XRF detection limits

Some theoretical considerations can be found here.

Define the materials that could be in your sample:

In [1]:
from spectrocrunch.materials import compoundfromformula
from spectrocrunch.materials import compoundfromname
from spectrocrunch.materials import mixture
from spectrocrunch.materials import types

components = {}
k = compoundfromname.compoundfromname("linseed oil")
components[k] = 1
k = compoundfromformula.CompoundFromFormula("Al2O3",density=4.02)
components[k] = 1
k = compoundfromformula.CompoundFromFormula("SiO2",density=2.66)
components[k] = 1
k = compoundfromformula.CompoundFromFormula("CaCO3",density=2.71)
components[k] = 1
k = compoundfromformula.CompoundFromFormula("CaSO4(H2O)2",density=2.31)
components[k] = 1
k = compoundfromformula.CompoundFromFormula("Fe3(PO4)2(H2O)8",density=2.65)
components[k] = 1

mix1 = mixture.Mixture(components.keys(),components.values(),\

components = {}
k = compoundfromformula.CompoundFromFormula("PbSO4",density=2.65)
components[k] = 1
k = compoundfromformula.CompoundFromFormula("CaCl2",density=2.15)
components[k] = 1
k = compoundfromformula.CompoundFromFormula("CeO2",density=7.22)
components[k] = 1
k = compoundfromformula.CompoundFromFormula("TiO2",density=4.23)
components[k] = 1

mix2 = mixture.Mixture(components.keys(),components.values(),\

Define the XRF geometry:

In [2]:
from spectrocrunch.materials import multilayer
from spectrocrunch.detectors import xrf as xrfdetectors
from spectrocrunch.geometries import xrf as xrfgeometries
from spectrocrunch.sources import xray as xraysources

source = xraysources.factory("synchrotron")
detector = xrfdetectors.factory("leia")
geometry = xrfgeometries.factory("sxm120",detectorposition=-20.,detector=detector,source=source)

Create a sample in this geometry:

In [3]:
# thickness in cm
sample = multilayer.Multilayer(material=[mix1,mix2],thickness=[10*1e-4,10*1e-4],geometry = geometry)

Select fluorescence lines for which to calculate SNR:

In [4]:
from spectrocrunch.materials import xrayspectrum
from spectrocrunch.common import instance

def getfluolines(ele,emin,emax):
    lines = xrayspectrum.FluoLine.factory(energybounds=(ele,emin,emax))
    return ["{}-{}".format(ele,line) for line in lines]

# Define by name:
#lines = [["Al-K"],["S-KL"],["Ce"]]

# Define by element and energy-range
lines = [getfluolines("Al",1,2),getfluolines("S",2,3),getfluolines("Ce",4.5,6.5)]

Define acquisition parameters:

In [5]:
energy = 7.5 # keV
flux = 1e10 # ph/s
time = 1 # s

Define XRF background:

In [6]:
detector.bstail = True
detector.bstep = True
bkgfluxmax = 10 # ph/s/channel
bkgenergymin = 1.
bkgenergymax = bkgenergymin + (energy-bkgenergymin)*0.5
bkgenergyw = bkgfluxmax*time/(bkgenergymin-bkgenergymax)**2
backfunc = lambda x: np.clip(bkgfluxmax*time-bkgenergyw*(x-bkgenergymax)**2,0,None)
#backfunc = None

detector.stailslope_ratio = 0.1
detector.stailarea_ratio = 0.05

Some helper functions:

In [7]:
# Function to calculate + plot
def SNR(sample,lines,plotlines=False):
    if instance.isstring(lines):
        lines = [lines]
    spectrum = sample.xrayspectrum(energy,emin=0.5,emax=energy+0.5)
    linevalid = lambda ln: any(ln.startswith(line) for line in lines)
    ret = spectrum.snr(linevalid,fluxtime=flux*time,histogram=True,backfunc=backfunc,plot=True,kstd=3)
    if plotlines:
        plt.gca().set_yscale('log', basey=10)
    return ret

# Print composition
def printcomp(comp,unit="ppm"):
    if unit=="ppm":
        nfrac = comp.molefractions()
        printfmt = lambda k,v: "{}: {} ppm".format(k,v/s*1e6)
    elif unit=="wt%":
        nfrac = comp.massfractions()
        printfmt = lambda k,v: "{}: {} wt%".format(k,v/s*1e2)
    elif unit=="ug/g":
        nfrac = comp.massfractions()
        printfmt = lambda k,v: "{}: {} ug/g".format(k,v/s*1e6)
    s = sum(nfrac.values())
    for k,v in nfrac.items():

Calculate + visualize SNR:

In [8]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})

# Last-minute changes in composition

# Print the sample composition

unit = "wt%"
for layer in sample:

# Calculate + plot SNR for each line
for line in lines:
    result = SNR(sample,line,plotlines=True)

Multilayer (ordered top-bottom):
 Layer 0. 10.0 um (16.67 wt% Al2O3 + 16.67 wt% SiO2 + 16.67 wt% CaCO3 + 16.67 wt% linseed oil + 16.67 wt% CaSO4(H2O)2 + 16.67 wt% Fe3(PO4)2(H2O)8)
 Layer 1. 10.0 um (25.00 wt% CaCl2 + 25.00 wt% PbSO4 + 25.00 wt% TiO2 + 25.00 wt% CeO2)
C: 14.983553933 wt%
H: 2.77651386038 wt%
Ca: 10.5534289132 wt%
Si: 7.79109114107 wt%
Al: 8.81891308613 wt%
O: 44.3475036266 wt%
P: 2.05845808333 wt%
S: 3.10412915965 wt%
Fe: 5.56640819662 wt%
Cl: 15.972972973 wt%
Ca: 9.02702702703 wt%
O: 19.9358185385 wt%
Pb: 17.0807504616 wt%
S: 2.64359667634 wt%
Ce: 20.352349968 wt%
Ti: 14.9874843554 wt%