Einstein assumed that the energy of a vibrating atom was proportional to the frequency of vibration $E\propto\nu$ and that the vibrating atom could have only discrete amounts of vibrational energy, $E = n h \nu$, where $n = 0, 1, \ldots$.
In [11]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
h = 6.626e-34 #m^2 kg/s
kB = 1.3806e-23 #m^2 kg/s^2 K
Nav = 6.022e23 # /mol
v = 2.75e13 #1/s
T = np.linspace(10,3000,100)
Cp = (3*h**2*v**2*np.exp(h*v/kB/T))/(kB*T**2*(np.exp(h*v/kB/T)-1)**2) #The derivative of the expected energy function wrt temperature
Cp = Cp*Nav
plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)')
plt.ylabel('Heat Capacity (J/mol K)')
plt.title('Heat Capacity vs. Temperature of Diamond')
$P(n=1)/P(n=0) = \exp(-(E_1 -E_0)/k_BT) = \exp(-(1 h\nu - 0 h\nu)/k_BT) = \exp(-h\nu/k_BT)$
In [15]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
h = 6.626e-34 #m^2 kg/s
kB = 1.3806e-23 #m^2 kg/s^2 K
v = 2.75e13 #1/s
P1500 = np.exp(-h * v/kB/1500.)
P150 = np.exp(-h * v/kB/150.)
print('Ratio at 1500 and 150 K are {} and {}, respectively'.format(P1500,P150))
T = 1500 #K
Very probably at high $T$, not at all probable at low $T$.
Stefan-Boltzmann law relates power and temperature, $I =\sigma T^4$. $I_{sun}/I_{bar}=43.5 = (T_{sun}/T_{bar})^4$
In [0]:
Tmetal = 1950+273.15 #K
Tsun = (43.5*Tmetal**4)**.25
print('The temperature of the sun is {} Kelvin.'.format(Tsun))
In [0]:
wavelength = 2897768/Tsun #nm
c = 299792458 #m/s
freq= c/wavelength *1e9
print('The sun emits a wavelength of {} nm most intensely.'.format(wavelength))
print('The freqency is %E 1/s.'%(freq))
print('This wavelength corresponds to the color cyan/green.')
In classical physics, Rayleigh-Jeans law predicted that radiation intensity approached infinity at small wavelengths. This phenomena is known as the ultraviolet catastrophe.
Planck assumed that a:
In [0]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
I = np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,30)
E = I**2
Light Wavelength (nm) | Electron Kinetic Energy (eV) |
263 | 0.13 |
250 | 0.33 |
234 | 0.68 |
218 | 1.08 |
184 | 2.13 |
In [0]:
from scipy.stats import linregress
c = 299792458e9 #nm/s
x = [c/263,c/250,c/234,c/218,c/184] #1/s
y = [.13,.33,.68,1.08,2.13] #eV
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(x,y)
i = np.abs(intercept)
print('The workfunction is {} eV'.format(i))
print('Estimation of Planck\'s constant: {} eV*s'.format(slope))
Copper has a work function of 4.7 eV.
In [0]:
h = 4.135668e-15 #eV*s
c = 299792458e9 #nm/s
wavelength = .29 #nm
E = h*c/wavelength #eV
print ('The energy of a photon at 2.9 A is {} eV'.format(E))
print('This corresponds to soft X-rays in the electromagnetic spectrum.')
This is the basis of x-ray diffraction, used to figure out the crystal structure of things, like proteins.
In [0]:
P = 1e-6 #J/s
photons = P/E*6.242e18 #photons/s
print('1 microwatt corrsponds to %E photons/second.'%(photons))
In [0]:
c = 299792458 #m/s
m = 9.109e-31 #kg
h = 6.626e-34 #m^2 kg/s
wavelength = .29e-9 #m
v = h/wavelength/m #m/s
fraction = v/c
print('To have the necessary de Broglie wavelength, v= {} m/s'.format(v))
print('This is {} of the speed of light.'.format(fraction))
This is the basis of electron diffraction, often used to observe surfaces, eg with an electron microscope.
Bohr developed the first successful model of the energy spectrum of a hydrogen atom by postulating that electrons can only exist in certain fixed energy “orbits” indexed by the quantum number $n$. (Recall that the equations describing the Bohr atom are in Table 4 of the course outline.)
In [18]:
Z = 1
n1 = 1
n2 = 2
E1 = -13.6*Z**2/(n1**2) #eV
E2 = -13.6*Z**2/(n2**2) #eV
c = 299792458 #m/s
h = 6.626e-34 #m^2 kg/s
wavelength = h*c/(E2-E1)*1e9/1.60218e-19
print('Light needs to be absorbed to provide energy for electrons to jump to higher orbitals.')
print('This corresponds to a wavelength of',wavelength,'nm.')
In [19]:
import numpy as np
a0 = 5.29e-11 #m, Bohr radius
r = a0*n2**2 #m
l = np.pi*2*r #m
print('The circumference of the n=2 orbit is {} m'.format(l))
In [24]:
m = 9.109e-31 #kg
h = 6.626e-34 #m^2 kg/s
hbar = h/(2*np.pi) #m^2 kg/s, reduced Planck constant
k0 = 2.30708e-28
p0 = k0*m/hbar*1/1 #kg m/s
p2 = p0/2
wavelength3 = h/p2
print('The de Broglie wavelength for an electron in n=2 orbit is {} m.'.format(wavelength3))
In [23]:
Circumference is twice the wavelength. Would be exact if we carried through the constants to higher precision.
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