ttHbb variables preparation

In [1]:
import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (13, 6)
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
sns.set(context = "paper", font = "monospace")
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
import sqlite3
import warnings
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 500)
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 500)

import root_pandas

Welcome to JupyROOT 6.08/06


variable type n-tuple name description region >= 6j region 5j
${\Delta R^{\text{avg}}_{bb}}$ general kinematic dRbb_avg_Sort4 average ${\Delta R}$ for all ${b}$-tagged jet pairs yes yes
${\Delta R^{\text{max} p_{T}}_{bb}}$ general kinematic dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 ${\Delta R}$ between the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the largest vector sum ${p_{T}}$ yes -
${\Delta \eta^{\textrm{max}\Delta\eta}_{jj}}$ general kinematic dEtajj_MaxdEta maximum ${\Delta\eta}$ between any two jets yes yes
${m^{\text{min} \Delta R}_{bb}}$ general kinematic Mbb_MindR_Sort4 mass of the combination of the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ yes -
${m^{\text{min} \Delta R}_{jj}}$ general kinematic Mjj_MindR mass of the combination of any two jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ - yes
${N^{\text{Higgs}}_{30}}$ general kinematic nHiggsbb30_Sort4 number of ${b}$-jet pairs with invariant mass within 30 GeV of the Higgs boson mass yes yes
${H^{\text{had}}_{T}}$ general kinematic HT_jets? scalar sum of jet ${p_{T}}$ - yes
${\Delta R^{\text{min}\Delta R}_{\text{lep}-bb}}$ general kinematic dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 ${\Delta R}$ between the lepton and the combination of the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ - yes
aplanarity general kinematic Aplanarity_jets ${1.5\lambda_{2}}$, where ${\lambda_{2}}$ is the second eigenvalue of the momentum tensor built with all jets yes yes
${H1}$ general kinematic H1_all second Fox-Wolfram moment computed using all jets and the lepton yes yes
BDT reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_best_TTHReco BDT output yes* yes*
${m_{H}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass Higgs boson mass yes yes
${m_{H,b_{\text{lep top}}}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass Higgs boson mass and ${b}$-jet from leptonic ${t}$ yes -
${\Delta R_{\text{Higgs }bb}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR ${\Delta R}$ between ${b}$-jets from Higgs boson yes yes
${\Delta R_{H,t\bar{t}}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and ${t\bar{t}}$ system yes* yes*
${\Delta R_{H,\text{lep top}}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and leptonic ${t}$ yes -
${\Delta R_{H,b_{\text{had top}}}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and ${b}$-jet from hadronic ${t}$ - yes*
D likelihood calculation LHD_Discriminant likelihood discriminant yes yes
${\text{MEM}_{D1}}$ matrix method matrix method yes -
${w^{H}_{b}}$ ${b}$-tagging ? sum of binned ${b}$-tagging weights of jets from best Higgs candidate yes yes
${B_{j^{3}}}$ ${b}$-tagging ? third jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes
${B_{j^{4}}}$ ${b}$-tagging ? fourth jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes
${B_{j^{5}}}$ ${b}$-tagging ? fifth jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes

In [2]:
variables = [


In [3]:
filenames_ttH  = ["ttH_group.phys-higgs.11468583._000005.out.root"]
filenames_ttbb = ["ttbb_group.phys-higgs.11468624._000005.out.root"]

In [4]:
ttH = root_pandas.read_root(filenames_ttH, "nominal_Loose", columns = variables)

ttH["target"] = 1


nElectrons nMuons nJets nBTags_70 dRbb_avg_Sort4 dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 dEtajj_MaxdEta Mbb_MindR_Sort4 Mjj_MindR nHiggsbb30_Sort4 HT_jets dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 Aplanarity_jets H1_all TTHReco_best_TTHReco TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR LHD_Discriminant target
0 0 1 4 2 1.568611 1.095705 1.215435 98896.421875 98896.421875 6 319676.18750 2.636658 0.130797 0.329154 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 1
1 1 0 4 1 1.596763 1.873108 1.611009 29691.271484 29691.271484 2 200475.96875 1.926379 0.010764 0.801864 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 1
2 1 0 6 3 2.093996 1.190597 1.440214 57697.246094 57697.246094 2 520111.81250 2.911004 0.027035 0.525295 0.000834 156656.203125 360101.968750 1.190597 2.914220 3.033175 0.664401 0.429600 1
3 0 1 7 2 1.416285 0.939390 1.255129 31385.402344 22429.285156 2 436955.81250 3.017599 0.173628 0.305829 0.259733 84131.101562 142397.703125 1.155449 2.975436 2.597709 0.939390 0.681828 1
4 0 1 9 3 2.251585 1.992145 3.602055 127986.554688 28428.347656 2 838228.50000 2.163189 0.053116 0.026771 0.325758 300187.250000 397841.062500 2.963197 3.803568 1.683739 2.444624 0.725152 1

In [5]:
ttbb = root_pandas.read_root(filenames_ttbb, "nominal_Loose", columns = variables)

ttbb["target"] = 0


nElectrons nMuons nJets nBTags_70 dRbb_avg_Sort4 dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 dEtajj_MaxdEta Mbb_MindR_Sort4 Mjj_MindR nHiggsbb30_Sort4 HT_jets dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 Aplanarity_jets H1_all TTHReco_best_TTHReco TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR LHD_Discriminant target
0 1 0 4 2 2.146749 1.239237 1.340411 85128.664062 85128.664062 4 249935.734375 2.208097 0.137364 0.358692 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.0000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.00000 -9.000000 -9.000000 0
1 0 1 7 2 2.472994 1.922080 2.892663 73534.132812 29420.435547 1 443145.750000 3.017516 0.070988 0.175520 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.0000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.00000 -9.000000 -9.000000 0
2 0 1 5 2 2.319482 1.817627 2.741530 100461.632812 32349.837891 4 302900.343750 2.871106 0.187317 0.081903 0.169752 119265.242188 270918.5625 2.859185 4.119551 3.41564 1.817627 0.832536 0
3 1 0 5 2 2.125885 0.499790 1.297251 44531.664062 44531.664062 2 327646.031250 2.389557 0.068745 0.540901 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.0000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.00000 -9.000000 -9.000000 0
4 1 0 5 2 1.055612 0.976731 1.521496 49167.371094 19258.988281 1 287991.500000 2.355315 0.005118 0.810206 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.0000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.00000 -9.000000 -9.000000 0

In [6]:
df = pd.concat([ttH, ttbb])


nElectrons nMuons nJets nBTags_70 dRbb_avg_Sort4 dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 dEtajj_MaxdEta Mbb_MindR_Sort4 Mjj_MindR nHiggsbb30_Sort4 HT_jets dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 Aplanarity_jets H1_all TTHReco_best_TTHReco TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR LHD_Discriminant target
0 0 1 4 2 1.568611 1.095705 1.215435 98896.421875 98896.421875 6 319676.18750 2.636658 0.130797 0.329154 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 1
1 1 0 4 1 1.596763 1.873108 1.611009 29691.271484 29691.271484 2 200475.96875 1.926379 0.010764 0.801864 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 1
2 1 0 6 3 2.093996 1.190597 1.440214 57697.246094 57697.246094 2 520111.81250 2.911004 0.027035 0.525295 0.000834 156656.203125 360101.968750 1.190597 2.914220 3.033175 0.664401 0.429600 1
3 0 1 7 2 1.416285 0.939390 1.255129 31385.402344 22429.285156 2 436955.81250 3.017599 0.173628 0.305829 0.259733 84131.101562 142397.703125 1.155449 2.975436 2.597709 0.939390 0.681828 1
4 0 1 9 3 2.251585 1.992145 3.602055 127986.554688 28428.347656 2 838228.50000 2.163189 0.053116 0.026771 0.325758 300187.250000 397841.062500 2.963197 3.803568 1.683739 2.444624 0.725152 1


In [7]:
selection_ejets        = "(nElectrons == 1) & (nJets >= 4)"
selection_mujets       = "(nMuons == 1) & (nJets >= 4)"
selection_ejets_5JE4BI = "(nElectrons == 1) & (nJets == 4) & (nBTags_70 >= 4)"
selection_ejets_6JI4BI = "(nElectrons == 1) & (nJets == 6) & (nBTags_70 >= 4)"

df = df.query(selection_ejets)

df.drop(["nElectrons", "nMuons", "nJets", "nBTags_70"], axis = 1, inplace = True)


dRbb_avg_Sort4 dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 dEtajj_MaxdEta Mbb_MindR_Sort4 Mjj_MindR nHiggsbb30_Sort4 HT_jets dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 Aplanarity_jets H1_all TTHReco_best_TTHReco TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR LHD_Discriminant target
1 1.596763 1.873108 1.611009 29691.271484 29691.271484 2 200475.96875 1.926379 0.010764 0.801864 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 1
2 2.093996 1.190597 1.440214 57697.246094 57697.246094 2 520111.81250 2.911004 0.027035 0.525295 0.000834 156656.203125 360101.968750 1.190597 2.914220 3.033175 0.664401 0.429600 1
7 1.869288 2.151490 0.484865 41279.269531 30980.066406 0 417521.62500 1.299827 0.065426 0.707541 0.115693 162454.687500 226994.640625 3.028662 2.896700 3.362126 2.522366 0.398901 1
8 2.143145 0.880868 1.895097 73485.015625 73485.015625 3 275745.00000 2.155922 0.048023 0.487572 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 -9.000000 1
10 1.998076 1.388736 2.234762 59727.781250 62289.003906 3 562667.18750 1.264251 0.289182 0.162432 0.469479 58203.132812 129147.218750 1.378433 2.656071 2.637625 2.199806 0.599817 1


In [8]:
rows = []
for variable in df.columns.values:
        "name":    variable,
        "maximum": df[variable].max(),
        "minimum": df[variable].min(),
        "mean":    df[variable].mean(),
        "median":  df[variable].median(),
        "std":     df[variable].std()
_df = pd.DataFrame(rows)[["name", "maximum", "minimum", "mean", "std", "median"]]

name maximum minimum mean std median
0 dRbb_avg_Sort4 4.078454e+00 0.698804 2.226088 0.368794 2.186747
1 dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 4.934083e+00 0.398412 1.451095 0.748053 1.284208
2 dEtajj_MaxdEta 4.987387e+00 0.083365 2.479362 0.951609 2.425563
3 Mbb_MindR_Sort4 8.352659e+05 15413.406250 86824.859375 49518.226562 77606.914062
4 Mjj_MindR 7.308436e+05 12646.538086 61021.921875 33789.070312 52837.085938
5 nHiggsbb30_Sort4 6.000000e+00 0.000000 1.943102 1.203174 2.000000
6 HT_jets 2.740930e+06 123737.601562 480145.593750 245868.296875 420761.625000
7 dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 5.688145e+00 0.030079 2.370248 0.816604 2.506663
8 Aplanarity_jets 4.303749e-01 0.000003 0.067760 0.059832 0.049758
9 H1_all 9.581050e-01 0.000143 0.279962 0.242526 0.212177
10 TTHReco_best_TTHReco 6.809257e-01 -9.000000 -6.134930 4.296274 -9.000000
11 TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass 1.969459e+06 -9.000000 49509.820312 106441.093750 -9.000000
12 TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass 2.219734e+06 -9.000000 96727.679688 182436.593750 -9.000000
13 TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR 5.293179e+00 -9.000000 -5.581022 5.150292 -9.000000
14 TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR 8.771186e+00 -9.000000 -5.236865 5.661916 -9.000000
15 TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR 8.141920e+00 -9.000000 -5.419393 5.392285 -9.000000
16 TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR 5.336122e+00 -9.000000 -5.601797 5.119897 -9.000000
17 LHD_Discriminant 9.627630e-01 -9.000000 -6.069836 4.394627 -9.000000
18 target 1.000000e+00 0.000000 0.484843 0.499781 0.000000


In [9]:
df["TTHReco_best_TTHReco"].replace(            -9, -1, inplace = True)
df["TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass"].replace(         -9, -1, inplace = True)
df["TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass"].replace(  -9, -1, inplace = True)
df["TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR"].replace(         -9, -1, inplace = True)
df["TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR"].replace(-9, -1, inplace = True)
df["TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR"].replace(     -9, -1, inplace = True)
df["TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR"].replace(  -9, -1, inplace = True)
df["LHD_Discriminant"].replace(                -9, -1, inplace = True)


In [10]:
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (17, 14)


correlations ${t\bar{t}H}$

In [11]:
sns.heatmap(df.query("target == 1").drop("target", axis = 1).corr());

correlations ${t\bar{t}b\bar{b}}$

In [12]:
sns.heatmap(df.query("target == 0").drop("target", axis = 1).corr());

ratio of correlations of ${t\bar{t}H}$ and ${t\bar{t}b\bar{b}}$

In [13]:
_df = df.query("target == 1").drop("target", axis = 1).corr() / df.query("target == 0").drop("target", axis = 1).corr()


clustered correlations

In [14]:
plot = sns.clustermap(df.corr())
plt.setp(plot.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation = 0);

strongest correlations and anticorrelations for discrimination of ${t\bar{t}H}$ and ${t\bar{t}b\bar{b}}$

In [15]:
df.corr()["target"].sort_values(ascending = False).to_frame()[1:]

HT_jets 0.299185
LHD_Discriminant 0.203051
TTHReco_best_TTHReco 0.183604
TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR 0.154277
TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR 0.152960
TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR 0.150482
TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR 0.145891
TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass 0.126561
TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass 0.108195
Aplanarity_jets 0.105632
Mbb_MindR_Sort4 0.096619
H1_all 0.065997
nHiggsbb30_Sort4 0.029682
Mjj_MindR 0.020597
dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 -0.083356
dEtajj_MaxdEta -0.121834
dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 -0.124450
dRbb_avg_Sort4 -0.204813

strongest absolute correlations for discrimination of ${t\bar{t}H}$ and ${t\bar{t}b\bar{b}}$

In [16]:
df.corr()["target"].abs().sort_values(ascending = False).to_frame()[1:]

HT_jets 0.299185
dRbb_avg_Sort4 0.204813
LHD_Discriminant 0.203051
TTHReco_best_TTHReco 0.183604
TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR 0.154277
TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR 0.152960
TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR 0.150482
TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR 0.145891
TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass 0.126561
dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 0.124450
dEtajj_MaxdEta 0.121834
TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass 0.108195
Aplanarity_jets 0.105632
Mbb_MindR_Sort4 0.096619
dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 0.083356
H1_all 0.065997
nHiggsbb30_Sort4 0.029682
Mjj_MindR 0.020597

In [17]:
_df = df.corr()["target"].abs().sort_values(ascending = False).to_frame()[1:]
_df.plot(kind = "barh", legend = "False");

clustered correlations of 10 strongest absolute correlations

In [18]:
names = df.corr()["target"].abs().sort_values(ascending = False)[1:11].index.values

plot = sns.clustermap(df[names].corr())
plt.setp(plot.ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels(), rotation = 0);


In [19]:
variables_rescale = [variable for variable in list(df.columns) if variable != "target"]

scaler = MinMaxScaler()
df[variables_rescale] = scaler.fit_transform(df[variables_rescale])


dRbb_avg_Sort4 dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 dEtajj_MaxdEta Mbb_MindR_Sort4 Mjj_MindR nHiggsbb30_Sort4 HT_jets dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 Aplanarity_jets H1_all TTHReco_best_TTHReco TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR LHD_Discriminant target
1 0.265696 0.325133 0.311509 0.017415 0.023733 0.333333 0.029321 0.335150 0.025005 0.836903 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1
2 0.412821 0.174657 0.276681 0.051575 0.062728 0.333333 0.151450 0.509171 0.062811 0.548197 0.595407 0.079543 0.162228 0.348091 0.400588 0.441174 0.262685 0.728361 1
7 0.346333 0.386509 0.081872 0.031549 0.025527 0.000000 0.112252 0.224414 0.152014 0.738440 0.663737 0.082487 0.102262 0.640163 0.398795 0.477156 0.555918 0.712721 1
8 0.427364 0.106369 0.369438 0.070832 0.084710 0.500000 0.058080 0.375719 0.111577 0.508818 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1
10 0.384440 0.218341 0.438701 0.054052 0.069121 0.500000 0.167710 0.218126 0.671929 0.169410 0.874208 0.029553 0.058182 0.377938 0.374169 0.397906 0.505010 0.815084 1


In [20]:
df.to_csv("ttHbb_data.csv", index = False)

In [ ]: