Analysis of Enron emails

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import json
import re
import numpy as np

from sklearn.externals import joblib
import pickle

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = 'all'

import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
import string
import spacy

In [2]:
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 50)

Processing raw Enron email data

See notebook 01-download-enron-data.ipynb for code to download the Enron email dataset.

In [3]:
path = '/Users/yuwenwu/insight/cultivate/'
with open(path + '/data/raw/enron.mbox.json', 'r') as json_data:
    emails_raw = json.load(json_data)

Remove emails without receivers.

In [4]:
emails = []
index = []
for idx, email in enumerate(emails_raw):
    if 'To' in email:

Some emails have the same sender and receiver. Let's remove those emails.

In [5]:
another_index = []
for idx, email in enumerate(emails):
    if email['From'] != email['To'][0]:
emails = [emails[i] for i in another_index]

Remove emails not from, as these are often spam, listserv or subscription emails.

In [6]:
enron_only = []
for idx, email in enumerate(emails):
    if email['From'].endswith(''):
emails = [emails[i] for i in enron_only]

Remove forwarded emails, as these will give more noise than signal.

In [7]:
forwarded = []
for idx, email in enumerate(emails):
    subject = email['Subject']
    fwd_string = ['Fwd', 'Fw']
    if any(substring in subject for substring in fwd_string):

emails = [emails[i] for i in forwarded]

Remove any sender who sent only 1 or 2 emails or someone who only received one or two emails. Also remove emails from,,

In [8]:
all_senders = []
for email in emails:

sender_df = pd.DataFrame({

sent_multiple_index = sender_df.groupby('sender').filter(lambda x: len(x) > 2 ).index
emails = [emails[i] for i in sent_multiple_index]

In [9]:
all_receivers = []
for email in emails:
    receiver = email['To']
    if len(receiver) > 1:

receiver_df = pd.DataFrame({

received_multiple_index = receiver_df.groupby('receiver').filter(lambda x: len(x) > 2 ).index
emails = [emails[i] for i in received_multiple_index]

In [10]:
emails_to_remove = ['', 

emails_to_keep = []
for idx, email in enumerate(emails):
    from_ = email['From']
    if from_ not in emails_to_remove:

emails = [emails[i] for i in emails_to_keep]

Some emails actually contain the entire thread (i.e., all replies to the original email), and the text in the thread will affect downstream text analysis. Although a more sophisticated approach would be to save each part of the thread, for simplicity we will only save the latest email message, which is the text before double new line characters. Also remove text after 'Forwarded', 'Original Message', and `'From: '.

In [12]:
main_body = []
for email in emails:

In [13]:
def remove_extra_text(string, main_body = main_body):
    for idx, msg in enumerate(main_body):
        string_index = msg.find(string)
        if string_index != -1:
            main_body[idx] = msg[:string_index]
            main_body[idx] = msg
    return main_body

In [14]:
main_body = remove_extra_text('Original Message')
main_body = remove_extra_text('Forwarded')
main_body = remove_extra_text('From:')
main_body = remove_extra_text('To:')
main_body = remove_extra_text('Subject:')

Finally, remove duplicate and empty emails.

In [15]:
email_content = []
unique_email_index = []
tuples = []
for idx, (email, content) in enumerate(zip(emails, main_body)):
    if content.isspace():
    if content == '':
    tuple_ = (email['From'], email['To'], content)
    if tuple_ not in tuples:

emails = [emails[i] for i in unique_email_index]

Clean email content.

In [17]:
#clean strings
for i in range(len(email_content)):
    email_content[i] = email_content[i].replace('\n', ' ')
    email_content[i] = email_content[i].replace('\t', ' ')
    email_content[i] = re.sub('--+', '', email_content[i])
    email_content[i] = re.sub(' +', ' ', email_content[i])
    email_content[i] = re.sub('[0-9]+/[0-9]+/[0-9]+ ([0-9]+:[0-9]+)* [a-zA-Z]{2}', '', email_content[i])
    email_content[i] = re.sub('@([a-zA-Z])*', '', email_content[i])
    email_content[i] = re.sub('/[a-zA-Z]*/[a-zA-Z]*', '', email_content[i])
    email_content[i] = email_content[i].strip()

Remove any duplicates that may arise after cleaning.

In [18]:
unique_email_index = []
tuples = []
for idx, (email, content) in enumerate(zip(emails, email_content)):

    tuple_ = (email['From'], email['To'], content)
    if tuple_ not in tuples:

emails = [emails[i] for i in unique_email_index]
email_content = [email_content[i] for i in unique_email_index]

Use SpaCy to get POS tagging.

In [20]:
nlp = spacy.load('en')

In [21]:
caps = []
total_msg_lens = []
periods, commas = [], []
ex_marks, q_marks = [], []
word_tokens = []
pos = []
for email in email_content:
    caps.append(sum(1 for s in email if s.isupper()))
    periods.append(sum(1 for s in email if s == '.'))
    commas.append(sum(1 for s in email if s == ','))
    ex_marks.append(sum(1 for s in email if s == '!'))
    q_marks.append(sum(1 for s in email if s == '?'))
    #email = email.lower()

In [22]:
joblib.dump(email_content, path + '/data/processed/email_content.pkl');

In [23]:
punct = string.punctuation
word_counts = []
for i in range(len(word_tokens)):
    words = [w for w in word_tokens[i] if not w in punct]

In [24]:
text_features = pd.DataFrame(

Add POS information.

In [25]:
from collections import defaultdict

pos_counts = []
for doc in pos:
    d = defaultdict(int)
    for word in doc:
        d[word.pos_] +=1

In [26]:
df_pos_counts = pd.DataFrame(pos_counts)
df_pos_counts.columns = df_pos_counts.columns.str.lower()
df_pos_counts.replace(np.nan, 0, inplace = True)

adj adp adv cconj det intj noun num part pron propn punct space sym verb x
0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
1 10.0 13.0 15.0 7.0 16.0 0.0 35.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 11.0 0.0 0.0 33.0 0.0
2 2.0 5.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 4.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0
3 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0
4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

In [27]:
text_features = pd.concat([text_features, df_pos_counts], axis = 1)

Get number of sentences and average length of sentence in message.

In [28]:
num_sentences = []
sentence_len_mean = []
for email in emails:
    tokens = sent_tokenize(email['parts'][0]['content'])
    len_sentence = []
    for token in tokens:
        s = ''.join(ch for ch in token if ch not in string.punctuation)
        s = s.strip()
        len_sentence.append(len(s.split(' ')))
    if len_sentence:

text_features['num_sentences'] = num_sentences
text_features['len_sentence_mean'] = sentence_len_mean

Get out how many recipients the email has.

In [29]:
num_recipients = []
for email in emails:
text_features['num_recipients'] = num_recipients

Gender of senders and recipients (if multiple recipients, put 'Group' as gender because any gender effects will likely be washed out).

In [30]:
import gender_guesser.detector as gender
d = gender.Detector(case_sensitive = False)

send_gender = []
receive_gender = []
for email in emails:
    send_name = email['X-From']
    #name structure is 'First, Last'
    send_name = send_name.split(' ', 1)[0]
    if len(email['To']) > 1:
        r_name = email['X-To']
        r_name = r_name.split(' ', 1)[0]
        gender = d.get_gender(r_name)

In [31]:
text_features['send_gender'] = send_gender
text_features['receive_gender'] = receive_gender

Get sentiment scores

In [32]:
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer

In [33]:
analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()

sentiments_list = []
for email in email_content:
    sentences = sent_tokenize(email)
    sentence_sentiments = []
    for sentence in sentences:
        vs = analyzer.polarity_scores(sentence)
    msg_sentiments = {}
    for k in vs.keys():
        if sentence_sentiments:
            mean = sum(d[k] for d in sentence_sentiments) / len(sentence_sentiments)
            msg_sentiments[k] = mean
            msg_sentiments[k] = np.nan

sentiments = pd.DataFrame(sentiments_list)

In [34]:
text_features = pd.concat([text_features, sentiments], axis = 1)

Identify pairs (not looking for pairs over time).

In [35]:
from datetime import datetime as dt

senders, receivers = [], []
dates = []
for email in emails:
    receive = email['To']
    if len(receive) > 1:
    date = email['Date']
    date = dt.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

In [36]:
text_features['sender'] = senders
text_features['receiver'] = receivers
text_features['date'] = dates

In [38]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 6080 entries, 0 to 6079
Data columns (total 35 columns):
caps                 6080 non-null int64
commas               6080 non-null int64
ex_marks             6080 non-null int64
msg_len              6080 non-null int64
periods              6080 non-null int64
q_marks              6080 non-null int64
word_count           6080 non-null int64
adj                  6080 non-null float64
adp                  6080 non-null float64
adv                  6080 non-null float64
cconj                6080 non-null float64
det                  6080 non-null float64
intj                 6080 non-null float64
noun                 6080 non-null float64
num                  6080 non-null float64
part                 6080 non-null float64
pron                 6080 non-null float64
propn                6080 non-null float64
punct                6080 non-null float64
space                6080 non-null float64
sym                  6080 non-null float64
verb                 6080 non-null float64
x                    6080 non-null float64
num_sentences        6080 non-null int64
len_sentence_mean    6080 non-null float64
num_recipients       6080 non-null int64
send_gender          6080 non-null object
receive_gender       6080 non-null object
compound             5732 non-null float64
neg                  5732 non-null float64
neu                  5732 non-null float64
pos                  5732 non-null float64
sender               6080 non-null object
receiver             6080 non-null object
date                 6080 non-null datetime64[ns]
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(21), int64(9), object(4)
memory usage: 1.6+ MB

Visualizing sentiments

In [1347]:
#fig = plt.figure(1);

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(10, 8)

bins = 25

#fig = plt.subplot(221);
_ = text_features['compound'].hist(bins = bins);
_ = plt.title('Sentiment scores', fontsize = 18)
plt.tick_params(labelsize = 14);

# fig = plt.subplot(222);
# _ = text_features['neg'].hist(bins = bins);
# _ = plt.title('Negative sentiment score')

# fig = plt.subplot(223);
# _ = text_features['pos'].hist(bins = bins);
# _ = plt.title('Positive sentiment score')

# fig = plt.subplot(224);
# _ = text_features['neu'].hist(bins = bins);
# _ = plt.title('Neutral sentiment score')

# _ = plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.76)
# _ = plt.suptitle('Sentiment scores')
# _ = plt.tight_layout()

save_image = path + '/images/'
plt.savefig(save_image + 'sentiments.png');

In [960]:
num_emails_sent = pd.DataFrame(text_features['sender'].value_counts()).reset_index()
num_emails_sent.columns = ['sender', 'num_emails']

In [968]:
_ = num_emails_sent['num_emails'].hist(bins = 50)
_ = plt.ylabel('Number of people', fontsize = 12);
_ = plt.xlabel('Number of emails sent', fontsize = 12)
#plt.savefig(save_image + 'distri-emails-sent.png')

Sentiments over time

In [71]:
from matplotlib.dates import date2num

In [1306]:
over_time = text_features.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(text_features['date']))
per_month = over_time.resample('M')
mean_sentiment = per_month['compound'].mean()
std = per_month['compound'].std()
x_axis_dates = date2num(text_features['date'].tolist())

In [1334]:
y_label = ('Sentiment \n\n' + r'$\longleftarrow$' + 
           ' negative    ' + r'$\longleftrightarrow$' + '    neutral    ' +
           r'$\longleftrightarrow$' + '    positive ' + 

col = 'compound'
fig, ax = plt.subplots();
fig.set_size_inches(15, 13)

#plot individual points over time
ax.plot_date(x_axis_dates, np.asarray(text_features[col]), 
             markersize = 1, c = 'gray', marker = '.');

#plot mean sentiment
plt.plot(mean_sentiment, 'k--', label = 'company mean', linewidth = 3);

#plot std of mean sentiment
x_fill = date2num(mean_sentiment.index.tolist())
plt.fill_between(x_fill, mean_sentiment - std, mean_sentiment + std,
                alpha = 0.2, facecolor = 'gray');

#dimensions of plot
ax.set_xlim([dt(1999, 12, 20), dt(2002, 2, 28)]);
ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 0.5);

#axis labels
plt.title('Company email sentiments over time', fontsize = 25, y = 1.01);
plt.xlabel('Date (Year-Quarter)', fontsize = 20, labelpad = 15);
plt.ylabel(y_label, fontsize = 20, labelpad = 20);

#axis ticks
plt.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', 
                labelsize = 18, labelleft = 'off');

x_pos = ax.get_xticks()
x_labels = np.array(['2000-Q1', '2000-Q2', '2000-Q3', '2000-Q4', 
                    '2001-Q1', '2001-Q2', '2001-Q3', '2001-Q4', 
plt.xticks(x_pos, x_labels)

lgd = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor = (0.99, 0.02), 
                 loc = 'lower right', 
                 borderaxespad = 0.,
                 fontsize = 15,
                 markerscale = 2);

ax.figure.savefig(save_image + 'sentiments-over-time.png', 
                  bbox_extra_artists = (lgd,), bbox_inches = 'tight');

Code below for file for webapp.

In [1370]:
email = ''

fig, ax = plt.subplots();
fig.set_size_inches(10, 8)

#create necessary dfs, etc. for plotting of indiv info
indiv = text_features[text_features['sender'] == email]
indiv_dates = date2num(indiv['date'].tolist())
indiv_per_month = over_time[over_time['sender'] == email].resample('M')
indiv_mean = indiv_per_month['compound'].mean()
indiv_std = indiv_per_month['compound'].std()
x_indiv_fill = date2num(indiv_mean.index.tolist())

#color individual emails on plot
ax.plot_date(indiv_dates, np.array(indiv[col]), 
             markersize = 1, c = 'blue', marker = '.')

#plot individual mean
plt.plot(indiv_mean, 'b', label = 'John A. Doe mean sentiment', linewidth = 3);
plt.fill_between(x_indiv_fill, indiv_mean - indiv_std, indiv_mean + indiv_std,
                alpha = 0.2, facecolor = 'cornflowerblue');

#plot all points
x_axis_dates = date2num(text_features['date'].tolist())
ax.plot_date(x_axis_dates, np.array(text_features[col]), 
             markersize = 0.5, c = 'gray', marker = '.');

#plot company mean and std
plt.plot(mean_sentiment, '--', c = 'dimgray', 
         label = 'company mean sentiment', linewidth = 3);
plt.fill_between(x_fill, mean_sentiment - std, mean_sentiment + std,
                alpha = 0.2, facecolor = 'gray');

ax.set_xlim([dt(1999, 12, 20), dt(2002, 2, 28)]);
ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 0.5);

plt.title('Sentiments over time of emails sent by John A. Doe', fontsize = 20);
plt.xlabel('Date (Year-Quarter)', fontsize = 15, labelpad = 15);
plt.ylabel(y_label, fontsize = 15, labelpad = 20);

#axis ticks
plt.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', 
                labelsize = 14, labelleft = 'off');

x_pos = ax.get_xticks()
x_labels = np.array(['2000-Q1', '2000-Q2', '2000-Q3', '2000-Q4', 
                    '2001-Q1', '2001-Q2', '2001-Q3', '2001-Q4', 
plt.xticks(x_pos, x_labels)

lgd = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor = (0.99, 0.02), 
                 loc = 'lower right', 
                 borderaxespad = 0.,
                 fontsize = 15,
                 markerscale = 2);

ax.figure.savefig(save_image + 'indiv-sentiments.png', 
                  bbox_extra_artists = (lgd,), bbox_inches = 'tight');


DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)

In [40]:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, Imputer
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score

Drop categorical columns, as clustering can't handle those features.

In [41]:
to_drop = ['send_gender', 'receive_gender', 'sender', 'receiver', 'date']
for_clustering = text_features.drop(to_drop, axis = 1)
X_matrix = for_clustering.as_matrix()

In [42]:
imp = Imputer(missing_values = 'NaN', strategy = 'mean')
X_imp = imp.fit_transform(X_matrix)

scaler = StandardScaler()
X = scaler.fit_transform(X_imp)

In [48]:
eps_list = [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1]
min_samples_list = [10, 15]

best_score = -2
best_params = {
for eps in eps_list:
    for min_samples in min_samples_list:
        db = DBSCAN(metric = 'cosine', min_samples = min_samples, eps = eps)
        _ =;
        db_clusters = list(db.labels_)
        if len(set(db_clusters)) == 1:
            score = silhouette_score(X, db_clusters, metric = 'cosine')
            if score > best_score:
                best_score = score
                best_params['eps'] = eps
                best_params['min_samples'] = min_samples


{'eps': 0.1, 'min_samples': 20}

In [52]:
db = DBSCAN(metric = 'cosine',
           min_samples = 20,
           eps = 0.1)
db_clusters = pd.Series(db.labels_)

DBSCAN(algorithm='auto', eps=0.1, leaf_size=30, metric='cosine',
    metric_params=None, min_samples=20, n_jobs=1, p=None)
 0    3234
-1    2262
 1     373
 2     111
 3      78
 4      22
dtype: int64

In [56]:
joblib.dump(db, path + '/models/dbscan.pkl');

In [53]:
def print_email(index):
    print('Message: ' + str(index))
    print('From: ' + emails[index]['From'])
    print('To: ')

In [54]:
def get_emails_in_cluster(index, labels = db_clusters, emails = email_content):
    c_index = labels[labels == index].index
    cluster = [emails[i] for i in c_index]
    return cluster

In [634]:
import random

i = -1
c = get_emails_in_cluster(i)
print('{} messages in cluster {}.'.format(len(c), i))
#randomly sample 22 from list
[c[i] for i in sorted(random.sample(range(len(c)), 22))]

2262 messages in cluster -1.
['Are there behind closed doors discussions being held prior to the meeting? Is there the potential for a surprise announcement of some sort of fixed price gas or power cap once the open meeting finally happens?',
 'Reagan, I am still reviewing the numbers but here are some initial thoughts. Are you proposing a cost plus contract with no cap? What role would you play in obtaining financing? Any experience with FHA 221(d) loans? Although your fees are lower than George and Larry I am still getting market quotes lower yet. I have received estimates structured as follows: 5% - onsite expenses, supervision, clean up, equipment 2%- overhead 4%- profit I just wanted to give you this initial feedback. I have also attached an extremely primitive spreadsheet to outline the project. As you can see even reducing the builders fees to the numbers above the project would only generate $219,194 of cash flow for a return of 21%. I am not thrilled about such a low return. I think I need to find a way to get the total cost down to $10,500,000 which would boost the return to 31%. Any ideas? I realize that you are offering significant development experience plus you local connections. I am not discounting those services. I will be out of the office for the rest of the week, but I will call you early next week. Phillip',
 'Greg, I faxed you the promotional on 10300 Heritage Office Building with the Nimitz post office. The broker called back shortly after I spoke to you to let me know that the kestrel air park building and the strip center at fm78 & walzem had both sold. Let me know what you think of this property. Also, let me know of any other ideas about replacement property. Phillip',
 "Jim: I apologize for the comment after your order. I knew you didn't like the market last night so I was surprised when you were an buyer this morning. It's not your style to change views quickly as you tend to trade with a longer term view. I was out of line with the comment and it won't happen again. John",
 'no crap, what\'s your bid? "Eva Pao" on  Please respond to',
 "i think jv strip prices to where we price out enough demand to get to 2.8. whther that price level is 425 or 725 is arguable. i think it's close to here. but when we get to november and we have 2.8 and don;'t repeat the weather of this past winter and we have 2.5 bcf more supply and people realize that we have 2.3 bcf to withdraw before there are any problems...bombs away.",
 'Sir, For the month of August, 2000, we will take 50% of our open Block Forward position financial instead of physical. We would like to make this change because we think the elimination of physical risk will benefit us commercially. Thus for bona fide commercial reasons, we will go financial with 50% of our open Block Forward position. Bob Badeer Manager West Power Trading Enron North America',
 'It looks like Thursday is fine. So, how about we meet in the lobby at 11:30. Let me know. -Eric Enron North America Corp.',
 "Hey y'all, Please, comply with the following request from Eservices. Let's run through the paces every a.m. In addition, please review the previous Manitoba Business Procedures. Thanks, Don An extension of the Services contract with Manitoba (MHEB) has been signed and begins tomorrow, November 1st. In addition to purchasing from MHEB, we need to focus heavily on selling to MHEB. With the change of season, MHEB may frequently be short. As with purchases, EPMI will split any net savings with MHEB and adjust their Reference Price accordingly- see 'M:Eservices/MIDWEST SERVICE DEALS Hydro Services Deal Procedures.doc. I realize that market conditions have not been favorable for doing much business with MHEB, but we need to give this deal more attention. We are working on other business opportunities with MHEB, and how we handle this deal will affect future relationships with them. In an effort to generate information with which to formulate strategies to better service MHEB, please maintain the price log located at: M:Eservices/MIDWEST SERVICE DEALS Price Log/MHEB November'01.doc. In addition to prices, both hourly and next day, record any relevant market information (see the log for examples). Include responsibility for handling MHEB in the daily transition to the night shift. Dean will coordinate these efforts. Please call me (cell - 713-962-0526) with any questions. Thank you! JD",
 "There is a problem with this process. When Sally goes to website & enters her ID & password, steve.beck comes up - not sally.beck. Until this is fixed, she will be unable to process these requests. Please either fix this or find another way for her to approve. Thanks, Patti x39106 (Sally Beck's Assistant) on",
 "I will be out of the office from Wednesday, July 26 through Friday, July 28. I am taking my older daughter on a preliminary look at colleges. I will have my cell phone with me the number is 713-417-1591. My assistant, Patti Thompson, will have hotel phone numbers where I can be reached as well. The following persons will be key contacts for trading operations while I am out: Natural Gas Operations Brent Price x37647 (7/31 & 8/1: Steve Jackson x37070) Power Operations Stacey White x31870 (7/31 & 8/1: Kristin Albrecht x34763) Financial Products Operations Sheila Glover x33210 Coal, Pulp & Paper, LNG Scott Earnest x31746 Weather Todd Hall x31957 DPR Mike Moscoso x35242 MPR David Maxwell x316983 I will be working in ENA's and MG's Chicago offices on Monday and Tuesday, July 31 and August 1. Patti has contact numbers for me at both offices. Key contacts in Houston are those listed above, with changes noted for Gas and Power Operations on July 31 and August 1. I will be back in the Houston office on Wednesday, August 2.",
 "I didn't get a response from you regarding my e:mail that I sent last week, but I have heard through the grapevine that you will be making a trip to Houston next week. My plans for being in London next week are firm, so it looks as if we will miss one another. My offer stands to help you in any way as you take on your new role, so I trust that you will take me up on that offer as needed. I will look forward to working with you as we develop common standards for operations worldwide, with effective exception reporting. This is a key initiative for 2000 and will involve trading operations in all locations for all commodities.",
 'Thanks for this info. I will call the students this week. With your notes, it looks as if we may be on target in terms of acceptances and the desired number of 6. Keep me posted on what we hear from the students. Sally Enron North America Corp.',
 "As a follow up to our discussion earlier this week on commercialization of mid and back office services and managing those responsibilities for EWS, I will have a timeline for your review on Monday that will pinpoint key dates: Unify conversion, EES absorption, HPL sale, commercialization, Todd Busby's arrival, etc. I will also have details of resource needs. We can use this to set internal expectations on the timing of successfully handling all of these initiatives. I will welcome your comments on the timeline. Sally",
 "Please put Mike on my calendar for Thursday lunch next week. Steve and Richard are coming as well. You might tell Mike that we can provide the two of them with desk space as well, but that we will reserve the spot with the computer and phone for Mike. And schedule some time for me to meet with him on Thursday as well. I will deal with Louise's meeting in another way. You might e:mail Mike and let him know that we have a spot for him with computer, network connection and phone on 33. You might also offer to set up any appointments for him while is here. Thanks.",
 'Any room at the inn? I am looking for a spot for Beth Apollo. She will be working with me, starting on January 29th in Houston. Sally I am in London this week, but if you have any ideas Patti can follow through while I am out.',
 'The promotional memo came out a few hours too late today for me to be able to mention it when we talked this afternoon. Congratulations on your promotion to managing director! Sally',
 'Please put this on your calendars - I would like for both of you to attend. Should Jeff and Stacey be there, too? This will be a meeting that we should have regularly with Wes and team so that can jointly review any exposures and make timely decisions on how to handle those. I am sure that there is some prep work that needs to be done for this meeting. I would assume that we should cover A/R, UA4, imbalances, weird or over/undervalued deals in risk books, OA, etc. Can you work with Greg and Georgeanne ahead of time on content and have necessary back up to discuss highlights. I would love for us take charge and lead this meeting. Sally',
 'More detail than you probably want on the document I gave you at the Doubletree.... Mike was responding to an email that Steve Young had sent him. Just wanted you to know that this is moving forward and that I will coordinate the Houston side of this for now (I will coordinate London going forward if that responsibility is given to me). Let me know if you have questions.',
 "Sally, Thanks for the email and update. I agree that we must do something quickly to resolve this. I believe that you should interview for summer interns as an extension to your upcoming planned recruiting trip. I know you were very happy with the summer interns from the energy management program at OU that you got last year ( I was surprised and the school was thrilled that you offered all 5 permanent positions upon graduation). We cant lose that momentum. I am sure that each school's program is different and that most don't interview for summer interns this early in the year but from what I have learned about the OU schedule, we will lose all the top candidates if we wait. I am sure that is not what Charlene and Celeste were trying to accomplish with their guidelines. Please keep me up informed on this matter. Thanks and good luck with the students. mike Enron North America Corp.",
 'Sarah, Below is our high level explanation of the Energy Operations (including EOL) increase in 2001 plan over 2000 forecast of $5.1 million. If you have any questions, please let me know. Energy Operations has experienced a 140% increase in transaction growth as a result of EOL activity, requiring additional resources to support this new business. However, resources have only increased at a rate of 11% due to the efficient use of existing resources. As a result the per unit cost of supporting individual transactions has decreased significantly in the 100% to 400%+ range. Thanks, Brian',
 "Sally has set up an interview with Dan Houston for Friday, March 10 and would also like for you to meet with him. I have attached a note from Cris Sherman and Dan's resume. The following time slots have been scheduled with your assistants: 1:30-2:00 pm Kristin Albrecht EB 3747 2:00-2:30 pm Leslie Reeves EB 3747 2:30-3:00 pm Brent Price EB 3747 3:00-3:30 pm Sally Beck EB 3015 3:30-4:00 pm Brenda Herod EB 3748 Thanks for your time, Patti"]

In [635]:
cluster_labels = {
    -1:'Updates and miscellaneous commentary',
    0:'Direct and to the point',
    1:'Business discussions',
    2:'Casual and personal',
    3:'Company announcements',
    4:'Meetings and interviews'

Visualization of clusters with t-SNE

In [58]:
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import generate_random_color as gen

In [59]:
learning_rates = [100, 250, 500, 750, 1000]
fitted_tsnes = []

for rate in learning_rates:
    tsne = TSNE(learning_rate = rate)

In [107]:
joblib.dump(fitted_tsnes, path + '/models/fitted_tsnes.pkl');

In [1340]:
#for i in range(len(fitted_tsnes)):
#use learning_rate = 750

colors = [

tsne_df = pd.DataFrame(fitted_tsnes[-2], columns = ['dimension 1', 'dimension 2'])

#tsne_df['cluster'] = db_clusters
tsne_df['cluster_labels'] = db_clusters
tsne_df['cluster_labels'].replace(cluster_labels, inplace = True)

ax = sns.lmplot('dimension 1', 'dimension 2', tsne_df,
                hue = 'cluster_labels', legend = False,
                fit_reg = False, palette = colors, 
                size = 12, scatter_kws = {'alpha':1, 's':4})

plt.title('Types of email communications', 
          fontsize = 25, y = 0.97);

lgd = plt.legend(loc = 'lower center',
                ncol = 2,
                borderaxespad = 0.,
                fontsize = 18,
                markerscale = 2.4,
                handletextpad = 0.2)



plt.savefig(save_image + 'tsne.png', 
            bbox_extra_artists = (lgd,), bbox_inches = 'tight');

Plot individual's emails by cluster.

In [1371]:
#for i in range(len(fitted_tsnes)):
#use learning_rate = 750
tsne_df = pd.DataFrame(fitted_tsnes[-2], columns = ['dimension 1', 'dimension 2'])

#tsne_df['cluster'] = db_clusters
tsne_df['cluster_labels'] = db_clusters
tsne_df['cluster_labels'].replace(cluster_labels, inplace = True)

g = sns.lmplot('dimension 1', 'dimension 2', tsne_df,
                hue = 'cluster_labels', legend = False,
                fit_reg = False, palette = colors, 
                size = 8, scatter_kws = {'alpha':0.9, 's':2})

#plot individual's emails
indiv_pts = text_features[text_features['sender'] == email].index
indiv_pts = tsne_df.iloc[indiv_pts]
plt.scatter(indiv_pts['dimension 1'], indiv_pts['dimension 2'], 
            c = 'mediumspringgreen', s = 2, label = 'John A. Doe');

plt.title('Types of emails sent by John A. Doe', 
          fontsize = 20, y = 0.97);


lgd = plt.legend(loc = 'lower center',
                ncol = 2,
                borderaxespad = 0.,
                fontsize = 14,
                markerscale = 2.4,
                handletextpad = 0.2)


plt.savefig(save_image + 'tsne-indiv.png', 
            bbox_extra_artists = (lgd,), bbox_inches = 'tight');

Analyzing emails per cluster

In [821]:
text_features['cluster'] = db_clusters
text_features['cluster_labels'] = db_clusters
text_features['cluster_labels'].replace(cluster_labels, inplace = True)
groupby_cluster = text_features.groupby('cluster_labels')

In [863]:
joblib.dump(text_features, path + '/data/processed/text_features.pkl');

In [294]:
def get_crosstab(col1, col2 = 'cluster_labels', df = text_features):
    return pd.crosstab(df[col2], df[col1]).apply(lambda r: r/r.sum(), axis = 1)

In [295]:
def combine_gender_cols(df, genders = ['male', 'female']):
    for gender in genders:
        df[gender] = df[gender] + df['mostly_' + gender]
        df.drop('mostly_' + gender, axis = 1, inplace = True)
    return df

In [296]:
def add_prefix_col_name(prefix, df):
    df.columns = [prefix + str(col) for col in df.columns]
    return df

In [297]:
def create_summary_df(df, prefix):
    df = combine_gender_cols(df = df)
    df = add_prefix_col_name(prefix = prefix, df = df)
    return df

In [822]:
receive_crosstab = get_crosstab('receive_gender')
receive_crosstab = create_summary_df(receive_crosstab, 'r_gen_')
receive_crosstab.drop('r_gen_andy', axis = 1, inplace = True)

In [823]:
send_crosstab = get_crosstab('send_gender')
send_crosstab = create_summary_df(send_crosstab, 's_gen_')

In [824]:
receive_all = pd.DataFrame(text_features['receive_gender'].value_counts(normalize = True)).T
receive_all = create_summary_df(receive_all, 'r_gen_')
receive_all.drop('r_gen_andy', axis = 1, inplace = True)
receive_all.index = ['All company emails']

In [825]:
send_all = pd.DataFrame(text_features['send_gender'].value_counts(normalize = True)).T
send_all = create_summary_df(send_all, 's_gen_')
send_all.index = ['All company emails']

Enron vs. non-Enron emails

In [826]:
def from_enron(col, df = text_features):
    enron = []
    for email_address in df[col].tolist():
        if email_address.endswith(''):
        elif email_address == 'group':
    df[col + '_enron'] = enron
    return df

In [827]:
#all sender emails are from enron
#text_features = from_enron('sender')
text_features = from_enron('receiver')

In [828]:
r_enron = pd.DataFrame(text_features['receiver_enron'].value_counts(normalize = True)).T
r_enron.columns = ['receive_enron_F', 'receive_enron_T']
r_enron.index = ['All company emails']

In [829]:
enron_crosstab = get_crosstab('receiver_enron')
enron_crosstab.columns = ['receive_enron_F', 'receive_enron_T']

In [830]:
cluster_summary = pd.DataFrame({

cluster_summary = pd.concat([cluster_summary, receive_crosstab, send_crosstab, enron_crosstab], axis = 1)

In [831]:
all_summary = pd.DataFrame({
}, index = ['All company emails'])

all_summary = pd.concat([all_summary, receive_all, send_all, r_enron], axis = 1)

In [832]:
#pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.3f}'.format
summary = cluster_summary.append(all_summary)

compound_mean n_samples r_gen_female r_gen_group r_gen_male r_gen_unknown receive_enron_F receive_enron_T s_gen_female s_gen_male s_gen_unknown
Business discussions 0.178 373 0.209 0.402 0.196 0.193 0.121 0.879 0.560 0.319 0.121
Casual and personal 0.263 111 0.171 0.045 0.117 0.667 0.676 0.324 0.207 0.775 0.018
Company announcements 0.327 78 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.782 0.077 0.141
Direct and to the point 0.117 3234 0.236 0.201 0.236 0.326 0.176 0.824 0.180 0.568 0.252
Meetings and interviews 0.210 22 0.045 0.864 0.000 0.091 0.045 0.955 0.227 0.591 0.182
Updates and miscellaneous commentary 0.165 2262 0.234 0.328 0.161 0.276 0.194 0.806 0.373 0.441 0.186
All company emails 0.146 6080 0.229 0.270 0.200 0.300 0.814 0.186 0.283 0.503 0.213

In [953]:
ind = np.arange(len(summary))
width = 0.2
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(10, 8)

rects1 =, summary['s_gen_male'], width)
rects2 = + width, summary['s_gen_female'], width)
rects3 = + 2 * width, summary['s_gen_unknown'], width)

ax.set_ylabel('Percent per cluster', fontsize = 14);
ax.set_title('Distribution of gender of email SENDERS by cluster', fontsize = 15);

ax.set_xticklabels(('Business discussions', 
                    'Casual and personal', 
                    'Company announcements', 
                    'Direct and to the point', 
                    'Meetings and interviews', 
                   'Updates and miscellaneous',
                   'All company emails'), 
                   rotation = 45, 
                   fontsize = 13);


lgd = plt.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0], rects3[0]), ('Male', 'Female', 'Unknown'), 
                 bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 0.5), 
                 loc='center right', 
                fontsize = 14,
                markerscale = 2);

plt.savefig(save_image + 'email-sender-clusters.png',
           bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight');

In [952]:
ind = np.arange(len(summary))
width = 0.2
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(10, 8)

rects1 =, summary['r_gen_male'], width)
rects2 = + width, summary['r_gen_female'], width)
rects3 = + 3*width, summary['r_gen_unknown'], width)
rects4 = + 2*width, summary['r_gen_group'], width)

ax.set_ylabel('Percent per cluster', fontsize = 14);
ax.set_title('Distribution of gender of email RECEIVERS by cluster', fontsize = 15);

ax.set_xticklabels(('Business discussions', 
                    'Casual and personal', 
                    'Company announcements', 
                    'Direct and to the point', 
                    'Meetings and interviews', 
                   'Updates and miscellaneous',
                   'All company emails'), 
                   rotation = 45, 
                   fontsize = 13);


lgd = plt.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0], rects3[0], rects4[0]), ('Male', 'Female', 'Unknown', 'Group'), 
                 bbox_to_anchor=(1.2, 0.5), 
                 loc='center right', 
                fontsize = 14,
                markerscale = 2);

plt.savefig(save_image + 'email-receiver-clusters.png',
           bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight');

In [1038]:
counts_per_cluster = text_features['cluster_labels'].value_counts()
counts_per_cluster = counts_per_cluster.sort_index()

Plot mean sentiment per cluster.

In [1049]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(10, 9)

mean = summary['compound_mean'][-1]
summary2 = summary.copy()
summary2['relative_mean'] = summary2['compound_mean'] - mean
summary2.drop('All company emails', inplace = True)
ind2 = np.arange(len(summary2))

_ =, summary2['relative_mean'], color = 'cornflowerblue');

ax.set_xticks(ind2 - 0.5);
ax.set_xticklabels(('Business discussions', 
                    'Casual and personal', 
                    'Company announcements', 
                    'Direct and to the point', 
                    'Meetings and interviews', 
                   'Updates and miscellaneous'), 
                   rotation = 45);

plt.hlines(0, -0.5, 6.5, label = 'mean sentiment', linewidth = 4);
plt.xlim(-0.5, 5.5);

rects = ax.patches

#gets mean of each cluster
#labels = []
#for mean in summary2['relative_mean']:
#    labels.append('{:.3}'.format(mean))

for index, (rect, count) in enumerate(zip(rects, counts_per_cluster)):
    ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width()/2, 0.001,
            count, ha='center', va='bottom', 
            fontsize = 15);
plt.title('Mean sentiment score per cluster relative to company mean', fontsize = 17);
plt.ylabel('Sentiment score', fontsize = 14);
#plt.xlabel('Cluster labels', fontsize = 14);
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=15);

#plt.legend(fontsize = 13);
ax.figure.savefig(save_image + 'sentiment-per-cluster.png');

Plot mean sentiments of each cluster over time.

In [1363]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots();
fig.set_size_inches(10, 8)

ax.plot_date(x_axis_dates, np.array(text_features[col]), markersize = 0.5, c = 'gray');
plt.plot(mean_sentiment, '--', c = 'dimgray', linewidth = 2, label = 'mean of all emails')

for cluster, color in cluster_colors.items():
    pts_to_plot = text_features[text_features['cluster_labels'] == cluster]
    pts_dates = date2num(pts_to_plot['date'].tolist())
    cluster_mean = over_time[over_time['cluster_labels'] == cluster].resample('M')['compound'].mean()
    if cluster in ['Casual and personal', 'Company announcements', 'Meetings and interviews']:
        plt.plot(cluster_mean, c = color, label = cluster, linewidth = 0.75);
        plt.plot(cluster_mean, c = color, label = cluster, linewidth = 2.5);

lgd = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.28, 0.3), 
                 loc='lower center', 
                 fontsize = 13);

ax.set_xlim([dt(1999, 12, 1), dt(2002, 2, 28)]);
ax.set_ylim(-0.55, 0.65)

plt.title('Mean sentiment scores per cluster over time', fontsize = 18)
plt.ylabel(y_label, fontsize = 15, labelpad = 20);
plt.xlabel('Date (Year-Quarter)', fontsize = 15, labelpad = 15);

#axis ticks
plt.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', 
                labelsize = 15, labelleft = 'off');

x_pos = ax.get_xticks()
x_labels = np.array(['2000-Q1', '2000-Q2', '2000-Q3', '2000-Q4', 
                    '2001-Q1', '2001-Q2', '2001-Q3', '2001-Q4', 
plt.xticks(x_pos, x_labels);

plt.savefig(save_image + 'cluster-sentiments-time.png', 
            bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight');

Plot individual's emails by cluster type and sentiment over time.

In [687]:
cluster_colors = {}
for value, color in zip(cluster_labels.values(), colors):
    cluster_colors[value] = color

Plot mean sentiments by whether recipient was male or female.

In [1367]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots();
fig.set_size_inches(10, 8)

male_mean = over_time[(over_time['sender'] == email) & (over_time['receive_gender'] == 'male')]\
plt.plot(male_mean, 'blue', label = 'male recipient mean');

female_mean = over_time[(over_time['sender'] == email) & (over_time['receive_gender'] == 'female')]\
plt.plot(female_mean, 'red', label = 'female recipient mean');

#plot fake points for legend markers
plt.plot_date(x_axis_dates[0], 10, marker = 'x', 
              label = 'male recipient', color = 'k');

plt.plot_date(x_axis_dates[0], 10, marker = 'o', 
              label = 'female recipient', color = 'k', 
              markersize = 4);

indiv = text_features[text_features['sender'] == email]
female = indiv[indiv['receive_gender'] == 'female']
male = indiv[indiv['receive_gender'] == 'male']

##color by cluster labels
for label, color in cluster_colors.items():
    pts_to_plot = male[male['cluster_labels'] == label]
    pts_dates = date2num(pts_to_plot['date'].tolist())
    ax.plot_date(pts_dates, np.array(pts_to_plot[col]), markersize = 4, 
                 c = color, marker = 'x');

for label, color in cluster_colors.items():
    pts_to_plot = female[female['cluster_labels'] == label]
    pts_dates = date2num(pts_to_plot['date'].tolist())
    ax.plot_date(pts_dates, pts_to_plot[col], markersize = 4, 
                 c = color, label = label, marker = 'o');

ax.set_ylim(-1, 1);
ax.set_xlim([dt(1999, 12, 1), dt(2002, 2, 28)]);

plt.title('Sentiment and types of emails sent by John Doe to each gender', fontsize = 17);
plt.ylabel('Sentiment score', fontsize = 15)
plt.xlabel('Date (Year-Month)', fontsize = 15)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=14);

lgd = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.55, 0.55), 
                fontsize = 14,
                markerscale = 2);

#plt.savefig('indiv-sentiment-clusters-gender.png', bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight');

In [1344]:
top_senders = features_webapp['sender'].value_counts().head().sum()
top_senders_percent = features_webapp['sender'].value_counts().head().sum() / len(features_webapp)
print('{0} or {1:.2%} of emails were sent by the top 5 email senders.'.format(top_senders, top_senders_percent))

4108 or 67.57% of emails were sent by the top 5 email senders.