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Exercise 1.1. (5 pts) Recall that the Hamming loss for Binary classification ($y \in \{0,1\}$) is $$l(y,\hat y) = 1\{y \ne \hat y\} = (y - \hat y)^2$$ as long as $\hat y \in \{0,1\}$. This loss can be extended to multiclass classification where there are $K$ possible values that $y$ can take (for example 'dog','cat','squirrel' or 1-5 stars). Explain how you can re-encode $y$ and $\hat y$ to be a $K-1$ dimensional vector that generalizes binary classification, and rewrite the loss using vector operations.
There are $K$ possible values for y to choose, the range of y and $\hat y$ could be: $y,\hat{y} \in \begin{Bmatrix}a, & b, & c, & ...\end{Bmatrix}$. Then we use function to reencode $y$ and $\hat y$ to $Z(y)$ and $Z(\hat{y})$. When we want to classify $a$ from others, we can set function as:
$$Z(y)=\begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if } y=a \\ 0 & \text{ if } y=others \end{cases}$$and the loss function become $l(y,\hat y) = 1\{y \ne \hat y\} = g(Z(y),Z(\hat y))=(Z(y) - Z(\hat y))^2$. Accordingly, we can apply this method to any possible values, and this function become a binary classification.
Exercise 1.2 (5 pts) Ex. 2.7 in ESL
To simplify this problem lets begin in the case of simple linear regression where there is only one response y and one predictor x. Then the standard definitions of y and X state that
$y^{T}=(y_{1},...,y_{n})$ and $X^{T}=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & ... & 1\\ x_{1} &... &x_{n} \end{bmatrix}$
(a) For linear regression. we can use formula $\widehat{Y}=X^{T}\widehat{\beta }$ and $\widehat{\beta }=(X^{T}X)^{-1}X^{T}y$, and then we can set $\widehat{f}(x_{0})=\begin{bmatrix} x_{0} & 1 \end{bmatrix}(X^{T}X)^{-1}X^{T}y$. Accordingly, In terms of the notation of the question,
$$l_{i}(x_{0};X)=\begin{bmatrix} x_{0} & 1 \end{bmatrix}(X^{T}X)^{-1}\begin{bmatrix} 1\\ x_{i}\\ \end{bmatrix}$$for each i with $1\leq i\leq n$.
More explicitly,$X^{T}X=\begin{bmatrix} n & \sum x_{i}\\ \sum x_{i} & \sum x_{i}^{2} \end{bmatrix}$ which has determinant $(n-1)\sum x_{i}^{2}-2n\sum_{i<y}x_{i}x_{j}$ which allow us to calculate more explicitly.
For k-nearest neighbor regression $l_{i}(x_{0};X)$ equals to 1/k if $x_{i}$ is one of the nearest k points and 0 otherwise. $\widehat{f}(x_{0})=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\frac{y_{i}}{k}1_{x_{i}\in N_{k}(x0)}$ where $N_{k}(x0)$ represents the set of k-nearest-neighbours of $x_{0}$. So
$$l_{i}(x_{0};X)=\frac{1}{k}1_{x_{i}\in N_{k}(x0)}$$(b) In this question $X, x_{0}, f(x_{0})$ are fixed, and $Y$ is a varaible.
$E_{Y|X}\left ( (f(x_{0})-\widehat{f}(x_{0}))^{2} \right )=f(x_{0})^{2}-2f(x_{0})E_{Y|X}\left(\widehat{f}(x_{0})\right)+E_{Y|X}\left(\widehat{f}(x_{0})^{2}\right) =\left (f(x_{0})-E_{Y|X}\left(\widehat{f}(x_{0})\right) \right)^{2}+E_{Y|X}\left(\left(\widehat{f}(x_{0})\right)^{2} \right)-\left(E_{Y|X}\left(\widehat{f}(x_{0})\right) \right)^{2} =(bias)^{2}+Var(\widehat{f}(x_{0}))$
(c) The thinking of this question is the same as (b), the only difference is that $x_{0}, f(x_{0})$ are fixed, and $X, Y$ is a varaible. $E_{Y,X}\left ( (f(x_{0})-\widehat{f}(x_{0}))^{2} \right )=f(x_{0})^{2}-2f(x_{0})E_{Y,X}\left(\widehat{f}(x_{0})\right)+E_{Y,X}\left(\widehat{f}(x_{0})^{2}\right) =\left (f(x_{0})-E_{Y,X}\left(\widehat{f}(x_{0})\right) \right)^{2}+E_{Y,X}\left(\left(\widehat{f}(x_{0})\right)^{2} \right)-\left(E_{Y,X}\left(\widehat{f}(x_{0})\right) \right)^{2} =(bias)^{2}+Var(\widehat{f}(x_{0}))$
(d) The difference between this two is for b the $X$ is fixed, but for c, both $X,Y$ are variable. with the help of formula we can find out that conditional variance should be smaller than unconditional variance. For example:
$$Var(\hat f(x_0))=Var(E(\hat f(x_0)|X))+E(Var(\hat f(x_0)|X))$$In addiiton, the conditional bias should be smaller than unconditional bias.
$$E[E_{Y|X}(\hat f(x_0))-f(x_0)]=E_{Y,X}(\hat f(x_0))-f(x_0) $$Exercise 1.3 (5 pts, 1 for each part) Recall that the true risk for a prediction function, $f$, a loss function, $\ell$, and a joint distribution for $Y,X$ is $$R(f) = E \ell(y,f(x))$$ For a training set $\{x_i,y_x\}_{i=1}^n$, the empirical risk is $$R_n = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \ell(y_i,f(x_i)).$$ Let $y = x^\top \beta + \epsilon$ be a linear model for $Y|X$, where $x,\beta$ are $p$-dimensional such that $\epsilon$ is Gaussian with mean 0 and variance $\sigma^2$ (independent of X). Let $\ell(y,\hat y) = (y - \hat y)^2$ be square error loss.
$$\begin{align*} R(f) &= E\ell(y,f(x)) = E(y-f(x))^2 \\ & = E(x^\top \beta+\epsilon-f(x))^2\\ & = E(x^\top\beta+\epsilon)^2 - 2 E((x^\top\beta+\epsilon)f(x)) + E(f(x)^2)\\ & = \sigma^2 + E(x^\top\beta- f(x))^2 \end{align*}$$when $f(x) = E(Y|x) = E(x^T\beta+\epsilon|x) = x^T \beta$
$E(x^\top\beta- f(x))^2 = 0$ Thus $f^\star(x) = x^\top\beta$ gives the smallest true risk.
2. Since there are unknown parameter $\beta$, and we are not able to measure the whole population, we can't use this prediction in practice.
3. From the result of OLS, we know that
$$\hat \beta = (x^T x)^{-1} x^T y$$$$\hat f = x\hat \beta = x(x^T x)^{-1} x^T y$$$$e=f-\hat f=(1-x(x^T x)^{-1} x^T )y$$Then we use previous formula to prove this question.
$$\begin{align*} ER_n(\hat{f}) &= E[\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \ell(y_i,\hat{f}(x_i))]\\ & = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n E\ell(y_i,\hat{f}(x_i))\\ & = \frac{1}{n}E(e^T e)\\ & = \frac{1}{n}E(y^T(1-x(x^T x)^{-1} x^T )y)\\ & = \frac{1}{n}E(Tr((1-x(x^T x)^{-1} x^T)E(yy^T)))\\ & = \frac{1}{n}(n-p)\sigma^2 \end{align*}$$From question 1 we konw $R(f^*)=\sigma ^2$ so we know $ER_n(\hat{f})<R(f^*)$
4. From question 3 we know: $ER_n(\hat{f}) \leq R(f^\star)$
From question 1 we know $f^*$ will give smallest risk, so $ R(f^\star) \leq R(f)$ $$ER_{tr}(\hat{\beta}) = E[\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N (y_i-\hat{\beta}^\top x_i)^2]$$ The expetation of $R_{te}(\hat{\beta})$ is equivalent to the true risk, the expectation of $R_{tr}(\hat{\beta})$ is equivalent to $ER(\hat{f})$. According to the inequality above, we can prove the conclusion of ESL 2.9.
5. I think at the most time, we use training data to train our model, so it's quite likely that model will fit trainning data better, and the expected training error is smaller than the predicted error. In addition, I believe the inequality will holds in previous formulas. If we want the prediction error more close to training error, we will need large and correct sample size, and the prediction data need to be chosen correctly. Then with right and correct model we will achieve good prediction. For example, we can prove that $ER_n(\hat{f})<R(f^*)$ hold also for KNN regression: If we let $F$ be the collection of function, we konw $\hat f = argmin_{f \in F}R(f|X_{tr}) $, which means that $X_{tr}=argmin_{X \in R^N \times R^p} R(X|\hat f)$. so for fixed $\hat f$, the empirical risk less than true risk.
Exercise 1.4 (5 pts) Ex. 3.5 in ESL
Consider that the ridge expression problem can be written as (by inserting zero as $x_{j} − x_{j}$)
$\hat\beta_{ridge}=argmin\left\{\ \sum_{i=1}^{N} \left( y_{i}-\beta_{0}-\sum_{j=1}^{p}\overline{x}_{j}\beta _{j}-\sum_{j=1}^{p}(x_{ij}-\overline{x}_{j})\beta _{j} \right)^{2}+\lambda \sum_{j=1}^{p}\beta ^{2}_{j} \right\}$
From this we see that by defining “centered” values of $\beta$ as:
$$\beta ^{c}_{0}=\beta_{0}+\sum_{p}^{j=1}\overline{x}_{j}\beta _{j}$$$$\beta ^{c}_{j}=\beta_{i} i=1,2,...,p$$Accordingly, the original function can be set as:
$\hat\beta_{ridge}=argmin\left\{\ \sum_{i=1}^{N} \left( y_{i}-\beta^{c}_{0}-\sum_{j=1}^{p}(x_{ij}-\overline{x}_{j})\beta^{c} _{j} \right)^{2}+\lambda \sum_{j=1}^{p}\beta ^{c2}_{j} \right\}$
The equivalence of the minimization results from the fact that if $\beta_{i}$ minimize its respective functional the $\beta_{i}^{c}$’s will do the same.
In order to understanding of this procedure, we can say that by shifting the xi’s to have zero mean we have translated all points to the origin. As such only the “intercept” of the data or $\beta_{0}$ is modified the “slope’s” or $\beta_{i}^{c}$ for i = 1, 2, . . . , p are not modified. So We can compute the value of $\beta_{0}^{c}$ in the above expression by setting the derivative with respect to this variable equal to zero (a consequence of the expression being at a minimum). We obtain:
$$\sum_{i=1}^{N} \left( y_{i}-\beta^{c}_{0}-\sum_{j=1}^{p}(x_{ij}-\overline{x}_{j})\beta _{j} \right)=0$$which implies $\beta_{0}^{c}=\hat y$ , the average of the $y_{i}$. When we consider the situation in lasso, we write lagelangri form of lasso expression below:
$\hat\beta_{lasso}=argmin\left\{\ \sum_{i=1}^{N} \left( y_{i}-\beta_{0}-\sum_{j=1}^{p}\overline{x}_{j}\beta _{j}-\sum_{j=1}^{p}(x_{ij}-\overline{x}_{j})\beta _{j} \right)^{2}+\lambda \sum_{j=1}^{p}\left |\beta_{j} \right | \right\}$
The same argument above can be used to show that the minimization required for the lasso can be written in the same way (with $\beta_{j}^{c2}$ replaced by $\left |\beta_{j}^{c} \right |$).The intercept in the centered case continues to be $\overline y$.
Exercise 1.5 (5 pts) Ex 3.9 in ESL
If we fit an ordinary least squares linear model with q terms then the QR decomposition of $X_{1}$ or the equation $X_{1}= QR$ and together with Equation $\hat y=QQ^{T}y$ expresses $\hat y$ as a sum of q columns of Q. Thus ˆy is the span of the columns of $Q$. Since $Q$ is related to $X_{1}$ by the Gram-Schmidt orthogonilization process $\hat y$ is also in the span of the q columns of $X_{1}$. By properties of least square estimates the residual $r = y − \hat y$ is in the orthogonal complement of the columns of both $Q$ and $X_{1}$. To pick the next column $x_{j}$ of the p − q possible choices to add next, the one we should pick should be the column that had the largest projection in the direction of $r$. Thus we want to pick $x_{j}$ that is most parallel with $r$ to add next. Thus pick $j^{*}$ such that:
$$j^{*}=argmin_{j}\frac{\left | x_{j}^{T}r \right |}{\left \| x_{j} \right \|}$$This $x_{j}$ will reduce the residual sum of squares the most. Let $X_{1} = QR$ be the $QR$ decomposition, and let $z_{i}$ be the i-th column of $Q (1 \leq i \leq q)$. So $Q^{T}Q = I_{q}$ and R is upper triangular with strictly positive diagonal entries. The collection {z1, . . . , zq} is an orthonormal basis of $C_{0}$, the column space of $X_{1}$. $C_{0}$ is also the column space of Q. Let $\hat y$ be the orthogonal projection of the N-dimensional vector y to $C_{0}$.
For each j (q < j < p), let $C_{j}$ be the subspace of $R^{N}$ spanned by C0 and xj , the (j − q)-th column of X2. We define
$u_{j}=x_{j}-\sum_{i=1}^{q}(z_{i}^{T}x_{j})z_{i}$ and
$v_{j}=\frac {u_{j}}{\left \| u_{j} \right \|}$
and so {z1, . . . , zq, vj} is an orthonormal basis of $C_{j}$ . Now $\hat y_{j} = \hat y +(v^{T}_{j}y)v_{j}$ is the orthogonal projection of y to $C_{j}$ , and so the residual sum of squares decreases by $(v^{T}_{j} y)^{2}$ if $\hat y$ is replaced by $\hat y_{j}$ . It follows that the best variable to include is the k-th, where $k = argmax_{q\leq j \leq p}\left | v_{j}^{T}y \right |$.We then set $z_{q+1} = v_{k}$.
Note that, during the computation, we need to know $z^{T}_{i}x_{j}$ for all i and j $(1 \leq i \leq q$ and $q < j \leq p$). We have therefore done already completed of the computation necessary to include yet another variable in our Stepwise Forward Linear Regression. So this seems reasonably efficient, and we know of no more efficient algorithm.
You will be graded based on several criteria, and each is on a 5 point scale (5 is excellent - A - 1 is poor - C - 0 is not answered - D/F). You should strive to 'impress us' if you want a 5. This means excellent code, well explained conclusions, well annotated plots, correct answers, etc.
We will be grading you on several criteria:
Exercise 2 You should run the following code cells to import the code and reduce the variable set. Address the questions after the code.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneOut
from sklearn import linear_model, neighbors
%matplotlib inline
# dataset path
data_dir = "."
In [2]:
sample_data = pd.read_csv(data_dir+"/hw1.csv", delimiter=',')
The response variable is quality.
In [13]:
In [3]:
X = np.array(sample_data.iloc[:,range(1,5)])
y = np.array(sample_data.iloc[:,0])
In [4]:
def loo_risk(X,y,regmod):
Construct the leave-one-out square error risk for a regression model
Input: design matrix, X, response vector, y, a regression model, regmod
Output: scalar LOO risk
loo = LeaveOneOut()
loo_losses = []
for train_index, test_index in loo.split(X):
X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
y_hat = regmod.predict(X_test)
loss = np.sum((y_hat - y_test)**2)
return np.mean(loo_losses)
def emp_risk(X,y,regmod):
Return the empirical risk for square error loss
Input: design matrix, X, response vector, y, a regression model, regmod
Output: scalar empirical risk
y_hat = regmod.predict(X)
return np.mean((y_hat - y)**2)
Exercise 2.1 (5 pts) Compare the leave-one-out risk with the empirical risk for linear regression, on this dataset.
In [10]:
#import linear regression as lin1
lin1 = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)
print('LOO Risk: '+ str(loo_risk(X,y,lin1)))
print('Emp Risk: ' + str(emp_risk(X,y,lin1)))
We can find out for linear regression, the leave one out risk is little bit higher than Empirical risk for square error loss. This make sense since at the most time the empirical risk should be lower because they use their own data to fit themselves.
Exercise 2.2 (10 pts) Perform kNN regression and compare the leave-one-out risk with the empirical risk for k from 1 to 50. Remark on the tradeoff between bias and variance for this dataset and compare against linear regression.
In [6]:
LOOs = []
MSEs = []
Ks = range(1,K+1)
for k in Ks:
knn = neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=k)
plt.plot(Ks,LOOs,'r',label="LOO risk")
plt.title("Risks for kNN Regression")
plt.plot(Ks,MSEs,'b',label="Emp risk")
_ = plt.xlabel('k')
With the increasing of K, the Leave one out risk will decrease followed by increase, k=13 is the best value with risk 233.82, and empirical risk is increasing. In addition, both two risk converge toward similar value and the risk of Leave one out risk is little bit higher than Empirical risk. For this dataset, it's easy to find that increasing k will decrease variance and increase bias, since the higher k we have, the denominator($k^2$) when we calculate variance will be higher too, however, the bias will increase with more points being used. For Emp risk, the closest point is themself so we cn see the Emp risk is zero when use condition k=1. For LOO risk, we don't have the target point when we calculate risk, so it's very high when k is small. On the other hand, decreasing k will increase variance and decrease bias. When compared with linear regression, we can find out, when k is small, the leave one out risk of KNN regression will be higher than linear regression, and the empirical risk of KNN regression will be lower than linear regression, with the increasing of K, the risk of KNN regression risk will converge to linear regression risk.
Exercise 2.3 (10 pts) Implement forward stepwise regression (ESL section 3.3.2) for the linear model and compare the LOO risk for each stage. Recall that at each step forward stepwise regression will select a new variable that most improves the empirical risk and include that in the model (starting with the intercept).
By implement forward stepwise regression below, I tried to find out the lowest square error for each step. We can find out with each step the square error will decrease, and the variable combination which can improve empirical risk best is 'time', 'pH', 'alcohol', 'density', which give the least square error of 242.247. On the other hand, I tried to use forward stepwise in another way. In each step, I tried to find out the variable combination give the highest adjusted R square (most corelated), then the answers shows that with each step, the R square value is increasing and the square error is decreasing, and final answer is different when compared with previous method. The variable combination which can give most corelated variables are 'time', 'pH', 'alcohol', which give the least square error of 242.25, and the best fit formula is: quality ~ time + pH + alcohol + 1.
In [29]:
def forward_selected(data, response):
"""Linear model designed by forward selection.
data : pandas DataFrame with all possible predictors and response
response: string, name of response column in data
model: an "optimal" fitted statsmodels linear model
with an intercept
selected by forward selection
evaluated by least square error
lin1 = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True)
LOOs = []
EMP = []
cand_list = []
#seperate predict data from others
remaining = set(data.columns)
selected = []
#initial value
current_score, best_new_score = 1000.0, 1000.0
while remaining and current_score == best_new_score:
scores_with_candidates = []
#loop for calculting square error for each step
for candidate in remaining:
s_list = selected + [candidate]
#calculate square error
score = emp_risk(sample_data[s_list].values,sample_data['quality'].values,lin1)
scores_with_candidates.append((score, candidate))
#find the least value
scores_with_candidates.sort(reverse = True)
best_new_score, best_candidate = scores_with_candidates.pop()
#store least square error and variable combination for each step
cand_list.append(selected + [best_candidate])
#find the globle best score and combination
if current_score > best_new_score:
current_score = best_new_score
return LOOs,EMP, cand_list, best_new_score, selected
In [30]:
LOOstep,EMP, cand_list,best_score, best_cand = forward_selected(sample_data, 'quality')
for i in range(len(cand_list)):
print 'step ',i+1,' score:',EMP[i],' variables:',cand_list[i]
print "smallest risk:",best_score,"\nbest parameter combination",best_cand
In [31]:
plt.plot([1,2,3,4],LOOstep,'r',label="LOO risk")
plt.plot([1,2,3,4],EMP,'B',label="EMP risk")
plt.title("LOO Risks for each step")
_ = plt.xlabel('step number')
_ = plt.ylabel('Leave-one-out risk')
In [44]:
def forward_R_selected(data, response):
"""Linear model designed by forward selection.
data : pandas DataFrame with all possible predictors and response
response: string, name of response column in data
model: an "optimal" fitted statsmodels linear model
with an intercept
selected by forward selection
evaluated by adjusted R-squared
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
lin1 = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True)
#initiate empty list to install best value for each step
LOOs = []
EMP = []
cand = []
R_score = []
remaining = set(data.columns)
selected = []
current_score, best_new_score = 0.0, 0.0
while remaining and current_score == best_new_score:
scores_with_candidates = []
for candidate in remaining:
#generate formula form for later package use
formula = "{} ~ {} + 1".format(response,
' + '.join(selected + [candidate]))
score = smf.ols(formula, data).fit().rsquared_adj
scores_with_candidates.append((score, candidate))
#find best R square value, and variable combination for each step
best_new_score, best_candidate = scores_with_candidates.pop()
if current_score < best_new_score:
#restore value each time best answer changes
cand.append(selected+[best_candidate] )
current_score = best_new_score
else :
#record previous best value if last step is not as good as previous one
cand.append( selected )
formula = "{} ~ {} + 1".format(response,
' + '.join(selected))
model = smf.ols(formula, data).fit()
return model,LOOs,EMP,cand,R_score
In [45]:
model,loorisk,EMPRISK, var,R_score = forward_R_selected(sample_data, 'quality')
for i in range(len(var)):
print 'step ',i+1,' Rsquare:',R_score[i],' LOO:',loorisk[i],'EMP',EMPRISK[i], 'variables:',var[i]
print 'best fit formula: ',model.model.formula
In [39]:
right_axis = left_axis.twinx()
p1,=left_axis.plot([1,2,3,4],loorisk,'r',label="LOO risk")
P3,=left_axis.plot([1,2,3,4],EMPRISK,'K',label="EMP risk")
p2, = right_axis.plot([1,2,3,4],R_score,'b',label='R square')
plt.title("LOO Risks and $R^2$ for each step")
left_axis.set_xlabel('step number')
left_axis.set_ylabel('LOO risk')
right_axis.set_ylabel('R square')
In [ ]: