In [1]:
# Make plots interactive in the notebook
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
# Add QDYN source directory to PATH
# Go up in the directory tree
upup = [os.pardir]*2
qdyn_dir = os.path.join(*upup)
# Get QDYN src directory
src_dir = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.abspath(""), qdyn_dir), "src")
# Append src directory to Python path
# Import QDYN wrapper and plotting library
from pyqdyn import qdyn
To prepare a simulation, the global simulation and mesh parameters will have to be specified. This is done in three steps:
In this simulation, the only heterogeneity stems from a lateral variation in the direct effect parameter $a$, which is chosen such that the asperity has $(a-b) < 0$, and such that the matrix has $(a - b) > 0$.
In [7]:
# Instantiate the QDYN class object
p = qdyn()
# Predefine parameters
t_yr = 3600 * 24 * 365.0 # Seconds per year
L = 5e3 # Length of fault along-strike
W = 5e3 # Length of fault along-dip
resolution = 5 # Mesh resolution / process zone width
# Get the settings dict
set_dict = p.set_dict
""" Step 1: Define simulation/mesh parameters """
# Global simulation parameters
set_dict["MESHDIM"] = 2 # Simulation dimensionality (1D fault in 2D medium)
set_dict["FAULT_TYPE"] = 2 # Thrust fault
set_dict["TMAX"] = 5*t_yr # Maximum simulation time [s]
set_dict["NTOUT"] = 100 # Save output every N steps
set_dict["NXOUT"] = 2 # Snapshot resolution along-strike (every N elements)
set_dict["NWOUT"] = 2 # Snapshot resolution along-dip (every N elements)
set_dict["V_PL"] = 1e-9 # Plate velocity
set_dict["MU"] = 3e10 # Shear modulus
set_dict["SIGMA"] = 1e7 # Effective normal stress [Pa]
set_dict["ACC"] = 1e-7 # Solver accuracy
set_dict["SOLVER"] = 2 # Solver type (Runge-Kutta)
set_dict["Z_CORNER"] = -1e4 # Base of the fault (depth taken <0); NOTE: Z_CORNER must be < -W !
set_dict["DIP_W"] = 30 # Dip of the fault
# Setting some (default) RSF parameter values
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["A"] = 0.2e-2 # Direct effect (will be overwritten later)
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["B"] = 1e-2 # Evolution effect
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["DC"] = 1e-3 # Characteristic slip distance
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["V_SS"] = set_dict["V_PL"] # Reference velocity [m/s]
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["V_0"] = set_dict["V_PL"] # Initial velocity [m/s]
set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["TH_0"] = 0.99 * set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["DC"] / set_dict["V_PL"] # Initial (steady-)state [s]
# Process zone width [m]
Lb = set_dict["MU"] * set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["DC"] / (set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["B"] * set_dict["SIGMA"])
# Nucleation length [m]
Lc = set_dict["MU"] * set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["DC"] / ((set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["B"] - set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["A"]) * set_dict["SIGMA"])
print(f"Process zone size: {Lb} m \t Nucleation length: {Lc} m")
# Find next power of two for number of mesh elements
Nx = int(np.power(2, np.ceil(np.log2(resolution * L / Lb))))
Nw = int(np.power(2, np.ceil(np.log2(resolution * W / Lb))))
# Spatial coordinate for mesh
x = np.linspace(-L/2, L/2, Nx, dtype=float)
z = np.linspace(-W/2, W/2, Nw, dtype=float)
X, Z = np.meshgrid(x, z)
z = -(set_dict["Z_CORNER"] + (z + W/2) * np.cos(set_dict["DIP_W"] * np.pi / 180.))
# Set mesh size and fault length
set_dict["NX"] = Nx
set_dict["NW"] = Nw
set_dict["L"] = L
set_dict["W"] = W
set_dict["DW"] = W / Nw
# Set time series output node to the middle of the fault
set_dict["IC"] = Nx * (Nw // 2) + Nx // 2
""" Step 2: Set (default) parameter values and generate mesh """
""" Step 3: override default mesh values """
# Distribute direct effect a over mesh according to some arbitrary function
scale = 1e3
p.mesh_dict["A"] = 2 * set_dict["SET_DICT_RSF"]["B"] * (1 - 0.9*np.exp(- (X**2 + Z**2) / (2 * scale**2))).ravel()
# Write input to
To see the effect of setting a heterogeneous value of a over the mesh, we can plot $(a-b)$ versus position on the fault:
In [14]:
plt.pcolormesh(x * 1e-3, z * 1e-3, (p.mesh_dict["A"] - p.mesh_dict["B"]).reshape(X.shape),
vmin=-0.01, vmax=0.01, cmap="coolwarm")
plt.xlabel("x [km]")
plt.ylabel("z [km]")
As desired, the asperity is defined by $(a-b) < 0$, embedded in a stable matrix with $(a-b) > 0$.
The p.write()
command writes a
file to the current working directory, which is read by QDYN at the start of the simulation. To do this, call
. Note that in this notebook, the screen output (stdout
) is captured by the console, so you won't see any output here.
In [9]:
During the simulation, output is flushed to disk every NTOUT
time steps. This output can be reloaded without re-running the simulation, so you only have to call
again if you made any changes to the input parameters. To read/process the output, call:
In [10]:
p.read_output(read_ot=True, read_ox=True)
Instead of using an auxiliary library of plotting functions (
), we can directly access the time series output from p.ot
to plot the slip rate and shear stress in the middle of the fault:
In [13]:
# Time-series plot at the middle of the fault
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4))
# Slip rate
plt.plot(p.ot[0]["t"] / t_yr, p.ot[0]["v"])
plt.xlabel("t [years]")
plt.ylabel("V [m/s]")
# Shear stress
plt.plot(p.ot[0]["t"] / t_yr, p.ot[0]["tau"] * 1e-6)
plt.xlabel("t [years]")
plt.ylabel("stress [MPa]")
Similarly, we can access individual snapshots from p.ox
In [40]:
# Get the x, z coordinates of the fault
x_ox = p.ox["x"].unique()
z_ox = p.ox["z"].unique()
X, Z = np.meshgrid(x_ox, z_ox)
# Number of snapshots
Nt = len(p.ox["v"]) // (len(x_ox) * len(z_ox))
# Get velocity snapshots
V_ox = p.ox["v"].values.reshape((Nt, len(z_ox), len(x_ox)))
# Plot one snapshot of slip rate
plt.pcolormesh(x_ox * 1e-3, -z_ox * 1e-3, np.log10(V_ox[14]), cmap="magma", vmin=-9, vmax=-2)
plt.xlabel("x [km]")
plt.ylabel("z [km]")
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