This notebook is to test the optimization of the test locations V, W in NFSIC.
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%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'pdf'
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import fsic.util as util
import as data
import fsic.kernel as kernel
import fsic.indtest as it
import fsic.glo as glo
import scipy.stats as stats
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# font options
font = {
#'family' : 'normal',
#'weight' : 'bold',
'size' : 14
plt.rc('font', **font)
plt.rc('lines', linewidth=2)
#matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)
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def get_quad_psfunc():
Return a PairedSource to generate y = x^2 + Gaussian noise.
mean = 2
width = 6
px = lambda n: stats.uniform.rvs(loc=mean-width/2, scale=width, size=n)[:, np.newaxis]
f = lambda x: 0.3*(x-1)**2 + 0.3*np.random.randn(n, 1)
#f = lambda x: x
return data.PSFunc(f, px)
In [ ]:
# paired source
alpha = 0.01
n = 1000
dx = 50
dy = 5
seed = 339
ps = data.PSIndSameGauss(dx, dy)
#ps = data.PS2DUnifRotate(angle=np.pi/4)
#ps = data.PSUnifRotateNoise(angle=np.pi/3, noise_dim=2)
#ps = get_quad_psfunc()
#ps = data.PSIndUnif(xlb=[0, 3], xub=[1, 10], ylb=[-5, 5], yub=[8, 10])
#ps = data.PS2DSinFreq(freq=2)
pdata = ps.sample(n, seed=seed)
tr, te = pdata.split_tr_te(tr_proportion=0.5, seed=seed+5)
In [ ]:
# plot the data. Assume 2d. Plot the first dimensions of X and Y.
xtr, ytr = tr.xy()
plt.plot(xtr[:, 0], ytr[:, 0], 'ob')
In [ ]:
J = 2
V, W = it.GaussNFSIC.init_locs_2randn(tr, J, seed=seed+1)
X, Y = tr.xy()
n_gwidth_cand = 30
gwidthx_factors = 2.0**np.linspace(-4, 4, n_gwidth_cand)
gwidthy_factors = gwidthx_factors
#gwidthy_factors = 2.0**np.linspace(-3, 4, 40)
medx = util.meddistance(X, 1000)
medy = util.meddistance(Y, 1000)
list_gwidthx = np.hstack( ( (medx**2)*gwidthx_factors ) )
list_gwidthy = np.hstack( ( (medy**2)*gwidthy_factors ) )
bestij, lambs = it.GaussNFSIC.grid_search_gwidth(tr, V, W, list_gwidthx, list_gwidthy)
# These are width^2
best_widthx = list_gwidthx[bestij[0]]
best_widthy = list_gwidthy[bestij[1]]
# plot
Candy, Candx = np.meshgrid(list_gwidthy, list_gwidthx)
plt.contourf(Candx, Candy, lambs)
plt.plot(best_widthx, best_widthy, '*k', markersize=25, label='Best widths')
plt.xlabel('Gaussian width for $X$')
plt.ylabel('Gaussian width for $Y$')
plt.title('Plot $\hat{\lambda}_n$. Best widths: (%.3g, %.3g)'
%(best_widthx**0.5, best_widthy**0.5))
In [ ]:
# perform test
nfsic_grid = it.GaussNFSIC(best_widthx, best_widthy, V, W, alpha)
test_result = nfsic_grid.perform_test(te)
In [ ]:
op = {'n_test_locs':J, 'max_iter':400,
'V_step':1, 'W_step':1, 'gwidthx_step':1, 'gwidthy_step':1,
'batch_proportion':0.7, 'tol_fun':1e-4, 'step_pow':0.5, 'seed':seed+7}
op_V, op_W, op_gwx, op_gwy, info = it.GaussNFSIC.optimize_locs_widths(tr, alpha, **op )
In [ ]:
# perform test
nfsic_full = it.GaussNFSIC(op_gwx, op_gwy, op_V, op_W, alpha)
In [ ]:
# Plot evolution of the test locations, Gaussian width
# trajectories of the Gaussian widths
gwidthxs = info['gwidthxs']
gwidthys = info['gwidthys']
fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(12, 10))
axs[1, 0].plot(gwidthxs, label='widths(X)')
#axs[0, 0].plot(gwidthys, label='widths(Y)')
axs[1, 0].set_xlabel('iteration')
axs[1, 0].set_ylabel('Gaussian width for X')
axs[1, 0].legend()
#axs[0, 0].set_title('Gaussian width evolution')
axs[2, 0].plot(gwidthys, label='widths(Y)')
axs[2, 0].set_xlabel('iteration')
axs[2, 0].set_ylabel('Gaussian width for Y')
axs[2, 0].legend()
# evolution of objective values
objs = info['obj_values']
axs[0, 1].plot(objs)
axs[0, 1].set_title('Objective $\hat{\lambda}_n$')
# trajectories of the test locations
# iters x J. X Coordinates of all test locations
Vs = info['Vs']
vs = Vs[:, 0, 0]
axs[1, 1].plot(vs)
axs[1, 1].set_xlabel('iteration')
axs[1, 1].set_ylabel('dim 0 of V')
Ws = info['Ws']
ws = Ws[:, 0, 0]
axs[2, 1].plot(ws)
axs[2, 1].set_xlabel('iteration')
axs[2, 1].set_ylabel('dim 0 of W')
In [ ]:
print('medx2: %g'%medx**2)
print('medy2: %g'%medy**2)
print('optimized gwx: %g'%info['gwidthxs'][-1])
print('optimized gwy: %g'%info['gwidthys'][-1])
print('optimized + bounding gwx: %g'%op_gwx)
print('optimized + bounding gwy: %g'%op_gwy)
In [ ]:
V = nfsic_full.V
W = nfsic_full.W
# plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.imshow(V, interpolation='none')
plt.title('V. J x d = %d x %d'%(V.shape[0], V.shape[1]))
In [ ]:
loc_ind = 0
# Vs: #iters x J x d
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(Vs[:, loc_ind, :]);
plt.title('Consider location %d. dx = %d.'%(loc_ind, Vs.shape[2]) )
In [ ]:
dim = 0
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(Vs[:, :, dim]);
plt.title('Consider dim %d. All %d locations of X'%(dim, J))
In [ ]:
reps = 50
n = 1000
J = 10
alpha = 0.05
# None = use aymptotics
n_permute = None
#n_permute = 200
ps = data.PSIndSameGauss(dx=20, dy=20)
def run_trial(r):
r: repetition number
Return the resulting GaussNFSIC object, optimization info
print 'starting rep: %d'%(r+1)
pdata = ps.sample(n, seed=r)
tr, te = pdata.split_tr_te(tr_proportion=0.5, seed=r+87)
nfsic_opt_options = {'n_test_locs':J, 'max_iter':200,
'V_step':1, 'W_step':1, 'gwidthx_step':1, 'gwidthy_step':1,
'batch_proportion':0.7, 'tol_fun':1e-3, 'step_pow':0.5, 'seed':r+2,
'reg': 1e-6}
#V, W = it.GaussNFSIC.init_locs_joint_subset(pdata2, J, seed=r+1)
#V, W = it.GaussNFSIC.init_locs_2randn(pdata, J, seed=r+3)
op_V, op_W, op_gwx, op_gwy, info = it.GaussNFSIC.optimize_locs_widths(tr,
alpha, **nfsic_opt_options )
nfsic_opt = it.GaussNFSIC(op_gwx, op_gwy, op_V, op_W, alpha=alpha,
reg='auto', n_permute=n_permute, seed=r+3)
return nfsic_opt, info
In [ ]:
#from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
#threads = 4
#pool = ThreadPool(threads)
#rep_nfsics =, range(reps))
opt_infos = []
rep_nfsics = []
for r in range(reps):
nf, info = run_trial(r)
In [ ]:
test_results = np.zeros(reps, dtype=object)
for r in range(reps):
nfsic = rep_nfsics[r]
pdata = ps.sample(4000, seed=r+1)
tr, te = pdata.split_tr_te(tr_proportion=0.5, seed=r+87)
nfsic_result = nfsic.perform_test(te)
test_results[r] = nfsic_result
# sequence of power
#rejs = [re['h0_rejected'] for re in test_results[:(r+1)]]
#print 'power at rep %3d: %5.4g, #rejs: %3d'%(r+1, np.mean(rejs), np.sum(rejs))
In [ ]:
rejs = np.array([r['h0_rejected'] for r in test_results])
rep_stats = np.array([r['test_stat'] for r in test_results])
thresh = stats.chi2.isf(alpha, df=J)
power = np.mean(rejs)
print 'power: %g'%power
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
# histogram
dom = np.linspace(stats.chi2.isf(0.99, df=J), stats.chi2.isf(0.01, df=J), 600)
chi2_den = stats.chi2.pdf(dom, df=J)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.hist(rep_stats[np.isfinite(rep_stats)], bins=20,
alpha=0.5, label='Repeated trials', normed=True)
plt.plot(dom, chi2_den, '-', label=r'$\chi^2(%d)$'%J)
In [ ]:
# check optimized locations
def plot_opt_VW_trial(r):
nf = rep_nfsics[r]
V = nf.V
W = nf.W
VW = np.hstack((V, W))
VW = VW[np.isfinite(np.sum(VW,1))]
#print VW
# plot
plt.plot(VW[:, 0], VW[:, 1], 'o')
plt.xlim([-4, 4])
plt.ylim([-4, 4])
plt.title('trial: %d, #locs: %d'%(r, VW.shape[0]))
In [ ]:
from ipywidgets import interact, fixed
interact(plot_opt_VW_trial, r=(0, reps-1, 1))
In [ ]:
# plot Gaussian widths of all trials
gwxs = np.array([nf.k.sigma2 for nf in rep_nfsics])
gwys = np.array([nf.l.sigma2 for nf in rep_nfsics])
upto_trials = min(len(gwxs), 40)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
ax1 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.stem(range(upto_trials), gwxs[:upto_trials], 'bo-', label='k widths')
plt.stem(range(upto_trials), gwys[:upto_trials], 'ro-', label='l widths')
thresh = stats.chi2.isf(alpha, df=J)
ax2 = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2, sharex=ax1)
plt.stem(rep_stats[:upto_trials], 'go-', label='nfsic', alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(range(upto_trials), np.ones(upto_trials)*thresh, 'k--', label='Rej. Threshold')
In [ ]:
r = 31
print 'trial %d: gwx = %5.4g, gwy = %5.4g, stat = %5.4g'%(r, gwxs[r], gwys[r], rep_stats[r])
In [ ]:
x, y = ps.sample(2000, seed=3).xy()
gwx2 = util.meddistance(x, subsample=1000)**2
gwy2 = util.meddistance(y, subsample=1000)**2
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