In [ ]:
import sys, os
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules and not os.path.exists('.setup_complete'):
    !wget -q -O- | bash

    !pip install --upgrade
    !pip install --upgrade

    !wget -q
    !wget -q
    !wget -q

    !touch .setup_complete

# This code creates a virtual display to draw game images on.
# It will have no effect if your machine has a monitor.
if type(os.environ.get("DISPLAY")) is not str or len(os.environ.get("DISPLAY")) == 0:
    !bash ../xvfb start
    os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':1'

In [ ]:
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
import enum

import numpy as np

import pandas

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Part 1. Bernoulli Bandit

We are going to implement several exploration strategies for simplest problem - bernoulli bandit.

The bandit has $K$ actions. Action produce 1.0 reward $r$ with probability $0 \le \theta_k \le 1$ which is unknown to agent, but fixed over time. Agent's objective is to minimize regret over fixed number $T$ of action selections:

$$\rho = T\theta^* - \sum_{t=1}^T r_t$$

Where $\theta^* = \max_k\{\theta_k\}$

Real-world analogy:

Clinical trials - we have $K$ pills and $T$ ill patient. After taking pill, patient is cured with probability $\theta_k$. Task is to find most efficient pill.

A research on clinical trials -

In [ ]:
class BernoulliBandit:
    def __init__(self, n_actions=5):
        self._probs = np.random.random(n_actions)

    def action_count(self):
        return len(self._probs)

    def pull(self, action):
        if np.any(np.random.random() > self._probs[action]):
            return 0.0
        return 1.0

    def optimal_reward(self):
        """ Used for regret calculation
        return np.max(self._probs)

    def step(self):
        """ Used in nonstationary version

    def reset(self):
        """ Used in nonstationary version

In [ ]:
class AbstractAgent(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    def init_actions(self, n_actions):
        self._successes = np.zeros(n_actions)
        self._failures = np.zeros(n_actions)
        self._total_pulls = 0

    def get_action(self):
        Get current best action
        :rtype: int

    def update(self, action, reward):
        Observe reward from action and update agent's internal parameters
        :type action: int
        :type reward: int
        self._total_pulls += 1
        if reward == 1:
            self._successes[action] += 1
            self._failures[action] += 1

    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

class RandomAgent(AbstractAgent):
    def get_action(self):
        return np.random.randint(0, len(self._successes))

Epsilon-greedy agent

for $t = 1,2,...$ do

   for $k = 1,...,K$ do

       $\hat\theta_k \leftarrow \alpha_k / (\alpha_k + \beta_k)$

   end for

   $x_t \leftarrow argmax_{k}\hat\theta$ with probability $1 - \epsilon$ or random action with probability $\epsilon$

   Apply $x_t$ and observe $r_t$

   $(\alpha_{x_t}, \beta_{x_t}) \leftarrow (\alpha_{x_t}, \beta_{x_t}) + (r_t, 1-r_t)$

end for

Implement the algorithm above in the cell below:

In [ ]:
class EpsilonGreedyAgent(AbstractAgent):
    def __init__(self, epsilon=0.01):
        self._epsilon = epsilon

    def get_action(self):
        <YOUR CODE>

    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__ + "(epsilon={})".format(self._epsilon)

UCB Agent

Epsilon-greedy strategy heve no preference for actions. It would be better to select among actions that are uncertain or have potential to be optimal. One can come up with idea of index for each action that represents otimality and uncertainty at the same time. One efficient way to do it is to use UCB1 algorithm:

for $t = 1,2,...$ do

   for $k = 1,...,K$ do

       $w_k \leftarrow \alpha_k / (\alpha_k + \beta_k) + \sqrt{2log\ t \ / \ (\alpha_k + \beta_k)}$

   end for

   end for $x_t \leftarrow argmax_{k}w$

   Apply $x_t$ and observe $r_t$

   $(\alpha_{x_t}, \beta_{x_t}) \leftarrow (\alpha_{x_t}, \beta_{x_t}) + (r_t, 1-r_t)$

end for

Note: in practice, one can multiply $\sqrt{2log\ t \ / \ (\alpha_k + \beta_k)}$ by some tunable parameter to regulate agent's optimism and wilingness to abandon non-promising actions.

More versions and optimality analysis -

In [ ]:
class UCBAgent(AbstractAgent):
    def get_action(self):
        <YOUR CODE>

Thompson sampling

UCB1 algorithm does not take into account actual distribution of rewards. If we know the distribution - we can do much better by using Thompson sampling:

for $t = 1,2,...$ do

   for $k = 1,...,K$ do

       Sample $\hat\theta_k \sim beta(\alpha_k, \beta_k)$

   end for

   $x_t \leftarrow argmax_{k}\hat\theta$

   Apply $x_t$ and observe $r_t$

   $(\alpha_{x_t}, \beta_{x_t}) \leftarrow (\alpha_{x_t}, \beta_{x_t}) + (r_t, 1-r_t)$

end for

More on Thompson Sampling:

In [ ]:
class ThompsonSamplingAgent(AbstractAgent):
    def get_action(self):
        <YOUR CODE>

In [ ]:
from collections import OrderedDict

def get_regret(env, agents, n_steps=5000, n_trials=50):
    scores = OrderedDict({ [0.0 for step in range(n_steps)] for agent in agents

    for trial in range(n_trials):

        for a in agents:

        for i in range(n_steps):
            optimal_reward = env.optimal_reward()

            for agent in agents:
                action = agent.get_action()
                reward = env.pull(action)
                agent.update(action, reward)
                scores[][i] += optimal_reward - reward

            env.step()  # change bandit's state if it is unstationary

    for agent in agents:
        scores[] = np.cumsum(scores[]) / n_trials

    return scores

def plot_regret(agents, scores):
    for agent in agents:

    plt.legend([ for agent in agents])


In [ ]:
# Uncomment agents
agents = [
    #     EpsilonGreedyAgent(),
    #     UCBAgent(),
    #     ThompsonSamplingAgent()

regret = get_regret(BernoulliBandit(), agents, n_steps=10000, n_trials=10)
plot_regret(agents, regret)

Bonus 1.1. Gittins index (5 points).

Bernoulli bandit problem has an optimal solution - Gittins index algorithm. Implement finite horizon version of the algorithm and demonstrate it's performance with experiments. some articles:

HW 1.1. Nonstationary Bernoulli bandit

What if success probabilities change over time? Here is an example of such bandit:

In [ ]:
class DriftingBandit(BernoulliBandit):
    def __init__(self, n_actions=5, gamma=0.01):
        Idea from

        self._gamma = gamma

        self._successes = None
        self._failures = None
        self._steps = 0


    def reset(self):
        self._successes = np.zeros(self.action_count) + 1.0
        self._failures = np.zeros(self.action_count) + 1.0
        self._steps = 0

    def step(self):
        action = np.random.randint(self.action_count)
        reward = self.pull(action)
        self._step(action, reward)

    def _step(self, action, reward):
        self._successes = self._successes * (1 - self._gamma) + self._gamma
        self._failures = self._failures * (1 - self._gamma) + self._gamma
        self._steps += 1

        self._successes[action] += reward
        self._failures[action] += 1.0 - reward

        self._probs = np.random.beta(self._successes, self._failures)

And a picture how it's reward probabilities change over time

In [ ]:
drifting_env = DriftingBandit(n_actions=5)

drifting_probs = []
for i in range(20000):

plt.figure(figsize=(17, 8))

plt.ylabel("Success probability")
plt.title("Reward probabilities over time")
plt.legend(["Action {}".format(i) for i in range(drifting_env.action_count)])

Your task is to invent an agent that will have better regret than stationary agents from above.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
drifting_agents = [

plot_regret(DriftingBandit(), drifting_agents, n_steps=20000, n_trials=10)

Part 2. Contextual bandit

Now we will solve much more complex problem - reward will depend on bandit's state.

Real-word analogy:

Contextual advertising. We have a lot of banners and a lot of different users. Users can have different features: age, gender, search requests. We want to show banner with highest click probability.

If we want use strategies from above, we need some how store reward distributions conditioned both on actions and bandit's state. One way to do this - use bayesian neural networks. Instead of giving pointwise estimates of target, they maintain probability distributions

Picture from

More material:

  • A post on the matter - url
  • Theano+PyMC3 for more serious stuff - url
  • Same stuff in tensorflow - url

Let's load our dataset:

In [ ]:
all_states = np.load("all_states.npy")
action_rewards = np.load("action_rewards.npy")

state_size = all_states.shape[1]
n_actions = action_rewards.shape[1]

print("State size: %i, actions: %i" % (state_size, n_actions))

State size: 60, actions: 10

In [ ]:
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
import lasagne
from lasagne import init
from lasagne.layers import *
import bayes

as_bayesian = bayes.bbpwrap(bayes.NormalApproximation(std=0.1))
BayesDenseLayer = as_bayesian(DenseLayer)

2.1 Bulding a BNN agent

Let's implement epsilon-greedy BNN agent

In [ ]:
class BNNAgent:
    """a bandit with bayesian neural net"""

    def __init__(self, state_size, n_actions):
        input_states = T.matrix("states")
        target_actions = T.ivector("actions taken")
        target_rewards = T.vector("rewards")

        self.total_samples_seen = theano.shared(
            np.int32(0), "number of training samples seen so far")
        batch_size = target_actions.shape[0]  # por que?

        # Network
        inp = InputLayer((None, state_size), name='input')
        out = <YOUR CODE: Your network>

        # Prediction
        prediction_all_actions = get_output(out, inputs=input_states)
        self.predict_sample_rewards = theano.function(
            [input_states], prediction_all_actions)

        # Training

        # select prediction for target action
        prediction_target_actions = prediction_all_actions[T.arange(
            batch_size), target_actions]

        # loss = negative log-likelihood (mse) + KL
        negative_llh = T.sum((prediction_target_actions - target_rewards)**2)

        kl = bayes.get_var_cost(out) / (self.total_samples_seen+batch_size)

        loss = (negative_llh + kl)/batch_size

        self.weights = get_all_params(out, trainable=True)
        self.out = out

        # gradient descent
        updates = lasagne.updates.adam(loss, self.weights)
        # update counts
        updates[self.total_samples_seen] = self.total_samples_seen + \

        self.train_step = theano.function([input_states, target_actions, target_rewards],
                                          [negative_llh, kl],

    def sample_prediction(self, states, n_samples=1):
        """Samples n_samples predictions for rewards,

        :returns: tensor [n_samples, state_i, action_i]
        assert states.ndim == 2, "states must be 2-dimensional"

        return np.stack([self.predict_sample_rewards(states) for _ in range(n_samples)])

    epsilon = 0.25

    def get_action(self, states):
        Picks action by 
        - with p=1-epsilon, taking argmax of average rewards
        - with p=epsilon, taking random action
        This is exactly e-greedy policy.

        reward_samples = self.sample_prediction(states, n_samples=100)
        # ^-- samples for rewards, shape = [n_samples,n_states,n_actions]

        best_actions = reward_samples.mean(axis=0).argmax(axis=-1)
        # ^-- we take mean over samples to compute expectation, then pick best action with argmax

        <YOUR CODE>
        chosen_actions = <YOUR CODE: implement epsilon-greedy strategy>

        return chosen_actions

    def train(self, states, actions, rewards, n_iters=10):
        trains to predict rewards for chosen actions in given states
        loss_sum = kl_sum = 0
        for _ in range(n_iters):
            loss, kl = self.train_step(states, actions, rewards)
            loss_sum += loss
            kl_sum += kl

        return loss_sum / n_iters, kl_sum / n_iters

    def name(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__

2.2 Training the agent

In [ ]:
N_ITERS = 100

In [ ]:
def get_new_samples(states, action_rewards, batch_size=10):
    """samples random minibatch, emulating new users"""
    batch_ix = np.random.randint(0, len(states), batch_size)
    return states[batch_ix], action_rewards[batch_ix]

In [ ]:
from IPython.display import clear_output

from pandas import DataFrame
moving_average = lambda x, **kw: DataFrame(
    {'x': np.asarray(x)}).x.ewm(**kw).mean().values

def train_contextual_agent(agent, batch_size=10, n_iters=100):
    rewards_history = []

    for i in range(n_iters):
        b_states, b_action_rewards = get_new_samples(
            all_states, action_rewards, batch_size)
        b_actions = agent.get_action(b_states)
        b_rewards = b_action_rewards[
            np.arange(batch_size), b_actions

        mse, kl = agent.train(b_states, b_actions, b_rewards, n_iters=100)


        if i % 10 == 0:
            print("iteration #%i\tmean reward=%.3f\tmse=%.3f\tkl=%.3f" %
                  (i, np.mean(rewards_history[-10:]), mse, kl))
            plt.plot(moving_average(np.array(rewards_history), alpha=0.1))
            plt.title("Reward per epesode")

            samples = agent.sample_prediction(
                b_states[:1], n_samples=100).T[:, 0, :]
            for i in range(len(samples)):
                plt.hist(samples[i], alpha=0.25, label=str(i))
            print('Q(s,a) std:', ';'.join(
                list(map('{:.3f}'.format, np.std(samples, axis=1)))))
            print('correct', b_action_rewards[0].argmax())
            plt.title("p(Q(s, a))")

    return moving_average(np.array(rewards_history), alpha=0.1)

In [ ]:
bnn_agent = BNNAgent(state_size=state_size, n_actions=n_actions)
greedy_agent_rewards = train_contextual_agent(
    bnn_agent, batch_size=10, n_iters=N_ITERS)

iteration #90	mean reward=0.560	mse=0.457	kl=0.044
Q(s,a) std: 0.178;0.011;0.000;0.000;0.195;0.000;0.000;0.124;0.023;0.000
correct 4
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ FutureWarning: pd.ewm_mean is deprecated for ndarrays and will be removed in a future version

HW 2.1 Better exploration

Use strategies from first part to gain more reward in contextual setting

In [ ]:
class ThompsonBNNAgent(BNNAgent):
    def get_action(self, states):
        picks action based by taking _one_ sample from BNN and taking action with highest sampled reward (yes, that simple)
        This is exactly thompson sampling.

        <YOUR CODE>

In [ ]:
thompson_agent_rewards = train_contextual_agent(ThompsonBNNAgent(state_size=state_size, n_actions=n_actions),
                                               batch_size=10, n_iters=N_ITERS)

iteration #90	mean reward=0.360	mse=0.590	kl=0.038
Q(s,a) std: 0.000;0.028;0.277;0.000;0.044;0.059;0.063;0.093;0.000;0.018
correct 2
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ FutureWarning: pd.ewm_mean is deprecated for ndarrays and will be removed in a future version

In [ ]:
class BayesUCBBNNAgent(BNNAgent):
    q = 90

    def get_action(self, states):
        Compute q-th percentile of rewards P(r|s,a) for all actions
        Take actions that have highest percentiles.

        This implements bayesian UCB strategy

        <YOUR CODE>

In [ ]:
ucb_agent_rewards = train_contextual_agent(BayesUCBBNNAgent(state_size=state_size, n_actions=n_actions),
                                           batch_size=10, n_iters=N_ITERS)

iteration #90	mean reward=0.630	mse=0.354	kl=0.047
Q(s,a) std: 0.067;0.027;0.093;0.069;0.014;0.148;0.173;0.026;0.043;0.101
correct 5
/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ FutureWarning: pd.ewm_mean is deprecated for ndarrays and will be removed in a future version

In [ ]:
plt.figure(figsize=(17, 8))


    "Greedy BNN",
    "Thompson sampling BNN",
    "UCB BNN"

Part 3. Exploration in MDP

The following problem, called "river swim", illustrates importance of exploration in context of mdp's.

Rewards and transition probabilities are unknown to an agent. Optimal policy is to swim against current, while easiest way to gain reward is to go left.

In [ ]:
class RiverSwimEnv:
    LEFT_REWARD = 5.0 / 1000
    RIGHT_REWARD = 1.0

    def __init__(self, intermediate_states_count=4, max_steps=16):
        self._max_steps = max_steps
        self._current_state = None
        self._steps = None
        self._interm_states = intermediate_states_count

    def reset(self):
        self._steps = 0
        self._current_state = 1
        return self._current_state, 0.0, False

    def n_actions(self):
        return 2

    def n_states(self):
        return 2 + self._interm_states

    def _get_transition_probs(self, action):
        if action == 0:
            if self._current_state == 0:
                return [0, 1.0, 0]
                return [1.0, 0, 0]

        elif action == 1:
            if self._current_state == 0:
                return [0, .4, .6]
            if self._current_state == self.n_states - 1:
                return [.4, .6, 0]
                return [.05, .6, .35]
            raise RuntumeError(
                "Unknown action {}. Max action is {}".format(action, self.n_actions))

    def step(self, action):
        :param action:
        :type action: int
        :return: observation, reward, is_done
        :rtype: (int, float, bool)
        reward = 0.0

        if self._steps >= self._max_steps:
            return self._current_state, reward, True

        transition = np.random.choice(
            range(3), p=self._get_transition_probs(action))
        if transition == 0:
            self._current_state -= 1
        elif transition == 1:
            self._current_state += 1

        if self._current_state == 0:
            reward = self.LEFT_REWARD
        elif self._current_state == self.n_states - 1:
            reward = self.RIGHT_REWARD

        self._steps += 1
        return self._current_state, reward, False

Let's implement q-learning agent with epsilon-greedy exploration strategy and see how it performs.

In [ ]:
class QLearningAgent:
    def __init__(self, n_states, n_actions, lr=0.2, gamma=0.95, epsilon=0.1):
        self._gamma = gamma
        self._epsilon = epsilon
        self._q_matrix = np.zeros((n_states, n_actions))
        self._lr = lr

    def get_action(self, state):
        if np.random.random() < self._epsilon:
            return np.random.randint(0, self._q_matrix.shape[1])
            return np.argmax(self._q_matrix[state])

    def get_q_matrix(self):
        """ Used for policy visualization

        return self._q_matrix

    def start_episode(self):
        """ Used in PSRL agent

    def update(self, state, action, reward, next_state):
        <YOUR CODE>
        # Finish implementation of q-learnig agent

In [ ]:
def train_mdp_agent(agent, env, n_episodes):
    episode_rewards = []

    for ep in range(n_episodes):
        state, ep_reward, is_done = env.reset()
        while not is_done:
            action = agent.get_action(state)

            next_state, reward, is_done = env.step(action)
            agent.update(state, action, reward, next_state)

            state = next_state
            ep_reward += reward

    return episode_rewards

In [ ]:
env = RiverSwimEnv()
agent = QLearningAgent(env.n_states, env.n_actions)
rews = train_mdp_agent(agent, env, 1000)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))

plt.plot(moving_average(np.array(rews), alpha=.1))
plt.xlabel("Episode count")

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ FutureWarning: pd.ewm_mean is deprecated for ndarrays and will be removed in a future version

Let's visualize our policy:

In [ ]:
def plot_policy(agent):
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.set_yticklabels(['', 'left', 'right'])
    plt.title("Values of state-action pairs")

In [ ]:

As your see, agent uses suboptimal policy of going left and does not explore the right state.

Bonus 3.1 Posterior sampling RL (3 points)

Now we will implement Thompson Sampling for MDP!

General algorithm:

for episode $k = 1,2,...$ do

sample $M_k \sim f(\bullet\ |\ H_k)$

compute policy $\mu_k$ for $M_k$

for time $t = 1, 2,...$ do

take action $a_t$ from $\mu_k$

observe $r_t$ and $s_{t+1}$ update $H_k$

end for

end for

In our case we will model $M_k$ with two matricies: transition and reward. Transition matrix is sampled from dirichlet distribution. Reward matrix is sampled from normal-gamma distribution.

Distributions are updated with bayes rule - see continious distribution section at

Article on PSRL -

In [ ]:
def sample_normal_gamma(mu, lmbd, alpha, beta):
    tau = np.random.gamma(alpha, beta)
    mu = np.random.normal(mu, 1.0 / np.sqrt(lmbd * tau))
    return mu, tau

class PsrlAgent:
    def __init__(self, n_states, n_actions, horizon=10):
        self._n_states = n_states
        self._n_actions = n_actions
        self._horizon = horizon

        # params for transition sampling - Dirichlet distribution
        self._transition_counts = np.zeros(
            (n_states, n_states, n_actions)) + 1.0

        # params for reward sampling - Normal-gamma distribution
        self._mu_matrix = np.zeros((n_states, n_actions)) + 1.0
        self._state_action_counts = np.zeros(
            (n_states, n_actions)) + 1.0  # lambda

        self._alpha_matrix = np.zeros((n_states, n_actions)) + 1.0
        self._beta_matrix = np.zeros((n_states, n_actions)) + 1.0

    def _value_iteration(self, transitions, rewards):
        # YOU CODE HERE
        state_values = <YOUR CODE: find action values with value iteration>
        return state_values

    def start_episode(self):
        # sample new  mdp
        self._sampled_transitions = np.apply_along_axis(
            np.random.dirichlet, 1, self._transition_counts)

        sampled_reward_mus, sampled_reward_stds = sample_normal_gamma(

        self._sampled_rewards = sampled_reward_mus
        self._current_value_function = self._value_iteration(
            self._sampled_transitions, self._sampled_rewards)

    def get_action(self, state):
        return np.argmax(self._sampled_rewards[state] +

    def update(self, state, action, reward, next_state):
        <YOUR CODE>
        # update rules -

    def get_q_matrix(self):
        return self._sampled_rewards +

In [ ]:
from pandas import DataFrame
moving_average = lambda x, **kw: DataFrame(
    {'x': np.asarray(x)}).x.ewm(**kw).mean().values

horizon = 20
env = RiverSwimEnv(max_steps=horizon)
agent = PsrlAgent(env.n_states, env.n_actions, horizon=horizon)
rews = train_mdp_agent(agent, env, 1000)

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
plt.plot(moving_average(np.array(rews), alpha=0.1))

plt.xlabel("Episode count")

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/ FutureWarning: pd.ewm_mean is deprecated for ndarrays and will be removed in a future version
  import sys

In [ ]:

Bonus 3.2 Bootstrapped DQN (10 points)

Implement Bootstrapped DQN algorithm and compare it's performance with ordinary DQN on BeamRider Atari game. Links: