Particles and Radiation

Matter and Radiation

Inside the Atom

nb: P = proton, N = neutron, E = electron

Atoms contain:

  • nucleus - positively charged protons and neutrons
  • electrons - negatively charged

nucleon: proton/neutron inside nucleus

Charge/C Charge RTP Mass/kg Mass RTP
proton $+1.60\times10^{-19}$ $1$ $1.67\times10^{-27}$ $1$
neutron $0$ $0$ $1.67\times10^{-27}$ $1$
electron $-1.60\times10^{-19}$ $-1$ $9.11\times10^{-31}$ $0.0005$
---------- ----------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- -------------------------

RTB = relative to proton


Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons


  • $A =$ nucleon/mass number
  • $A =$ protons+neutrons
  • $Z =$ proton/atomic number
  • $Z =$ protons
  • $X =$ element symbol

nuclide: an atom characterized by its nucleus

Specific Charge:

Specific Charge of charged particle: $\frac{charge}{mass}$

Proton Example:

$charge = 1.60\times10^{-19}$

$mass = 1.67\times10^{-27}$

$\frac{charge}{mass} = 9.58\times10^{7}Ckg^{-1}$

Electron Example:

$charge = -1.60\times10^{-19}$

$mass = 9.11\times10^{-31}$

$\frac{charge}{mass} = -1.76\times10^{11}Ckg^{-1}$

Nuclei Example:


$charge = 1.2\times10^{-18}$

$mass = 2.67\times10^{-26}$

$\frac{charge}{mass} = 4.49\times10^{7}Ckg^{-1}$

Ion Example:


$charge = 3.20\times10^{-19}$

$mass = 3.98\times10^{-26}$

$\frac{charge}{mass} = 8.04\times10^{6}Ckg^{-1}$

Stable and Unstable Nuclei

The Strong Nuclear Force

The Strong Nuclear Force holds together the nuclei in a stable isotope so it doesn't disintegrate.

The Strong Nuclear Force overcomes the electrostatic repulsion between the protons.


  • max range = 3-4 femtometres(fm)
  • min range = 0.5 fm (it becomes a repulsive force to prevent P/N from being pushed together)
  • same effect between P-P, P-N, N-N

Radioactive Decay

3 Types of Radiation:
1.Alpha radiation ($\alpha$)
  • alpha particle = 2P + 2N
  • symbol = $^4_2\alpha$
  • when alpha particle emitted from unstable nucleus of element X, X's mass number, $A$, decreases by 4 and atomic number, $Z$, decreases by 2
  • X's product nucleus also now belongs to a different element Y
  • $^A_ZX=^{A-4}_{Z-2}Y+^4_2\alpha$
2.Beta radiaton ($\beta$)
  • consists of fast moving electrons
  • E as beta particle symbol = $\beta^-$ or $^{0}_{-1}\beta$ (can use $e^-$)
  • charge = -proton charge (but with much less mass)
  • created when neutron $\to$ proton in an unstable nucleus, emitted instantly
  • also an antiparticle, called an antineutrino($\bar{v}$), is emitted (no charge)
  • atomic number += 1
  • product nucleus belongs to different element Y
  • $^A_ZX=^{A}_{Z+1}Y+^0_{-1}\beta+\bar{v}$
3.Gamma radiation ($\gamma$)
  • electromagnetic radiation emitted by unstable nucleus
  • no mass, no charge
  • can pass through thick metal
  • emitted by nucleus with too much energy, after an $\alpha$ or $\beta$ emission


Electromagnetic Waves
  • electromagnetic spectrum of electromagnetic waves
  • in vacuum, all electromagnetic waves travel at speed of light, $c = (3\times10^{8}ms^{-1})$
  • electromagnetic radiation in vacuum $\lambda=\frac{c}{f}$ where $\lambda$ = wavelength, $f$ = frequency
  • expressed as nanometres(nm) = $10^{-9}$m
  • electric wave
  • magnetic wave
  • they travel perpendicular to each other and the way they're travelling
  • they are in phase with each other (peak at same times)
Type radio microwave infrared visible ultraviolet X-rays gamma rays
Wavelength range >0.1m 0.1m-1mm 1mm-700nm 700nm-400nm 400nm-1nm 10nm-0.001nm <1nm


When charged particle loses energy, it emits an electromagnetic wave.

Happens when:

  • fast-moving electron stops or slows down or changes direction (eg, in X-ray tube)
  • electron in shell of atom moves into different shell of lower energy
  • waves emitted as short bursts
  • waves leave source in different directions
  • each burst is a packet of electromagnetic waves, referred to as a Photon
Photon info:
  • theory, by Einstein in 1905
  • used idea to explain photoelectric effect (emission of electrons from metal surface when light is directed at surface)
  • where E = photon energy, f = frequency, h = planck constant($6.63\times10^{-34}Js$)
  • $E = hf$
  • $E = \frac{hc}{\lambda}$

Laser power

  • laser beam consists of photons at same frequency
  • power is energy/second transferred by protons
  • where n = number of photons passing a fixed point each second
  • beam power $= nhf$

Particles and antiparticles

For every particle, there is an antiparticle


  • same rest mass as particle
  • opposite charge to particle
  • annihilation happens when they particle/antiparticle meet which converts mass into photons
  • has opposite process called pair production

Positron: antiparticle of electron

Positron emitting tomography (PET) hospital scanner:
  • positron-emitting isotope dispensed (some reaches brain through blood)
  • positrons meet electrons mms and destroy each other
  • they also produce 2 gamma photons
  • gamma photons sensed by machine
  • image built based on signals of positron-emitting nuclei
Positron emission (opposite to beta radiation):
  • when proton$\to$neutron in unstable nucleus with too many protons
  • positron, symbol $^0_{+1}\beta$ or $\beta^+$, is antiparticle of electron (can use $e^+$)
  • neutrino, symbol = $v$, also emitted (no charge)
  • $^A_ZX=^{A}_{Z-1}Y+^0_{+1}\beta+v$
Positron-emitting isotopes:
  • dont occur naturally
  • manufactured by placing stable isotope in the path of a beam of protons
  • isotope in solid or liquid form
  • some nuclei absorb extra protons $\therefore$ become positron-emitters
Extra info:
  • mass of particle increases the faster it travels
  • $E = mc^2$ relates energy supplied to increase in mass
  • rest mass ($m_0$), corresponds to rest energy ($m_0c^2$) locked up as mass
  • the rest energy must be included in the conservation of energy
  • antimatter(antiparticles) would unlock rest energy when particle and antiparticle meet and destroy

Particles, antiparticles and $E = mc^2$

Energy of Particle:
  • electron volts (MeV), $1MeV = 1.60\times10^{-13}J$
  • MeV defined as energy transferred when electron is moved through 1V
  • given rest mass, rest energy can be calculated with $E = mc^2$
  • particle and corresponding antiparticle meet
  • mass converted into radiation energy
  • 2 photons produces (1 can't ensure momentum = 0 after collision)
  • total min energy = total rest enery ($2hf_{min} = 2E_0$)
  • min energy of each photon, $hf_{min} = E_0$

Pair Production:
  • photon creates particle and corresponding antiparticle
  • photon disappears
  • given the rest energy of particle/antiparticle
  • can calculate $f_{min}$ and min energy required from photon
  • min energy of photon needed, $hf_{min} = 2E_0$
  • eg. electron rest energy = 0.511 MeV

$hf_{min} = 2\times0.511$

$hf_{min} = 1.022MeV$

$hf_{min} = 1.64\times10^{-13}J$

$f_{min} = 2.47\times10^{20}J$

Particle Interactions

Four fundamental interactions: gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear

Fundamental Interactions:
  • gravitational interaction
  • electromagnetic interaction
  • weak nuclear interaction (aka. weak interaction)
  • strong nuclear interaction (aka. strong interaction)

Electromagnetic Force

  • due to exchange of virtual photons
  • when charged objects approach
  • can repel or attract due newtons 3rd law and momentum
  • the emitting object looses momentum in the direction towards the other
  • the receiving object gains momentum in the same direction, which is opposite the other object
  • or other way around to attract

The Weak Nuclear Force

The weak nuclear force can change neutrons into protons and protons into neutrons.

In $\beta^-$ or $\beta^+$ decay:

  • an electron or positron is created
  • a antineutrino or a neutrino is created
Neutrinos and Antineutrinos hardly interact with particles, but they can:
  • neutrino can make neutron$\to$proton and emit $\beta^-$
  • antineutrino can make proton$\to$neutron and emit $\beta^+$

Due to exchange of W bosons particles

W bosons:
  • rest mass != 0
  • short range, $<0.001fm$
  • $W^+$ boson or $W^-$ boson
If neutrino or antineutrino = None
  • neutron$\to$proton and emitt $\beta^-$ and $\bar{v}$
  • proton$\to$neutron and emitt $\beta^+$ and $v$

Electron Capture

  • proton in proton rich nucleus
  • proton$\to$neutron
  • through weak interaction with inner shell electron
  • $W^+$ boson changes electron$\to$neutrino
  • can happen outside when P and E collide at high speed
  • if electron has enough energy, $W^-$ exchange from electron to proton

Electron capture:

Force Carriers: particles exchanged when forces act
  • also exchange particles
  • eg. $W^+$ boson or $W^-$ boson in weak interaction

Quarks and Leptons

Classifying Particles and Antiparticles

Particle and symbol proton charge Antiparticle and symbol antiparticle proton charge Rest energy (MeV) Interaction
proton p +1 antiproton $\bar{p}$ -1 938 strong, weak, electromagnetic
neutron n 0 antineutron $\bar{n}$ 0 939 strong, weak
electron $e^-$ -1 positron $e^+$ +1 0.511 weak, electromagnetic
neutrino $v$ 0 antineutrino $\bar{v}$ 0 0 weak
muon $\mu^-$ -1 antimuon $\mu^+$ +1 106 weak, electromagnetic
pions $\pi^+$, $\pi^0$, $\pi^-$ +1, 0, -1 $\pi^-$, $\pi^0$, $\pi^+$ respectively -1, 0, +1 140, 135, 140 strong, electromagnetic ($\pi^+$, $\pi^-$)
kaons $K^+$, $K^0$, $K^-$ +1, 0, -1 -1, 0, +1 494, 498, 494 strong, electromagnetic ($K^+$, $K^-$)
Hadrons: particles/antiparticles which interact through strong interaction
  • protons, neutrons, pions, kaons
  • can interact through all 4 fundamental interactions
  • strong interaction
  • electromagnetic interaction if charged
  • hadrons decay through weak interaction, except proton which is stable
Leptons: particles/antiparticles which do not interact through strong interaction
  • electrons, muons, neutrinos (and antiparticles)
  • interact through weak interaction
  • gravitational interaction
  • electromagnetic interaction if charged

Baryons and Mesons

  • hadrons which decay into protons, directly or indirectly
  • possibly created with kaons
  • short lived particles
  • antibaryons are the antiparticles of baryons
  • rest mass > protons
  • proton is the only stable baryon (all others decay into it)
  • hadrons which don't include protons in decay product
  • kaons and pions are mesons

Both these groups are composed of smaller particles called quarks and antiquarks

Baryon Number
  • A quantum number equal to baryons - antibaryons in system of subatomic particles
  • Baryon = +1
  • AntiBaryon = -1
  • quarks = $+\frac{1}{3}$
  • antiquarks = $-\frac{1}{3}$
  • baryons contain 3 quarks
  • anything else = 0
  • conservation of baryon number
  • baryon number before reaction = baryon number after reaction

Lepton Number

  • A quantum number equal to leptons - antileptons in system of subatomic particles
  • lepton = +1
  • antilepton = -1
  • anything else = 0
  • conservation of lepton number:
  • lepton number before reaction = lepton number after reaction


  • cosmic rays protons/small nuclei collide with gas atoms in atmosphere
  • creating showers of short lived particles and antiparticles
  • heavy electron
  • symbol $\mu^-$
  • muon rest mass > $200\times$ electron rest mass
  • muons decay into:
    • electron and antineutrino
    • antimuons decay into: positron and a neutrino
    • through weak interaction
Pion ($\pi$ meson):
  • symbol $\pi$
  • can be: $\pi^+$, $\pi^-$ or $\pi^0$
  • muon rest mass < pion rest mass < proton rest mass
  • exchange particle in strong interaction
  • charged pions decay into:
    • muon and an antineutrino
    • or an antimuon and neutrino
    • a $\pi^0$ meson decays into high energy photons
    • through
Kaon (K meson):
  • symbol $K$
  • can be: $K^+$, $K^-$ or $K^0$
  • pion rest mass < kaon rest mass < proton rest mass
  • produced in 2's through strong interaction like pions
  • kaons decay into:
    • pions
    • or muon and an antineutrino
    • or antimuon and a neutrino
    • through weak interaction


Lepton collisions

  • leptons and antileptons can produce hadrons
  • eg. electron-positron interaction annihilation
  • produces quark and corresponding antiquark
  • which move in opposite directions
  • producing shower of hadrons in each direction

Neutrino types

  • neutrinos/antineutrinos produced in beta decay $\not=$ those produced in muon decay
  • muon decay: creates muons and no electrons when interacting with protons and neutrons
  • beta decay: creates neutrino and electrons
  • must be 2 types otherwise they would've created the same # of electrons and muons
  • muon neutrino = $v_{\mu}$
  • electron neutrino = $v_e$

Lepton rules

  • can change into other leptons through weak interaction
  • can be produced or annihilated in particle-antiparticle interactions

1.Interaction between lepton and hadron

  • neutrino/antineutrino $\to$ corresponding charged lepton
  • electron neutrino can interact with neutron to produce a proton and an electron
  • $v^e + n \to p + e^-$
  • $v^e + n \not\to \bar{p} + e^+$
  • lepton number:
  • +1 for lepton
  • -1 for antilepton
  • 0 for non lepton
  • the lepton number must be the same before and after

2.Muon decay

  • muon $\to$ muon neutrino
  • electron created to conserve charge
  • corresponding antineutrino created to conserve lepton number
  • $\mu^- \to e^- + \bar{v}_e + v_{\mu}$
  • muon can't decay into muon antineutrino, electron and an electron antineutrino
  • $\mu^- \not\to e^- + \bar{v}_e + \bar{v}_{\mu}$
  • because the lepton number isn't conserved

3.Electron and muon neutrinos

  • $\mu^- \not\to e^- + v_e + \bar{v}_{\mu}$
  • moun can only change to $v_{\mu}$
  • $\mu^- \not\to \bar{v}_{\mu}$
  • electron can only be created with electron antineutrino
  • +1 for lepton, -1 for antilepton, 0 for non lepton needs to applied seperately to electron and muon neutrinos
The lepton number is conserved in any change

Strange Particles

  • produced through strong interaction
  • produced in pairs
  • decay through weak interaction
  • eg. kaons
  • kaons decay into: pions
  • $Sigma$ decays into: protons and pions (in sequence or directly)
  • $Sigma$ has different rest mass > protons rest mass

Strangness number (S):

  • for each particle and antiparticle
  • strangeness is always conserved in strong interaction
  • can change by -1, 0 or +1 in weak interaction
  • with s = +1 for $K^+$
  • $\pi^- + p \to K^+ + \Sigma^-$
  • $\pi^+ + n \to K^+ + \Sigma^0$
  • $\pi^- + n \to K^0 + \Sigma^-$
  • $\pi^- + n \to K^- + \Sigma^0$ (not observed)
  • this shows us that:
  • s = -1 for $\Sigma^-$
  • s = -1 for $\Sigma^0$
  • s = +1 for $K^0$
  • since reaction 4 not observed, s $\not=$ +1 for $K^-$

Energy in collisions (conservation of energy):
  • total energy of particles/antiparticles = their rest energy + their kinetic energy
  • total energy of new particles/antiparticles = their rest energy + their kinetic energy

rest energy of products = total energy before - the kinetic energy of products

Quarks and antiquarks

quarks and antiquarks in hadrons:

  • charge, strangeness and rest mass
  • 3 types for this course:
  • up(u)
  • down(d)
  • strange quarks(s)
Quarks Antiquarks
up(u) down(u) strange(s) up($\bar{u}$) down($\bar{d}$) strange($\bar{s}$)
charge(Q) $+\frac{2}{3}$ $-\frac{1}{3}$ $-\frac{1}{3}$ $-\frac{2}{3}$ $+\frac{1}{3}$ $+\frac{1}{3}$
strangeness(S) 0 0 -1 0 0 +1
baryon number(B) $+\frac{1}{3}$ $+\frac{1}{3}$ $+\frac{1}{3}$ $-\frac{1}{3}$ $-\frac{1}{3}$ $-\frac{1}{3}$

Quark Combinations

  • each contain a quark and an antiquark
  • the antiparticle of a meson is an antiquark-quark pair so also a meson

  • 3 quarks for baryon
  • 3 antiquarks for antibaryon
  • proton = $uud$
  • neutron = $udd$
  • antiproton = $\bar{u}\bar{u}\bar{d}$
  • $\Sigma$ = baryon containing strange quark
  • proton only stable, neutron will decay into proton, releasing electron and electron antineutrino
Quarks and beta decay
  • in $\beta^-$ decay, neutron $\to$ proton releasing electron and electron antineutrino
  • in quarks terms, down quark $\to$ up quark
  • in $\beta^+$ decay, proton $\to$ neutron releasing positron and electron antineutrino
  • in quarks terms, up quark $\to$ down quark

Conservation Rules

Energy and momentum is conserved in interactions

Particles and properties

Conservation of energy and conservation of charge:
Conservation rules for particle/antiparticle interactions and decays
  • particle counting rules
  • based on what reactions observed and what reactions not observed

Baryon conservation

  • $p + \bar{p} \to \pi^+ + \pi^-$ (observed)

  • $p + \bar{p} \to p + \pi^-$ (not observed)

if we split them into quarks/antiquarks

  • $uud + \bar{u}\bar{u}\bar{d} \to u\bar{d} + \bar{u}d$ (observed)

  • $uud + \bar{u}\bar{u}\bar{d} \to uud + \bar{u}d$ (not observed)

with $+\frac{1}{3}$ for quarks, and $-\frac{1}{3}$ for antiquarks

with the observed one:

  • $0 \to 0$

with the non observed one:

  • $0 \to 3$
the total baryon number must stay the same

Electromagnetic radiation and quantum phenomena

The Photoelectric effect


  • when radio waves transmitted:
  • sparks produced in spark gap detector
  • stronger when ultraviolet radiation directed at spark gap
  • when electromagnetic radiation > certain frequency was directed at metal
  • electrons were emitted from surface of metal

Wave theory problems

  • doesn't work if frequency < threshold frequency
  • min frequency (threshold frequency) depends on type of metal
  • wavelength of incident light must be < max value $\frac{c}{f}$ with f as threshold frequency
  • num electrons emitted per second $\propto$ intensity of incident radiation
  • no delay (regardless to intensity)

wave theory of light cant explain: threshold frequency, why no delay.

wave theory states conduction electrons should gain energy no matter f.

Photon theory of light

  • light composed of photons(wave packets)
  • Energy of Photon = $hf$
  • where h = Planck constant ($6.63\times10^{-34}$), and f = frequency of light
  • For electromagnetic waves:
  • Energy of Photon = $\frac{hc}{\lambda}$
  • when light is incident on metal surface,
  • electron at surface absorbs a photon from light
  • $\therefore$ gains energy = hf, where hf = energy of photon
  • electron can leave metal surface if:
  • energy gained from single photon > work function of metal ($\phi$)
  • work function is min energy when metal is at 0 potential
  • excess energy becomes kinetic energy
Max kinetic energy = $E_{Kmax} = hf - \phi$

or $hf = E_{Kmax} + \phi$ rearranged

This means that it can only take place if $hf > \phi$

$\therefore$ threshold frequency = $f_{min} = \frac{\phi}{h}$

Stopping potential:
  • electrons can be attracted back if metal has sufficient pos charge
  • min potential is called stopping potential ($V_s$)
  • at this potential, kinetic energy of electron = 0
  • because electron must do extra work equal to $e\times V_s$ to leave metal
  • hence, max kinetic energy = $e\times V_s$

More about Photoelectricity

Conduction Electrons

  • each vibrating atom energy level is quantised
  • only certain energies allowed
  • conduction electrons in metal move about randomly
  • work function of metal of order of $10^{-19}J$
  • ($20\times$ > average kinetic energy of conduction electron in metal at 300k)
  • if energy gained from photon < $\phi$
  • electron collides with electrons and positive ions and quickly loses extra kinetic energy

The Vacuum Photocell

  • glass tube containing metal plate(photocathode) and smaller metal electrode(anode)
  • when light of a frequency > threshold frequency directed at photocathode
  • electrons emitted from cathode and attracted to anode
  • photoelectric current $\propto$ num electrons per second that transfer from cathode to anode

Photoelectriv current
  • photoelectric current I, number of photoelectrons per second that transfer from cathode to anode = $\frac{I}{e}$, where e = charge of electron
  • I is $\propto$ to intensity of light incident on cathode
  • light intensity is measure of energy per second carried by incident light
  • which is $\propto$ to num of photons per second incident on cathode
  • and because photoelectron must have absorbed 1 photon
  • num electrons emitted per second is $\propto$ to intensity
kinetic energy
  • light intensity doesn't effect max kinetic energy of electron
  • max kinetic energy can be measured by photocell
  • if graph plotted with:
  • x axis = frequencies
  • y axis = $E_{Kmax}$
  • we will get:
  • linear line
  • M = h
  • c = $-\phi$
  • x intercept = threshold frequency

Collisions of electrons with atoms

The Electron Volt(eV)

  • unit of energy = to work done when electron moved through 1V
  • for charge q moved through pd V, work done = pV
  • $\therefore$ work done when electron moved through 1V = $1.6\times 10^{-19}J$
  • this amount of energy is defined as 1 electron volt (eV)
  • eg. ion of charge +2e moving through 10V, energy = 20eV


Creating ions is called ionisation:
  • eg. $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ radiation creates ions when colliding with atoms
  • eg. electrons passing through fluorescent tube create ions when they collide with atoms of the gas/vapour in tube

Excitation by collision

  • with gas filled tubes with metal grid between filament and anode
  • gas atoms can absorb energy from colliding with electrons without being ionised
  • this is called excitation
  • happens at certain energies, which are characteristic of the atoms of the gas
  • if colliding electron loses all kinetic energy, current is reduced
  • if the colliding electron energy is too low to cause excitation, it deflects without overall loss of kinetic energy

Excitation energy
  • excitation energies are energy values where atom absorbs energy
  • can determine by increasing pd between filament and anode
  • measuring pd when anode current falls
  • colliding electron moves electron from inner shell to outer
  • energy needed to move atomic electron away from nucleus
  • excitation energy < ionisation energy, because atom is not removed from atom

Energy levels in atoms

Electrons in atoms

  • electrons in atom trapped by electrostatic force of attraction of nucleus
  • orbit nucleus in shells
  • the closer to the nucleus, the less energy the electron has
  • each shell can hold a certain number of electrons
Energy levels
  • each atom has certain number of electrons
  • lowest energy state is when an atom has its electrons as close to the nucleus as possible
  • this is called the ground state
  • when atom absorbs energy, an electron moves to a shell of higher energy
  • this is called an excited state
  • an energy level diagram shows the allowed energy levels for the atom

  • each energy level corresponds to certain electron configuration in atom
  • the energy level can be relative to ionisation level or ground level


  • atoms absorb energy because of excitation from collision
  • don't retain absorbed energy permanently
  • excited atom is unstable because vacancy left in closer shell
  • its filled by an electron from an outer shell
  • electron emits photon
  • $\therefore$ moves down energy level (called de-excitation)
  • released photon energy = energy lost by electron
  • can de-excite indirectly by going down energy levels until ground state
  • if electron energy goes from $E_1$ to $E_2$, with $E_2$ < $E_1$
  • energy of emitted photon $hf = E_1 - E_2$

Excitation using photons

  • electron in atom can absorb energy from photon
  • only works if energy of photon is exactly the difference of energy levels


  • this is when substances glow with visible light when absorbing ultraviolet light
  • atoms absorb energy from photons in ultraviolet and excite
  • then de-excite to ground state, releasing photons

Energy Levels and Photon emission

  • light beam from filament lamp through prism
  • continuous spectrum
  • wave length about 400nm - 650nm
line spectrum
  • if use tube of glowing gas instead
  • get a spectrum of discrete lines of different colours
  • wavelength of lines of a line spectrum of element are characteristic of the atoms of that element
  • energy levels are unique to atom so no atoms share same pattern
photons in line spectrum
  • each line in line spectrum is due to light of certain colour and $\therefore$ certain $\lambda$
  • photons which produce same colour line have the same energy
  • photons on different lines have different energy
  • photon is emitted when atom de-excites due to electron moving to inner shell
  • if electron energy goes from $E_1$ to $E_2$, with $E_2$ < $E_1$
  • energy of emitted photon $hf = E_1 - E_2$
  • for wavelength $\lambda$
  • can calculate energy of photon of that wavelength
  • given energy level diagram for atom
  • can identify the transition on diagram that causes photon of wavelength to be emitted

mercury atom de-excites from 4.9eV to ground state.

calculate the wavelength of photon released.

energy of photon $hf = E_1 - E_2$

$hf = 4.9 - 0 = 4.9eV$

$= 4.9 \times 1.6\times10^{-19}J = 7.84\times10^{-19}J$

frequency $f = \frac{E_1 - E_2}{h}$

$f = \frac{7.84\times10^{-19}}{6.63\times10^{-34}} = 1.18\times10^{15}Hz$

$\lambda = \frac{c}{f}$

$\lambda = \frac{3.0\times10^8}{1.18\times10^{15}} = 2.54\times10^{-7}$

$= 254nm$

hydrogen atom example

energy levels, relative to ionisation level formula:

$E = -\frac{13.6eV}{n^2}$

where n = 1 for ground state, n = 2 for next state etc

This formula gives the energy of the photon released:

$E = (\frac{1}{(n_2)^2}-\frac{1}{(n_1)^2})\times13.6eV$

where electron de-excites from energy level $n_1$ to $n_2$

Wave-particle duality

Light has dual nature. It can behave as wave or particle according to circumstances.

Wave-like nature
  • observed when diffraction of light happens
  • eg. when light passes through a narrow slit
  • the light emerging the split spreads out like water waves
  • the narrower the gap, the greater the diffraction
  • the longer the wavelength, the greater the diffraction
  • doesn't happen with particles
Particle-like nature
  • observed in photoelectric effect
  • the electrons absorb energy from photon from the light
  • can't happen with waves

Matter waves

de Brogile hypothesis suggest matter particles also have wave like nature

  • matter particles have a dual wave-particle nature
  • wave-like behaviour is characterized by its wavelength($\lambda$)
  • $\lambda$ is related to momentum(p) of particle
  • $\lambda = \frac{h}{p}$
  • since p = mv##
  • $\lambda = \frac{h}{mv}$
  • increase in v, decreases diffraction

A beam of electrons can be diffracted

  • narrow beam of electrons in vacuum tube directed at thin metal foil
  • metal composed of tiny crystalline regions/grains
  • regions/grains consist of positive ions fixed in rows in a regular pattern
  • rows of atoms diffract electrons like light through a slit
  • electrons diffracted in certain directions
  • form rings at end of tube
  • electron diffracted by grains of same angle to incident beam, forms ring
  • each ring is from a different grain angle