In [1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pickle
import sys

In [2]:
#get the data to test
data = pickle.load(open('../code/tests/synthDat/', 'r'))

Max Norm

The max norm function generates a constant for every plane defined as:


and multiplies every value in the plane by it, thus making the plane max identical to the overall max

In [3]:
def maxNorm(volume):
    toStack = []
    for plane in volume:
        normFactor = (65535./float(np.max(plane)))
        toStack.append(normFactor * np.array(plane))
    return np.stack(toStack)

Mean Shift Norm

The mean shift norm calculates the distance of a plane's average from an ideal average, and then adds that distance to every value in the plane.

In this way, every plane will be normed to have the same mean

In [4]:
def meanShiftNorm(volume):
    idealMean = np.average(volume[0])
    return np.stack([plane + (idealMean - np.average(plane)) for plane in volume])

Mean Scale Norm

The mean scale norm function generates a constant for every plane defined as:


and multiplies every value in the plane by it, thus making the plane mean identical to the ideal mean

In [11]:
def meanScaleNorm(volume):
    idealMean = np.average(volume[0])
    return np.stack([plane * (float(idealMean)/np.average(plane)) for plane in volume])

Window Means

Each of the functions below implements one of the norm techniques above. The difference is, however, that instead of each plane being normalized to the same mean or max, the planes are normalized within a z window. The first plane in the z window provides the ideal mean for the window group.

In [43]:
def windowMaxNorm(volume, window):
    retStack = []
    rem = volume.shape[0]%window
    for i in range(int(volume.shape[0])/int(window)):
        idealMax = np.max(volume[i])
        #starts at 1 since ideal mean volume is normed to itself already
        for j in range(1, window):
    #deal with remainders
    idealRemMax = np.max(volume[-rem])
    for i in range(rem):

    return np.stack(retStack)

In [44]:
def windowMeanShiftNorm(volume, window):
    retStack = []
    rem = volume.shape[0]%window
    for i in range(int(volume.shape[0])/int(window)):
        idealMean = np.average(volume[i])
        #starts at 1 since ideal mean volume is normed to itself already
        for j in range(1, window):
    #deal with remainders
    idealRemMean = np.average(volume[-rem])
    for i in range(rem):

    return np.stack(retStack)

In [45]:
def windowMeanScaleNorm(volume, window):
    retStack = []
    rem = volume.shape[0]%window
    for i in range(int(volume.shape[0])/int(window)):
        idealMean = np.average(volume[i])
        #starts at 1 since ideal mean volume is normed to itself already
        for j in range(1, window):
    #deal with remainders
    idealRemMean = np.average(volume[-rem])
    for i in range(rem):

    return np.stack(retStack)

In [46]:
maxNormData = maxNorm(data)
meanShiftNormData = meanShiftNorm(data)
meanScaleNormData = meanScaleNorm(data)

wMaxNormData = windowMaxNorm(data, 3)
wMeanShiftNormData = windowMeanShiftNorm(data, 3)
wMeanScaleNormData = windowMeanScaleNorm(data, 3)

In [29]:
#display 3 slices, one from top, middle, and bottom
sample = [0, 139, 279]
for idx in sample:
    fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col', sharey='row')
    ax1.imshow(data[idx], cmap='gray')
    ax1.set_title('z='+ str(idx)+' Pre-Norm')
    ax2.imshow(maxNormData[idx], cmap='gray')
    ax2.set_title('z='+ str(idx)+' Post-Max-Norm')
    ax3.imshow(meanShiftNormData[idx], cmap='gray')
    ax3.set_title('z='+ str(idx)+' Post-Mean_Shift-Norm')
    ax4.imshow(meanScaleNormData[idx], cmap='gray')
    ax4.set_title('z='+ str(idx)+' Post-Mean_Scale-Norm')


  • Qualitatively, we can see from the plots that the mean scale and shift norms brighten the data more than the max norm.
  • Intuitively, this makes sense, as one high outlier could throw off the max norm from brightening the slice all too much

In [48]:
#display 3 slices, one from top, middle, and bottom
sample = [0, 139, 279]
for idx in sample:
    fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col', sharey='row')
    ax1.imshow(data[idx], cmap='gray')
    ax1.set_title('z='+ str(idx)+' Pre-Norm')
    ax2.imshow(wMaxNormData[idx], cmap='gray')
    ax2.set_title('z='+ str(idx)+' Post-Max-Norm-W')
    ax3.imshow(wMeanShiftNormData[idx], cmap='gray')
    ax3.set_title('z='+ str(idx)+' Post-Mean_Shift-Norm-W')
    ax4.imshow(wMeanScaleNormData[idx], cmap='gray')
    ax4.set_title('z='+ str(idx)+' Post-Mean_Scale-Norm-W')


  • On the slice z=139 we see that all of the window norms darkened the data. This is likely a result of them fallin in a window class where the mean of a prior slice was lower than their own mean.

  • One way to combat this in the future is by making the ideal mean the mean mean of all of the means in a window.

In [33]:
#Generate a line graph of average intensity in each slice, before and after norm
rawValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in data]
maxNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in maxNormData]
meanShiftNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in meanShiftNormData]
meanScaleNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in meanScaleNormData]

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), rawValList)
plt.title('Pre Norm Average')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), maxNormValList)
plt.title('Max Norm Average')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), meanShiftNormValList)
plt.title('Mean Shift Norm Average')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), meanScaleNormValList)
plt.title('Mean Scale Norm Average')


  • Unsirprisingly, the mean shift and mean scale algorithms normalized the averages of the slices far more effectively than the max norm algorithm

In [34]:
#Generate a line graph of average Variance in each slice, before and after norm
rawValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in data]
maxNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in maxNormData]
meanShiftNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in meanShiftNormData]
meanScaleNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in meanScaleNormData]

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), rawValList)
plt.title('Pre Norm Variance')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), maxNormValList)
plt.title('Max Norm Variance')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), meanShiftNormValList)
plt.title('Mean Shift Norm Variance')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), meanScaleNormValList)
plt.title('Mean Scale Norm Variance')


  • It makes sense that the mean shift norm would not affect the variance, as shifting a distribution indeed has no bearing on the variance of that distribution
  • The parablolic nature of the mean scale norm is intuitive. I found that breaking it down in 3 steps was the best way to understand it
    1. The average intensity of slices follows a downwardly convex parabola, with a slight increase, and then a large decrease, as z increases
    2. When the average intensity of a slice decreases, the shift required to correct it to the ideal mean increases
    3. As the magnitude of the correction increases, the magnitude of the scale on the std. deviation, and thus the variance, increases

In [51]:
#Generate a line graph of average intensity in each slice, before and after norm
rawValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in data]
wMaxNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in wMaxNormData]
wMeanShiftNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in wMeanShiftNormData]
wMeanScaleNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in wMeanScaleNormData]

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), rawValList)
plt.title('Pre Norm Average -W')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), wMaxNormValList)
plt.title('Max Norm Average -W')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), wMeanShiftNormValList)
plt.title('Mean Shift Norm Average -W')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), wMeanScaleNormValList)
plt.title('Mean Scale Norm Average -W')


  • Qualitatively, the max norm chart demonstrates how dumb I was to think that a max norm was the best way to do this.

  • The low outlier on all of the norms was a remainder left over after windowing the rest of the volume. In the current implementation, outliers are grouped together if they cannot form a complete window.

    • In the future, It may be best to group outliers in with the last group for the windown norm
  • In the window mean shift and scale norms, we see a very uniform average, which is, practially speaking, very good for our data.

In [52]:
#Generate a line graph of average Variance in each slice, before and after norm
rawValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in data]
wMaxNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in wMaxNormData]
wMeanShiftNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in wMeanShiftNormData]
wMeanScaleNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in wMeanScaleNormData]

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), rawValList)
plt.title('Pre Norm Variance -W')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), wMaxNormValList)
plt.title('Max Norm Variance -W')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), wMeanShiftNormValList)
plt.title('Mean Shift Norm Variance -W')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(np.arange(len(rawValList)), wMeanScaleNormValList)
plt.title('Mean Scale Norm Variance -W')


  • Both the mean windown norms produced a ~relatively~ uniform variance.
    • Additionally, the nonlinearities in this variance would be relatively straightforward to model

In [53]:
w5MeanShiftNormData = windowMeanShiftNorm(data, 5)
w5MeanScaleNormData = windowMeanScaleNorm(data, 5)

w7MeanShiftNormData = windowMeanShiftNorm(data, 7)
w7MeanScaleNormData = windowMeanScaleNorm(data, 7)

In [62]:
w3MeanShiftNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in wMeanShiftNormData]
w5MeanShiftNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in w5MeanShiftNormData]
w7MeanShiftNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in w7MeanShiftNormData]

w3MeanScaleNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in wMeanScaleNormData]
w5MeanScaleNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in w5MeanScaleNormData]
w7MeanScaleNormValList = [np.average(plane) for plane in w7MeanScaleNormData]

In [65]:
x = np.arange(len(rawValList))

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(x, w3MeanShiftNormValList, c='b')
plt.scatter(x, w5MeanShiftNormValList, c='r')
plt.scatter(x, w7MeanShiftNormValList, c='g')
plt.title('Average Comparison for Mean Shift Window Norm with w=3, 5, 7')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(x, w3MeanScaleNormValList, c='b')
plt.scatter(x, w5MeanScaleNormValList, c='r')
plt.scatter(x, w7MeanScaleNormValList, c='g')
plt.title('Average Comparison for Mean Scale Window Norm with w=3, 5, 7')

In [66]:
w3MeanShiftNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in wMeanShiftNormData]
w5MeanShiftNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in w5MeanShiftNormData]
w7MeanShiftNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in w7MeanShiftNormData]

w3MeanScaleNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in wMeanScaleNormData]
w5MeanScaleNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in w5MeanScaleNormData]
w7MeanScaleNormValList = [np.var(plane) for plane in w7MeanScaleNormData]

In [67]:
x = np.arange(len(rawValList))

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(x, w3MeanShiftNormValList, c='b')
plt.scatter(x, w5MeanShiftNormValList, c='r')
plt.scatter(x, w7MeanShiftNormValList, c='g')
plt.title('Variance Comparison for Mean Shift Window Norm with w=3, 5, 7')

fig = plt.figure()
plt.scatter(x, w3MeanScaleNormValList, c='b')
plt.scatter(x, w5MeanScaleNormValList, c='r')
plt.scatter(x, w7MeanScaleNormValList, c='g')
plt.title('Variance Comparison for Mean Scale Window Norm with w=3, 5, 7')


Generally, as the window size increases, the distribution approaches a more uniform mean, but a less uniform variance.


Overall, I think that this notebook proves Greg and Eric's Point that a mean norm is far more suited to the data at hand than a max norm.

In [ ]: