Modeling and Simulation in Python

Chapter 16

Copyright 2017 Allen Downey

License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

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# Configure Jupyter so figures appear in the notebook
%matplotlib inline

# Configure Jupyter to display the assigned value after an assignment
%config InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity='last_expr_or_assign'

# import functions from the module
from modsim import *

Code from previous notebooks

In [2]:
def update_func(state, t, system):
    """Update the thermal transfer model.
    state: State (temp)
    t: time
    system: System object
    returns: State (temp)
    r, T_env, dt = system.r, system.T_env, system.dt
    T = state.T
    T += -r * (T - T_env) * dt
    return State(T=T)

In [3]:
def run_simulation(system, update_func):
    """Runs a simulation of the system.
    Add a TimeFrame to the System: results
    system: System object
    update_func: function that updates state
    init = system.init
    t_0, t_end, dt = system.t_0, system.t_end, system.dt
    frame = TimeFrame(columns=init.index)
    frame.row[t_0] = init
    ts = linrange(t_0, t_end, dt)
    for t in ts:
        frame.row[t+dt] = update_func(frame.row[t], t, system)
    return frame

In [4]:
def make_system(T_init, r, volume, t_end):
    """Makes a System object with the given parameters.

    T_init: initial temperature in degC
    r: heat transfer rate, in 1/min
    volume: volume of liquid in mL
    t_end: end time of simulation
    returns: System object
    init = State(T=T_init)
    return System(init=init,

Using root_bisect

As a simple example, let's find the roots of this function; that is, the values of x that make the result 0.

In [5]:
def func(x):
    return (x-1) * (x-2) * (x-3) provides root_bisect, which searches for a root by bisection. The first argument is the function whose roots we want. The second argument is an interval that contains a root.

In [6]:
res = root_bisect(func, [0.5, 1.5])

The result is an object that contains the root that was found and other information.

In [7]:

If we provide a different interval, we find a different root.

In [8]:
res = root_bisect(func, [1.5, 2.5])

In [9]:

If the interval doesn't contain a root, the results explain the error.

In [10]:
res = root_bisect(func, [4, 5])

We want to find the value of r that makes the final temperature 70, so we define an "error function" that takes r as a parameter and returns the difference between the final temperature and the goal.

In [11]:
def error_func1(r):
    """Runs a simulation and returns the `error`.
    r: heat transfer rate, in 1/min
    returns: difference between final temp and 70 C
    system = make_system(T_init=90, r=r, volume=300, t_end=30)
    results = run_simulation(system, update_func)
    T_final = get_last_value(results.T)
    return T_final - 70

With r=0.01, we end up a little too warm.

In [12]:

With r=0.02, we end up too cold.

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The return value from root_bisect is an array with a single element, the estimated value of r.

In [14]:
res = root_bisect(error_func1, [0.01, 0.02])

In [15]:
r_coffee = res.root

If we run the simulation with the estimated value of r, the final temperature is 70 C, as expected.

In [16]:
coffee = make_system(T_init=90, r=r_coffee, volume=300, t_end=30)
results = run_simulation(coffee, update_func)
T_final = get_last_value(results.T)

Exercise: When you call root_bisect, it calls error_func1 several times. To see how this works, add a print statement to error_func1 and run root_bisect again.

Exercise: Repeat this process to estimate r_milk, given that it starts at 5 C and reaches 20 C after 15 minutes.

Before you use root_bisect, you might want to try a few values for r_milk and see how close you can get by trial and error. Here's an initial guess to get you started:

In [17]:
r_milk = 0.1
milk = make_system(T_init=5, r=r_milk, volume=50, t_end=15)
results = run_simulation(milk, update_func)
T_final = get_last_value(results.T)

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# Solution goes here

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# Solution goes here

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# Solution goes here

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# Solution goes here

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# Solution goes here

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# Solution goes here

Mixing liquids

The following function takes System objects that represent two liquids, computes the temperature of the mixture, and returns a new System object that represents the mixture.

In [24]:
def mix(system1, system2):
    """Simulates the mixture of two liquids.
    system1: System representing coffee
    system2: System representing milk
    returns: System representing the mixture
    assert system1.t_end == system2.t_end
    V1, V2 = system1.volume, system2.volume
    T1, T2 = system1.temp, system2.temp
    V_mix = V1 + V2
    T_mix = (V1 * T1 + V2 * T2) / V_mix
    return make_system(T_init=T_mix,

mix requires the System objects to have temp as a system variable. make_system initializes this variable; the following function makes sure it gets updated when we run a simulation.

In [25]:
def run_and_set(system):
    """Run a simulation and set the final temperature.
    system: System
    returns: TimeFrame
    results = run_simulation(system, update_func)
    system.temp = get_last_value(results.T)
    return results

Mixing immediately

Next here's what we get if we add the milk immediately.

In [26]:
coffee = make_system(T_init=90, r=r_coffee, volume=300, t_end=30)

In [27]:
milk = make_system(T_init=5, r=r_milk, volume=50, t_end=30)

In [28]:
mix_first = mix(coffee, milk)

In [29]:
mix_results = run_and_set(mix_first)

Mixing at the end

First we'll see what happens if we add the milk at the end. We'll simulate the coffee and the milk separately.

In [30]:
coffee_results = run_and_set(coffee)

In [31]:
milk_results = run_and_set(milk)

Here's what the results look like.

In [32]:
plot(coffee_results.T, label='coffee')
plot(milk_results.T, '--', label='milk')

decorate(xlabel='Time (minutes)',
         ylabel='Temperature (C)',
         loc='center left')


Here's what happens when we mix them.

In [33]:
mix_last = mix(coffee, milk)

In [34]:
mix_last.temp - mix_first.temp

The following function takes t_add, which is the time when the milk is added, and returns the final temperature.

In [35]:
def run_and_mix(t_add, t_total):
    """Simulates two liquids and them mixes them at t_add.
    t_add: time in minutes
    t_total: total time to simulate, min
    returns: final temperature
    coffee = make_system(T_init=90, r=r_coffee, volume=300, t_end=t_add)
    coffee_results = run_and_set(coffee)
    milk = make_system(T_init=5, r=r_milk, volume=50, t_end=t_add)
    milk_results = run_and_set(milk)
    mixture = mix(coffee, milk)
    mixture.t_end = t_total - t_add
    results = run_and_set(mixture)

    return mixture.temp

We can try it out with a few values.

In [36]:
run_and_mix(t_add=0, t_total=30)

In [37]:
run_and_mix(t_add=15, t_total=30)

In [38]:
run_and_mix(t_add=30, t_total=30)

And then sweep a range of values for t_add

In [39]:
sweep = SweepSeries()
for t_add in linspace(0, 30, 11):
    sweep[t_add] = run_and_mix(t_add, 30)

Here's what the result looks like.

In [40]:
plot(sweep, label='final temp', color='C2')
decorate(xlabel='Time added (min)',
         ylabel='Final temperature (C)')



Now we can use the analytic result to compute temperature as a function of time. The following function is similar to run_simulation.

In [41]:
def run_analysis(system):
    """Computes temperature using the analytic solution.
    system: System object
    returns: TimeFrame
    T_env, r = system.T_env, system.r
    T_init = system.init.T    
    ts = linspace(0, system.t_end)
    T_array = T_env + (T_init - T_env) * exp(-r * ts)
    # to be consistent with run_simulation,
    # we put the array into a TimeFrame
    return TimeFrame(T_array, index=ts, columns=['T'])

Here's how we run it. From the analysis (see chap16sympy.ipynb), we have the computed value of r_coffee2

In [42]:
r_coffee2 = 0.011610223142273859
coffee2 = make_system(T_init=90, r=r_coffee2, volume=300, t_end=30)

In [43]:
results = run_analysis(coffee2)
T_final_analysis = get_last_value(results.T)

And we can compare to the results from simulation.

In [44]:
coffee = make_system(T_init=90, r=r_coffee, volume=300, t_end=30)
results = run_simulation(coffee, update_func)
T_final_simulation = get_last_value(results.T)

They are identical except for a small roundoff error.

In [45]:
T_final_analysis - T_final_simulation


Exercise: Suppose the coffee shop won't let me take milk in a separate container, but I keep a bottle of milk in the refrigerator at my office. In that case is it better to add the milk at the coffee shop, or wait until I get to the office?

Hint: Think about the simplest way to represent the behavior of a refrigerator in this model. The change you make to test this variation of the problem should be very small!

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# Solution goes here

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