The rise of Newsletter Spam: A journey through my Gmail inbox

In the beginning there was spam. Cheap, unpersonalised, mass-send junk mail, easily defeated by simple Bayesian Filters. Over the years spammers improved and an arms race between spammers and spam filters was started. Spam was to me never more then a minor nuisance, and when gmail was launched, and all of google's might was put into the race spam in your inbox became virtually extinct. Now I don't even remember what an email for "ch3aP V1agrA" email looks like.title

Does this mean my inbox is empty? No. In fact I feel I receive more unwanted mail then ever. With the internet being more and more intertwined in our lives, we drop our email addresses with more and more companies, whom in turn have started sending "promotions", and "updates" more and more frequent. Even though they usually contain an "unsubscribe" option which I sometimes spend some time clicking though, these mailing lists have become a bigger source of irritation then spam ever was.

This jupyter notebook started out as a way to regularly delete all "Newsletter spam" from my inbox. It turned out however, to be a lot more fun to dig through my gmail inbox, which is what this post is mostly about. I would recommend everyone reading this to clone this notebook and start the same journey on your own inbox. Viewing stats on my inbox is not that interesting, viewing the same stats on your own inbox? A completely different story. It also gives you a sense on how big mailing list spam has become. Although the Gmail API has a delete option - it went against my Data Scientist instinct to actually delete anything.

In [1]:
import httplib2
import os
import base64
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import datetime
import logging
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from typing import Union, Any, List, Optional, cast
from googleapiclient.discovery import build
from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
from google.auth.transport.requests import Request

%matplotlib inline

Connect to the Gmail API

To get our emails, we will use the Gmail API. To to this we first need to enable the Gmail api and download a credential file. In this case I have stored the credential file next to the jupyter notebook. Follow steps 1 and 2 on this page to enable the API and get the credential file.

First we need to connect to the gmail api with the credentials file and build a "Resource" object:

In [3]:
SCOPES = ['']

flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
                'credentials.json', SCOPES)
creds = flow.run_local_server()
service = build('gmail', 'v1', credentials=creds)

Please visit this URL to authorize this application:

This object called service has a set of functions to connect to the API service. The following lists all the labels in my inbox, and is a good test to see if our connection works

In [4]:
labels = service.users().labels().list(userId='me').execute()
[label['name'] for label in labels['labels']]

['Deleted Items',
 'Sent Items',

Loading our data

To download all our emails we can use the get function. This function needs an email id as as input. To get these IDs we need the users.messages.list method. The following function returns a list with all email id's belonging to a specific label (e.g. Inbox, Spam, Sent, etc):

In [5]:
def list_messages_with_labels(service, user_id, label_ids=[]):
    response = service.users().messages().list(userId=user_id,
    messages = list()
    if 'messages' in response:
        while 'nextPageToken' in response:
            page_token = response['nextPageToken']
            response = service.users().messages().list(userId=user_id,
    return messages

For the purpose of this post we are just interested in messages in my inbox:

In [6]:
all_email_ids = list_messages_with_labels(service, 'me', 'INBOX')

print(f'I have {format(len(all_email_ids), ",d")} messages in my inbox')

I have 37,950 messages in my inbox

Single events can be retrieved using the get function which returns a dictionary:

In [676]:
event = service.users().messages().get(userId='me', id='168480e9f32d4068').execute()

To parse the output from the mentioned get function, I've created a small "Email" class which takes the email dictionary as the input of its constructor, and has the parts of the email we are interested in as its attributes. I've added type hints in case this is ever taken out of this notebook and put into a module.

In [7]:
class Email(object):
    def __init__(self, email: dict):
        self._logger = logging.getLogger('Email') str = email['id']
        self.label_ids: List[str] = email.get('labelIds', None) datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(email['internalDate'])/1000)
        self.size: int = email['sizeEstimate']
        self.sender: str = None str = None
        self.subject: str = None
        if 'headers' in email['payload']:
            self._logger.warning(f'Headers not found for email with id: {}')
        self.__dict__ = self._as_dict()
    def _parse_headers(self, email: dict):
        headers = email['payload']['headers']
        for header in headers:
            if header['name'] == 'From':
                self.sender = header['value']
            elif header['name'] == 'To':
       = header['value']
            elif header['name'] == 'Subject':
                self.subject = header['value']
    def _as_dict(self):
        return {k: v for k, v in self.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('_')}

Now we can fetch a list of emails and convert this to a DataFrame. As we don't want to send and get a new http request for each email we will use the BatchHttpRequest object. This object allows us to bundle multiple http requests and a callback function that handles the result of the individual requests. The gmail API is rate limited at 250 requests per second - so we will have to create batches of 250 or less requests, and wait one second after each batch request is executed.

In [8]:
BATCH_SIZE = 200 # Maximum number of requests per second
emails = list() # List of Dictionaries with the emails - will be used as input for our DataFrame

def add_emails(request_id, response, exception):
    """Callback function that handles the result of each request"""
    if exception is not None:
    # Do something with the exception
        raise ValueError(exception)
    # Convert the email to a dictionary using our Email class

batch = service.new_batch_http_request()
for i, msg_id in enumerate(all_email_ids):
    batch.add(service.users().messages().get(userId = 'me', id = msg_id['id']), callback=add_emails)
    if i % BATCH_SIZE == 0:
        batch = service.new_batch_http_request()
        print(f'{i} out of {len(all_email_ids)} done')

# Create a DataFrame from our list of emails
all_emails = pd.DataFrame(emails)

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Headers not found for email with id: 13ed713debd8d989
Headers not found for email with id: 13ed713be5efe406
18100 out of 37950 done
Headers not found for email with id: 13ed713b1dcb6ac4
Headers not found for email with id: 13ed71398fdfc72d
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Exploring our data

Let's have a look at our newly created DataFrame:

In [3]:

date id label_ids sender size subject to
0 2019-04-06 05:02:13 169f1e24cbfcb6b3 [UNREAD, CATEGORY_UPDATES, INBOX] Hendrik Oude Nijhuis <> 6474 YouTube versus Netflix
1 2019-04-06 00:59:27 169f1040b804177b [UNREAD, CATEGORY_UPDATES, INBOX] Glassdoor Jobs <> 33836 An opportunity for you at OfferUp was just posted
2 2019-04-05 19:06:05 169efc086a341584 [UNREAD, CATEGORY_UPDATES, INBOX] Seamless <> 27193 Your order from Il Baretto is being prepared
3 2019-04-05 18:55:03 169efb6e45092d27 [UNREAD, CATEGORY_UPDATES, INBOX] New York Road Runners <> 77285 Join Us for Three New Virtual Races
4 2019-04-05 18:36:39 169efa595456b40d [CATEGORY_SOCIAL, INBOX] Quora Digest <> 123952 A senior software engineer told me that functi...

We can now use this DataFrame to dig through our emails. For example calculate the total size of our inbox in gigabytes:

In [97]:
all_emails['size'].sum() / 1024 ** 3


Or find out the biggest email in our inbox - in this case a 34MB email with pictures from a Rafting trip in 2011. Fun times!

In [21]:
all_emails[all_emails['size'] == max(all_emails['size'])]

id label_ids sender size subject to sender_norm anon size_mb
2011-10-22 19:36:15 1332dff678ef6b13 [CATEGORY_PERSONAL, INBOX] Some guy 35686503 Rangitata Rafts Pics Me NaN NaN 34.033301

This is an obvious outlier - most emails are much smaller:

In [22]:
# Add a column with sizes in Mb - which is easier to read
all_emails['size_mb'] = all_emails['size'] / 1024 ** 2

_ = plt.hist(all_emails['size_mb'], bins=[0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 1])
print(f'The median size is only {(all_emails["size"].median() / 1024):.2f} kb')

The median size is only 15.03 kb

Now lets see who our most frequent senders are. First we want to clean up the adresses a bit and strip out only the actuall email adress:

In [17]:
all_emails['sender_norm'] = (all_emails['sender']
                           .str.extract('<?(\S+@\S+.\w+)>?', expand=False)
                           .str.replace('"', '')
                           .str.replace('<', '')
                           .str.replace('[', ''))

To see who the top senders are we can group by this new column and calculate the number of emails recieved from this person (count) and the total size of all emails send by this person (sum of size_mb)

In [23]:
top_senders = (all_emails.groupby('sender_norm')
           .agg({'sender_norm': ['count'], 'size_mb' : ['sum']})
           .sort_values(by=[('sender_norm', 'count')], ascending=False))

# Check the 10 senders that send most emails

sender_norm size_mb
count sum
sender_norm 1374 6.865120 960 95.993297 730 41.120080
Family 697 185.316703 695 6.315460
Friend 1 657 48.461307
Friend 2 650 88.133715
Wife 628 231.473106
Newsletter 1 586 20.304824
Newsletter 2 517 213.101904

I've anonymised most of the senders for obvious reasons. I'm glad too see there are some friends and family members in the top 10, and it's not only newsletters. My number 1 spammer: is an automated mail I get when the train I used to take gets delayed, see this previous blog post. As you can see, this train is delayed a lot... It's also good to know that the newsletters are generally much smaller then the emails from friends. If we sort by size we see mostly natural persons in the top 10, me sending myself emails with large attachments being number 1.

In [34]:
top_senders.sort_values(by=[('size_mb', 'sum')], ascending=False).head(10)

sender_norm size_mb
count sum
sender_norm 378 300.656649
Wife 628 231.473106
Newsletter 2 517 213.101904
Family 697 185.316703
Friend 3 196 122.931810
Sports club 231 97.326284 960 95.993297
Friend 4 43 94.249075
Friend 2 650 88.133715
Friend 5 57 81.848216

Emails over time

Lets calculate the amount of emails received per week. First we need to change the index of the DataFrame to the date column:

In [ ]:
all_emails = all_emails.set_index('date')

Now we need to resample the DataFrame in weekly periods, and count the number of emails per week. To get a nice and smooth line we will use a rolling average of these counts. To calculate the means we use a gaussian kernel (the function that is used to take the average of the neighboring points).

In [35]:
weekly_counts = all_emails.resample('W').count() # Get a count per week
# filter data from before gmail existed 
weekly_counts = weekly_counts[weekly_counts.index > np.datetime64('2004-04-01')] 
# Calculate the moving average
moving_av = weekly_counts.rolling(10, center=True, win_type='gaussian').mean(std=3)['id']

Now plot this moving average. I'm using the Object Oriented interface of Matplotlib which gives you much more flexibility and and ease of use in the long run.

In [36]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,8))
ax.set(xlabel='Date', ylabel='Weekly Count',
       title='Emails received per Week')
_ = moving_av.plot(ax=ax)

Very cool! For the reader this might be "just" a graph, which is why I recommend to clone this notebook and run it on your own data. For me I see a clear period when I was in university, a period when I was not in university and using another email address, a period when I was basically using gmail as a substitute for what is now WhatsApp, and the rise of newsletter spam.

In [37]:
# Filter only emails from the 15 frequent senders:
top_sender_over_time = all_emails[all_emails['sender_norm'].isin(top_senders.head(15).index)]

# Group by sender and month and count
top_sender_over_time = (top_sender_over_time
                        .groupby(['sender_norm', pd.Grouper(level='date', freq='M')])
                        .agg({'sender_norm': ['count']}))

# "Unstack" the sender part of the index, so each sender gets his own column
top_sender_over_time = top_sender_over_time.unstack(level='sender_norm')

# Resample to make sure all periods have a value, even when no emails were recieved in that period
top_sender_over_time = top_sender_over_time.resample('M')

# Calculate the moving average the same way we did before    
top_sender_over_time = (top_sender_over_time.sum()
               .rolling(10, center=True, win_type='gaussian')

Our columns now are a MultiIndex with three levels, the first two having just a single value each ('sender_norm', and 'count'). We can remove these to get a cleaner looking plot:

In [38]:
top_sender_over_time = top_sender_over_time['sender_norm']['count']

Let's plot it!

In [39]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,8))
ax.set(xlabel='Date', ylabel='Weekly Count',
       title='Emails received per Week')
_ = top_sender_over_time.plot(ax=ax)

To be honest, it looks like someone threw a plate of spaghetti on my screen... Let's put it in something a little bit more readable, such as a heatmap. We can do this with the excellent Seaborn heatmap function. We can use this on our DataFrame directly, or transpose our DataFrame to get one were the senders are on the Y-axis and dates on the X-axis:

In [41]:
top_sender_over_time_t = top_sender_over_time.transpose()
top_sender_over_time_t.columns = top_sender_over_time_t.columns.strftime('%Y-%m')

Now create the heatmap:

In [42]:
def plot_heatmap(df_to_plot, xlabel, ylabel, title):
    """Plots heatmap based of df_to_plot with some extra formatting"""
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(25,10))

    ax = sns.heatmap(df_to_plot, ax=ax, xticklabels=True, cmap="RdBu_r")

    # I only want to see 1/5th of the orignal x axis labels for better readabilty
    xticks = ax.get_xticks()
    xtick_labels = ax.get_xticklabels()
    x_labels = [label for i, label in enumerate(xtick_labels) if i % 5 == 0]
    _ = ax.set_xticks([x for i, x in enumerate(xticks) if i % 5 == 0])
    _ = ax.set_xticklabels(x_labels)

    # The following formats the labels on the x-axis to be more readable
    _ = fig.autofmt_xdate()

    # Set axis labels and title
    _ = plt.ylabel(xlabel)
    _ = plt.xlabel(ylabel)
    _ = ax.set_title(title)
plot_heatmap(top_sender_over_time_t, 'Sender', 'Date', 'Emails received per Month')

This looks a bit nicer, its easy to see when the hotspots were for certain senders and how they correlate. The downside of this plot is that the absolute numbers are harder to read.

Newsletter spam

Now back to the original subject - how much of the email in my inbox comes from maillinglists, or "newsletter spam"? Since 2010 Google started adding labels to each email which do a pretty good job at classifying the different types of email. The different categories an email can have are "forums", "personal", "social", "promotions", and "updates". Out of these 5 options, the only category I would not consider spam are the personal emails.

Building a DataFrame

First I delete the ns-vertragings mail. Its not fair to call this newsletter spam, as its basically something I send myself using a cron-job. Its also being mislabeled by gmail alot.

In [43]:
all_emails = all_emails[all_emails.sender!='']

Each email can have multiple labels. We need to "explode" these into a new dataframe with one row for each label

In [44]:
labels_over_time = pd.DataFrame(all_emails.label_ids.apply(pd.Series, 1).stack())
labels_over_time.columns = ['label']
labels_over_time = labels_over_time[labels_over_time.index.get_level_values('date') > np.datetime64('2004-04-01')]

As you can see, the labels are now shown in a "long" format, with multiple labels per email:

In [45]:

2019-04-06 05:02:13 0 UNREAD
2019-04-06 00:59:27 0 UNREAD

On this data we'll do the same as we did before on all emails: group by month and get the counts for each label, resample and calculate the rolling average. After that we transpose to get the months as columns and the categories as rows:

In [46]:
labels_over_time_cnt = (labels_over_time
                  .groupby(['label', pd.Grouper(level='date', freq='M')])
                  .agg({'label': ['count']})

labels_over_time_cnt = (labels_over_time_cnt
                  .rolling(10, center=True, win_type='gaussian')
labels_over_time_cnt = labels_over_time_cnt['count']
labels_over_time_cnt_t = labels_over_time_cnt.transpose() 

labels_over_time_cnt_t.columns = labels_over_time_cnt_t.columns.strftime('%Y-%m')

# Keep only the category labels
labels_over_time_cnt_t = labels_over_time_cnt_t[labels_over_time_cnt_t.index.str.startswith('CATEGORY')]

In [47]:
plot_heatmap(labels_over_time_cnt_t, 'Sender', 'Date', 'Emails received per Month')

In [48]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,8))
ax.set(xlabel='Date', ylabel='Weekly Count',
       title='Emails received per Week')
_ = labels_over_time_cnt.filter(like='CATEGORY', axis=1).plot(ax=ax)

I think its clear that the number of updates, promoties and social media updates are growing fast. The actual numbers are hard to gauge as I've been consistently inconsistent in clearing my inbox of these type of emails.

Deleting events

I'll leave the actual deletion as an exercise for the reader. You can batch delete messages with:

In [ ]:
service.users().messages().batchDelete(userId=user_id, body={
    "ids": [ # The IDs of the messages to delete.
      "A String",