Double asperity simulations

In the previous tutorial, we looked at a rather simple configuration, that of a single asperity which exhibited repetitive, stable limit cycles. In this tutorial, we'll consider a fault with two asperities, one of size $f L_a$, and another of size $(1-f)L_a$. We begin with $f = 0.5$, meaning that both asperities are of equal size $0.5 L_a$. Later on, we can tune this parameter $f$ to see how the behaviour changes.

In [1]:
# Make plots interactive in the notebook
%matplotlib notebook

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import os
import sys

# Add QDYN source directory to PATH
# Go up in the directory tree
upup = [os.pardir]*2
qdyn_dir = os.path.join(*upup)
# Get QDYN src directory
src_dir = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.path.abspath(""), qdyn_dir), "src")
# Append src directory to Python path
# Get QDYN plotting library directory
plot_dir = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.path.abspath(""), qdyn_dir), "utils", "post_processing")
# Append plotting library directory to Python path

# Import QDYN wrapper and plotting library
from pyqdyn import qdyn
import plot_functions as qdyn_plot

We prepare the simulation in a similar way as we have done in the single asperity case:

In [2]:
# Instantiate the QDYN class object
p = qdyn()

# Predefine parameters
t_yr = 3600 * 24 * 365.0    # seconds per year
f = 0.5                     # Size ratio of asperities
L = 15                      # Length of fault / nucleation length
ab_ratio = 0.8              # a/b of asperity
cab_ratio = 1 - ab_ratio
resolution = 7              # Mesh resolution / process zone width

# Get the settings dict
set_dict = p.set_dict

""" Step 1: Define simulation/mesh parameters """
# Global simulation parameters
set_dict["MESHDIM"] = 1        # Simulation dimensionality (1D fault in 2D medium)
set_dict["FINITE"] = 1         # Finite fault
set_dict["TMAX"] = 25*t_yr     # Maximum simulation time [s]
set_dict["NTOUT"] = 100        # Save output every N steps
set_dict["NXOUT"] = 2          # Snapshot resolution (every N elements)
set_dict["V_PL"] = 1e-9        # Plate velocity
set_dict["MU"] = 3e10          # Shear modulus
set_dict["SIGMA"] = 1e8        # Effective normal stress [Pa]
set_dict["ACC"] = 1e-7         # Solver accuracy
set_dict["SOLVER"] = 2         # Solver type (Runge-Kutta)

# Setting some (default) RSF parameter values
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["A"] = 1.2e-2    # Direct effect
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["B"] = 1e-2      # Evolution effect
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["DC"] = 4e-4     # Characteristic slip distance
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["V_SS"] = set_dict["V_PL"]    # Reference velocity [m/s]
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["TH_0"] = set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["DC"] / set_dict["V_PL"]    # Initial state [s]

# Compute relevant length scales:
# Process zone width [m]
Lb = set_dict["MU"] * set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["DC"] / (set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["B"] * set_dict["SIGMA"])
# Nucleation length [m]
Lc = Lb / cab_ratio
# Fault length [m]
L *= Lc
L1 = 0.5 * f * L
L2 = 0.5 * (1 - f) * L
p1 = L / 3 - L / 2
p2 = 2 * L / 3 - L / 2

# Find next power of two for number of mesh elements
N = int(np.power(2, np.ceil(np.log2(resolution * L / Lb))))
# Spatial coordinate for mesh
x = np.linspace(-L/2, L/2, N, dtype=float)
asp1 = (x > (p1 - L1 / 2)) & (x < (p1 + L1 / 2))
asp2 = (x > (p2 - L2 / 2)) & (x < (p2 + L2 / 2))

# Set mesh size and fault length
set_dict["N"] = N
set_dict["L"] = L

""" Step 2: Set (default) parameter values and generate mesh """

""" Step 3: override default mesh values """
# Distribute direct effect a over mesh according to some arbitrary function
p.mesh_dict["A"][asp1 + asp2] = ab_ratio * p.mesh_dict["B"][asp1 + asp2]

# Write input to


We can visualise the two asperities by plotting $(a-b)$ versus position on the fault:

In [3]:
plt.plot(x, p.mesh_dict["A"] - p.mesh_dict["B"])
plt.axhline(0, ls=":", c="k")
plt.xlabel("position [m]")
plt.ylabel("(a-b) [-]")

We then run this simulation with

In [4]:


Then read the output:

In [5]:


To get a general impression of how our fault behaved, we plot the time series of the shear stress $\tau$, state $\theta$, and slip rate $v$ recorded at the location where $v$ is maximum.

In [6]:
# Time series of stress, state, and maximum slip rate on the fault

In this double-asperity scenario, we see the opposite of what we saw in the single-asperity case: instead of converging to a stable limit cycle, the earthquake cycles diverge into (deterministic) chaos. This is clearly illustrated by the slip rate evolution:

In [7]:
# Spatio-temporal evolution of slip rates
qdyn_plot.slip_profile(p.ox, warm_up=1*t_yr)

At first, both asperities rupture simultaneously, but after a few cycles, only the left asperity ruptures seismically while the right one mostly creeps. This pattern is reversed after a few more cycles. Another way of seeing this is with an animation:

In [8]:
# This will take a minute or two...
qdyn_plot.animation_slip(p.ox, warm_up=1*t_yr)



Vary f to see how the fault's response changes. Why does f = 0.5 show chaotic behaviour, but not f = 0.2? Note that f = 0.4 is the same as f = 0.6 (it simply changes the order of the asperities).

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