Script to add a new product to list of them. Location is /home/wcmckee/sellcoffee/products.
Better to have a file for products or a folder? Might be easier to have a folder. Each product has rsa key - public and private key.
In [31]:
import os
#from passlib.hash import pbkdf2_sha256
#import crypt, getpass, spwd
#from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
In [32]:
prodirz = ('/home/wcmckee/sellcoffee/products/')
In [33]:
prolis = os.listdir(prodirz)
In [34]:
print prolis
In [35]:
prodoadd = raw_input('Name of product to add: ')
In [36]:
prodirc = (prodirz + prodoadd)
In [37]:
In [42]:
opmeta = open(prodirc + '/' + prodoadd + '-amount', 'w')
In [38]:
#switching to folders for each product. Inside folder has rsa
#and rsa.public.
In [39]:
#opnewp = open(prodirz + prodoadd, 'w')
In [43]:
#new_key = RSA.generate(2048, e=65537)
#public_key = new_key.publickey().exportKey("PEM")
#private_key = new_key.exportKey("PEM")
#print private_key
#sapriv = open(prodirc + '/' + prodoadd, 'w')
#print public_key
#papriv = open(prodirc + '/' + prodoadd + '.pub', 'w')
In [41]:
#dict that has all the product details. When it was first
#created. Price.
#amount sold. This value will be zero when a product is created
#but add 1 with productsell script.
#Store amount sold data in dict
#or just a file called productname-amountsold.
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [11]:
#for prol in prolis:
# print prol
# adprod = open(prodirz + prol + '.meta', 'w')
# adprod.write(
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
#adprod = open(pro
In [ ]: