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cd data
Q1. How can you distinguish between the header of the SAM format and the actual alignments?
Each header line begins with the @ character followed by one of the two-letter header record type codes and each alignment line starts with the read name.
Q2. What information does the header provide you with?
The header is categorised using two letter record type codes.
Record type | Description |
@HD | header line with general information about the file |
@SQ | reference sequence dictionary and alignment order |
@PG | Programs used to generate the alignment file |
Within each of these categories are a series of tags and values.
Record type | Tag | Description |
@HD | VN | format version |
@HD | SO | alignment sorting order |
@SQ | SN | reference sequence name |
@SQ | LN | reference sequence length |
@PG | ID | program record identifier |
@PG | PN | program name |
@PG | VN | program version number |
@PG | CL | command used when the program was run |
Q3. Which chromosome are the reads mapped to?
The reads are aligned to chromosome 1 (chr1). You're looking for this line in the header.
@SQ SN:chr1 LN:249250621
There is a peak representing a PAX5 binding site approximately 1kb upstream of the NASP gene, in the promoter region.
Q2. What is the main difference between the visualisation of BAM and bigWig files?
bigWig files display dense, continuous data as a graph whereas BAM files display the read alignment pileup which is discrete.
Q1. The simplest bed file contains just three columns (chromosome, start, end) and is often called BED3 format. What extra columns does BED6 contain?
BED6 contains BED3 columns with the addition of three extra columns: name, score and strand
Q2. In the above examples, what are the lengths of the intervals?
The intervals in the example were 50, 500 and 200 respectively. Remember that the start co-ordinates are 0-based which means that you can just subtract the start position from the end position.
chromosome | start | end | length |
chr1 | 50 | 100 | 100 - 50 = 50 |
chr1 | 500 | 1000 | 1000 - 500 = 500 |
chr2 | 600 | 800 | 800 - 600 = 200 |
Q3. Can you output a BED6 format with a transcript called "loc1", transcribed on the forward strand and having three exons of length 100 starting at positions 1000, 2000 and 3000?
chromosome | start | end | name | score | strand |
chr1 | 1000 | 1100 | loc1 | . | + |
chr1 | 2000 | 2100 | loc1 | . | + |
chr1 | 3000 | 3100 | loc1 | . | + |
Q4. What additional information is given in the narrowPeak file, beside the location of the peaks?
narrowPeak files are in BED6+4 format which contains the peak locations together with overall enrichment, peak summit, p-value and q-value.
column name | description |
signalValue | overall/average enrichment for the region |
pValue | -log10(pvalue) for the peak summit |
qValue | -log10(qvalue) for the peak summit |
peak | summit position relative to peak start |
Q5. Does the first peak that was called look convincing to you?
Look at the peak in IGV by entering the coordinates in the search box (i.e. chr1:710543-710713).
If you hover over the peak annotation, you can see some of the information produced by MACS2 for this peak.
There are 29 reads piled up under this peak which has a q-value of 10. Remember that this is a negative log and so is equivalent to 1e-10.
chromosome | start | end | name | score | strand | signalValue | pValue | qValue | peak |
chr1 | 710543 | 710713 | PAX5_peak_1 | 137 | . | 7.50382 | 13.75727 | 10.47078 | 97 |
Q6. In the small example table above, why have the coordinates changed from the BED description?
From the BED file:
chromosome | start | end |
chr1 | 50 | 100 |
From the GTF file:
chromosome | start | stop |
chr1 | 51 | 100 |
Notice that the start values differ by 1. This is because the start coordinates in BED format are 0-based (i.e. first base is at position 0) while the start coordinates in GTF format are 1-based (i.e. the first base is at position 1).
Q1. Looking at the output of the bedtools genomecov
we ran, what percentage of chromosome 1 do the peaks of PAX5 cover?
The peaks of PAX5 cover 0.28% of chromosome 1 (chr1).
The output of bedtools genomecov
contains 5 columns which represent:
The output for chromosome 1 was:
chr1 0 248561847 249250621 0.997237
chr1 1 602947 249250621 0.00241904
chr1 2 68077 249250621 0.000273127
chr1 3 15400 249250621 6.17852e-05
chr1 4 963 249250621 3.86358e-06
chr1 7 1387 249250621 5.56468e-06
The important value here is in column 5 - fraction of bases with depth equal to column 2.
There are two ways to get the percentage. The first is to add together the fraction of bases which have a depth > 1 on chr1 and convert it into a percentage.
0.00241904 + 0.000273127 + 6.17852e-05 + 3.86358e-06 + 5.56468e-06
= 0.00276338
= 0.28%
Alternatively, you could subtract the fraction of bases with 0 coverage from 1.
1 - 0.997237 = 0.002763 = 0.28%
Q2. Looking at the output from bedtools intersect
, what proportion of PAX5 peaks overlap genes?
72% of the PAX5 peaks overlap genes (a proportion of 0.72).
You need to divide the number of peaks overlapping genes (2722) by the total number of peaks (3799).
Q3. Looking at PAX5_closestTSS.txt
, which gene was found to be closest to MACS peak 2?
The closest gene to PAX5_peak_2 is a lincRNA called RP11-206L10.