

In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sbn
import numpy as np
import numpy.polynomial.legendre as npl

from scipy.optimize import minimize

Notebook settings

In [2]:
%matplotlib notebook

legend_params = {'loc': 'best',
                 'frameon': True, 
                 'fancybox': True, 
                 'framealpha': 0.7}

Create Synthetic Data

In [3]:
N = 100

#x, y = np.random.multivariate_normal((0,0), ((0.1,0), (0,0.1)), size=N).T
x = np.random.uniform(low=-0.9, high=0.9, size=N)
y = np.random.uniform(low=-0.9, high=0.9, size=N)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sbn.kdeplot(x, y, shade=True, gridsize=250, bw=(0.1, 0.1), ax=ax, cmap='inferno', cbar=True)
ax.set(xlabel=r'$x$', ylabel=r'$y$', xlim=(-0.9, 0.9), ylim=(-0.9, 0.9))

Maximum Likelihood Estimate of the Density

Initialize Legendre polynomials

Choose polynomial degrees $I$ and $J$, initialize coefficients $\mathbf{c}$, and compute basis-function values at all values of $x$ and $y.

In [4]:
I = 10
J = 10

c = np.random.uniform(low=-0.1, high=0.1, size=(I+1)*(J+1))
c /= c.dot(c)
c = np.zeros((I+1)*(J+1))
c[0] = 1
c = np.append(c, N)
#x= 0.5
#y = 0.5

norm = np.array([[np.sqrt(2/(2*i + 1))*np.sqrt(2/(2*j + 1)) for j in range(J+1)] for i in range(I+1)])
phi_ijn = npl.legvander2d(x, y, (I, J)).T / norm.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]

Likelihood and constraint

In [6]:
def neglogl(c):
    return -np.log(np.square(c.dot(phi_ijn))).sum()

def grad_neglogl(c):
    return -2*(phi_ijn / c.dot(phi_ijn)).sum(axis=1)

def normalization(c):
    return c.dot(c) - 1

def grad_normalization(c):
    return 2*c

constraint = {'type': 'eq',
              'fun': normalization,
              'jac': grad_normalization}

option = {'maxiter': 5000}

Compound objective function

In [7]:
hess = np.zeros(((I+1)*(J+1)+1, (I+1)*(J+1)+1))
ones = np.eye((I+1)*(J+1))

def objective(c):
    return -np.log(np.square(c[:-1].dot(phi_ijn))).sum() + c[-1]*(c[:-1].dot(c[:-1]) - 1)

def grad_objective(c):
    return np.append(-2*(phi_ijn / c[:-1].dot(phi_ijn)).sum(axis=1) + 2*c[-1]*c[:-1], c[:-1].dot(c[:-1]) - 1)

def hess_objective(c):
    hess[:-1, :-1] = (2*(np.einsum('i...,j...', phi_ijn, phi_ijn) / 
                         np.square(c[:-1].dot(phi_ijn)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis])).sum(axis=0)
                      + 2*c[-1]*ones)
    hess[:-1, -1] = hess[-1, :-1] = 2*c[-1]*c[:-1]
    return hess

In [8]:
def objective(c):
    l = np.append(-2*(phi_ijn / c[:-1].dot(phi_ijn)).sum(axis=1) + 2*c[-1]*c[:-1], c[:-1].dot(c[:-1]) - 1)
    return l.dot(l)

def grad_objective(c):
    sqrt_p = c[:-1].dot(phi_ijn)
    sqs = c[:-1].dot(c[:-1])
    phi_over_sqrt_p = phi_ijn / sqrt_p
    phi_over_p = phi_over_sqrt_p / sqrt_p
    first = (2*c[-1]**2 + sqs - 1)*c[:-1]
    second = c[-1]*(phi_over_p*(1 - 2*sqrt_p)).sum(axis=1)
    #third = phi_over_p.dot(np.einsum('ij,ik->j', phi_over_sqrt_p, phi_over_sqrt_p))
    third = phi_over_p.dot(np.tensordot(phi_over_sqrt_p, phi_over_sqrt_p, ((0,),(0,))).sum(axis=0))
    last = 8*(c[-1]*sqs - N)
    return np.append(4*(first+second-third), last)

Direct optimization of compound objective function

In [9]:
res_direct = minimize(objective, c, method='l-bfgs-b', jac=grad_objective)#, hess=hess_objective)


In [ ]:
2*(np.einsum('i...,j...', phi_ijn, phi_ijn) / c[:-1].dot(phi_ijn)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]).sum(axis=0) + 2*c[-1]*np.eye(())

In [ ]:
phi_over_p.dot(np.tensordot(phi_over_sqrt_p, phi_over_sqrt_p, ((0,),(0,))).sum(axis=0))

In [ ]:
phi_over_p.dot(np.einsum('ij,ik->j', phi_over_sqrt_p, phi_over_sqrt_p))

In [ ]:
sum(np.outer(phi_ijn[:, n], phi_ijn[:, n]) / np.square(sqrt_p_hat[n]) for n in range (N))

In [ ]:
(np.einsum('i...,j...', phi_ijn, phi_ijn) / np.square(c[:-1].dot(phi_ijn))[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]).sum(axis=0)

In [ ]:
denom = (1 / np.square(c[:-1].dot(phi_ijn)))

In [ ]:
sqrt_p_hat = res_constrained.x.dot(phi_ijn)
np.linalg.norm((phi_ijn / sqrt_p_hat).sum(axis=1))

Contrained minimization of negative log-likelihood

In [12]:
res_constrained = minimize(neglogl, c[:-1], method='slsqp', jac=grad_neglogl, constraints=constraint, options=option)


In [14]:

     fun: -7.342686861888759
     jac: array([-7.0252901 , -0.92543868,  2.73565913, -0.86025655, -0.28954167,
        1.6583767 ,  1.51265091, -0.65247408,  0.32175189,  2.33734082,
       -2.02448879,  2.65912555,  0.37096977, -4.43274594, -1.64967976,
        2.28126918,  0.61235327,  1.96407465,  1.71301558, -1.67381728,
       -0.2646592 , -0.35098948,  1.24801827, -0.19828097,  0.10478513,
        1.77244544,  0.15193923, -2.22351008, -1.41813272,  1.3457053 ,
        0.60656053, -2.0244372 , -0.04582324, -0.13649281,  0.02203471,
        3.36707875,  1.79167199, -1.97930455, -0.48431411, -2.22321673,
       -2.85850398,  0.27399831,  0.75469484,  2.82256311,  2.76815112,
        1.76993962,  0.14095203, -2.35980986, -1.84150962,  2.22275271,
        0.02969775, -1.89667606,  0.83664895,  0.23626804, -0.51784981,
       -2.50125337, -1.31888133,  0.22949076,  0.57817485,  0.33217829,
       -0.62424826,  0.25807771,  1.70016538,  1.61737689,  0.12565148,
       -2.03905648, -0.54350603, -1.78323536, -3.40249924,  0.9895965 ,
        3.01533046, -0.92767747,  2.09472748,  2.05651966, -3.28748045,
        0.52755128,  2.89762437, -0.90001958,  1.71746775, -0.0647943 ,
       -2.42043371,  0.23304684,  1.10880184,  0.94225212,  0.88684492,
        0.1706823 , -1.64905882, -3.68454976, -0.05803495,  0.43412012,
        1.77640035,  1.13750381, -0.18174826, -0.51103407, -2.47607962,
       -2.21273358,  1.18518145,  1.40992658, -0.57358227,  2.30695005,
       -0.12358945,  1.12033601,  1.33225595, -2.00145772, -0.31323971,
       -0.0486394 , -2.00918155, -2.00300496,  0.51314445,  4.9608286 ,
        0.49444049,  0.2067591 ,  0.84607624, -0.90167549, -1.98273078,
        0.19877454, -0.16848358,  1.60569714,  2.93009076, -2.31727934,
 message: 'Optimization terminated successfully.'
    nfev: 41
     nit: 22
    njev: 22
  status: 0
 success: True
       x: array([ 0.35126316,  0.04627184, -0.1367758 ,  0.04301538,  0.0144696 ,
       -0.0829211 , -0.07563453,  0.03262661, -0.01608467, -0.11688086,
        0.10122363, -0.13293919, -0.01855014,  0.22162818,  0.08248866,
       -0.11405937, -0.0306196 , -0.09821131, -0.0856576 ,  0.08369293,
        0.01324671,  0.01756305, -0.06242016,  0.00991761, -0.00522282,
       -0.08862936, -0.00760863,  0.11118029,  0.07091345, -0.06728341,
       -0.03032441,  0.10121558,  0.00227675,  0.00682717, -0.00110316,
       -0.16836758, -0.08958495,  0.09897865,  0.02421791,  0.1111635 ,
        0.14292635, -0.01370881, -0.03773408, -0.14112616, -0.13840386,
       -0.08850078, -0.00705768,  0.11799744,  0.09208547, -0.11114662,
       -0.00148629,  0.09483958, -0.04183478, -0.01180598,  0.02589609,
        0.12504781,  0.06595   , -0.01145467, -0.0289163 , -0.01662655,
        0.03121662, -0.01289644, -0.08500475, -0.08086671, -0.00629843,
        0.10194057,  0.02719842,  0.08916002,  0.17010935, -0.04947722,
       -0.15075539,  0.04638972, -0.10474973, -0.10284294,  0.16437493,
       -0.02636233, -0.14486385,  0.04498999, -0.08587626,  0.00325677,
        0.12102864, -0.01166627, -0.05544912, -0.04711414, -0.04433488,
       -0.00852268,  0.08244826,  0.18421922,  0.00290711, -0.02170175,
       -0.08882574, -0.0568837 ,  0.00908531,  0.0255566 ,  0.12381629,
        0.1106412 , -0.05927098, -0.0705055 ,  0.02868358, -0.11534694,
        0.00617492, -0.0560319 , -0.06660907,  0.10009514,  0.01566316,
        0.00242122,  0.10045218,  0.10015176, -0.02564191, -0.24804045,
       -0.0247455 , -0.01033542, -0.04228414,  0.04508281,  0.09912373,
       -0.0099444 ,  0.00843238, -0.08027285, -0.14650067,  0.11585321,

In [1]:
from scipy.optimize import fmin_slsqp, fmin_l_bfgs_b

In [56]:
x = fmin_slsqp(neglogl, c[:-1], 
           eqcons=(lambda c: c.dot(c) - 1,),
           fprime_eqcons=lambda c: 2*c)

Optimization terminated successfully.    (Exit mode 0)
            Current function value: 116.70977375442297
            Iterations: 97
            Function evaluations: 325
            Gradient evaluations: 97

In [58]:


In [59]:
x, value, status = fmin_l_bfgs_b(objective, c, grad_objective)

In [60]:


In [63]:


In [ ]:
res_constrained.x - res_direct.x[:-1]

Plot comparative results

The estimated density is evaluated on a uniform grid.

In [21]:
x_grid = np.linspace(-0.9, 0.90, 50)
y_grid = np.linspace(-0.9, 0.90, 50)
x_grid, y_grid = np.meshgrid(x_grid, y_grid)
phi_ijn_grid = npl.legvander2d(x_grid.ravel(), y_grid.ravel(), (I, J)).T / norm.ravel()[:, np.newaxis]
p = np.square(res_direct.x[:-1].dot(phi_ijn_grid)).reshape((50, 50))

fig, (lax, kax) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9.7, 4))
lax.set(xlabel=r'$x$', ylabel=r'$y$')
contour = lax.contourf(x_grid, y_grid, p, 9, cmap='inferno')
cbar = plt.colorbar(contour, ax=lax)
sbn.kdeplot(x, y, shade=True, gridsize=250, bw=(0.1, 0.1), ax=kax, cmap='inferno', cbar=True)
kax.set(xlabel=r'$x$', ylabel=r'$y$', xlim=(-0.9, 0.9), ylim=(-0.9, 0.9))

Density Gradient

In [ ]:
coeffs_of_grad_x = npl.legder(res_direct.x.reshape((I+1, J+1))/norm, axis=0)
coeffs_of_grad_y = npl.legder(res_direct.x.reshape((I+1, J+1))/norm, axis=1)

grad_x = 2*(npl.legval2d(x_grid, y_grid, res.reshape((I+1, J+1))/norm)*
            npl.legval2d(x_grid, y_grid, coeffs_of_grad_x))
grad_y = 2*(npl.legval2d(x_grid, y_grid, res.reshape((I+1, J+1))/norm)*
            npl.legval2d(x_grid, y_grid, coeffs_of_grad_y))

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5.5, 5),)
ax.quiver(x_grid, y_grid, grad_x, grad_y, p, angles='xy', pivot='middle', cmap='inferno')
ax.contour(x_grid, y_grid, p, 9, cmap='inferno', linewidths=1.0)
ax.set(xlabel=r'$x$', ylabel=r'$y$', xlim=(-0.9, 0.9), ylim=(-0.9, 0.9), facecolor='k')

In [ ]: