${t\bar{t}H}$, ${H\to b\bar{b}}$



rm output.csv
rm output_preprocessed.csv

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                   \
                                 --fileroot=output_ttH.root        \
                                 --classlabel=1                    \
                                 --filecsv=output.csv              \
                                 --maxevents=1000                  \

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                   \
                                 --fileroot=output_ttbb.root       \
                                 --classlabel=0                    \
                                 --filecsv=output.csv              \
                                 --maxevents=1000                  \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                            \
                                 --infile=output.csv               \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=true       \

./ttHbb_preprocess_CSV_file.py   --infile=output.csv               \



rm data.csv
rm data_preprocessed.csv


./ttHbb_examine_ROOT_file.py     --fileroot="${filename_ttH}"
./ttHbb_examine_ROOT_file.py     --fileroot="${filename_ttbb}"

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                     \
                                 --fileroot="${filename_ttH}"        \
                                 --classlabel=1                      \
                                 --filecsv=data.csv                  \
                                 --maxevents="${number_events}"      \

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                     \
                                 --fileroot="${filename_ttbb}"       \
                                 --classlabel=0                      \
                                 --filecsv=data.csv                  \
                                 --maxevents="${number_events}"      \

./ttHbb_preprocess_CSV_file.py   --infile=data.csv                   \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                              \
                                 --infile=data.csv                   \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=true         \
                                 --scattermatrix=false               \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                              \
                                 --infile=data_preprocessed.csv      \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=true         \
                                 --scattermatrix=false               \



rm data.csv
rm data_preprocessed.csv


#./ttHbb_examine_ROOT_file.py     --fileroot="${filename_ttH}"
#./ttHbb_examine_ROOT_file.py     --fileroot="${filename_ttbb}"

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                     \
                                 --fileroot="${filename_ttH}"        \
                                 --classlabel=1                      \
                                 --filecsv=data.csv                  \
                                 --maxevents="${number_events}"      \

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                     \
                                 --fileroot="${filename_ttbb}"       \
                                 --classlabel=0                      \
                                 --filecsv=data.csv                  \
                                 --maxevents="${number_events}"      \

./ttHbb_preprocess_CSV_file.py   --infile=data.csv                   \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                              \
                                 --infile=data.csv                   \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=true         \
                                 --scattermatrix=false               \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                              \
                                 --infile=data_preprocessed.csv      \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=true         \
                                 --scattermatrix=false               \

variables descriptions

Some terminology used is defined as follows:

term description
${jj}$ pair a system made using any two jets
${bb}$ pair a system made using two ${b}$-tagged jets
${bj}$ pair a system made using one ${b}$-tagged jet and any other jet
${uu}$ pair a system made using any two untagged jets


variable description
nJets total number of jets
nBTags total number of jets passing chosen ${b}$-tagging criteria set in cuts file
nPrimaryVtx total number of primary vertices
nElectrons total number of electrons
nMuons total number of muons

Higgs decay truth variables

variable description
truthHiggsDaughtersID vector of ints storing the PDGIDs of the two decay products of the Higgs
truthHiggsWDaughtersID vector of ints storing the PDGIDs of the decay products of the ${W}$ daughters of the Higgs (filled only for ${H\to WW}$ events)
truthHiggsWDaughtersID vector of ints storing the PDGIDs of the decay products of the Z daughters of the Higgs (filled only for ${H\to ZZ}$ events)

variables for lepton + jets run one analysis

variable description
Centrality_all centrality calculated using all jets and leptons
Mbb_MindR mass of ${bb}$ pair with minimum ${dR}$
dRbb_MaxPt ${dR}$ of ${bb}$ pair with maximum ${p_{T}}$
Mjj_MaxPt mass of ${jj}$ pair with maximum ${p_{T}}$
pT_jet5 ${p_{T}}$ of fifth jet (ordered by ${b}$-tagged jets and then non ${b}$-tagged jets)
H1_all second Fox-Wolfram moment calculated using all jets and leptons
dRbb_avg average ${dR}$ of all ${bb}$ pairs
Mbj_MaxPt mass of ${b}$ jet and untagged jet pair with maximum ${p_{T}}$
dRlepbb_MindR ${dR}$ of lepton and the ${bb}$ pair with smallest ${dR}$
Muu_MindR mass of untagged jets pair with minimum ${dR}$
Aplan_bjets aplanarity calculated using only ${b}$-tagged jets
Njet_pt40 number of jets with ${p_{T}>40\textrm{ GeV}}$
Mbj_MindR mass of ${b}$ jet and untagged jet pair with minimum ${dR}$
HT_jets scalar sum of ${ET}$ calculated using all jets
Mjj_MindR mass of ${jj}$ pair with minimum ${dR}$
Mbb_MaxPt mass of ${bb}$ pair with maximum ${p_{T}}$
pTuu_MindR ${p_{T}}$ of untagged jets pair with minimum ${dR}$
Mbb_MaxM mass of ${bb}$ pair with maximum mass
dRuu_MindR minimum ${dR}$ between two untagged jets
Mjjj_MaxPt mass of jet triplet with maximum ${p_{T}}$

variables for dilepton run one analysis

variable description
Centrality_all centrality calculated using all jets and leptons
Mbb_MindR mass of ${bb}$ pair with minimum ${dR}$
dRbb_MaxPt ${dR}$ of ${bb}$ pair with maximum ${p_{T}}$
Mjj_MaxPt mass of ${jj}$ pair with maximum ${p_{T}}$
dEtajj_MaxdEta maximum ${d\eta}$ between any two jets
MHiggs mass of Higgs candidate system
dRHl_MindR smallest ${dR}$ between Higgs candidate and a lepton
NHiggs_30 number of Higgs candidates within 30 GeV of Higgs mass (125 GeV)
Aplan_jets aplanarity calculated using all jets
Mjj_MinM minimum mass of any two jets
dRHl_MaxdR maximum ${dR}$ between Higgs candidate and a lepton
Mjj_HiggsMass mass jet pair closest to Higgs mass (125 GeV)
HT_all scalar some of ${ET}$ of all jets and leptons
dRbb_MaxM ${dR}$ of ${bb}$ pair with maximum mass
dRlj_MindR minimum ${dR}$ between a lepton and a jet
H4_all fifth Fox-Wolfram moment of all jets and leptons
pT_jet3 ${p_{T}}$ of 3rd jet (${b}$ jets first, then untagged jets)

variables for dilepton run two validation

variable description
Mll dilepton invariant mass
pTll ${p_{T}}$ of dilepton system
weight_dil_fakes_shape systematic weight for reweight to same sign data

variables for lepton quality

variable description
el_LHLoose vector of whether electron passes LHLoose ID
el_LHMedium vector of whether electron passes LHMedium ID
el_LHTight vector of whether electron passes LHTight ID
el_isoGradient vector of whether electron passes gradient isolation
el_isoGradientLoose vector of whether electron passes gradient loose isolation
el_isoTight vector of whether electron passes tight isolation
el_isoLoose vector of whether electron passes loose isolation
el_isoLooseTrackOnly vector of whether electron passes loose track only isolation
mu_Tight vector of whether muon passes tight quality
mu_Medium vector of whether muon passes medium quality
mu_Loose vector of whether muon passes loose quality
mu_VeryLoose vector of whether muon passes very loose quality
mu_isoGradient vector of whether muon passes gradient isolation
mu_isoGradientLoose vector of whether muon passes gradient loose isolation
mu_isoTight vector of whether muon passes tight isolation
mu_isoLoose vector of whether muon passes loose isolation
mu_isoLooseTrackOnly vector of whether muon passes loose track only isolation

heavy flavour variables

variable description
TopHeavyFlavorFilterFlag ${t\bar{t}}$ + heavy flavour filter decision

variables from reconstruction lepton + jets

variable description
semilepMVAreco_higgs_mass Higgs mass from reconstuction
semilepMVAreco_bbhiggs_dR ${dR}$ of ${bb}$ pair from Higgs from reconstruction
semilepMVAreco_BDT_output highest reco. BDT output
semilepMVAreco_BDT_withH_output highest reco. BDT output trained with Higgs variables
semilepMVAreco_Ncombinations number of jets combinations
semilepMVAreco_nuApprox_recoBDT neutrino approximation type used in the good combination from the reco. BDT: positiveSolution = 0, negativeSolution = 1, realonlySolution = 2
semilepMVAreco_nuApprox_recoBDT_withH neutrino approximation type used in the good combination from the recoBDT_withH
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand jet decorated with partons candidate from reco. BDT: Nondefined = 0, b1fromHiggs = 1, b2fromHiggs = 2, bfromlepTop = 3, bfromhadTop = 4, q1fromW = 5, q2fromW = 6
jet_semilepMVA_recoBDT_withH_cand jet decorated with partons candidate from reco. BDT trained with Higgs variables

variables from the classification BDT (${t\bar{t}H\left(b\bar{b}\right)}$ against ${t\bar{t}+b\bar{b}}$)

variable description
ClassifBDTOutput_basic BDT output with Run 1 variables
ClassifBDTOutput_withReco_basic BDT output with Run 1 + reco. variables

variables from dilepton reco. BDT

variable description
dileptonRecoBDT BDT output from the best scoring combination in each event
dileptonRecoBDTnoHiggs BDT output from the best scoring combination in each event in the no Higgs BDT
jet_dilepRecoMatch bit-encoded matching for each jet in the event corresponding to the best combination
jet_dilepRecoMatch_BDTnoHiggs bit-encoded matching for each jet in the event corresponding to the best combination without Higgs information

with dileptonMVAreco_variables set to true:

variable definition
dilepReco_Mass_Higgs invariant mass of the jets matched to the Higgs
dilepReco_dEtaHiggsl_mindEta minimum ${d\eta}$ between the reconstructed Higgs and a lepton
dilepReco_dEtaHiggsl_maxdEta maximum ${d\eta}$ between the reconstructed Higgs and a lepton
dilepReco_dEtaHiggsbtop_mindEta minimum ${d\eta}$ between the reconstructed Higgs and a jet matched to a ${b}$ from a ${t}$
dilepReco_dEtaHiggsbtop_maxdEta maximum ${d\eta}$ between the reconstructed Higgs and a jet matched to a ${b}$ from a ${t}$

With dileptonMVAreco_bTagWPs set to more than one, each variable has the working point appended to the end and is saved for each working point.

variables from dilepton classification BDT

variable definition
dileptonClassifBDT BDT output for the event if in the ${\geq 4j \geq 4b}$ or ${\geq 4j3b}$ region
dileptonClassifBDT_noReco BDT output for the event if in the ${\geq 4j \geq 4b}$ or ${\geq 4j3b}$ region for the BDT not using reco. variables

variables used as input to dilepton classification BDT

variable definition
dEtabb_Avg average ${\Delta\eta}$ between two ${b}$ jets
dRbb_MaxPt ${\Delta R}$ of the two ${b}$ jets with max ${p_{T}}$
Mbb_HiggsMass mass of two ${b}$ jets closest to Higgs mass (125 GeV)
dRbb_HiggsMass ${\Delta R}$ of two ${b}$ jets closest to Higgs mass
nHiggsbb30 number of ${b\bar{b}}$ pairs within 30 GeV of Higgs mass
dEtajl_MaxdEta maximum ${\Delta\eta}$ between any jet and a lepton
H0_all first Fox-Wolfram moment calculated with all objects
Mbb_MinM mass of ${b\bar{b}}$ pair with minimum mass
Aplanarity_jets aplanarity of jets
Centrality_all centrality of all objects
Mbb_MindR mass of ${b\bar{b}}$ pair with minimum ${\Delta R}$
dEtabb_MaxdEta maximum ${\Delta\eta}$ between two ${b}$ jets
dEtajj_Avg average ${\Delta\eta}$ between jets
dRbb_MaxM ${\Delta R}$ between ${b\bar{b}}$ pair with maximum mass
nHiggsjj30 number of jj pairs within 30 GeV of Higgs mass
HT_all scalar ${p_{T}}$ sum of all objects
H2_jets third Fox-Wolfram moment calculated using jets

If TRF is used, these outputs are created in the 4 inclusive ${b}$ and 3 exclusive ${b}$ analysis regions as separate branches, but with the direct tagging variables still saved.

classification BDT in single-lepton channel input variables

The current resolved BDT is TTHClassBDTOutput_withBTag_inclusive and the current boosted BDT is TTHBOOSTEDBDTOutput_RC_8Var_xTrained.

For each signal region, information from the output of the reconstruction BDT (which assigns jets to the final partons from which they originated) is combined with other kinematic variables in a classification BDT using ${t\bar{t}H\left(H\to b\bar{b}\right)}$ as signal and ${t\bar{t}}$ as background.

The classification BDT is built separately for events with exactly 5 jets or at least 6 jets. It was found that an inclusive training on events with at least four ${b}$-tagged jets at an efficiency of 85% performed as well as dedicated trainings in each specific signal region, on the condition that MV2c10 ${b}$-tagging variables of some of the jets are included in the training. For simplicity, only inclusive trainings are used, trained in the (>= 6j, >= 4b) and (5j, >= 4b) regions at 85% ${b}$-tagging efficiency.

Some of the variables used rely on which jets are considered ${b}$-tagged. In this inclusive training approach, mixing together regions of various tightness in ${b}$-tagging, a unified definition was chosen: such variables (${\Delta R^{\text{avg}}_{bb}}$, ${\Delta R^{\text{max} p_{T}}_{bb}}$, ${m^{\text{min} \Delta R}_{bb}}$, ${N^{\text{Higgs}}_{30}}$ and ${\Delta R^{\text{min}\Delta R}_{\text{lep}-bb}}$) are computed only from the four leading jets sorted in MV2c10 ${b}$-tagging weight.

The training parameters for the TMVA BDT are as follows:

parameter value
BoostType AdaBoost
AdaBoostBeta 0.15
NTrees 250
MaxDepth 5
nCuts 80
MinNodeSize 4%

In order to maximize the size of the training sample, the absolute value of the event weight is taken, so that events with negative weights are used. Input variables are in agreement between events with positive and negative weights. The performance is similar when assessed on the full sample with positive and negative weights, the sample with absolute weights, and the sample with only events with positive weight.

The variables used in these BDTs are as follows:

general kinematic variables:

variable n-tuple name description >= 6j 5j
${\Delta R^{\text{avg}}_{bb}}$ dRbb_avg_Sort4 average ${\Delta R}$ for all ${b}$-tagged jet pairs yes yes
${\Delta R^{\text{max} p_{T}}_{bb}}$ dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 ${\Delta R}$ between the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the largest vector sum ${p_{T}}$ yes -
${\Delta \eta^{\textrm{max}\Delta\eta}_{jj}}$ dEtajj_MaxdEta maximum ${\Delta\eta}$ between any two jets yes yes
${m^{\text{min} \Delta R}_{bb}}$ Mbb_MindR_Sort4 mass of the combination of the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ yes -
${m^{\text{min} \Delta R}_{jj}}$ mass of the combination of any two jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ - yes
${p^{\text{jet} 5}_{T}}$ pT_jet5 ${p_{T}}$ of the fifth leading jet yes yes
${N^{\text{Higgs}}_{30}}$ nHiggsbb30_Sort4 number of ${b}$-jet pairs with invariant mass within 30 GeV of the Higgs boson mass yes yes
${H^{\text{had}}_{T}}$ scalar sum of jet ${p_{T}}$ - yes
${\Delta R^{\text{min}\Delta R}_{\text{lep}-bb}}$ ${\Delta R}$ between the lepton and the combination of the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ - yes
aplanarity Aplanarity_jets ${1.5\lambda_{2}}$, where ${\lambda_{2}}$ is the second eigenvalue of the momentum tensor built with all jets yes yes
centrality Centrality_all the scalar sum of the ${p_{T}}$ divided by the sum of the ${E}$ for all jets and the lepton yes yes
${H1}$ H1_all second Fox-Wolfram moment computed using all jets and the lepton yes yes

variables from reconstruction BDT output:

variable n-tuple name description >=6j 5j
BDT BDT output yes* yes*
${m_{H}}$ TTHReco_T85_best_Higgs_mass Higgs boson mass yes yes
${m_{H,b_{\text{lep top}}}}$ TTHReco_T85_best_Higgsleptop_mass mass of Higgs boson and ${b}$-jet from leptonic top yes -
${\Delta R_{\text{Higgs }bb}}$ TTHReco_T85_best_bbHiggs_dR ${\Delta R}$ between ${b}$-jets from the Higgs boson yes yes
${\Delta R_{H,t\bar{t}}}$ TTHReco_T85_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and ${t\bar{t}}$ system yes* yes*
${\Delta R_{H,\text{lep top}}}$ TTHReco_T85_best_Higgsleptop_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and leptonic ${t}$ yes -
${\Delta R_{H,b_{\text{had top}}}}$ TTHReco_T85_withH_best_TTHReco_T85_withH? ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and ${b}$-jet from hadronic ${t}$ - yes*

For variables from the reconstruction BDT, those with an asterisk are from the BDT using Higgs boson information while those with no asterisk are from the BDT without Higgs boson information.

variables from likelihood calculation:

variable n-tuple name description >=6j 5j
D LHD_Discriminant likelihood discriminant yes yes

variables from ${b}$-tagging:

variable n-tuple name description >=6j 5j
${w^{H}_{b}}$ TTHReco_T85_best_bbHiggs_tagWeightBin_sum sum of binned ${b}$-tagging weights of jets yes yes
${B_{j^{3}}}$ jet_mv2_order_3_tagWeightBin third jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes
${B_{j^{4}}}$ jet_mv2_order_4_tagWeightBin fourth jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes
${B_{j^{5}}}$ jet_mv2_order_5_tagWeightBin fifth jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes

imputation values

variable imputation label
Centrality_all -9
ClassifBDTOutput_6jsplit -9.0
ClassifBDTOutput_basic -9.0
ClassifBDTOutput_withReco_6jsplit -9.0
ClassifBDTOutput_withReco_basic -9.0
dEtajj_MaxdEta -1.0
dRbb_avg 0.0
dRbb_MaxM -1.0
dRbb_MaxPt 0.0
dRbb_min -9.0
dRbj_Wmass 0.0
dRHl_MaxdR -1.0
dRHl_MindR -1.0
dRlj_MindR -1.0
dRuu_MindR 0.0
H4_all -9.0
HiggsbbM -9.0
HT_all -1.0
Mbb_MaxM 0.0
Mbb_MaxPt 0.0
Mbb_MindR 0.0
Mbj_MaxPt 0.0
Mbj_MindR 0.0
Mbj_Wmass 0.0
MHiggs -1.0
Mjj_HiggsMass -1.0
Mjj_MinM -1.0
NBFricoNN_dil -2.0
NBFricoNN_ljets -2.0
NHiggs_30 -1
pT_jet3 -1.0
pT_jet5 -1.0
pTuu_MindR 0.0
SecondLjetM -1.0
SecondLjetPt -1.0
semilepMVAreco_b1higgsbhadtop_dR -9.0
semilepMVAreco_bbhiggs_dR -9.0
semilepMVAreco_BDT_output -9.0
semilepMVAreco_BDT_output_6jsplit -9.0
semilepMVAreco_BDT_output_truthMatchPattern -9
semilepMVAreco_BDT_withH_output -9.0
semilepMVAreco_BDT_withH_output_6jsplit -9.0
semilepMVAreco_BDT_withH_output_truthMatchPattern -9
semilepMVAreco_hadWb1Higgs_mass -9.0
semilepMVAreco_higgsbhadtop_withH_dR -9.0
semilepMVAreco_higgsbleptop_mass -9.0
semilepMVAreco_higgsbleptop_withH_dR -9.0
semilepMVAreco_higgslep_dR -9.0
semilepMVAreco_higgsleptop_dR -9.0
semilepMVAreco_higgs_mass -9.0
semilepMVAreco_higgsq1hadW_mass -9.0
semilepMVAreco_higgsttbar_withH_dR -9.0
semilepMVAreco_leptophadtop_dR -9.0
semilepMVAreco_leptophadtop_withH_dR -9.0
semilepMVAreco_Ncombinations -9
semilepMVAreco_nuApprox_recoBDT -9
semilepMVAreco_nuApprox_recoBDT_6jsplit -9
semilepMVAreco_nuApprox_recoBDT_withH -9
semilepMVAreco_nuApprox_recoBDT_withH_6jsplit -9
semilepMVAreco_ttH_Ht_withH -9.0
ttHF_mva_discriminant -3.0
jet1_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand 0
jet1_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand_6jsplit 0
jet1_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand 0
jet1_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand_6jsplit 0
jet2_jvt 0.0
jet2_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand 0
jet2_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand_6jsplit 0
jet2_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand 0
jet2_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand_6jsplit 0
jet3_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand 0
jet3_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand_6jsplit 0
jet3_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand 0
jet3_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand_6jsplit 0
jet4_jvt 0.0
jet4_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand 0
jet4_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand_6jsplit 0
jet4_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand 0
jet4_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand_6jsplit 0

basic raw feature characteristics

feature minimum value in class 0 minimum value in class 1 maximum value in class 0 maximum value in class 1 mean value in class 0 mean value in class 1
Aplan_bjets -7.49400541622e-16 -9.99200722163e-16 0.306771606207 0.342340409756 nan nan
Aplan_jets -1.0 -1.0 0.384027123451 0.396786928177 -0.292178604066 -0.105690957788
Centrality_all 0.216128453612 0.239360421896 0.984351992607 0.980324208736 0.621264074856 0.638158164476
ClassifBDTOutput_6jsplit -9.0 -9.0 0.734750509262 0.877887845039 -8.96257449902 -8.01602255328
ClassifBDTOutput_basic -9.0 -9.0 0.758132338524 0.884025037289 -8.64445531541 -5.95642784706
ClassifBDTOutput_withReco_6jsplit -9.0 -9.0 0.502883553505 0.824222147465 -8.96275092476 -8.01666383235
ClassifBDTOutput_withReco_basic -9.0 -9.0 0.738292813301 0.901024758816 -8.64556584485 -5.96056388646
ClassifHPLUS_Semilep_HF_BDT200_Output -9.0 -9.0 0.677360117435 0.763524889946 -3.11174767296 -1.71056304817
dEtajj_MaxdEta -1.0 -1.0 4.9722328186 4.98975086212 1.29708928277 1.9236902294
dRbb_avg 0.0 0.0 5.20613908768 4.99208021164 1.29767985497 1.58054554725
dRbb_MaxM -1.0 -1.0 5.21220350266 5.48122310638 1.02290731418 1.64366400836
dRbb_MaxPt 0.0 0.0 5.20613908768 4.99208021164 1.24985918111 1.31763489994
dRbb_min -9.0 -9.0 5.18689107895 4.99208021164 -3.38273138084 -1.34053146174
dRbj_Wmass 0.0 0.0 5.00446748734 4.13039302826 1.36783033094 1.36378178599
dRHl_MaxdR -1.0 -1.0 5.84383440018 8.75765514374 1.02870933225 1.60747307688
dRHl_MindR -1.0 -1.0 5.84383440018 8.75765514374 1.02870933225 1.60747307688
dRjj_min 0.362186223269 0.37486192584 3.22884869576 2.72731518745 0.702402730876 0.627243045802
dRlepbb_MindR 0.00490203499794 0.0211617406458 5.84383440018 8.75765514374 1.94797847806 2.02145818886
dRlj_MindR -1.0 -1.0 4.06677055359 3.64885306358 0.359403910135 0.64341203333
dRuu_MindR 0.0 0.0 5.5062456131 5.48175954819 1.0313093197 0.896536698692
FirstLjetM -0.011048543267 -0.015625 503068.375 817635.5625 102360.424253 122507.555068
FirstLjetPt 250003.3125 250009.53125 1848713.625 1630398.75 348174.887921 370642.333148
H1_all 7.0661510108e-05 6.7265740654e-05 0.944513261318 0.945130288601 0.285435253726 0.268731691681
H4_all -9.0 -9.0 0.842754781246 0.828143060207 -2.64479372308 -1.19953542583
HhadT_nJets 33974.75 34827.8984375 651883.0625 628216.9375 122960.739836 119759.104227
HhadT_nLjets 135899.0 176410.65625 1867244.25 1795891.375 505162.491359 574636.273966
HiggsbbM -9.0 -9.0 1789595.875 1837845.625 116333.483631 123116.149257
HiggsjjM 13038.6503906 11901.09375 1386965.625 705543.125 83175.0197188 77691.0902096
HT_all -1.0 -1.0 2998874.25 3813841.75 519635.867209 768793.366519
HT_jets 135899.0 199256.5 3734488.5 3769301.75 646818.802921 797434.493496
HT_ljets 250002.3125 250008.53125 3512577.0 3476071.5 468513.815387 540681.450511
Mbb_MaxM 0.0 0.0 2051245.625 2839042.0 143919.056572 205512.599976
Mbb_MaxPt 0.0 0.0 1789595.875 1837845.625 131623.76425 146598.099647
Mbb_MindR 0.0 0.0 1789595.875 1837845.625 128040.159215 127675.380439
Mbj_MaxPt 0.0 0.0 2419627.75 2772001.5 214920.927609 210647.631835
Mbj_MindR 0.0 0.0 1098457.875 1901941.0 100846.759403 89691.6205125
Mbj_Wmass 0.0 0.0 836553.3125 637244.6875 94151.4971774 87664.8211015
met_met 348.632385254 843.942993164 1160893.125 1508619.125 106821.474231 109686.968154
met_phi -3.1415617466 -3.14124464989 3.14156293869 3.14151310921 -0.0143933530364 4.91036199371e-05
MHiggs -1.0 -1.0 2051245.625 2839042.0 141702.094582 192775.171666
Mjj_HiggsMass -1.0 -1.0 438024.71875 338264.125 85094.3370441 105528.695968
Mjjj_MaxPt 62055.4609375 63395.2148438 4116450.5 3500298.0 335086.618266 342816.680347
Mjj_MaxPt 28786.671875 36976.21875 4084822.25 3298687.25 201428.101322 210318.903906
Mjj_MindR 13038.6503906 11901.09375 723703.375 705543.125 82561.5963174 77360.232757
Mjj_MinM -1.0 -1.0 438024.71875 338264.125 42420.388276 44878.988362
mu 0.490000009537 0.490000009537 39.5 39.5 21.0076103631 20.9236871621
Muu_MindR 0.0 0.0 2369158.25 2304091.25 103974.314221 92473.307948
NBFricoNN_dil -2.0 -2.0 0.767973124981 0.860643327236 -1.85900485978 -1.17765695231
NBFricoNN_ljets -2.0 -2.0 0.652532041073 0.737013995647 -1.92227280168 -1.28610142853
nBjetOutsideLjet 0 0 5 6 0.98264 1.44464
nBTags 0 0 5 7 1.56036 2.21768
nBTags30 0 0 3 5 0.54768 0.77172
nBTags50 0 0 4 6 0.94012 1.33936
nBTags60 0 0 4 6 1.14916 1.64156
nBTags70 0 0 4 7 1.3756 1.95504
nBTags77 0 0 5 7 1.56036 2.21768
nBTags80 0 0 5 7 1.65784 2.35056
nBTags85 1 1 6 8 1.86796 2.62604
nBTags90 1 1 7 8 2.18832 3.04652
nBTagsFlatBEff_30 0 0 3 5 0.54472 0.77668
nBTagsFlatBEff_40 0 0 4 5 0.74572 1.06628
nBTagsFlatBEff_50 0 0 4 5 0.9298 1.33456
nBTagsFlatBEff_60 0 0 4 6 1.13152 1.6222
nBTagsFlatBEff_70 0 0 5 7 1.359 1.93748
nBTagsFlatBEff_77 0 0 5 8 1.54928 2.2038
nBTagsFlatBEff_85 0 0 6 8 1.87136 2.62892
nElectrons 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.0
nHFJets 0 0 7 10 2.30676 3.29404
NHiggs_30 -1 -1 7 9 -0.16768 0.42108
nJetOutsideLjet 0 0 11 13 3.39384 4.5126
Njet_pt40 1 1 10 14 4.22108 5.4158
Njet_pt40.1 1 1 10 14 4.22108 5.4158
nJets 4 4 13 16 5.35484 6.7974
nLjet_m100 0 0 3 4 0.7122 0.94324
nLjet_m50 0 0 4 4 1.102 1.2938
nLjets 1 1 4 5 1.3592 1.49524
nMuons 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0
nPrimaryVtx 2 2 38 38 15.85572 15.81796
pT_jet3 -1.0 -1.0 553179.625 655778.875 67092.7895566 100925.368944
pT_jet5 -1.0 -1.0 237711.734375 288864.4375 31992.8273128 57656.268518
pTuu_MindR 0.0 0.0 1785396.25 1287976.125 220496.411567 217252.005205
SecondLjetM -1.0 -1.0 662050.5 557824.5 36700.0963306 50411.2378435
SecondLjetPt -1.0 -1.0 1663864.5 1338708.75 114137.696609 150199.621612
semilepMVAreco_b1higgsbhadtop_dR -9.0 -9.0 5.08403301239 5.31647586823 -8.56438656943 -5.39344733685
semilepMVAreco_bbhiggs_dR -9.0 -9.0 5.21220350266 5.40304374695 -8.56049635007 -5.42599335716
semilepMVAreco_BDT_output -9.0 -9.0 0.644310355186 0.707822859287 -8.63353378944 -5.92251666529
semilepMVAreco_BDT_output_6jsplit -9.0 -9.0 0.582318305969 0.660739064217 -8.96109367886 -8.00203296173
semilepMVAreco_BDT_output_truthMatchPattern -9 -9 60 63 -1.977 7.92496
semilepMVAreco_BDT_withH_output -9.0 -9.0 0.729659199715 0.780469894409 -8.63642664285 -5.92580282234
semilepMVAreco_BDT_withH_output_6jsplit -9.0 -9.0 0.566623270512 0.744392037392 -8.96178210871 -8.00267216272
semilepMVAreco_BDT_withH_output_truthMatchPattern -9 -9 60 63 -2.1314 7.57316
semilepMVAreco_hadWb1Higgs_mass -9.0 -9.0 4144045.0 3138752.5 17252.1125775 129582.668275
semilepMVAreco_higgsbhadtop_withH_dR -9.0 -9.0 5.4440369606 7.25095748901 -8.56025376543 -5.35999591952
semilepMVAreco_higgsbleptop_mass -9.0 -9.0 2203183.0 3036408.5 16939.5290481 122993.176201
semilepMVAreco_higgsbleptop_withH_dR -9.0 -9.0 5.82105350494 6.33459186554 -8.55935880522 -5.35411778042
semilepMVAreco_higgslep_dR -9.0 -9.0 4.99350690842 5.977602005 -8.55341973933 -5.30970366736
semilepMVAreco_higgsleptop_dR -9.0 -9.0 6.16924333572 6.22700834274 -8.55147746722 -5.3079290331
semilepMVAreco_higgs_mass -9.0 -9.0 2051245.625 1930520.875 8641.03434141 59405.6110681
semilepMVAreco_higgsq1hadW_mass -9.0 -9.0 4116450.5 3428256.75 18882.1229678 137939.1892
semilepMVAreco_higgsttbar_withH_dR -9.0 -9.0 7.26006364822 7.93532514572 -8.52146270812 -5.08767969191
semilepMVAreco_leptophadtop_dR -9.0 -9.0 5.71730709076 6.80416870117 -8.53053641217 -5.08514481921
semilepMVAreco_leptophadtop_withH_dR -9.0 -9.0 6.46707963943 6.84458255768 -8.52820537901 -5.10033581936
semilepMVAreco_Ncombinations -9 -9 6048 20592 3.75084 138.16428
semilepMVAreco_nuApprox_recoBDT -9 -9 2 2 -8.60832 -5.72272
semilepMVAreco_nuApprox_recoBDT_6jsplit -9 -9 2 2 -8.95816 -7.93368
semilepMVAreco_nuApprox_recoBDT_withH -9 -9 2 2 -8.60816 -5.72496
semilepMVAreco_nuApprox_recoBDT_withH_6jsplit -9 -9 2 2 -8.95808 -7.93432
semilepMVAreco_ttH_Ht_withH -9.0 -9.0 2493129.75 3769301.5 26544.5393081 226087.482491
ttHF_mva_discriminant -3.0 -3.0 0.741369903088 0.701689481735 -2.33535657537 -2.59714973919
el_d0sig[0] -4.98371934891 -4.99793577194 4.99155759811 4.97297143936 0.0262800611998 0.0276848047255
el_delta_z0_sintheta[0] -0.355400532484 -0.377378970385 0.496148884296 0.382513254881 0.00091882641401 0.000558113879654
el_e[0] 27104.828125 27041.4433594 1436408.75 1929214.875 168441.738758 159692.57822
el_eta[0] -2.4695084095 -2.47413420677 2.48645853996 2.47491693497 0.00107813608341 -0.0116445933656
el_phi[0] -3.14139413834 -3.14100241661 3.14118862152 3.1412460804 0.0022245401696 0.00335566958487
el_pt[0] 27009.0683594 27002.4707031 837754.375 757782.0 107405.500895 103710.400585
el_topoetcone20[0] -3932.19042969 -7888.66113281 20991.453125 24406.2089844 456.835925678 529.43416707
jet_e[0] 46213.4414062 52848.6953125 4174259.5 3456189.25 464535.950489 449840.888808
jet_eta[0] -2.49848604202 -2.49869942665 2.49944186211 2.49330043793 0.00534315453471 -0.00362142494498
jet_jvt[0] 0.0 -0.10000000149 1.0 1.0 0.989750534531 0.987864212861
jet_mv2c10[0] -0.999308645725 -0.995598912239 0.999999701977 0.999999761581 -0.122742881073 -0.0354206077227
jet_mv2c20[0] -0.998623251915 -0.994459807873 0.999999761581 0.999999821186 -0.151402284149 -0.0680963563942
jet_phi[0] -3.14089894295 -3.1412255764 3.14156699181 3.14155507088 -0.008290770526 0.00334214615222
jet_pt[0] 42059.4296875 45892.9414062 1739462.0 1495945.75 275369.037988 283374.713063
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand[0] 0 0 7 7 0.11516 0.89936
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand_6jsplit[0] 0 0 5 5 0.01244 0.2792
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand[0] 0 0 7 7 0.11888 0.8966
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand_6jsplit[0] 0 0 5 5 0.01332 0.27356
jet_e[1] 30531.8222656 34797.3242188 2993766.5 2534631.0 269864.614551 288450.834968
jet_eta[1] -2.49766683578 -2.49709820747 2.4989387989 2.49962115288 0.0135295786519 1.0545521983e-05
jet_jvt[1] 0.0 -0.10000000149 1.0 1.0 0.985452911446 0.985331679575
jet_mv2c10[1] -0.99775582552 -0.997706770897 0.999999701977 0.999999701977 0.0574935307476 0.0576477699607
jet_mv2c20[1] -0.998131096363 -0.996162235737 0.999999940395 0.999999940395 0.0237957392307 0.023740222446
jet_phi[1] -3.1409778595 -3.14135956764 3.14142346382 3.14152979851 -0.0189235605479 -0.0108111497169
jet_pt[1] 26202.2050781 30877.859375 1477095.0 1329214.125 157387.536059 176812.027551
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand[1] 0 0 7 7 0.1154 0.92172
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand_6jsplit[1] 0 0 6 6 0.01188 0.28308
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand[1] 0 0 7 7 0.10728 0.86844
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand_6jsplit[1] 0 0 6 6 0.01084 0.27648
jet_e[2] 25806.6972656 27428.9472656 1507045.25 1818133.625 171901.415283 198140.886519
jet_eta[2] -2.4985897541 -2.49969387054 2.49999523163 2.49950170517 0.0049847052997 0.00271204581293
jet_jvt[2] -0.10000000149 -0.10000000149 1.0 1.0 0.978870672863 0.980619707801
jet_mv2c10[2] -0.997559428215 -0.998916089535 0.999999582767 0.999999642372 -0.112490939107 0.00172402071433
jet_mv2c20[2] -0.997589230537 -0.998842120171 0.999999940395 0.999999940395 -0.140844755664 -0.0298748113483
jet_phi[2] -3.1415116787 -3.14148664474 3.14144229889 3.14155912399 0.00747743471755 0.0188983024984
jet_pt[2] 25267.2773438 25528.3945312 553179.625 655778.875 95848.9559049 117844.390068
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand[2] 0 0 7 7 0.1164 0.94568
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand_6jsplit[2] 0 0 6 6 0.01224 0.30004
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand[2] 0 0 7 7 0.1122 0.91572
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand_6jsplit[2] 0 0 6 6 0.01152 0.28696
jet_e[3] 25334.3671875 25666.6425781 1071788.875 1521262.0 115948.896984 145527.215009
jet_eta[3] -2.4997625351 -2.4999859333 2.49969911575 2.49848270416 -0.00272975809201 0.00816208132214
jet_jvt[3] -0.10000000149 -0.10000000149 1.0 1.0 0.972673268423 0.977125209702
jet_mv2c10[3] -0.994961559772 -0.998191177845 0.999999344349 0.999999642372 -0.240904994637 -0.0753386941482
jet_mv2c20[3] -0.99590241909 -0.996704161167 0.999999880791 0.999999940395 -0.264075163277 -0.105536294683
jet_phi[3] -3.14130163193 -3.14151310921 3.14131808281 3.14156985283 0.0154864133365 0.00205520206863
jet_pt[3] 25000.109375 25005.5957031 399645.375 495660.59375 61351.4743601 83082.4428178
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand[3] 0 0 7 7 0.1204 0.94172
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_cand_6jsplit[3] 0 0 6 6 0.01276 0.29644
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand[3] 0 0 7 7 0.1194 0.93416
jet_semilepMVAreco_recoBDT_withH_cand_6jsplit[3] 0 0 6 6 0.01276 0.29316
ljet_C2[0] -999.0 -999.0 0.501163780689 0.53831577301 -4.82591801987 -2.95712873784
ljet_D2[0] -999.0 -999.0 163.785522461 246.203109741 -3.4621610587 -1.72295446199
ljet_e[0] 251338.25 255339.578125 3401028.5 2810728.25 560908.394012 570946.115023
ljet_eta[0] -1.99933993816 -1.99875664711 1.99949324131 1.99960911274 -0.0018661135992 0.000889097331575
ljet_m[0] -0.011048543267 -0.015625 503068.375 817635.5625 102360.424253 122507.555068
ljet_phi[0] -3.14147734642 -3.14110732079 3.1414732933 3.14124441147 -0.00497340873295 0.00324811896069
ljet_pt[0] 250003.3125 250009.53125 1848713.625 1630398.75 348174.887921 370642.333148
ljet_sd12[0] 0.0 0.0 356866.40625 561714.625 55438.2231004 65852.9702488
ljet_sd23[0] 0.0 0.0 159762.46875 170242.5 14938.9851776 20279.6674246
ljet_tau21[0] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ljet_tau21_wta[0] -999.0 -999.0 0.875818729401 0.884462535381 -4.6324538598 -2.77555435605
ljet_tau32[0] 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
ljet_tau32_wta[0] -999.0 -999.0 0.922931492329 0.914339840412 -9.91527871751 -7.28486958923
class 0 1 0 1 0.0 1.0




rm "${filename_data_raw}"
rm "${filename_data_preprocessed}"

#./ttHbb_examine_ROOT_file.py     --fileroot="${filename_ttH}"
#./ttHbb_examine_ROOT_file.py     --fileroot="${filename_ttbb}"

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                          \
                                 --fileroot="${filename_ttH}"             \
                                 --classlabel=1                           \
                                 --filecsv="${filename_data_raw}"         \
                                 --maxevents="${number_events}"           \

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                          \
                                 --fileroot="${filename_ttbb}"            \
                                 --classlabel=0                           \
                                 --filecsv="${filename_data_raw}"         \
                                 --maxevents="${number_events}"           \

./ttHbb_preprocess_CSV_file.py                                            \
                                 --infile="${filename_data_raw}"          \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                                   \
                                 --infile="${filename_data_raw}"          \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=false             \
                                 --scattermatrix=false                    \
                                 --eventimages=false                      \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                                   \
                                 --infile="${filename_data_preprocessed}" \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=false             \
                                 --scattermatrix=false                    \
                                 --eventimages=true                       \

data completeness

nullity matrix

The nullity matrix is a data-dense display for visualization of patterns of data completeness. The sparkline at right summarizes the general shape of the data completeness and indicates the maximum and minimum rows (here, a row corresponds to a physics event).

In [2]:
import missingno
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv(
    delimiter = ","

# first 100 rows of first 40 columns
missingno.matrix(data[data.columns[0:39]][0:100], color = (0, 0, 0))

# first 100 rows
missingno.matrix(data[0:100], color = (0, 0, 0))

# first 100 rows, sorted by completeness
data_sorted = missingno.nullity_sort(data, sort = "descending")
missingno.matrix(data_sorted[0:100], color = (0, 0, 0))

nullity bar chart

In [3]:
import missingno
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv(
    delimiter = ","

# bar chart, first 78 columns
missingno.bar(data[data.columns[0:77]], color = (0, 0, 0))
# bar chart, next 78 columns
missingno.bar(data[data.columns[78:156]], color = (0, 0, 0))

nullity correlation heatmap

The nullity correlation heatmap shows how strongly the presence of one variable positively or negatively affects the presence of another variable.

nullity correlation description
-1 If one variable appears, the other certainly does not appear.
0 The appearance of one variable appears to have no effect on the other variable appearing.
1 If one variable appears, the other certainly does appear.

In [98]:
import missingno
import pandas as pd
import shijian

data = pd.read_csv(
    delimiter = ","

# remove variables with no missing data
data = data.loc[:, data.isnull().any(axis = 0)]

edge_pairs = shijian.ranges_edge_pairs(
    extent       = len(data.columns), # number of variables
    range_length = 28                 # maximum number of variables per plot

for edge_pair in edge_pairs:

nullity dendrogram

The nullity dendrogram visualizes variable completeness, revealing trends deeper than the pairwise ones visible in the correlation heatmap. The dendrogram uses a hierarchical clustering algorithm to bin variables against one another by their nullity correlation, which is measured in terms of binary distance). At each bifurcation of the tree, the variables are split based on which combination minimizes the distance of the remaining clusters. The more monotone the set of variables, the closer their total distance is to zero, and the closer their average distance is to zero.

To interpret the dendrogram, read it hierarchically top-down. Cluster leaves which linked together at a distance of zero fully predict one another's presence -- one variable might always be empty when another is filled, or they might both be filled or both empty, and so on. Cluster leaves which split close to zero, but not at zero, predict one another very well, but imperfectly.

In [104]:
import missingno
import pandas as pd
import shijian

data = pd.read_csv(
    delimiter = ","

# remove variables with no missing data
data = data.loc[:, data.isnull().any(axis = 0)]

edge_pairs = shijian.ranges_edge_pairs(
    extent       = len(data.columns), # number of variables
    range_length = 30                 # maximum number of variables per plot

for edge_pair in edge_pairs:

${t\bar{t}b\bar{b}}$ ${t\bar{t}H}$


event completeness, analysis regions

In [6]:
import missingno
import pandas as pd
import shijian

data = pd.read_csv(
    delimiter = ","

# sort data by completeness
data = missingno.nullity_sort(data, sort = "descending")

# access first 500 rows
data = data[0:500]

edge_pairs = shijian.ranges_edge_pairs(
    extent       = len(data.columns), # number of variables
    range_length = 40                 # maximum number of variables per plot

for edge_pair in edge_pairs:
    missingno.matrix(data[data.columns[edge_pair[0]:edge_pair[1]]], color = (0, 0, 0))

So, an obvious event selection is, as expected, one electron or one muon.

electron selection

In [12]:
import missingno
import pandas as pd
import shijian

data = pd.read_csv(
    delimiter = ","

# sort data by completeness
data = missingno.nullity_sort(data, sort = "descending")

print("full data, sorted by completeness:")
missingno.matrix(data, color = (0, 0, 0))

full data, sorted by completeness:

In [13]:
edge_pairs = shijian.ranges_edge_pairs(
    extent       = len(data.columns), # number of variables
    range_length = 40                 # maximum number of variables per plot

for edge_pair in edge_pairs:
    missingno.matrix(data[data.columns[edge_pair[0]:edge_pair[1]]], color = (0, 0, 0))

In [2]:
import missingno
import pandas as pd
import shijian

data = pd.read_csv(
    delimiter = ","

# sort data by completeness
data = missingno.nullity_sort(data, sort = "descending")

# access first 1000 rows
data = data[0:500]

#missingno.matrix(data, color = (0, 0, 0))
missingno.matrix(data[data.columns[100:150]], color = (0, 0, 0))

In [2]:
import missingno
import pandas as pd
import shijian

data = pd.read_csv(
    delimiter = ","

# sort data by completeness
data = missingno.nullity_sort(data, sort = "descending")

# access first 1000 rows
data = data[0:500]

#missingno.matrix(data, color = (0, 0, 0))
missingno.matrix(data[data.columns[100:150]], color = (0, 0, 0))



rm data.csv
rm data_preprocessed.csv


#./ttHbb_examine_ROOT_file.py     --fileroot="${filename_ttH}"
#./ttHbb_examine_ROOT_file.py     --fileroot="${filename_ttbb}"

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                     \
                                 --fileroot="${filename_ttH}"        \
                                 --selection="ejets_5JE4BI"          \
                                 --classlabel=1                      \
                                 --filecsv=data.csv                  \

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                     \
                                 --fileroot="${filename_ttbb}"       \
                                 --selection="ejets_5JE4BI"          \
                                 --classlabel=0                      \
                                 --filecsv=data.csv                  \

                                 --infile=data.csv                   \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                              \
                                 --infile=data.csv                   \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=true         \
                                 --scattermatrix=false               \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                              \
                                 --infile=data_preprocessed.csv      \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=true         \
                                 --scattermatrix=false               \



rm data.csv
rm data_preprocessed.csv

#filename_ttH="ttH_group.phys-higgs.10205167._000002.out.root"   # January
#filename_ttbb="ttbb_group.phys-higgs.10205185._000001.out.root" # January

filename_ttH="ttH_group.phys-higgs.11468583._000005.out.root"    # June
filename_ttbb="ttbb_group.phys-higgs.11468624._000005.out.root"  # June


./ttHbb_examine_ROOT_file.py     --fileroot="${filename_ttH}"
./ttHbb_examine_ROOT_file.py     --fileroot="${filename_ttbb}"

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                     \
                                 --fileroot="${filename_ttH}"        \
                                 --selection="ejets_5JE4BI"          \
                                 --classlabel=1                      \
                                 --filecsv=data.csv                  \

./ttHbb_ROOT_file_to_CSV_file.py                                     \
                                 --fileroot="${filename_ttbb}"       \
                                 --selection="ejets_5JE4BI"          \
                                 --classlabel=0                      \
                                 --filecsv=data.csv                  \

                                 --infile=data.csv                   \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                              \
                                 --infile=data.csv                   \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=true         \
                                 --scattermatrix=false               \

./ttHbb_plots_of_CSV.py                                              \
                                 --infile=data_preprocessed.csv      \
                                 --histogramcomparisons=true         \
                                 --scattermatrix=false               \

general kinematic variables:

variable n-tuple name description >= 6j 5j
${\Delta R^{\text{avg}}_{bb}}$ dRbb_avg_Sort4 average ${\Delta R}$ for all ${b}$-tagged jet pairs yes yes
${\Delta R^{\text{max} p_{T}}_{bb}}$ dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 ${\Delta R}$ between the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the largest vector sum ${p_{T}}$ yes -
${\Delta \eta^{\textrm{max}\Delta\eta}_{jj}}$ dEtajj_MaxdEta maximum ${\Delta\eta}$ between any two jets yes yes
${m^{\text{min} \Delta R}_{bb}}$ Mbb_MindR_Sort4 mass of the combination of the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ yes -
${m^{\text{min} \Delta R}_{jj}}$ Mjj_MindR mass of the combination of any two jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ - yes
${p^{\text{jet} 5}_{T}}$ pT_jet5 ${p_{T}}$ of the fifth leading jet yes yes
${N^{\text{Higgs}}_{30}}$ nHiggsbb30_Sort4 number of ${b}$-jet pairs with invariant mass within 30 GeV of the Higgs boson mass yes yes
${H^{\text{had}}_{T}}$ HT_jets? scalar sum of jet ${p_{T}}$ - yes
${\Delta R^{\text{min}\Delta R}_{\text{lep}-bb}}$ dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 ${\Delta R}$ between the lepton and the combination of the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ - yes
aplanarity Aplanarity_jets ${1.5\lambda_{2}}$, where ${\lambda_{2}}$ is the second eigenvalue of the momentum tensor built with all jets yes yes
centrality Centrality_all the scalar sum of the ${p_{T}}$ divided by the sum of the ${E}$ for all jets and the lepton yes yes
${H1}$ H1_all second Fox-Wolfram moment computed using all jets and the lepton yes yes

variables from reconstruction BDT output:

variable note name n-tuple name description >=6j 5j
BDT TTHReco_best_TTHReco BDT output yes* yes*
${m_{H}}$ TTHReco_T85_best_Higgs_mass TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass Higgs boson mass yes yes
${m_{H,b_{\text{lep top}}}}$ TTHReco_T85_best_Higgsleptop_mass TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass mass of Higgs boson and ${b}$-jet from leptonic top yes -
${\Delta R_{\text{Higgs }bb}}$ TTHReco_T85_best_bbHiggs_dR TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR ${\Delta R}$ between ${b}$-jets from the Higgs boson yes yes
${\Delta R_{H,t\bar{t}}}$ TTHReco_T85_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and ${t\bar{t}}$ system yes* yes*
${\Delta R_{H,\text{lep top}}}$ TTHReco_T85_best_Higgsleptop_dR TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and leptonic ${t}$ yes -
${\Delta R_{H,b_{\text{had top}}}}$ TTHReco_T85_withH_best_TTHReco_T85_withH? TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and ${b}$-jet from hadronic ${t}$ - yes*

For variables from the reconstruction BDT, those with an asterisk are from the BDT using Higgs boson information while those with no asterisk are from the BDT without Higgs boson information.

variables from likelihood calculation:

variable n-tuple name description >=6j 5j
D LHD_Discriminant likelihood discriminant yes yes

variables from ${b}$-tagging:

variable note name n-tuple name description >=6j 5j
${w^{H}_{b}}$ TTHReco_T85_best_bbHiggs_tagWeightBin_sum ? sum of binned ${b}$-tagging weights of jets yes yes
${B_{j^{3}}}$ jet_mv2_order_3_tagWeightBin ? third jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes
${B_{j^{4}}}$ jet_mv2_order_4_tagWeightBin ? fourth jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes
${B_{j^{5}}}$ jet_mv2_order_5_tagWeightBin ? fifth jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes
  • found in n-tuple:
    • dRbb_avg_Sort4
    • dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4
    • dEtajj_MaxdEta
    • Mbb_MindR_Sort4
    • Mjj_MindR
    • pT_jet5
    • nHiggsbb30_Sort4
    • HT_jets
    • Aplanarity_jets
    • Centrality_all
    • H1_all
    • LHD_Discriminant
  • not found in n-tuple:
    • TTHReco_T85_best_Higgs_mass
    • TTHReco_T85_best_Higgsleptop_mass
    • TTHReco_T85_best_bbHiggs_dR
    • TTHReco_T85_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR
    • TTHReco_T85_best_Higgsleptop_dR
    • TTHReco_T85_withH_best_TTHReco_T85_withH
    • TTHReco_T85_best_bbHiggs_tagWeightBin_sum
    • jet_mv2_order_3_tagWeightBin
    • jet_mv2_order_4_tagWeightBin
    • jet_mv2_order_5_tagWeightBin


l + jets classification BDT final list of variables EPS

variable type note name n-tuple name description >= 6j 5j
${\Delta R^{\text{avg}}_{bb}}$ general kinematic dRbb_avg_Sort4 average ${\Delta R}$ for all ${b}$-tagged jet pairs yes yes
${\Delta R^{\text{max} p_{T}}_{bb}}$ general kinematic dRbb_MaxPt_Sort4 ${\Delta R}$ between the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the largest vector sum ${p_{T}}$ yes -
${\Delta \eta^{\textrm{max}\Delta\eta}_{jj}}$ general kinematic dEtajj_MaxdEta maximum ${\Delta\eta}$ between any two jets yes yes
${m^{\text{min} \Delta R}_{bb}}$ general kinematic Mbb_MindR_Sort4 mass of the combination of the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ yes -
${m^{\text{min} \Delta R}_{jj}}$ general kinematic Mjj_MindR mass of the combination of any two jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ - yes
${N^{\text{Higgs}}_{30}}$ general kinematic nHiggsbb30_Sort4 number of ${b}$-jet pairs with invariant mass within 30 GeV of the Higgs boson mass yes yes
${H^{\text{had}}_{T}}$ general kinematic HT_jets? scalar sum of jet ${p_{T}}$ - yes
${\Delta R^{\text{min}\Delta R}_{\text{lep}-bb}}$ general kinematic dRlepbb_MindR_Sort4 ${\Delta R}$ between the lepton and the combination of the two ${b}$-tagged jets with the smallest ${\Delta R}$ - yes
aplanarity general kinematic Aplanarity_jets ${1.5\lambda_{2}}$, where ${\lambda_{2}}$ is the second eigenvalue of the momentum tensor built with all jets yes yes
${H1}$ general kinematic H1_all second Fox-Wolfram moment computed using all jets and the lepton yes yes
BDT reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_best_TTHReco BDT output yes* yes*
${m_{H}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_T85_best_Higgs_mass TTHReco_best_Higgs_mass Higgs boson mass yes yes
${m_{H,b_{\text{lep top}}}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_T85_best_Higgsleptop_mass TTHReco_best_Higgsbleptop_mass mass of Higgs boson and ${b}$-jet from leptonic top yes -
${\Delta R_{\text{Higgs }bb}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_T85_best_bbHiggs_dR TTHReco_best_bbHiggs_dR ${\Delta R}$ between ${b}$-jets from the Higgs boson yes yes
${\Delta R_{H,t\bar{t}}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_T85_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR TTHReco_withH_best_Higgsttbar_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and ${t\bar{t}}$ system yes* yes*
${\Delta R_{H,\text{lep top}}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_T85_best_Higgsleptop_dR TTHReco_best_Higgsleptop_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and leptonic ${t}$ yes -
${\Delta R_{H,b_{\text{had top}}}}$ reconstruction BDT output TTHReco_T85_withH_best_TTHReco_T85_withH? TTHReco_best_b1Higgsbhadtop_dR ${\Delta R}$ between Higgs boson and ${b}$-jet from hadronic ${t}$ - yes*
D likelihood calculation LHD_Discriminant likelihood discriminant yes yes
${\text{MEM}_{D1}}$ matrix method matrix method yes no
${w^{H}_{b}}$ ${b}$-tagging TTHReco_T85_best_bbHiggs_tagWeightBin_sum ? sum of binned ${b}$-tagging weights of jets yes yes
${B_{j^{3}}}$ ${b}$-tagging jet_mv2_order_3_tagWeightBin ? third jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes
${B_{j^{4}}}$ ${b}$-tagging jet_mv2_order_4_tagWeightBin ? fourth jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes
${B_{j^{5}}}$ ${b}$-tagging jet_mv2_order_5_tagWeightBin ? fifth jet binned ${b}$-tagging weight (sorted by weight) yes yes

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