Python analysis of output from MATLAB CNMF-E implementation

Analyze tif stacks using and then open the resultant analysis products using a workflow like the one shown below.

These results were generated using the command:

python '/home/deisseroth/Data/Test2/'

Contours are plotted using a function from Caiman:

Generally, Caiman analysis functions can be mostly used with results generated from

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import sys
import os

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import scipy.sparse as sparse
import as sio
import numpy as np

import python_utils as utils

%matplotlib inline

First load up all out.mat files that CNMF-E generated

In [2]:
# What was the base directory where we ran the batch analysis?
base_path = '/home/deisseroth/Data/Test2/'

In [3]:
# Load up all processed files found in base directory
results_files = []  # Loaded mat files containing CNMF-E output
results_names = []  # Name of folders where results were saved
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base_path):
        if 'out.mat' in files:
            idx = len(base_path.split(os.sep))
            name = root.split(os.sep)[idx]
            results_files.append(sio.loadmat(root + os.sep + 'out.mat'))


Then let's plot all the results

All of our results are stored in the out.mat file that we loaded above into a dictionary stored within a list called results_files.

The most relevant keys in each results dictionary are:

  • A -- Sparse matrix of spatial filters (e.g. for use plotting contours below)
  • S -- Deconvolved spike trains estimated for each neuron
  • C -- Denoised calcium signals computed for each neuron
  • C_raw -- Raw calcium signals extracted from each neuron
  • file -- File that was analyzed to generate this results file

Now that we've loaded it we can look at the results of our analysis as illustrated below.

In [4]:
# Look at the path of the first loaded results file
print(results_names[0], results_files[0]['file'])

blood_vessel_10Hz_source_extraction ['/home/deisseroth/Data/Test2/Data/blood_vessel_10Hz.mat']

In [5]:
# Neurons to plot
neurons_idx = 10

# Frames to plot
frames = 2000

# Make a plot showing some time series traces
for name, results in zip(results_names, results_files):
        S = np.array(results['S'].todense())  # Inferred spikes
        C = np.array(results['C'])  # Denoised fluorescence
        F = np.array(results['C_raw'])  # Raw fluorescence
        for idx in range(np.shape(F)[0]):
            plt.plot(utils.normalize(S[idx, :frames], percentile=False) + idx, 'r')
            plt.plot(utils.normalize(F[idx, :frames]) + idx, 'k')
            plt.plot(utils.normalize(C[idx, :frames]) + idx, 'b')
            if idx > neurons_idx:

In [6]:
# Make a plot showing contours from each dataset
for name, results in zip(results_names, results_files):
    # Call contour plotting function from Caiman (with our results from MATLAB!)
    coordinates = utils.plot_contours(results['A'].todense(), 
                                      display_numbers=False, maxthr=.6,
                                      cmap='gray', colors='r')

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