In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
# If you are running on a server, launch xvfb to record game videos
# Please make sure you have xvfb installed
import os
if type(os.environ.get("DISPLAY")) is not str or len(os.environ.get("DISPLAY")) == 0:
!bash ../xvfb start
os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':1'
Raw atari images are large, 210x160x3 by default. However, we don't need that level of detail in order to learn them.
We can thus save a lot of time by preprocessing game image, including
In [ ]:
from gym.core import ObservationWrapper
from gym.spaces import Box
from scipy.misc import imresize
class PreprocessAtari(ObservationWrapper):
def __init__(self, env):
"""A gym wrapper that crops, scales image into the desired shapes and optionally grayscales it."""
ObservationWrapper.__init__(self, env)
self.img_size = (64, 64)
self.observation_space = Box(0.0, 1.0, self.img_size)
def observation(self, img):
"""what happens to each observation"""
# Here's what you need to do:
# * crop image, remove irrelevant parts
# * resize image to self.img_size
# (use imresize imported above or any library you want,
# e.g. opencv, skimage, PIL, keras)
# * cast image to grayscale
# * convert image pixels to (0,1) range, float32 type
<Your code here>
return <YOUR CODE>
In [ ]:
import gym
def make_env():
env = gym.make("KungFuMasterDeterministic-v0") # create raw env
return PreprocessAtari(env) # apply your wrapper
# spawn game instance for tests
env = make_env()
observation_shape = env.observation_space.shape
n_actions = env.action_space.n
obs = env.reset()
In [ ]:
# test observation
assert obs.shape == observation_shape
assert obs.dtype == 'float32'
assert len(np.unique(obs)) > 2, "your image must not be binary"
assert 0 <= np.min(obs) and np.max(
obs) <= 1, "convert image pixels to (0,1) range"
print "Formal tests seem fine. Here's an example of what you'll get."
plt.title("what your network gonna see")
plt.imshow(obs, interpolation='none', cmap='gray')
In [ ]:
plt.figure(figsize=[12, 12])
for i in range(16):
for _ in range(10):
new_obs = env.step(env.action_space.sample())[0]
plt.subplot(4, 4, i+1)
plt.imshow(new_obs, interpolation='none', cmap='gray')
In [ ]:
# dispose of the game instance
del env
In [ ]:
# setup theano/lasagne. Prefer GPU. Fallback to CPU (will print warning)
%env THEANO_FLAGS = floatX = float32
import theano
import lasagne
from lasagne.layers import *
from theano import tensor as T
In [ ]:
# observation
observation_layer = InputLayer(
(None,)+observation_shape) # game image, [batch,64,64]
In [ ]:
# 4-tick window over images
from agentnet.memory import WindowAugmentation
# window size [batch,4,64,64]
prev_wnd = InputLayer((None, 4)+observation_shape)
new_wnd = WindowAugmentation( < current observation layer> , prev_wnd)
# if you changed img size, remove assert
assert new_wnd.output_shape == (None, 4, 64, 64)
In [ ]:
from lasagne.nonlinearities import elu, tanh, softmax, rectify
<network body, growing from new_wnd. several conv layers or something similar would do>
dense = <final dense layer with 256 neurons>
In [ ]:
# qvalues layer
qvalues_layer = <a dense layer that predicts q-values>
assert qvalues_layer.nonlinearity is not rectify
In [ ]:
# sample actions proportionally to policy_layer
from agentnet.resolver import EpsilonGreedyResolver
action_layer = EpsilonGreedyResolver(qvalues_layer)
Here you will need to declare how your agent works
and action_layers
are the input and output of agent in MDP.policy_estimators
must contain whatever you need for trainingqvalues_layer
, but you'll need to add more when implementing target network.{new_wnd:prev_wnd}
reads as "new_wnd becomes prev_wnd next turn
In [ ]:
from agentnet.agent import Agent
# agent
agent = Agent(observation_layers=<YOUR CODE>,
policy_estimators=<YOUR CODE>,
action_layers=<YOUR CODE>,
agent_states={new_wnd: prev_wnd},)
In [ ]:
from agentnet.experiments.openai_gym.pool import EnvPool
pool = EnvPool(agent, make_env, n_games=16) # 16 parallel game sessions
In [ ]:
# interact for 7 ticks
_, action_log, reward_log, _, _, _ = pool.interact(5)
In [ ]:
# load first sessions (this function calls interact and remembers sessions)
SEQ_LENGTH = 10 # sub-session length
In [ ]:
# get agent's Qvalues obtained via experience replay
replay = pool.experience_replay
actions, rewards, is_alive = replay.actions[0], replay.rewards, replay.is_alive
_, _, _, _, qvalues = agent.get_sessions(
assert actions.ndim == rewards.ndim == is_alive.ndim == 2, "actions, rewards and is_alive must have shape [batch,time]"
assert qvalues.ndim == 3, "q-values must have shape [batch,time,n_actions]"
In [ ]:
# compute V(s) as Qvalues of best actions.
# For homework assignment, you will need to use target net
# or special double q-learning objective here
state_values_target = <YOUR CODE: compute V(s) 2d tensor by taking T.argmax of qvalues over correct axis>
assert state_values_target.eval().shape = qvalues.eval().shape[:2]
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
from agentnet.learning.generic import get_n_step_value_reference
# get reference Q-values via Q-learning algorithm
reference_qvalues = get_n_step_value_reference(
# consider it constant
from theano.gradient import disconnected_grad
reference_qvalues = disconnected_grad(reference_qvalues)
In [ ]:
# get predicted Q-values for committed actions by both current and target networks
from agentnet.learning.generic import get_values_for_actions
action_qvalues = get_values_for_actions(qvalues, actions)
In [ ]:
# loss for Qlearning =
# (Q(s,a) - (r+ gamma*r' + gamma^2*r'' + ... +gamma^10*Q(s_{t+10},a_max)))^2
elwise_mse_loss = <mean squared error between action qvalues and reference qvalues>
# mean over all batches and time ticks
loss = (elwise_mse_loss*is_alive).mean()
In [ ]:
# Since it's a single lasagne network, one can get it's weights, output, etc
weights = <YOUR CODE: get all trainable params>
In [ ]:
# Compute weight updates
updates = <your favorite optimizer>
# compile train function
train_step = theano.function([], loss, updates=updates)
In [ ]:
untrained_reward = np.mean(pool.evaluate(save_path="./records",
In [ ]:
# show video
from IPython.display import HTML
import os
video_names = list(
filter(lambda s: s.endswith(".mp4"), os.listdir("./records/")))
<video width="640" height="480" controls>
<source src="{}" type="video/mp4">
""".format("./records/" + video_names[-1])) # this may or may not be _last_ video. Try other indices
In [ ]:
# starting epoch
epoch_counter = 1
# full game rewards
rewards = {}
loss, reward_per_tick, reward = 0, 0, 0
In [ ]:
from tqdm import trange
from IPython.display import clear_output
for i in trange(150000):
# update agent's epsilon (in e-greedy policy)
current_epsilon = 0.05 + 0.45*np.exp(-epoch_counter/20000.)
# play
# train
loss = 0.95*loss + 0.05*train_step()
if epoch_counter % 10 == 0:
# average reward per game tick in current experience replay pool
reward_per_tick = 0.95*reward_per_tick + 0.05 * \
print("iter=%i\tepsilon=%.3f\tloss=%.3f\treward/tick=%.3f" % (epoch_counter,
# record current learning progress and show learning curves
if epoch_counter % 100 == 0:
reward = 0.95*reward + 0.05*np.mean(pool.evaluate(record_video=False))
rewards[epoch_counter] = reward
plt.plot(*zip(*sorted(rewards.items(), key=lambda (t, r): t)))
epoch_counter += 1
# Time to drink some coffee!
In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
plt.plot(*zip(*sorted(rewards.items(), key=lambda k: k[0])))
In [ ]:
from agentnet.utils.persistence import save, load
save(action_layer, "pacman.pcl")
In [ ]:
rw = pool.evaluate(n_games=20, save_path="./records", record_video=False)
print("mean session score=%f.5" % np.mean(rw))
In [ ]:
# show video
from IPython.display import HTML
import os
video_names = list(
filter(lambda s: s.endswith(".mp4"), os.listdir("./records/")))
<video width="640" height="480" controls>
<source src="{}" type="video/mp4">
""".format("./videos/" + video_names[-1])) # this may or may not be _last_ video. Try other indices
We'll start by implementing target network to stabilize training.
There are two ways to do so:
1) Manually write lasagne network, or clone it via one of those methods.
You will need to implement loading weights from original network to target network.
We recommend thoroughly debugging your code on simple tests before applying it in atari dqn.
2) Use pre-build functionality from here
from agentnet.target_network import TargetNetwork
target_net = TargetNetwork(qvalues_layer)
old_qvalues = target_net.output_layers
#agent's policy_estimators must now become (qvalues,old_qvalues)
_,_,_,_,(qvalues,old_qvalues) = agent.get_sessions(...) #replaying experience
target_net.load_weights()#loads weights, so target network is now exactly same as main network
target_net.load_weights(0.01)# w_target = 0.99*w_target + 0.01*w_new
Implement and train double q-learning.
This task contains of
Implementing double q-learning shouldn't be a problem if you've already have target networks in place.
get_values_for_actions(<some q-values tensor3>,<some indices>)
to select best actionsDueling architecture is also quite straightforward if you have standard DQN.
Here's a template for your convenience:
In [ ]:
from lasagne.layers import *
class DuelingQvaluesLayer(MergeLayer):
def get_output_for(self, inputs, **tags):
V, A = inputs
return <YOUR CODE: add them up :)>
def get_output_shape_for(self, input_shapes, **tags):
V_shape, A_shape=input_shapes
assert len(
V_shape) == 2 and V_shape[-1] == 1, "V layer (first param) shape must be [batch,tick,1]"
return A_shape # shape of q-values is same as predicted advantages
In [ ]:
# mock-up tests
import theano.tensor as T
v_tensor = -T.arange(10).reshape((10, 1))
V = InputLayer((None, 1), v_tensor)
a_tensor = T.arange(30).reshape((10, 3))
A = InputLayer((None, 1), a_tensor)
Q = DuelingQvaluesLayer([V, A])
In [ ]:
import numpy as np
assert np.allclose(get_output(Q).eval(), (v_tensor+a_tensor).eval())
print("looks good")
In this section, you're invited to implement prioritized experience replay
It's probably more convenient to explicitly declare inputs for "sample observations", "sample actions" and so on to plug them into q-learning.
Prioritized (and even normal) experience replay should greatly reduce amount of game sessions you need to play in order to achieve good performance.
While it's effect on runtime is limited for atari, more complicated envs (further in the course) will certainly benefit for it.
Prioritized experience replay only supports off-policy algorithms, so pls enforce n_steps=1
in your q-learning reference computation (default is 10).
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