This is a notebook to explore the ligpy results after solving the ODE model

Model results are saved by DDASAC in the format shown in the ligpy/sample_results/ folder.
Users that rely on a different ODE solver should format their results in the same way in order to use these analysis tools.

In [1]:
import copy
import csv

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt           
import ipywidgets as widgets

import ligpy.ligpy_utils as utils
from ligpy.constants import MW
from ligpy.analysis_tools import load_results, tar_elem_analysis, C_fun_gen
from ligpy.analysis_tools import lump_species, generate_report

%matplotlib inline

Choose the simulation results to analyze in this notebook

Users should specify the directory where their results are saved as a string object named results_dir.
Then, select the folder you would like to analyze in this notebook by clicking it in the selection box.

In [2]:
# Absolute or relative path to the directory you've saved model results in
results_dir = 'ligpy/sample_results/'

results = !ls $results_dir
which_result = widgets.Select(options=results)

Load the results from the chosen folder and generate a descriptive summary

In [3]:
# Load the program parameters and results from the selected folder
(end_time, output_time_step, initial_T, heating_rate, max_T, atol, rtol,
 plant, cool_time, y, t, T, specieslist, speciesindices,
 indices_to_species) = load_results(results_dir + which_result.value)

# If you want to make sure all species are present in the MW dictionary run this
# utils.check_species_in_MW(specieslist)

# create a new matrix of mass fractions (instead of concentrations)
m = copy.deepcopy(y)
for species in specieslist:
    # make an array of mass concentration (g/L)
    m[:, speciesindices[species]] = (y[:, speciesindices[species]] *
# total mass at time 0
m_0 = m[0,:].sum(axis=0)
# The mass fractions
m /= m_0
# These two numbers should both be 1 if mass is conserved.  We know that some
# protons are not tracked in the model so this number should be close to 1
print '\nIf mass is conserved %s should equal %s\n'\
        % (m[0,:].sum(axis=0),m[-1,:].sum(axis=0))
t_index = generate_report(speciesindices, specieslist, y, m, t, which_result)

There is not a third DDASAC results file (cool down period)

If mass is conserved 1.0 should equal 0.997461710549

------------------------------------ REPORT ------------------------------------
Analysis of folder: Pseudotsuga_menziesii-max773K-162.0CperMin-1965.92592593end-0cool
Analysis done at the end of the entire simulation.

.............................. Elemental Analysis ..............................

Feedstock (wt%)  : 65.0% C    5.5% H   29.5% O
Bio-oil (wt%)    : 54.0% C    7.5% H   38.5% O

Feedstock (mol%) : 42.5% C   43.0% H   14.5% O
Bio-oil (mol%)   : 31.3% C   51.9% H   16.8% O

H:C ratio of tar = 1.66

Moisture content of tar (wt%) = 17.0%

............ Distribution of C-functional groups (shown as % of C) .............

                   Feedstock       Bio-oil         Heavy oil       Light oil       
C=O                4.93%           10.71%          8.92%           19.54%          
aromatic C-O       22.19%          14.91%          16.06%          9.26%           
aromatic C-C       5.57%           23.73%          28.53%          0.00%           
aromatic C-H       39.02%          35.51%          40.79%          9.48%           
aliphatic C-O      17.97%          6.91%           0.66%           37.77%          
aromatic Methoxyl  5.50%           4.15%           5.00%           0.00%           
aliphatic C-C      4.83%           4.07%           0.04%           23.96%          

...................... Final lumped product yields (wt%) .......................

Solids:		     43.55%
Gases:		     20.92%
Total Tar:	     35.28%
  Heavy Tars:	     22.53%
  Light Tars:	      6.74%
  Water:	      6.00% 

69.94% of heavy tars are derived from phenol, 30.06% are derived from syringol 

......................... Final gas composition (wt%) ..........................

CH2CO   	0.0953491526276   
CO      	0.0677889991751   
CO2     	0.0233857034841   
CH3CHO  	0.0103828953578   
H2      	0.00941738059671  
C3H6    	0.0019286058913   
C2H6    	0.000747223896989 
CH4     	0.000130208299692 

................ Top 20 species (by mass fraction) at end (wt%) ................

CHAR    	0.272051130284    
VKETD   	0.135837660541    
PCOS    	0.108308352958    
CH2CO   	0.0953491526276   
CO      	0.0677889991751   
H2O     	0.0600320099474   
VKETDM2 	0.0530683126616   
PC2H2   	0.0341286890545   
CH3OH   	0.0300034737888   
CO2     	0.0233857034841   
ALD3    	0.0172919042228   
VPHENOL 	0.017236575243    
C3H4O2  	0.0159483432554   
VSYNAPYL	0.0117241026124   
CH3CHO  	0.0103828953578   
H2      	0.00941738059671  
PH2     	0.00669546825526  
KETD    	0.00652707620864  
PCH2P   	0.00433363301016  
VCOUMARYL	0.0037340155179   

min/max mass fractions or concentrations for every species

Un-comment out the appropriate block in this cell to see these reports

In [4]:
# # Concentrations
# print ('{0: <8}'.format('Species') + '\t' +
#        '{0: <14}'.format('Min Conc') + '\tMax Conc\n')
# for species in specieslist:
#     if np.nanmax(y[:, speciesindices[species]]) > 1e-5:
#         print ('%s\t%s\t%s' %
#                ('{0: <8}'.format(species),
#                 '{0: <14}'.format(np.nanmin(y[:, speciesindices[species]])),
#                 np.nanmax(y[:, speciesindices[species]])))

# # Mass fractions
# print ('{0: <8}'.format('Species') + '\t' +
#        '{0: <18}'.format('Min Mass Frac') + '\tMax Mass Frac\n')
# for species in specieslist:
#     if np.nanmax(m[:, speciesindices[species]]) > 1e-5:
#         print ('%s\t%s\t%s' % 
#                ('{: <8}'.format(species),
#                 '{: <18.2}'.format(np.nanmin(m[:, speciesindices[species]])),
#                 '{:}'.format(np.nanmax(m[:, speciesindices[species]]))))

Visualizing the data

Here are some simple plots to start exploring the results

The code to make these plots is included here in the notebook instead of in because it is common to tweak a lot of the plot-generating code.

In [4]:
# Mass fraction of each 13C functional group vs. time
groups = ['C=O', 'aromatic C-O', 'aromatic C-C', 'aromatic C-H',
              'aliphatic C-O', 'aromatic Methoxyl', 'aliphatic C-C']
lumped, phenolic_families, morelumped = lump_species(speciesindices, m)
C13_array = np.zeros([7, len(t)])
for i, time in enumerate(t):
    C13_array[:, i] = C_fun_gen(['t'],speciesindices, y, time[0])
C13_array = np.nan_to_num(C13_array)

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7), dpi=200)
for i in range(0, len(groups), 1):
    plt.plot(t[:], C13_array[i, :], label=groups[i])
# Add a line for the total lumped tar yield
plt.plot(t[:], morelumped[:, 1], label='lumped tar yield', color='black',
         linestyle='--', linewidth=2.0)

plt.axis([0, t[t_index], 0, np.max(C13_array)])
plt.xlabel('Time [s]', fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel('% of Carbon, or \nmass fraction lumped tar', fontsize=18)
plt.title('13C Functional Groups v. Time\n(%s, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)' % 
          (plant, max_T, heating_rate), fontsize=18)
plt.legend(ncol=1, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5), fontsize=18)

# # Write the model data for this figure to a csv file so plots can
# # be made in another notebook to use for publication.
# with open('pseudotsuga_menziesii_162_773.csv','wb') as csvfile:
#     modelwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
#     modelwriter.writerows(np.concatenate((t.T, C13_array), axis=0).T)

ligpy/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  C_fun /= C_fun.sum()
(array([ 0.  ,  0.05,  0.1 ,  0.15,  0.2 ,  0.25,  0.3 ,  0.35,  0.4 ,  0.45]),
 <a list of 10 Text yticklabel objects>)

In [5]:
# Plot the mass fraction vs. time (or temperature) for the lumped species
Temp_plot = raw_input('Plot vs. temperature (y/n)?  (default is time) ')
# Temp_plot = 'y'
lump_level = raw_input('more or less lumped?  ')

if lump_level == 'more':
    plot_data = morelumped
    plot_data = lumped

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7), dpi=200)

if Temp_plot == 'y':
    # convert temperature from K to C
    Temperature = T - 273.15
    plt.plot(Temperature[:t_index], plot_data[:t_index, :])
    plt.xlabel('Temperature [C]')
    plt.title('%s\nMass Fraction v. Temperature (h=%sC/min)' %
              (plant, heating_rate))
    plt.axis([100, max(Temperature) * 1.05, np.nanmin(plot_data),
              1.1 * np.nanmax(plot_data)])
    plt.plot(t[:t_index], plot_data[:t_index, :])
    plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
    plt.title('%s\nMass Fraction v. Time (T0=%sK, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)' %
              (plant, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate))
    plt.axis([0, t[t_index] + 1, np.nanmin(plot_data),
              1.1 * np.nanmax(plot_data)])

if lump_level == 'more': 
    plt.legend(['solid', 'tar', 'gas'], ncol=1, loc='center left',
               bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5)) 
    plt.legend(['non-char solid', 'heavy tar', 'light tar', 'gas', 'CO',
                'CO2', 'H2O', 'char'], ncol=1, loc='center left',
               bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))
plt.ylabel('Mass Fraction [-]')
# if saveplots == 'yes':
#     plt.savefig('/%s_mvT_%sK-to-%sK_%sCperMin.png' %
#                 (plant, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate),
#                 bbox_inches = 'tight')

Plot vs. temperature (y/n)?  (default is time) n
more or less lumped?  more
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10a3f1a10>

In [6]:
# Concentration vs Time or Temp for all species
tvT = raw_input('Plot concentration vs temperature (y)?  Default is time. ')

if tvT == 'y':
    # This plot shows the concentration vs. temperature for all species
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7), dpi=200)
    num_colors = len(specieslist)
    color_map = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
    plt.gca().set_color_cycle([color_map(1. * i / num_colors) 
                               for i in range(num_colors)])
    for i, species in enumerate(specieslist):
        color = color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
        plt.plot(T[:t_index], y[:t_index, speciesindices[species]],
    plt.axis([T[0], T[t_index], np.nanmin(y), 1.1 * np.nanmax(y)])
    plt.xlabel('Temperature [K]')
    plt.ylabel('Concentration [mol/L]')
    plt.title('%s\nConcentration v. Temperature (T0=%sK, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)'
              % (plant, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate))
    legend = plt.legend(ncol=5, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))
    # This plot shows the concentration vs. time for all species
    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7), dpi=200)
    num_colors = len(specieslist)
    color_map = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
    plt.gca().set_color_cycle([color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
                               for i in range(num_colors)])
    for i, species in enumerate(specieslist):
        color = color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
        plt.plot(t[:], y[:, speciesindices[species]], label=species)

    plt.axis([0, t[t_index], np.nanmin(y), 1.1 * np.nanmax(y)])
    plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
    plt.ylabel('Concentration [mol/L]')
    plt.title('%s\nConcentration v. Time (T0=%sK, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)'
              % (plant, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate))
    plt.legend(ncol=5, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

Plot concentration vs temperature (y)?  Default is time. n
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The set_color_cycle attribute was deprecated in version 1.5. Use set_prop_cycle instead.
  warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)

In [9]:
# Plot the mass fraction vs. time for all species
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7), dpi=200)
num_colors = len(specieslist)
color_map = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
plt.gca().set_color_cycle([color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
                           for i in range(num_colors)])
for i,species in enumerate(specieslist):
    color = color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
    plt.plot(t, m[:, speciesindices[species]], label=species)

plt.axis([t[0], t[-1], 0, 1.1 * np.nanmax(m[:])])
plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
# plt.xscale('symlog')
plt.ylabel('Mass Fraction [-]')
plt.title('%s\nMass Fraction v. Time (T0=%sK, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)'
          % (plant, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate))
legend = plt.legend(ncol=5, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

# - Specify the minimum mass fraction at the end of the simulation to plot -
min_m = input('What is the min mass fraction of products you want to plot?  ')
products = []
for i, value in enumerate(m[t_index, :]):     
    if value > min_m: 

print ('\nMinimum mass fraction is %s at %s sec and %s K\n'
       % (min_m, t[t_index][0], T[t_index][0]))
# This plot shows the mass fraction vs. time for those species above the min
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7), dpi=200)
num_colors = len(products)
color_map = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
plt.gca().set_color_cycle([color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
                           for i in range(num_colors)])
for i, species in enumerate(products):   
    color = color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
    plt.plot(t[:t_index + 1], m[:t_index + 1, speciesindices[species]],
plt.axis([t[0], t[t_index], 0, 0.5 * np.nanmax(m[:])])
plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
plt.ylabel('Mass Fraction [-]')
plt.title('%s\nProducts Mass Fraction > %s v. Time (T0=%sK, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)'
          % (plant, min_m, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate))
plt.legend(ncol=2, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

What is the min mass fraction of products you want to plot?  0.1

Minimum mass fraction is 0.1 at 1965.9259 sec and 773.15 K

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10e258990>

In [10]:
# Concentration or mass fraction vs. Temp for specific species 
specific = raw_input('Which species do you want to plot? ')
plot_type = raw_input('Do you want to plot concentration (c)'
                      ' or mass fraction (m) vs. Temp?  ')

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7), dpi=200)
if plot_type == 'c': 
    plt.plot(T[:] ,y[:, speciesindices[specific]])
    plt.axis([T[0], np.max(T), 0,
              1.1 * np.nanmax(y[:, speciesindices[specific]])])
    plt.title('%s\n Concentration v. Temperature (T0=%sK, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)'
              % (plant, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate))
    plt.xlabel('Temperature [K]')
    plt.ylabel('Concentration [mol/L]')
    plt.plot(T[:], m[:, speciesindices[specific]])
    plt.axis([T[0], np.max(T), 0,
              1.1 * np.nanmax(m[:, speciesindices[specific]])])
    plt.title('%s\n Mass Fraction v. Temperature (T0=%sK, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)'
              % (plant, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate))
    plt.xlabel('Temperature [K]')
    plt.ylabel('Mass Fraction [-]')

Which species do you want to plot? RADIO
Do you want to plot concentration (c) or mass fraction (m) vs. Temp?  m

In [25]:
# Determine what species are present at the desired time in concentrations
# greater than specified.  The desired time is set by t_index in the code here.

# Specify the minimum concentration at the end of the simulation to plot
min_concentration = input('The max concentration in this simulation is %s '
                          'mol/L. Cutoff for minimum concentration (mol/L)?  '
                          % np.nanmax(y))

products = []
for i, value in enumerate(y[t_index, :]):     
    if value > min_concentration: 

print ('\nMinimum concentration is %s mol/L at %s sec\n'
       % (min_concentration, t[t_index][0]))
# Plot concentration vs. time for those species from the list above
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7), dpi=200)
num_colors = len(products)
color_map = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
plt.gca().set_color_cycle([color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
                           for i in range(num_colors)])
for i, species in enumerate(products):   
    color = color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
    plt.plot(t[:t_index + 1], y[:t_index + 1, speciesindices[species]],
plt.axis([t[0], t[t_index], np.nanmin(y), 1.1 * np.nanmax(y)])
plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
plt.ylabel('Concentration [mol/L]')
plt.title('%s\nConcentration v. Time (T0=%sK, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)' %
          (plant, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate))
plt.legend(ncol=2, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

# This plot shows the concentrations of radical species over time
radicalspecies = ['OH']
for i, species in enumerate(specieslist):
    if 'R'in species[0:2]:
# The list of radical species with concentrations over the minimum specified value
radicals = []    
for species in radicalspecies:
    if species in products:

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7), dpi=200)
num_colors = len(radicals)
color_map = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
plt.gca().set_color_cycle([color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
                           for i in range(num_colors)])
for i, species in enumerate(radicals):
    color = color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
    plt.plot(t[:t_index + 1], y[:t_index + 1, speciesindices[species]],

plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
plt.ylabel('Concentration [mol/L]')
plt.title('%s\nRadical Concentration v. Time (T0=%sK, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)'
          % (plant, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate))
plt.axis([0, t[t_index], 0.9 * np.nanmin(y[:, :]), 1.1 * np.nanmax(y[:, :])])
plt.legend(ncol=2, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

# This plot shows the concentrations of solid species > min value over time
solidspecies = ['CHAR']
for i, species in enumerate(specieslist):
    if MW[species][1] == 's':

# The list of solid species with concs over the minimum specified value
solidsp = []    
for species in solidspecies:
    if species in products:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7), dpi=200)
num_colors = len(solidsp)
color_map = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
plt.gca().set_color_cycle([color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
                           for i in range(num_colors)])
for i, species in enumerate(solidsp):
    color = color_map(1. * i / num_colors)
    plt.plot(t[:t_index + 1], y[:t_index + 1, speciesindices[species]],

plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
plt.ylabel('Concentration [mol/L]')
plt.title('%s\nSolid Concentration v. Time (T0=%sK, Tmax=%sK, h=%sC/min)'
          % (plant, initial_T, max_T, heating_rate))
plt.axis([0, t[t_index], 0.9 * np.nanmin(y[:, :]), 1.1 * np.nanmax(y[:, :])])
plt.legend(ncol=2, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.5))

The max concentration in this simulation is 3.518145 mol/L. Cutoff for minimum concentration (mol/L)?  0.1

Minimum concentration is 0.1 mol/L at 1965.9259 sec

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10bb8f9d0>

In [ ]: