Fitting radial profiles
In [141]:
import numpy as np
from pymc import *
import astropy.table as table
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from triangle import corner
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import Image
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
# Create some convenience routines for plotting
def compute_sigma_level(trace1, trace2, nbins=20):
"""From a set of traces, bin by number of standard deviations"""
L, xbins, ybins = np.histogram2d(trace1, trace2, nbins)
L[L == 0] = 1E-16
logL = np.log(L)
shape = L.shape
L = L.ravel()
# obtain the indices to sort and unsort the flattened array
i_sort = np.argsort(L)[::-1]
i_unsort = np.argsort(i_sort)
L_cumsum = L[i_sort].cumsum()
L_cumsum /= L_cumsum[-1]
xbins = 0.5 * (xbins[1:] + xbins[:-1])
ybins = 0.5 * (ybins[1:] + ybins[:-1])
return xbins, ybins, L_cumsum[i_unsort].reshape(shape)
def plot_MCMC_trace(ax, xdata, ydata, trace, scatter=False, **kwargs):
"""Plot traces and contours"""
xbins, ybins, sigma = compute_sigma_level(trace[0], trace[1])
ax.contour(xbins, ybins, sigma.T, levels=[0.683, 0.955], **kwargs)
if scatter:
ax.plot(trace[0], trace[1], ',k', alpha=0.1)
def plot_MCMC_model(ax, xdata, ydata, trace):
"""Plot the linear model and 2sigma contours"""
ax.plot(xdata, ydata, 'ok')
alpha, beta = trace[:2]
xfit = np.linspace(-20, 120, 10)
yfit = alpha[:, None] + beta[:, None] * xfit
mu = yfit.mean(0)
sig = 2 * yfit.std(0)
ax.plot(xfit, mu, '-k')
ax.fill_between(xfit, mu - sig, mu + sig, color='lightgray')
def plot_MCMC_results(xdata, ydata, trace, colors='k'):
"""Plot both the trace and the model together"""
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))
plot_MCMC_trace(ax[0], xdata, ydata, trace, True, colors=colors)
plot_MCMC_model(ax[1], xdata, ydata, trace)
In [132]:
#pick object and quantity of interest
obj = 'NGC2558'
qty = 'Z'
fiberfits ='{}/fiberfits.dat'.format(obj), format = 'ascii')
#filter out sky fibers
fiberfits = fiberfits[fiberfits['sky'] != 1]
#this next line is not necessary if you mask your array and impute correctly, but I haven't figured that out yet
fiberfits = fiberfits[np.isnan(fiberfits['V']) == False]
r = fiberfits['r']
dr_fiber = 1.932 * np.ones(len(r))
dx_fiber, dy_fiber = dr_fiber / np.sqrt(2), dr_fiber / np.sqrt(2)
ydata =[qty]), np.isnan(fiberfits[qty]))
print ydata
if 'd' + qty in fiberfits.columns:
yerr = fiberfits['d' + qty]
else: yerr = None
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.plot(r, ydata, visible = False)
ylims = ax.get_ylim()
yr = ylims[1] - ylims[0]
ylims = (ylims[0] - 0.05*yr, ylims[1] + 0.05*yr)
ax.errorbar(r, ydata, xerr = dr_fiber, yerr = yerr, fmt = 'x', c = 'b')
ax.set_xlim([0., np.max(r)])
In [133]:
straight line (no measurement errors)
y_{i} = a + tan(beta) * x_{i}
specifying slope as an angle is better
sigma_y can be thought of as "intrinsic scatter"
alpha = Uniform('alpha', lower = -2., upper = 1.)
beta = Uniform('beta', lower = -np.pi/2., upper = np.pi/2.)
sig = Uniform('sig', lower = 0., upper = 1.)
#actual model
def mod_lin(x = r, alpha = alpha, beta = beta):
return alpha + np.tan(beta) * x
y = Normal('y', mu = mod_lin, tau = 1./sig**2., value = ydata, observed = True)
pymc_simple_linear = dict(alpha = alpha, beta = beta, sig = sig, y = y)
In [134]:
R = MCMC(pymc_simple_linear)
R.sample(10000, burn=5000)
vs = ['alpha', 'beta', 'sig']
trace = []
for v in vs:
trace = np.asarray(trace)
corner(trace.T, labels = vs)
plt.rc('text', usetex = False)
plt.rc('text', usetex = True)
plot_MCMC_results(xdata = r, ydata = ydata, trace = trace)
In [135]:
xpos = fiberfits['ra']
ypos = fiberfits['dec']
zdata = fiberfits['V']
zdata_err = fiberfits['dV']
plane fit (same deal with slopes/angles as before)
alpha_guess = zdata[r == 0][0]
alpha = Uniform('alpha', lower = alpha_guess - 200., upper = alpha_guess + 200., value = alpha_guess)
beta_1 = Uniform('beta_1', lower = -np.pi/2., upper = np.pi/2.)
beta_2 = Uniform('beta_2', lower = -np.pi/2., upper = np.pi/2.)
sigma = Uniform('sigma', lower = 0., upper = 1000.)
#actual model
def mod_plane(xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos, alpha = alpha, beta_1 = beta_1, beta_2 = beta_2):
return alpha + np.tan(beta_1) * xpos + np.tan(beta_2) * ypos
z = Normal('z', mu = mod_plane, tau = 1./sigma**2., value = zdata, observed = True)
#create a posterior predictive
post_pred = Normal('posterior predictive', mu = mod_plane, tau = 1./sigma**2.)
pymc_simple_plane = dict(alpha = alpha, beta_1 = beta_1, beta_2 = beta_2, sigma = sigma, z = z, post_pred = post_pred)
simple_plane_graph = graph.graph(Model([alpha, beta_1, beta_2, sigma, z, post_pred]))
Image(filename = 'simple_plane_graph.png')
In [136]:
R = MCMC(pymc_simple_plane)
for i in range(5):
print '\nChain {}'.format(i)
R.sample(20000, burn=2000, thin = 5)
vs = [r'$\alpha$', r'$\beta_1$', r'$\beta_2$', r'$\sigma$']
trace = []
for v in vs:
if 'beta' in v: #transform from angle to slope
trace.extend([np.tan(R.trace(v.replace('\\', '').replace('$', ''), chain = None)[:])])
trace.extend([R.trace(v.replace('\\', '').replace('$', ''), chain = None)[:]])
trace = np.asarray(trace)
corner(trace.T, labels = vs)
plt.rc('text', usetex = False)
plt.rc('text', usetex = True)
In [235]:
xpos = fiberfits['ra']
ypos = fiberfits['dec']
zdata = fiberfits['V']
zdata_err = fiberfits['dV']
plane fit (same deal with slopes/angles as before)
instead of modeling sigma, we just use zdata_err
alpha_guess = zdata[r == 0][0]
alpha = Normal('alpha', mu = alpha_guess, tau = 1./500**2., value = alpha_guess)
beta_1 = VonMises('beta_1', mu = 0., kappa = 0.5, value = 0.) #Von Mises are on the unit circle from -pi to pi
beta_2 = VonMises('beta_2', mu = 0., kappa = 0.5, value = 0.) #so we'll transform them to -pi/2 to pi/2
#when you divide by one of these priors in_place, though, you get naming weirdness
#so transform them in formulas and chains
#actual model
def mod_plane(xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos, alpha = alpha, beta_1 = beta_1, beta_2 = beta_2):
return alpha + np.tan(beta_1/2.) * xpos + np.tan(beta_2/2.) * ypos
z = Normal('z', mu = mod_plane, tau = 1./zdata_err**2., value = zdata, observed = True)
#posterior predictive
post_pred = Normal('posterior predictive', mu = mod_plane, tau = 1./zdata_err**2.)
pymc_simple_plane_zerr = Model({'alpha': alpha, 'beta_1': beta_1, 'beta_2': beta_2,
'z': z, 'post_pred': post_pred})
simple_plane_zerr_graph = graph.graph(pymc_simple_plane_zerr)
Image(filename = 'simple_plane_graph_zerr.png')
In [239]:
R = MCMC(pymc_simple_plane_zerr)
for i in range(10):
print '\nChain {}'.format(i)
R.sample(40000, burn=5000)
vs = [r'$\alpha$', r'$\beta_1$', r'$\beta_2$']
trace = []
for v in vs:
if 'beta' in v: #transform from angle to slope
trace.extend([np.tan(R.trace(v.replace('\\', '').replace('$', ''), chain = None)[:]/2.)])
trace.extend([R.trace(v.replace('\\', '').replace('$', ''), chain = None)[:]])
trace = np.asarray(trace)
corner(trace.T, labels = vs)
plt.rc('text', usetex = False)
plt.rc('text', usetex = True)
In [250]:
plt.figure(figsize = (16, 4))
ax1 = plt.subplot(131)
sc = ax1.scatter(xpos, ypos, c = R.post_pred.value - R.post_pred.value[0], s = 200, cmap = 'RdBu_r',
vmin = -500., vmax = 500.)
ax1.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.colorbar(sc, label = '$V_{rad} - V{rad,ctr}$ [km/s]')
ax1.set_title('$V_{rad}$ map (imputed)')
ax3 = plt.subplot(132)
sc2 = ax3.scatter(xpos, ypos, c = np.log10(np.abs((R.post_pred.value - R.post_pred.value[0] - zdata)/zdata)), s = 200,
cmap = 'cubehelix_r')
ax3.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.colorbar(sc2, label = r'$\log_10 \frac{V_{rad} - V{rad,ctr} - V_{obs}}{V_{obs}}$')
ax3.set_title('$V_{rad}$ residuals')
xcoord = np.linspace(np.min(xpos), np.max(xpos), 20)
ycoord = np.linspace(np.min(ypos), np.max(ypos), 20)
Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(xcoord, ycoord)
Zii = griddata(xpos, ypos, R.post_pred.value - R.post_pred.value[0], xcoord, ycoord, interp = 'linear')
ax2 = plt.subplot(133)
con = ax2.contourf(Xi, Yi, Zii, cmap = 'RdBu_r', levels = np.linspace(-500., 500., 21))
ax2.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.colorbar(con, label = '$V_{rad} - V{rad,ctr}$ [km/s]')
ax2.set_title('$V_{rad}$ map (imputed, griddata)')
In [253]:
xpos = fiberfits['ra']
ypos = fiberfits['dec']
zdata = fiberfits['V']
zdata_err = fiberfits['dV']
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.plot(r, zdata, visible = False)
ylims = ax.get_ylim()
yr = ylims[1] - ylims[0]
ylims = (ylims[0] - 0.05*yr, ylims[1] + 0.05*yr)
ax.errorbar(r, zdata, xerr = dr_fiber, yerr = zdata_err, fmt = 'x', c = 'b')
ax.set_xlim([0., np.max(r)])
plane fit (same deal with slopes/angles as before)
instead of modeling sigma, we just use zdata_err
and we have a bernoulli process that models outliers
alpha_guess = zdata[r == 0][0]
alpha = Normal('alpha', mu = alpha_guess, tau = 1./500**2., value = alpha_guess)
beta_1 = VonMises('beta_1', mu = 0., kappa = 0.5, value = 0.) #Von Mises are on the unit circle from -pi to pi
beta_2 = VonMises('beta_2', mu = 0., kappa = 0.5, value = 0.) #so we'll transform them to -pi/2 to pi/2
#when you divide by one of these priors in_place, though, you get naming weirdness
#so transform them in formulas and chains
p = Uniform('p', lower = 0, upper = 1, value = 0.8) #prior on probability of inlier
ber = Bernoulli('ber', p = p, size = len(zdata)) #probability of inlier
ol_val = Cauchy('ol_val', alpha = 0., beta = 1000.) #when an outlier happens, what will it look like?
#actual model of plane
def mod_plane_ol(xpos = xpos, ypos = ypos, alpha = alpha, beta_1 = beta_1, beta_2 = beta_2, ber = ber, ol_val = ol_val):
return ber * (alpha + np.tan(beta_1/2.) * xpos + np.tan(beta_2/2.) * ypos) + (1 - ber) * ol_val
obs = Normal('obs', mu = mod_plane_ol, tau = 1./zdata_err**2., value = zdata, observed = True)
#posterior predictive
post_pred = Normal('posterior predictive', mu = mod_plane_ol, tau = 1./zdata_err**2.)
pymc_simple_plane_zerr_ol = Model({'alpha': alpha, 'beta_1': beta_1, 'beta_2': beta_2, 'p': p, 'ber': ber,
'ol_val': ol_val, 'obs': obs, 'post_pred': post_pred})
simple_plane_zerr_ol_graph = graph.graph(pymc_simple_plane_zerr_ol)
Image(filename = 'simple_plane_graph_zerr_ol.png')
In [266]:
R = MCMC(pymc_simple_plane_zerr_ol)
for i in range(10):
print '\nChain {}'.format(i)
R.sample(iter = 100000, burn = 5000)
vs = [r'$\alpha$', r'$\beta_1$', r'$\beta_2$', r'$ol_val$']
trace = []
for v in vs:
if 'beta' in v: #transform from angle to slope
trace.extend([np.tan(R.trace(v.replace('\\', '').replace('$', ''), chain = None)[:])])
trace.extend([R.trace(v.replace('\\', '').replace('$', ''), chain = None)[:]])
trace = np.asarray(trace)
corner(trace.T, labels = vs)
plt.rc('text', usetex = False)
plt.rc('text', usetex = True)
In [267]:
print 'inliers: {}'.format(np.sum(R.trace('ber')[:] == True))
print 'outliers: {}'.format(np.sum(R.trace('ber')[:] == False))
print 'inlier fraction: {}'.format(
float(np.sum(R.trace('ber')[:] == True))/(np.sum(R.trace('ber')[:] == False) + np.sum(R.trace('ber')[:] == True)) )
In [268]:
plt.figure(figsize = (16, 4))
ax1 = plt.subplot(131)
sc = ax1.scatter(xpos, ypos, c = R.post_pred.value - R.post_pred.value[0], s = 200, cmap = 'RdBu_r',
vmin = -500., vmax = 500.)
ax1.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.colorbar(sc, label = '$V_{rad} - V{rad,ctr}$ [km/s]')
ax1.set_title('$V_{rad}$ map (imputed)')
ax3 = plt.subplot(132)
sc2 = ax3.scatter(xpos, ypos, c = np.log10(np.abs((R.post_pred.value - R.post_pred.value[0] - zdata)/zdata)), s = 200,
cmap = 'cubehelix_r')
ax3.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.colorbar(sc2, label = r'$\log_10 \frac{V_{rad} - V{rad,ctr} - V_{obs}}{V_{obs}}$')
ax3.set_title('$V_{rad}$ residuals')
xcoord = np.linspace(np.min(xpos), np.max(xpos), 20)
ycoord = np.linspace(np.min(ypos), np.max(ypos), 20)
Xi, Yi = np.meshgrid(xcoord, ycoord)
Zii = griddata(xpos, ypos, R.post_pred.value - R.post_pred.value[0], xcoord, ycoord, interp = 'linear')
ax2 = plt.subplot(133)
con = ax2.contourf(Xi, Yi, Zii, cmap = 'RdBu_r', levels = np.linspace(-500., 500., 21))
ax2.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
plt.colorbar(con, label = '$V_{rad} - V{rad,ctr}$ [km/s]')
ax2.set_title('$V_{rad}$ map (imputed, griddata)')
In [270]:
R2 = MCMC(pymc_simple_plane_zerr_ol)
for i in range(1):
print '\nChain {}'.format(i)
R2.sample(iter = 100000, burn = 5000)
vs = [r'$\alpha$', r'$\beta_1$', r'$\beta_2$', r'$ol_val$']
trace = []
for v in vs:
if 'beta' in v: #transform from angle to slope
trace.extend([np.tan(R.trace(v.replace('\\', '').replace('$', ''), chain = None)[:])])
trace.extend([R.trace(v.replace('\\', '').replace('$', ''), chain = None)[:]])
trace = np.asarray(trace)
corner(trace.T, labels = vs)
plt.rc('text', usetex = False)
plt.rc('text', usetex = True)
In [293]:
xpos = fiberfits['ra']
ypos = fiberfits['dec']
r = np.sqrt(xpos**2. + ypos**2.)
qty = 'Z'
if 'd' + qty in fiberfits.columns:
yerr = fiberfits['d' + qty]
else: yerr = None
qty = np.asarray(fiberfits[qty])
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(111)
ax.plot(r, ydata, visible = False)
ylims = ax.get_ylim()
yr = ylims[1] - ylims[0]
ylims = (ylims[0] - 0.05*yr, ylims[1] + 0.05*yr)
ax.errorbar(r, ydata, xerr = dr_fiber, yerr = yerr, fmt = 'x', c = 'b')
ax.set_xlim([0., np.max(r)])
linear fit of a quantity with some linearly-increasing spread
mu_slope = Uniform('mu_slope', lower = -np.pi/2., upper = np.pi/2.)
kappa_slope = Uniform('kappa_slope', lower = 0., upper = 10.)
mean_int = Uniform('mean_int', lower = -2., upper = 1.)
mean_slope_angle = VonMises('mean_slope_angle', mu = 0., kappa = 0.5, value = 0.)
#actual model
def linear_varying_sigma_model_():
#posterior predictive
pymc_linear_varying_sigma = Model(
'mu_slope': mu_slope, 'kappa_slope': kappa_slope,
'mean_int': mean_int, 'mean_slope_angle': mean_slope_angle
graph_filename = 'pymc_linear_varying_sigma.png'
pymc_linear_varying_sigma_graph = graph.graph(pymc_linear_varying_sigma)
Image(filename = graph_filename)
In [295]:
alpha = Uniform('alpha', -100, 100)
spread = Uniform('spread', 0.5, 5)
def beta(value=0):
return -1.5 * np.log(1 + value ** 2)
def sigma(value=1):
return -np.log(np.abs(value))
# Define the form of the model and likelihood
def y_model(x=r, alpha=alpha, beta=beta):
return alpha + beta * x
y = pymc.Cauchy('y', y_model, spread, observed=True, value=qty)
# package the full model in a dictionary
model1 = dict(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, sigma=sigma,
y_model=y_model, y=y)
S = pymc.MCMC(model1)
S.sample(iter=100000, burn=50000)
In [298]:
In [ ]: