matrix, h_funcs, nagging=True)
In [16]:
#(b) h_3 is a true permutation.
for comb in list(itertools.combinations(range(4),2)):
s_a, s_b = 'S{}'.format(comb[0]+1), 'S{}'.format(comb[1]+1)
print('{}-{}'.format(s_a, s_b)),
set_a, set_b = set(my_minhash_res.iloc[:,comb[0]]), set(my_minhash_res.iloc[:,comb[1]])
print('minhash:{:.3f}'.format(Jaccard_similarity_calc(set_a, set_b))),
print('true SIM:{:.3f}'.format(Jaccard_similarity_calc(set(my_features_dict[s_a]), set(my_features_dict[s_b]))))
#exercise 3.3.4
从 $n$ 中抽取 $m$ 个元素集合 $S$ 和 $T$,则从 $S$ 和 $T$ 中各抽一次,元素相同的概率是多少?
#exercise 3.3.5
元素相同的概率是 0
minhash 降低了维度,但计算耗时问题仍然存在:
令样本集有 $k$ 个元素,两两比较次数是 $C_k^2 = O(k^2)$。
若 $k$ 很大,则比较次数成乘方倍增长。
"hash" items several times, in such a way: $$P[\text{similar items in the same bucket}] >> P[\text{dissimilar ...}]$$
candidate pair: any pair hashed to the same bucket.
false postive: dissimilar items in the candidate pair.
false negtive: similar items NOT in the cnadidate pair.
if we have minhash signatures for the items, an effective way to choose the hashings is:
matrix | --> | hash table |
band 1 | h(v) | hash_talbe_1 |
band 2 | h(v) | hash_talbe_2 |
.... | h(v) | .... |
Analysis the probabilty of two pairs to become a candidate pairs:
Given the pairs $s_a$ and $s_b$ have Jaccard similarity $s$, we use $b$ bands of $r$ row each to split their signature matrix $M_a$ and $M_b$.
threshold: the value of $s$ at which the probability of becoming a candidate is 1/2.
namely, $1 - (1 - s^r)^b = \frac{1}{2}$, the solution $s \approx (1/b)^{1/r}$
In [17]:
#Example 3.11
b = 20
r = 5
s = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
def p(s, r, b):
return 1 - (1 - s**r)**b
plt.plot(s,p(s, r, b))
s = np.arange(0.2, 0.9, 0.1)
zip(s, p(s, r, b))
if we consider two documents with 80% similarity, then their false negative is $1 - 0.99964... \approx 0.00035$, which means that only roughly 1 in 3000 pairs that are as high as 80% similar will fail to become a candidate pair.
[opt] hash k-shignles to shorter bucket numbers
Sort the document-shigles pairs
不用生成完成的矩阵,而是依据 shingles 顺序后面用到时逐行生成(节省内存)
Pick n, compute the minhash signatures by feed the sorted list line by line
Choose a threshold $t$
$t \approx (1/b)^{1/r}$ and $n = b \times n$ to determine appropriate $b, n$.
Construct candidate pairs using LSH
Examine each candidate pair's signatures, $SIM > t$?
[opt] check document themselve
#todo: 找个例子,代码实现
LSH 本身的意义:
就是为一个特定的距离 $l$,找到合适的哈希函数 $h$ 来实现 "S" 曲线的效果:
定义集合 $X$ 上的度量為一函數距离 $d: X \times X \to \mathbf{R}$
对于 $\forall x, y, z \in X$,应满足:
$d(x, y) \ge 0$
$d(x, y) = 0$ if and only if $x = y$
$d(x, y) = d(y, x)$
$d(x, y) \le d(x, z) + d(z, y)$
Euclidean Distance: $\| \cdot \|_2$
$L_r\text{-norm} = (\sum \| \cdot \|_1^r)^{1/r}$
$L_\infty\text{-norm} = max(\| \cdot \|_1)$
Jaccard Distance: $d(x, y) = 1 - SIM(x, y)$
Cosine Distance:
$d(x, y) = arc cos\{ \frac{x \cdot y}{\|x\|_2 + \|y\|_2} \}$
Edit Distance:
\operatorname{lev}_{a,b}(i,j) = \begin{cases}
\max(i,j) & \text{ if} \min(i,j)=0, \\
\min \begin{cases}
\operatorname{lev}_{a,b}(i-1,j) + 1 \\
\operatorname{lev}_{a,b}(i,j-1) + 1 \\
\operatorname{lev}_{a,b}(i-1,j-1) + 1_{(a_i \neq b_j)}
\end{cases} &\text{ otherwise.}
具体内容见维基Levenshtein distance。
Hamming Distance: $d(x, y) = sum( \, diff(x, y) \,)$
对于每种距离定义,需要找到合适的哈希函数使其满足 $P-s$ 是 "S" 型曲线(越相似,概率越高)。
a family of functions $\{h_i(x)\}$ should statify 3 conditions:
1) $P[\text{close pairs become candidate pairs}] > P[\text{dissimilar pairs...}]$
补充: "close" - distance measure, "P" 是概率。 这里就说明 "Prob(x, y) - d(x, y)" 应该是 ”S" 型曲线。
eg: Probility using minhash to Jaccard distance is "S" curve.
In [18]:
s = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
plt.plot(1-s, p(s, r, b))
plt.xlabel('Jaccard distance')
2) $h_i(x)$ should be statistically independent, because we need estimate the possbility by using the product rule for independent events.
eg: $s^r$ in $1 - (1 - s^r)^b$ for Jaccard similarity.
3) efficient in two ways:
当我们使用 “band, then hash" 这种方法来组合哈希函数达到概率 $1 - (1 - s^r)^b$ 变成 "S" 曲线(其实是倒”S"型,如上图),
所以我们需要找到的哈希方法,它应该有将距离接近的候选对更高概率匹配的特性,即 $P-d(x,y)$ 是倒 ”S"。这就引出了接下的内容:local sensitive.
$(d_1, d_2, p_1, p_2)$-sensitive:
eg: For Jaccard distance, the family of minhash functinos is a $(d_1, d_2, 1-d_1, 1-d_2)$-sensitive family for any $d_1$ and $d_2$ where $0 \leq d_1 < d_2 \leq 1$.
In [19]:
#minhash for Jaccard distance
d = 1 - s
d_1, d_2 = 0.4, 0.6
plt.plot(d[d<d_1], p(s, r, b)[d<d_1], d[d>d_2], p(s, r, b)[d>d_2])
plt.xlabel('d(x, y)')
plt.ylabel('Probility of being a candidate')
Amplifing a Locality-Sensitive Family
Given a $(d_1, d_2, p_1, p_2)$-sensitive family $F = {f_1, ..., f_r}$, we can construct a new family $F'$:
$f(x) = f(y)$ when all $f_i(x) = f_i(y)$
$$(d_1, d_2, p_1^r, p_2^r)$$
$f(x) = f(y)$ when any $f_i(x) = f_i(y)$
$$(d_1, d_2, 1-(1-p_1)^r, 1-(1-p_2)^r)$$
In [20]:
#AND-construciton and OR-constuction
dis = d
pos = p(s, r, b)
r = 4
AND_pos = (pos**r)
OR_pos = 1 - (1 - pos)**r
plt.plot(dis, pos, label='origin')
plt.plot(dis, AND_pos, label='AND-cons')
plt.plot(dis, OR_cons, label='OR-cons')
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.xlabel('d(x, y)')
plt.ylabel('P[f(x) = f(y)]')
As shown in the figure above,
AND-construction: low probability close to 0, namely, false negative$\uparrow$, false postive$\downarrow$.
OR-construction: high probabiity close to 1, namely, false negative$\downarrow$, false postive$\uparrow$.
用 AND- 和 OR- 可以组合成需要的 $(d_1, d_2, p_1, p_2)$。
LSH families for Distance measures
For Jaccard distance,
the family of minhash functinos is a $(d_1, d_2, 1-d_1, 1-d_2)$-sensitive family for any $d_1$ and $d_2$ where $0 \leq d_1 < d_2 \leq 1$.
For Hamming Distance,
given d-dim vector $x$ adn $y$, their hamming distance is $h(x, y)$.
define: $f_i(x)$ to be the $i_{th}$ bit of $x$,
then for a randomly chosen $i$, $P[f_i(x) = f_i(y)] = 1 - h(x,y)/d$.
$F={f_i(x)}$ is $(d_1, d_2, 1 - d_1/d, 1 - d_2/d)$-sensitive for any $d_1 < d_2$
For Euclidean Distance,
$f$ is associated with a randomly chosen line which is divided into segments of length $a$, and the segments of the line are the buckets into which function $f$ hashed points. as shown in Fig (3.13).
$(a/2, 2a, 1/2, 1/3)$
For Cosine Distance,
$x$ 和 $y$ 的夹角是 $h(x,y$.
任选一超平面 $S_i$,取其法向量 $v_i$,
则当 $S_i$ 位于夹角内时,$v_i \cdot x$ 和 $v_i \cdot y$ 符号不同;夹角外时,符号相同。具体见书中图 3.12。
$f(x) = f(y)$ 有且仅有 $v_f \cdot x$ 和 $v_f \cdot y$ 符号相同。
$(d_1, d_2, (180-d_1)/180, (180-d_2)/180)$
有随机向量集合 $V = \{v_1, ..., v_n\}$,其中 $\forall \, v_i \in \{+1, -1\}^d$
则 sketches of $x$ is
sx & = [sx_1, ..., sx_n] \\
& = [I(v_1 \cdot x), ..., I(v_n \cdot x)]
I(x) = \begin{cases}
+1, & \quad x > 0 \\
-1, & \quad x < 0 \\
+1, \, \text{or} \, -1 & \quad x = 0
比较两个向量 $x$ 和 $y$ 的相似性,可转化为 $$P[f(x) = f(y)] = \frac{len(\text{intersection}(sx, sy))}{len(sx)}$$
In [21]:
#example 3.21
x = np.arange(3, 7)
y = np.arange(4, 0, -1)
print('x:{}, y:{}'.format(x,y))
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
print('angle between x and y: {:.3f}\n'.format(np.rad2deg(np.arccos(1-cosine(x,y)))))
def sketch_calc(x, v):
sketch =, v)
sketch[sketch>0] = 1
sketch[sketch<=0] = -1
return sketch
v = [[1, -1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, -1, 1], [1, 1, -1, -1]]
v = np.array(v).T
x_s = sketch_calc(x, v)
print('sketch of x: {}'.format(x_s))
y_s = sketch_calc(y, v)
print('sketch of y: {}'.format(y_s))
print('p = same elemets / total elements: {} / {}'. format(sum((x_s-y_s)==0), len(x_s)))
def sketch_angle_calc(x_s, y_s):
"""calculate angle when similar possibily of two vectors are determined.
p = (180 - d) / 180
p = sum((x_s-y_s)==0) / len(x_s)
d = 180 - 180 * p
return d
print('angle(sketch): {}\n'.format(sketch_angle_calc(x_s, y_s)))
v = list(itertools.product([-1,1],repeat=len(x)))
v = np.array(v).T
x_s = sketch_calc(x, v)
print('sketch of x: {}'.format(x_s))
y_s = sketch_calc(y, v)
print('sketch of y: {}'.format(y_s))
print('p = same elemets / total elements: {} / {}'. format(sum((x_s-y_s)==0), len(x_s)))
print('angle(sketch): {}'.format(sketch_angle_calc(x_s, y_s)))
to match data records that refer to the same real-world entity.
eg: A 和 B 公司对账(记录方式不尽相同)
使用"姓名“,”电话“,”地址信息“,三个分别用编辑距离计算,评分(d=0-1, score=100-0),累积总值就是相似度评分 $s$。
全部比较太耗时,所以用 LSH 先找出潜在配对。
对三组分别哈希,用 AND- 构建。
评价匹配正确率 $f$。
如这里使用两个数据库配对项目的创建时间差 $t$ 做为度量:
假设现在用 $s_i$ 做阈值,得到的匹配对算出均值 $t_i$,其正确匹配率是 $f_i$,
则有 $t_i = t_p * f_i + \bar{t} * (1 - f_i)$
$$f_i = \frac{\bar{t} - t_i}{\bar{t} - t_p}$$
特征描述: minutiae 构建指纹的特征向量。
1. 一对多:找出某个指纹的匹配
2. 多对多:找出潜在相同的匹配
假设随机抽取一个指纹的特征向量的一位,其中有 minutiae 的概率是 $P[x] 20\%$。
同一来源的两个指纹在特征向量的一位,一个有 minutiae 时,另一个也有的概率是 $P[Y|X] = 80\%$。
定义哈希函数 $f$ 为:
抽取特征向量的三位,若两个指纹的每一位均含有 minutiae,则做为候选对。
分析:随机对候选的概率是 $0.2^6 = 0.000064$, 同一来源候选的概率是 $0.2^3 \times 0.8^3 = 0.004096$,
我们生成 1024 个 $f_i$ 哈希函数,使用 OR- 构建,再用 AND- 构建,结果见下图。
In [22]:
#Example 3.22
p = np.array([0.2**6, (0.2**3)*(0.8**3)])
print('dissimilar:{:.4f}, similar:{:.4f}'.format(p[0], p[1]))
#1024 OR-cons
p = 1 - (1 - p)**1024
print('dissimilar:{:.4f}, similar:{:.4f}'.format(p[0], p[1]))
#then 2 AND-cons
p = p**2
print('dissimilar:{:.4f}, similar:{:.4f}'.format(p[0], p[1]))
print 1/p[0]
LSH-based methods appear most effective when the degree of similarity we accept is relatively low.
all pairs in the sets have a high Jaccard similarity, say at least 0.9.
representing sets as strings:
represent a set by sorting the elements of the universal set in some fixed order and constructing a string of "characters".
eg: 26 lower-case letters, normal alphabetical order: {d, a, b, b} => 'abd'
Length-Based Filtering: sort the strings by length
each string $s$ is compared with those strings $t$ that follow $s$ in the list ($L_s \leq L_t: L_x = len(x)$).
$J_u$ is the upper bound on Jaccard distance between two strings.
SIM(s, t) is at most $L_s/L_t$, and lower bound = $1 - L_s/L_t < J_u$ = upper bound.
hence, $$L_t \leq \frac{L_s}{1 - J_u}$$.
Prefix Indexing: create an index for the firs $p$-symbols of $s$.
$p$: make sure that at least 1 shared symbol in two strings when $SIM(s, t) \geq J$
从相反情况讨论,假设 $SIM(s, t) \geq J$ 但前 $p$ 字符无一相同,则此时 $max \, SIM(s, t) = (L_s - p) / L_s$。那么只要 $J > (L_s - p) / L_s$ 则能保证前 $p$ 字符至少有一个相同。有:
$$p = \lfloor (1 - J)L_s \rfloor + 1$$
Using Position Information: 使用位置信息来判定是否需要比较
索引是 $(x, j)$
若 $s[1:i-1] \cap t[1:i-1] = \emptyset$ 并且 $s[i:-1] = t[j:-1]$
则其 $$SIM(s, t) = \frac{L_s-(i-1)}{L_s+(j-1)} \geq J$$
可解得 $$j \leq (L_s(1 - J) - i + 1 + J)/J$$
Using Position and Length in Indexs:
索引是 (x, j, suffix length).
若有 (s_i, i, p) 和 (t_j, j, q),前面部分无一相同,后面部分两者是子集关系。
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