We use a script that extracts your answers by looking for cells in between the cells containing the exercise statements (beginning with Exercise X.X). So you
To make markdown, please switch the cell type to markdown (from code) - you can hit 'm' when you are in command mode - and use the markdown language. For a brief tutorial see: https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
In the conceptual exercises you should provide an explanation, with math when necessary, for any answers. When answering with math you should use basic LaTeX, as in $$E(Y|X=x) = \int_{\mathcal{Y}} f_{Y|X}(y|x) dy = \int_{\mathcal{Y}} \frac{f_{Y,X}(y,x)}{f_{X}(x)} dy$$ for displayed equations, and $R_{i,j} = 2^{-|i-j|}$ for inline equations. (To see the contents of this cell in markdown, double click on it or hit Enter in escape mode.) To see a list of latex math symbols see here: http://web.ift.uib.no/Teori/KURS/WRK/TeX/symALL.html
Exercise 1.1. (5 pts) Ex. 3.29 in ESL
Exercise 1.2 (5 pts) Ex. 3.30 in ESL
Exercise 1.3 (5 pts) $Y \in \{0,1\}$ follows an exponential family model with natural parameter $\eta$ if $$P(Y=y) = \exp\left( y \eta - \psi(\eta) \right).$$ Show that when $\eta = x^\top \beta$ then $Y$ follows a logistic regression model.
In [14]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# dataset path
data_dir = "."
Load the following medical dataset with 750 patients. The response variable is survival dates (Y), the predictors are 104 measurements measured at a specific time (numerical variables have been standardized).
In [3]:
sample_data = pd.read_csv(data_dir+"/hw2.csv", delimiter=',')
In [4]:
In [5]:
sample_data.V1 = sample_data.V1.eq('Yes').mul(1)
The response variable is Y for 2.1-2.3 and Z for 2.4.
In [9]:
X = np.array(sample_data.iloc[:,range(2,104)])
y = np.array(sample_data.iloc[:,0])
z = np.array(sample_data.iloc[:,1])
Exercise 2.1 (10 pts) Perform ridge regression on the method and cross-validate to find the best ridge parameter.
Exercise 2.2 (10 pts) Plot the lasso and lars path for each of the coefficients. All coefficients for a given method should be on the same plot, you should get 2 plots. What are the major differences, if any? Are there any 'leaving' events in the lasso path?
Exercise 2.3 (10 pts) Cross-validate the Lasso and compare the results to the answer to 2.1.
Exercise 2.4 (15 pts) Obtain the 'best' active set from 2.3, and create a new design matrix with only these variables. Use this to predict the categorical variable $z$ with logistic regression.