Deep Q-Network implementation.

This homework shamelessly demands you to implement a DQN - an approximate q-learning algorithm with experience replay and target networks - and see if it works any better this way.

Original paper:

This notebook is given for debug. The main task is in the other notebook (homework_pytorch_main). The tasks are similar and share most of the code. The main difference is in environments. In main notebook it can take some 2 hours for the agent to start improving so it seems reasonable to launch the algorithm on a simpler env first. Here it is CartPole and it will train in several minutes.

We suggest the following pipeline: First implement debug notebook then implement the main one.

About evaluation: All points are given for the main notebook with one exception: if agent fails to beat the threshold in main notebook you can get 1 pt (instead of 3 pts) for beating the threshold in debug notebook.

In [ ]:
import sys, os
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules and not os.path.exists('.setup_complete'):
    !wget -q -O- | bash
    !wget -q
    !wget -q
    !wget -q
    !wget -q

    !pip install gym[box2d]

    !touch .setup_complete

# This code creates a virtual display to draw game images on.
# It will have no effect if your machine has a monitor.
if type(os.environ.get("DISPLAY")) is not str or len(os.environ.get("DISPLAY")) == 0:
    !bash ../xvfb start
    os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':1'

setup complete
Starting virtual X frame buffer: Xvfb.

Frameworks - we'll accept this homework in any deep learning framework. This particular notebook was designed for pytoch, but you find it easy to adapt it to almost any python-based deep learning framework.

In [ ]:
import random
import numpy as np
import torch
import utils

In [ ]:
import gym
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

CartPole again

Another env can be used without any modification of the code. State space should be a single vector, actions should be discrete.

CartPole is the simplest one. It should take several minutes to solve it.

For LunarLander it can take 1-2 hours to get 200 points (a good score) on Colab and training progress does not look informative.

In [ ]:
ENV_NAME = 'CartPole-v1'

def make_env(seed=None):
    # some envs are wrapped with a time limit wrapper by default
    env = gym.make(ENV_NAME).unwrapped
    if seed is not None:
    return env

In [ ]:
env = make_env()
state_shape, n_actions = env.observation_space.shape, env.action_space.n

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/gym/ UserWarning: WARN: Box bound precision lowered by casting to float32
  warnings.warn(colorize('%s: %s'%('WARN', msg % args), 'yellow'))

Building a network

We now need to build a neural network that can map observations to state q-values. The model does not have to be huge yet. 1-2 hidden layers with < 200 neurons and ReLU activation will probably be enough. Batch normalization and dropout can spoil everything here.

In [ ]:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
# those who have a GPU but feel unfair to use it can uncomment:
# device = torch.device('cpu')

In [ ]:
class DQNAgent(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, state_shape, n_actions, epsilon=0):

        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.n_actions = n_actions
        self.state_shape = state_shape
        # Define your network body here. Please make sure agent is fully contained here
        assert len(state_shape) == 1
        state_dim = state_shape[0]
        <YOUR CODE>

    def forward(self, state_t):
        takes agent's observation (tensor), returns qvalues (tensor)
        :param state_t: a batch states, shape = [batch_size, *state_dim=4]
        # Use your network to compute qvalues for given state
        qvalues = <YOUR CODE>

        assert qvalues.requires_grad, "qvalues must be a torch tensor with grad"
        assert len(
            qvalues.shape) == 2 and qvalues.shape[0] == state_t.shape[0] and qvalues.shape[1] == n_actions

        return qvalues

    def get_qvalues(self, states):
        like forward, but works on numpy arrays, not tensors
        model_device = next(self.parameters()).device
        states = torch.tensor(states, device=model_device, dtype=torch.float32)
        qvalues = self.forward(states)

    def sample_actions(self, qvalues):
        """pick actions given qvalues. Uses epsilon-greedy exploration strategy. """
        epsilon = self.epsilon
        batch_size, n_actions = qvalues.shape

        random_actions = np.random.choice(n_actions, size=batch_size)
        best_actions = qvalues.argmax(axis=-1)

        should_explore = np.random.choice(
            [0, 1], batch_size, p=[1-epsilon, epsilon])
        return np.where(should_explore, random_actions, best_actions)

In [ ]:
agent = DQNAgent(state_shape, n_actions, epsilon=0.5).to(device)

Now let's try out our agent to see if it raises any errors.

In [ ]:
def evaluate(env, agent, n_games=1, greedy=False, t_max=10000):
    """ Plays n_games full games. If greedy, picks actions as argmax(qvalues). Returns mean reward. """
    rewards = []
    for _ in range(n_games):
        s = env.reset()
        reward = 0
        for _ in range(t_max):
            qvalues = agent.get_qvalues([s])
            action = qvalues.argmax(axis=-1)[0] if greedy else agent.sample_actions(qvalues)[0]
            s, r, done, _ = env.step(action)
            reward += r
            if done:

    return np.mean(rewards)

In [ ]:
evaluate(env, agent, n_games=1)

Experience replay

For this assignment, we provide you with experience replay buffer. If you implemented experience replay buffer in last week's assignment, you can copy-paste it here in main notebook to get 2 bonus points.

The interface is fairly simple:

  • exp_replay.add(obs, act, rw, next_obs, done) - saves (s,a,r,s',done) tuple into the buffer
  • exp_replay.sample(batch_size) - returns observations, actions, rewards, next_observations and is_done for batch_size random samples.
  • len(exp_replay) - returns number of elements stored in replay buffer.

In [ ]:
from replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer
exp_replay = ReplayBuffer(10)

for _ in range(30):
    exp_replay.add(env.reset(), env.action_space.sample(),
                   1.0, env.reset(), done=False)

obs_batch, act_batch, reward_batch, next_obs_batch, is_done_batch = exp_replay.sample(

assert len(exp_replay) == 10, "experience replay size should be 10 because that's what maximum capacity is"

In [ ]:
def play_and_record(initial_state, agent, env, exp_replay, n_steps=1):
    Play the game for exactly n steps, record every (s,a,r,s', done) to replay buffer. 
    Whenever game ends, add record with done=True and reset the game.
    It is guaranteed that env has done=False when passed to this function.


    :returns: return sum of rewards over time and the state in which the env stays
    s = initial_state
    sum_rewards = 0

    # Play the game for n_steps as per instructions above

    return sum_rewards, s

In [ ]:
# testing your code.
exp_replay = ReplayBuffer(2000)

state = env.reset()
play_and_record(state, agent, env, exp_replay, n_steps=1000)

# if you're using your own experience replay buffer, some of those tests may need correction.
# just make sure you know what your code does
assert len(exp_replay) == 1000, "play_and_record should have added exactly 1000 steps, "\
                                 "but instead added %i" % len(exp_replay)
is_dones = list(zip(*exp_replay._storage))[-1]

assert 0 < np.mean(is_dones) < 0.1, "Please make sure you restart the game whenever it is 'done' and record the is_done correctly into the buffer."\
                                    "Got %f is_done rate over %i steps. [If you think it's your tough luck, just re-run the test]" % (
                                        np.mean(is_dones), len(exp_replay))

for _ in range(100):
    obs_batch, act_batch, reward_batch, next_obs_batch, is_done_batch = exp_replay.sample(
    assert obs_batch.shape == next_obs_batch.shape == (10,) + state_shape
    assert act_batch.shape == (
        10,), "actions batch should have shape (10,) but is instead %s" % str(act_batch.shape)
    assert reward_batch.shape == (
        10,), "rewards batch should have shape (10,) but is instead %s" % str(reward_batch.shape)
    assert is_done_batch.shape == (
        10,), "is_done batch should have shape (10,) but is instead %s" % str(is_done_batch.shape)
    assert [int(i) in (0, 1)
            for i in is_dones], "is_done should be strictly True or False"
    assert [
        0 <= a < n_actions for a in act_batch], "actions should be within [0, n_actions]"

print("Well done!")

Target networks

We also employ the so called "target network" - a copy of neural network weights to be used for reference Q-values:

The network itself is an exact copy of agent network, but it's parameters are not trained. Instead, they are moved here from agent's actual network every so often.

$$ Q_{reference}(s,a) = r + \gamma \cdot \max _{a'} Q_{target}(s',a') $$

In [ ]:
target_network = DQNAgent(agent.state_shape, agent.n_actions, epsilon=0.5).to(device)
# This is how you can load weights from agent into target network

Learning with... Q-learning

Here we write a function similar to agent.update from tabular q-learning.

Compute Q-learning TD error:

$$ L = { 1 \over N} \sum_i [ Q_{\theta}(s,a) - Q_{reference}(s,a) ] ^2 $$

With Q-reference defined as

$$ Q_{reference}(s,a) = r(s,a) + \gamma \cdot max_{a'} Q_{target}(s', a') $$


  • $Q_{target}(s',a')$ denotes q-value of next state and next action predicted by target_network
  • $s, a, r, s'$ are current state, action, reward and next state respectively
  • $\gamma$ is a discount factor defined two cells above.

Note 1: there's an example input below. Feel free to experiment with it before you write the function.

Note 2: compute_td_loss is a source of 99% of bugs in this homework. If reward doesn't improve, it often helps to go through it line by line with a rubber duck.

In [ ]:
def compute_td_loss(states, actions, rewards, next_states, is_done,
                    agent, target_network,
    """ Compute td loss using torch operations only. Use the formulae above. """
    states = torch.tensor(states, device=device, dtype=torch.float)    # shape: [batch_size, *state_shape]

    # for some torch reason should not make actions a tensor
    actions = torch.tensor(actions, device=device, dtype=torch.long)    # shape: [batch_size]
    rewards = torch.tensor(rewards, device=device, dtype=torch.float)  # shape: [batch_size]
    # shape: [batch_size, *state_shape]
    next_states = torch.tensor(next_states, device=device, dtype=torch.float)
    is_done = torch.tensor(
    )  # shape: [batch_size]
    is_not_done = 1 - is_done

    # get q-values for all actions in current states
    predicted_qvalues = agent(states)

    # compute q-values for all actions in next states
    predicted_next_qvalues = target_network(next_states)
    # select q-values for chosen actions
    predicted_qvalues_for_actions = predicted_qvalues[range(
        len(actions)), actions]

    # compute V*(next_states) using predicted next q-values
    next_state_values = <YOUR CODE>

    assert next_state_values.dim(
    ) == 1 and next_state_values.shape[0] == states.shape[0], "must predict one value per state"

    # compute "target q-values" for loss - it's what's inside square parentheses in the above formula.
    # at the last state use the simplified formula: Q(s,a) = r(s,a) since s' doesn't exist
    # you can multiply next state values by is_not_done to achieve this.
    target_qvalues_for_actions = <YOUR CODE>

    # mean squared error loss to minimize
    loss = torch.mean((predicted_qvalues_for_actions -
                       target_qvalues_for_actions.detach()) ** 2)

    if check_shapes:
        ) == 2, "make sure you predicted q-values for all actions in next state"
        ) == 1, "make sure you computed V(s') as maximum over just the actions axis and not all axes"
        ) == 1, "there's something wrong with target q-values, they must be a vector"

    return loss

Sanity checks

In [ ]:
obs_batch, act_batch, reward_batch, next_obs_batch, is_done_batch = exp_replay.sample(

loss = compute_td_loss(obs_batch, act_batch, reward_batch, next_obs_batch, is_done_batch,
                       agent, target_network,
                       gamma=0.99, check_shapes=True)

assert loss.requires_grad and tuple( == (
    ), "you must return scalar loss - mean over batch"
assert np.any(next(agent.parameters()) !=
              0), "loss must be differentiable w.r.t. network weights"
assert np.all(next(target_network.parameters()).grad is None), "target network should not have grads"

Main loop

It's time to put everything together and see if it learns anything.

In [ ]:
from tqdm import trange
from IPython.display import clear_output
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [ ]:
seed = <your favourite random seed>

In [ ]:
env = make_env(seed)
state_dim = env.observation_space.shape
n_actions = env.action_space.n
state = env.reset()

agent = DQNAgent(state_dim, n_actions, epsilon=1).to(device)
target_network = DQNAgent(state_dim, n_actions, epsilon=1).to(device)

In [ ]:
exp_replay = ReplayBuffer(10**4)
for i in range(100):
    if not utils.is_enough_ram(min_available_gb=0.1):
            Less than 100 Mb RAM available. 
            Make sure the buffer size in not too huge.
            Also check, maybe other processes consume RAM heavily.
    play_and_record(state, agent, env, exp_replay, n_steps=10**2)
    if len(exp_replay) == 10**4:

In [ ]:
# # for something more complicated than CartPole

# timesteps_per_epoch = 1
# batch_size = 32
# total_steps = 3 * 10**6
# decay_steps = 1 * 10**6

# opt = torch.optim.Adam(agent.parameters(), lr=1e-4)

# init_epsilon = 1
# final_epsilon = 0.1

# loss_freq = 20
# refresh_target_network_freq = 1000
# eval_freq = 5000

# max_grad_norm = 5000

In [ ]:
timesteps_per_epoch = 1
batch_size = 32
total_steps = 4 * 10**4
decay_steps = 1 * 10**4

opt = torch.optim.Adam(agent.parameters(), lr=1e-4)

init_epsilon = 1
final_epsilon = 0.1

loss_freq = 20
refresh_target_network_freq = 100
eval_freq = 1000

max_grad_norm = 5000

In [ ]:
mean_rw_history = []
td_loss_history = []
grad_norm_history = []
initial_state_v_history = []

In [ ]:
state = env.reset()
for step in trange(total_steps + 1):
    if not utils.is_enough_ram():
        print('less that 100 Mb RAM available, freezing')
        print('make sure everything is ok and make KeyboardInterrupt to continue')
            while True:
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

    agent.epsilon = utils.linear_decay(init_epsilon, final_epsilon, step, decay_steps)

    # play
    _, state = play_and_record(state, agent, env, exp_replay, timesteps_per_epoch)

    # train
    <sample batch_size of data from experience replay>

    loss = <compute TD loss>

    grad_norm = nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(agent.parameters(), max_grad_norm)

    if step % loss_freq == 0:

    if step % refresh_target_network_freq == 0:
        # Load agent weights into target_network
        <YOUR CODE>

    if step % eval_freq == 0:
        # eval the agent
            make_env(seed=step), agent, n_games=3, greedy=True, t_max=1000)
        initial_state_q_values = agent.get_qvalues(

        print("buffer size = %i, epsilon = %.5f" %
              (len(exp_replay), agent.epsilon))

        plt.figure(figsize=[16, 9])
        plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
        plt.title("Mean reward per episode")

        assert not np.isnan(td_loss_history[-1])
        plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
        plt.title("TD loss history (smoothened)")

        plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
        plt.title("Initial state V")

        plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
        plt.title("Grad norm history (smoothened)")

In [ ]:
final_score = evaluate(
  agent, n_games=30, greedy=True, t_max=1000
print('final score:', final_score)
assert final_score > 300, 'not good enough for DQN'
print('Well done')

Agent's predicted V-values vs their Monte-Carlo estimates

In [ ]:
eval_env = make_env()
record = utils.play_and_log_episode(eval_env, agent)
print('total reward for life:', np.sum(record['rewards']))
for key in record:

In [ ]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)

ax.scatter(record['v_mc'], record['v_agent'])
ax.plot(sorted(record['v_mc']), sorted(record['v_mc']),
       'black', linestyle='--', label='x=y')

ax.set_title('State Value Estimates')