.. _getting_start:

Getting started

Hi-C data format

Hi-C data are usually represented as symmetric matrices in a tab separated file, as in the example below:

chrT_001      chrT_002        chrT_003        chrT_004        chrT_005        chrT_006
chrT_001      629     164     88      105     10      35
chrT_002      86      612     175     110     40      29
chrT_003      159     216     437     105     43      73
chrT_004      100     111     146     278     70      42
chrT_005      16      36      26      79      243     39
chrT_006      19      50      53      42      37      224

TADbit allows to load most of this kind of matrices. A Hi-C matrix is loaded as this (note: this example loads human chromosome 19 from [Lieberman-Aiden2009]_ results.):

In [1]:
from pytadbit import Chromosome
# initiate a chromosome object that will store all Hi-C data and analysis
my_chrom = Chromosome(name='chr19', centromere_search=True, 
                      species='Homo sapiens', assembly='NCBI36')

# load Hi-C data
my_chrom.add_experiment('k562', cell_type='wild type', exp_type='Hi-C', identifier='k562',
                        project='TADbit tutorial',
                        hic_data="../../scripts/sample_data/HIC_k562_chr19_chr19_100000_obs.txt", resolution=100000)
my_chrom.add_experiment('gm06690',  cell_type='cancer', exp_type='Hi-C', identifier='gm06690',
                        project='TADbit tutorial',
                        hic_data="../../scripts/sample_data/HIC_gm06690_chr19_chr19_100000_obs.txt", resolution=100000)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pytadbit/parsers/hic_parser.py:93: UserWarning: WARNING: non integer values
  warn('WARNING: non integer values')
.. warning:: TADbit assumes that Hi-C data matrices starts at chromosome position 1. If your matrix do not represents the full chromosome length, fill the missing columns and rows with zeros. .. note:: by default TADbit will not search for centromeres, however, as, in this example, we know that we are working with chromosome 19, we can ask TADbit search for it as explained in :ref:`forbidden_regions` .. note:: TADbit parser is also able to read compressed data directly (gzip files). .. note:: Many optional descriptive arguments can be passed to the chromosome and to the experiments. This arguments may be used by TADbit when generating the output.

Unrecognized data format

In some cases users may found data that are not readable by TADbit. In such case, a parser function can be written and passed as an argument to the add_experiment function:

In [2]:
def read_strange_file(f_handle):
    reads from file handler (already openned)
    nums = []
    for line in f_handle:
        if not line:
        # modify the following line to fit your parsing needings
        values = line.split()
        # feed the "num" list with the list of values you parsed
        nums.append([int(v) for v in values])
    return tuple([nums[j][i] for i in xrange(len(nums)) for j in xrange(len(nums))]), len(nums)

And call it as follow:

In [3]:
other_chrom = Chromosome(name='An other chromosome')
other_chrom.add_experiment('First Hi-C experiment', hic_data='../../src/test/data/hESC_chr19-rep1.txt',
                           parser=read_strange_file, resolution=20000)

Experiment objects

Experiments, when loaded, are stored in a special kind of list attached to chromosome objects:

In [4]:

[Experiment k562 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: None, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: None),
 Experiment gm06690 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: None, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: None)]

A specific Experiment can be accessed either by its name or by its position in :class:pytadbit.chromosome.ExperimentList :

In [5]:
my_chrom.experiments[0] == my_chrom.experiments["k562"]

Each Experiment is an independent object with a list of associated functions (see :class:`pytadbit.experiment.Experiment`).
.. _exp_operations:

Basic manipulation of Experiments

Two Hi-C experiments can be summed up easily, resulting in a new Hi-c experiment contatining the sum of the interaction counts of the summed experiments:

In [6]:
exp = my_chrom.experiments["k562"] + my_chrom.experiments["gm06690"]
print exp

Experiment k562+gm06690:
   resolution        : 100Kb
   TADs              : None
   Hi-C rows         : 639
   normalized        : None
   identifier        : k562+gm06690
   cell type         : wild type+cancer
   restriction enzyme: UNKNOWN
   project           : TADbit tutorial

WARNING: experiments should be normalized before being summed

Note the last warning asking to normalize experiments before summing them. Indeed normalizing the sum of different experiment should result in bayesing the final result towards the experiment with more raw Hi-C interaction counts.

The resulting experiment (which default name is the concatenation of the summed experiments) can be added to the experiments of a given chromosome.

In [7]:
print my_chrom.experiments

[Experiment k562 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: None, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: None), Experiment gm06690 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: None, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: None), Experiment k562+gm06690 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: None, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: None)]

Hi-C matric visualization

To quickly view how does the interaction matrix look like, experiment objects have the :func:`pytadbit.experiment.Experiment.view` function

In [8]:

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pytadbit/experiment.py:1090: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log2
  img = axe.imshow(fun(matrix), origin='lower', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f6fa312e7d0>

This plot shows the log2 interaction counts, resulting from the given Hi-C experiment, and it can be drawn from individual experiments or from the chromosome object.

In [9]:
my_chrom.visualize([('k562', 'gm06690'), 'k562+gm06690'])

Note how we pass the list of experiments to show to the :func:`pytadbit.chromosome.Chromosome.visualize` we ask to view 3 experiments, the first two being grouped in a single matrix. This view is useful to compare experiments, and do not suppose a lose of information as Hi-C matrices are symetric.
.. _run_tadbit:

Find Topologically Associating Domains

Once an experiment has been loaded, the location of Topologically Associating Domains (TADs) can be estimated as:

In [10]:
my_chrom.find_tad('k562', n_cpus=8)
my_chrom.find_tad('gm06690', n_cpus=8)
:func:`pytadbit.chromosome.Chromosome.find_tad` is called from our Chromosome object but is applied to a specific experiment. Therefore, TADs found by TADBbit will be associated to this specific experiment. They can be accessed as following:

In [11]:
exp = my_chrom.experiments["k562"]

{1: {'brk': 5.0, 'end': 5.0, 'score': 2.0, 'start': 0.0},
 2: {'brk': 5.0, 'end': 5.0, 'score': 2.0, 'start': 0.0},
 3: {'brk': 11.0, 'end': 11.0, 'score': 2.0, 'start': 6.0},
 4: {'brk': 31.0, 'end': 31.0, 'score': 7.0, 'start': 12.0},
 5: {'brk': 45.0, 'end': 45.0, 'score': 5.0, 'start': 32.0},
 6: {'brk': 56.0, 'end': 56.0, 'score': 5.0, 'start': 46.0},
 7: {'brk': 69.0, 'end': 69.0, 'score': 7.0, 'start': 57.0},
 8: {'brk': 82.0, 'end': 82.0, 'score': 3.0, 'start': 70.0},
 9: {'brk': 103.0, 'end': 103.0, 'score': 4.0, 'start': 83.0},
 10: {'brk': 108.0, 'end': 108.0, 'score': 7.0, 'start': 104.0},
 11: {'brk': 128.0, 'end': 128.0, 'score': 6.0, 'start': 109.0},
 12: {'brk': 183.0, 'end': 183.0, 'score': 6.0, 'start': 129.0},
 13: {'brk': 194.0, 'end': 194.0, 'score': 4.0, 'start': 184.0},
 14: {'brk': 236.0, 'end': 236.0, 'score': 4.0, 'start': 195.0},
 15: {'brk': 244.0, 'end': 244.0, 'score': 5.0, 'start': 237.0},
 16: {'brk': 329.0, 'end': 329.0, 'score': 4.0, 'start': 324.0},
 17: {'brk': 347.0, 'end': 347.0, 'score': 4.0, 'start': 330.0},
 18: {'brk': 352.0, 'end': 352.0, 'score': 2.0, 'start': 348.0},
 19: {'brk': 377.0, 'end': 377.0, 'score': 8.0, 'start': 353.0},
 20: {'brk': 383.0, 'end': 383.0, 'score': 3.0, 'start': 378.0},
 21: {'brk': 399.0, 'end': 399.0, 'score': 6.0, 'start': 384.0},
 22: {'brk': 412.0, 'end': 412.0, 'score': 9.0, 'start': 400.0},
 23: {'brk': 432.0, 'end': 432.0, 'score': 3.0, 'start': 413.0},
 24: {'brk': 445.0, 'end': 445.0, 'score': 6.0, 'start': 433.0},
 25: {'brk': 471.0, 'end': 471.0, 'score': 4.0, 'start': 446.0},
 26: {'brk': 477.0, 'end': 477.0, 'score': 5.0, 'start': 472.0},
 27: {'brk': 485.0, 'end': 485.0, 'score': 7.0, 'start': 478.0},
 28: {'brk': 500.0, 'end': 500.0, 'score': 3.0, 'start': 486.0},
 29: {'brk': 505.0, 'end': 505.0, 'score': 7.0, 'start': 501.0},
 30: {'brk': 521.0, 'end': 521.0, 'score': 2.0, 'start': 506.0},
 31: {'brk': 530.0, 'end': 530.0, 'score': 5.0, 'start': 522.0},
 32: {'brk': 553.0, 'end': 553.0, 'score': 4.0, 'start': 531.0},
 33: {'brk': 562.0, 'end': 562.0, 'score': 6.0, 'start': 554.0},
 34: {'brk': 569.0, 'end': 569.0, 'score': 5.0, 'start': 563.0},
 35: {'brk': 593.0, 'end': 593.0, 'score': 6.0, 'start': 570.0},
 36: {'brk': 608.0, 'end': 608.0, 'score': 7.0, 'start': 594.0},
 37: {'brk': 638.0, 'end': 638.0, 'score': 10.0, 'start': 609.0}}

The "tads" variable returned in this example is a dictionary of TADs, each of each is in turn a new dictionary containing information about the start and end positions of a TAD.

"start" and "end" values correspond respectively to the start and end positions of the given TAD in the chromosome (note that this numbers have to be multiplied by the resolution of the experiment, "exp.resolution"). The "brk" key corresponds to the value of "end", all "brk" together corresponds to all TAD's boundaries.

TADs to text

TADs can also be seen or saved to a file using this write function:

In [12]:

#      start   end score
2        1.0   6.0   2.0
3        1.0   6.0   2.0
4        7.0  12.0   2.0
5       13.0  32.0   7.0
6       33.0  46.0   5.0
7       47.0  57.0   5.0
8       58.0  70.0   7.0
9       71.0  83.0   3.0
10      84.0 104.0   4.0
11     105.0 109.0   7.0
12     110.0 129.0   6.0
13     130.0 184.0   6.0
14     185.0 195.0   4.0
15     196.0 237.0   4.0
16     238.0 245.0   5.0
17     325.0 330.0   4.0
18     331.0 348.0   4.0
19     349.0 353.0   2.0
20     354.0 378.0   8.0
21     379.0 384.0   3.0
22     385.0 400.0   6.0
23     401.0 413.0   9.0
24     414.0 433.0   3.0
25     434.0 446.0   6.0
26     447.0 472.0   4.0
27     473.0 478.0   5.0
28     479.0 486.0   7.0
29     487.0 501.0   3.0
30     502.0 506.0   7.0
31     507.0 522.0   2.0
32     523.0 531.0   5.0
33     532.0 554.0   4.0
34     555.0 563.0   6.0
35     564.0 570.0   5.0
36     571.0 594.0   6.0
37     595.0 609.0   7.0
38     610.0 639.0  10.0

Another way to view TADs is using the matrix visualization:

TADs in interaction matrices

In [13]:
my_chrom.visualize(exp.name, paint_tads=True)

In this case we can also put them side by side, view a given region, and use nrmalized data instead of the log2 of raw data:

In [14]:
my_chrom.visualize([('k562', 'gm06690')], paint_tads=True, focus=(490,620), normalized=True)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pytadbit/experiment.py:1090: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log2
  img = axe.imshow(fun(matrix), origin='lower', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,

Note that the width of the line is proportional to the score of the TAD border.

.. _density_plot:

TADs in density plots

Finally TAD bourders can be seen using the density plot summary:

In [15]:

In this plot, each grey-filled-arc represents a TAD. The eight of the TAD is proportional to the relative amount of interactions in this TAD. If this relative amount of interactions is higher than 1 (dark grey TADs) the number of interactions inside the TAD is higher than expected accordin to its size (a black horizontal line, highlights this theoretical threshold).

TAD borders in this plot are marked by colored triangles. The color code, from blue to red, represents how confident is TADbit about the identification of the border.

TADbit also allows to search for TADs in a chromosome using the information of several Hi-C experiments. To do this experiments do not need to be summed up (like in :ref:`exp_operations`), as the find_tad function has a batch_mode:

In [16]:
my_chrom.find_tad(['k562', 'gm06690'], batch_mode=True, n_cpus=8)
print my_chrom.experiments

[Experiment k562 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: 37, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: visibility), Experiment gm06690 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: 34, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: visibility), Experiment k562+gm06690 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: None, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: None), Experiment batch_gm06690_k562 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: 35, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: visibility)]
.. note:: In this case a new experiment is also created (e.g. "batch_gm06690_k562"), it contains the TADs detected when taking into account the two experiments "gm06690" and "k562".
.. _forbidden_regions:

Forbidden regions and centromeres

By default TADbit does not put limitation in sizes of TADs, owever it may make sense to set a maximum TAD size of 5 Mb in humans [Dekker2013]_. In this case we can set this cutoff when first defining the chromosome (see the option in :class:`pytadbit.Chromosome`), or just use the function :class:`pytadbit.Chromosome.set_max_tad_size`:

In [17]:
Once TADs are detected by the core :func:`pytadbit.tadbit.tadbit` function, TADbit checks that they are not larger than a given value (5 Mb here). If a TAD is larger than this value, it will be marked with a **negative score**, and will be automatically excluded from the main TADbit functions.

In [18]:
my_chrom.visualize('k562', paint_tads=True)

Another optional inspection performed by TADbit is the presence of centromeric regions. TADbit assumes that the larger gap found in a Hi-C matrix corresponds to the centromere. In the case of this example we set the argument "search_centromere=True", but the default is False, as it may give unexpected results in telocentric chromosomes.

The search for centromere is updated and refined each time a new experiment is linked to a given Chromosome. Typically, TADs calculated by the :func:pytadbit.tadbit.tadbit function include centromeric regions; if a centromere is found, TADbit will split the TAD containing it into two TADs, one ending before the centromere and one starting after.

Saving and restoring data

In order to avoid having to calculate TAD positions each time, TADbit allows to save and load Chromosome objects, with all the associated experiments. To save a Chromosome object:

In [19]:
my_chrom.save_chromosome("some_path.tdb", force=True)
And to load it:

In [20]:
from pytadbit import load_chromosome

my_chrom = load_chromosome("some_path.tdb")

print my_chrom.experiments

[Experiment k562 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: 37, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: None), Experiment gm06690 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: 34, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: None), Experiment k562+gm06690 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: None, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: None), Experiment batch_gm06690_k562 (resolution: 100Kb, TADs: 35, Hi-C rows: 639, normalized: None)]
*Note: while information about TADs can be saved, in order to save disk space, raw Hi-C data are not stored in this way but can be loaded again for each experiment:*

In [21]:
expr = my_chrom.experiments["k562"]
