Modeling and Simulation in Python

Chapter 6

Copyright 2017 Allen Downey

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

In [1]:
# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook
%matplotlib inline

# Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign'

# import functions from the module
from modsim import *

from pandas import read_html

Code from the previous chapter

In [2]:
filename = 'data/World_population_estimates.html'
tables = read_html(filename, header=0, index_col=0, decimal='M')
table2 = tables[2]
table2.columns = ['census', 'prb', 'un', 'maddison', 
                  'hyde', 'tanton', 'biraben', 'mj', 
                  'thomlinson', 'durand', 'clark']

In [3]:
un = table2.un / 1e9

In [4]:
census = table2.census / 1e9

In [5]:
t_0 = get_first_label(census)
t_end = get_last_label(census)
elapsed_time = t_end - t_0

p_0 = get_first_value(census)
p_end = get_last_value(census)
total_growth = p_end - p_0

annual_growth = total_growth / elapsed_time

System objects

We can rewrite the code from the previous chapter using system objects.

In [6]:
system = System(t_0=t_0, 

And we can encapsulate the code that runs the model in a function.

In [7]:
def run_simulation1(system):
    """Runs the constant growth model.
    system: System object
    returns: TimeSeries
    results = TimeSeries()
    results[system.t_0] = system.p_0
    for t in linrange(system.t_0, system.t_end):
        results[t+1] = results[t] + system.annual_growth
    return results

We can also encapsulate the code that plots the results.

In [8]:
def plot_results(census, un, timeseries, title):
    """Plot the estimates and the model.
    census: TimeSeries of population estimates
    un: TimeSeries of population estimates
    timeseries: TimeSeries of simulation results
    title: string
    plot(census, ':', label='US Census')
    plot(un, '--', label='UN DESA')
    plot(timeseries, color='gray', label='model')
             ylabel='World population (billion)',

Here's how we run it.

In [9]:
results = run_simulation1(system)
plot_results(census, un, results, 'Constant growth model')

Proportional growth

Here's a more realistic model where the number of births and deaths is proportional to the current population.

In [10]:
def run_simulation2(system):
    """Run a model with proportional birth and death.
    system: System object
    returns: TimeSeries
    results = TimeSeries()
    results[system.t_0] = system.p_0
    for t in linrange(system.t_0, system.t_end):
        births = system.birth_rate * results[t]
        deaths = system.death_rate * results[t]
        results[t+1] = results[t] + births - deaths
    return results

I picked a death rate that seemed reasonable and then adjusted the birth rate to fit the data.

In [11]:
system.death_rate = 0.01
system.birth_rate = 0.027

Here's what it looks like.

In [12]:
results = run_simulation2(system)
plot_results(census, un, results, 'Proportional model')

The model fits the data pretty well for the first 20 years, but not so well after that.

Factoring out the update function

run_simulation1 and run_simulation2 are nearly identical except the body of the loop. So we can factor that part out into a function.

In [13]:
def update_func1(pop, t, system):
    """Compute the population next year.
    pop: current population
    t: current year
    system: system object containing parameters of the model
    returns: population next year
    births = system.birth_rate * pop
    deaths = system.death_rate * pop
    return pop + births - deaths

The name update_func refers to a function object.

In [14]:

Which we can confirm by checking its type.

In [15]:

run_simulation takes the update function as a parameter and calls it just like any other function.

In [16]:
def run_simulation(system, update_func):
    """Simulate the system using any update function.
    system: System object
    update_func: function that computes the population next year
    returns: TimeSeries
    results = TimeSeries()
    results[system.t_0] = system.p_0
    for t in linrange(system.t_0, system.t_end):
        results[t+1] = update_func(results[t], t, system)
    return results

Here's how we use it.

In [17]:
t_0 = get_first_label(census)
t_end = get_last_label(census)
p_0 = census[t_0]

system = System(t_0=t_0, 

In [18]:
results = run_simulation(system, update_func1)
plot_results(census, un, results, 'Proportional model, factored')

Remember not to put parentheses after update_func1. What happens if you try?

Exercise: When you run run_simulation, it runs update_func1 once for each year between t_0 and t_end. To see that for yourself, add a print statement at the beginning of update_func1 that prints the values of t and pop, then run run_simulation again.

Combining birth and death

Since births and deaths get added up, we don't have to compute them separately. We can combine the birth and death rates into a single net growth rate.

In [19]:
def update_func2(pop, t, system):
    """Compute the population next year.
    pop: current population
    t: current year
    system: system object containing parameters of the model
    returns: population next year
    net_growth = system.alpha  * pop
    return pop + net_growth

Here's how it works:

In [20]:
system.alpha = system.birth_rate - system.death_rate

results = run_simulation(system, update_func2)
plot_results(census, un, results, 'Proportional model, combined birth and death')


Exercise: Maybe the reason the proportional model doesn't work very well is that the growth rate, alpha, is changing over time. So let's try a model with different growth rates before and after 1980 (as an arbitrary choice).

Write an update function that takes pop, t, and system as parameters. The system object, system, should contain two parameters: the growth rate before 1980, alpha1, and the growth rate after 1980, alpha2. It should use t to determine which growth rate to use. Note: Don't forget the return statement.

Test your function by calling it directly, then pass it to run_simulation. Plot the results. Adjust the parameters alpha1 and alpha2 to fit the data as well as you can.

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# Solution goes here

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# Solution goes here