In [1]:
import sympy
import sympy.physics.mechanics as mech
from IPython.display import display
Define BKE Function
In [2]:
def bke(vector, frame_i, frame_b, t):
return (vector.diff(t, frame_b) + frame_b.ang_vel_in(frame_i).cross(vector))
Define Symbolic Variables
In [3]:
T, r, m_w, m_p, l, F, x, g, alpha, theta, t, R_x, R_z, N, J_p, J_w, v_x, omega, k_emf, b_damp, V, J_motor, a = \
sympy.symbols('T r m_w m_p l F x g alpha theta t R_x R_z N J_p J_w v_x omega k_emf b_damp V J_motor a')
Define Reference Frames
In [4]:
frame_i = mech.ReferenceFrame('i') #inertial frame
frame_b = frame_i.orientnew('b', 'Axis', [theta(t), frame_i.y]) #fixed in pendulum
frame_w = frame_b.orientnew('w', 'Axis', [-alpha(t), frame_i.y]) #fixed in wheel
Define Points of Interest
In [5]:
point_o = mech.Point('o')
point_o.set_vel(frame_i, 0) #point o is inertially fixed
point_W = point_o.locatenew('W', frame_i.x*x(t)) #wheel c.m.
point_W.set_vel(frame_b, 0) #point W is fixed in pendulum frame, too
point_W.set_vel(frame_i, point_W.pos_from(point_o).diff(t, frame_i))
point_P = point_W.locatenew('P', frame_b.z*(-l)) #pendulum c.m.
point_P.set_vel(frame_b, 0)
point_P.v2pt_theory(point_W, frame_i, frame_b);
Define Bodies
In [6]:
# Wheel Creation
J_wheel = mech.inertia(frame_w, 0, J_w, 0)
wheel = mech.RigidBody('wheel', point_W, frame_w, m_w, (J_wheel, point_W))
# Pendulum Creation
J_pend = mech.inertia(frame_b, 0, J_p, 0)
pend = mech.RigidBody('pend', point_P, frame_b, m_p, (J_pend, point_P)) #change inertia point to point_p
Lagranges Method
In [ ]:
noslip = [(r*(alpha(t) - theta(t)) - x(t))] # constraint equation, same as before?
flist = [(point_P, m_p*g*frame_i.z), (frame_b, T(t)*frame_i.y), (frame_b, b_damp*alpha(t).diff(t)*frame_i.y)] #force list, external torque T, damping b in y direction
L = mech.Lagrangian(frame_i, wheel, pend)
#l = mech.LagrangesMethod(L, [x(t), theta(t)], forcelist = flist, hol_coneqs=noslip, frame = frame_i)
l = mech.LagrangesMethod(L, [x(t), theta(t), alpha(t)], forcelist = flist, frame = frame_i)
eoms = l.form_lagranges_equations()
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In [ ]:
eom_sol = sympy.solve(eoms, [theta(t).diff(t,2), alpha(t).diff(t,2), x(t).diff(t,2), \
alpha(t).diff(t)], simplify=False)
In [ ]:
In [44]:
theta_ddot = eom_sol[theta(t).diff(t,2)].expand().ratsimp().collect([theta(t), x(t), theta(t).diff(t), x(t).diff(t)], sympy.factor)
In [35]:
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