Data Story

Instacart Market Basket Analysis EDA: Feature Set

Ryan Alexander Alberts


In this notebook, I want to explore features that may drive a customer's decision strategy for their next order.

  • Define bounds of test set:
    • Products (for each customer)
      • all previously ordered products
      • categories for all products
      • total number of products
      • product | order_number groups
    • Customers
      • reorder rate (% of products w/ 'reordered' == 1)
      • order count
    • Basket Size
      • max, min, avg. product count per customer
      • weighted avg. product count (timeseries, frequency)
    • 'None'
      • subset of customers|orders for which 'None' may work
      • behavior in context of 'ideal' order product count
  • Explore baseline submissions
    • orders containing all previously ordered products
    • orders including subsets of previously ordered products
      • based on frequency
      • based on most recent order(s)
  • Future Topics
    • Order Frequency
    • Days since last order
    • day of the week, hour of the day
    • Macro-level trends in timeseries-data, like spikes in product count in first xx% or last xx% of all customers orders, corresonding to Summer or holidays
    • Weekday vs. Weekend
    • variability of product count across customer orders
    • [reorder > 1] --vs-- [reorder == 1 and in most recent order]
    • for last order|product: # of orders since last occurance

In [3]:
import pandas as pd
import re
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import calendar

In [4]:
# First, let's import requisite files
orders      = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/orders.csv')
prior_set   = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/order_products__prior.csv')
train_set   = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/order_products__train.csv')
aisles      = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/aisles.csv')
departments = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/departments.csv')
products    = pd.read_csv('../Instacart_Input/products.csv')

In [5]:
test = orders[orders['eval_set'] == 'test']

order_id user_id eval_set order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day days_since_prior_order
38 2774568 3 test 13 5 15 11.0
44 329954 4 test 6 3 12 30.0
53 1528013 6 test 4 3 16 22.0
96 1376945 11 test 8 6 11 8.0
102 1356845 12 test 6 1 20 30.0

In [6]:
# order history for all user_ids in test set
test_user_orders = orders[orders['user_id'].isin(test['user_id'].values)]
test_user_orders = test_user_orders.merge(prior_set, on='order_id')

order_id user_id eval_set order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day days_since_prior_order product_id add_to_cart_order reordered
0 1374495 3 prior 1 1 14 NaN 9387 1 0
63 3225766 3 prior 8 0 17 7.0 47766 6 1
62 3225766 3 prior 8 0 17 7.0 21903 5 1
61 3225766 3 prior 8 0 17 7.0 18599 4 1
60 3225766 3 prior 8 0 17 7.0 43961 3 1

In [7]:
# Let's add in department and aisle data, now that we have products

products_df = pd.merge(left=pd.merge(products, right=departments, on='department_id'), 
                       right=aisles, on='aisle_id')
products_df = products_df.drop(['department_id', 'aisle_id'], axis=1)
test_user_orders = test_user_orders.merge(products_df, on='product_id')

order_id user_id eval_set order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day days_since_prior_order product_id add_to_cart_order reordered product_name department aisle
0 1374495 3 prior 1 1 14 NaN 9387 1 0 Granny Smith Apples produce fresh fruits
1 2037211 3 prior 4 2 18 20.0 9387 3 1 Granny Smith Apples produce fresh fruits
2 2710558 3 prior 5 0 17 12.0 9387 2 1 Granny Smith Apples produce fresh fruits
3 1972919 3 prior 6 0 16 7.0 9387 3 1 Granny Smith Apples produce fresh fruits
4 1839752 3 prior 7 0 15 7.0 9387 9 1 Granny Smith Apples produce fresh fruits

In [8]:
# For each customer, create an array of order_ids, 
# and for each order_id, an array of products

user_orderlist = pd.DataFrame(test_user_orders.groupby('user_id')
order_productlist = pd.DataFrame(test_user_orders.groupby('order_id')

3 [1374495, 2037211, 2710558, 1972919, 1839752, ...
4 [3343014, 3343014, 3343014, 691089, 3343014, 2...
6 [2086598, 298250, 2086598, 2086598, 298250, 20...
11 [2411567, 2921164, 2411567, 2411567, 2840752, ...
12 [221248, 221248, 1916106, 1247527, 1057378, 22...

In [9]:
# prettify dataframes
user_orderlist.reset_index(level='user_id', inplace=True)
user_orderlist.columns = ['user_id', 'orders_array']

order_productlist.reset_index(level='order_id', inplace=True)
order_productlist.columns = ['order_id', 'products_array']

order_id products_array
0 13 [41290, 196, 33198, 36086, 25952, 25783, 3800,...
1 15 [32463, 7461, 19660, 21195, 2996]
2 16 [25466, 45437, 9755]
3 18 [47766, 8021, 44632, 48745, 7948, 5212, 34969,...
4 24 [46175, 9065, 40078]

In [10]:
# Let's add department and aisle lists for each order

order_categorylist = pd.DataFrame(test_user_orders.groupby('order_id')
order_sub_categorylist = pd.DataFrame(test_user_orders.groupby('order_id')

In [11]:
# Prettify DataFrames
order_categorylist.reset_index(level='order_id', inplace=True)
order_categorylist.columns = ['order_id', 'departments_array']

order_sub_categorylist.reset_index(level='order_id', inplace=True)
order_sub_categorylist.columns = ['order_id', 'aisles_array']

order_id departments_array
0 13 [alcohol, beverages, dairy eggs, pantry, snacks]
1 15 [beverages, canned goods, pantry, personal care]
2 16 [beverages, snacks]
3 18 [babies, beverages, bulk, canned goods, dairy ...
4 24 [frozen]

In [12]:
# Let's calculate reorder rates for each order. 
# First, we need to make the 'reordered' column more accessible

order_reorderlist = pd.DataFrame(test_user_orders.groupby('order_id')
# Prettify DataFrames
order_reorderlist.reset_index(level='order_id', inplace=True)
order_reorderlist.columns = ['order_id', 'reordered_array']


order_id reordered_array
0 13 [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
1 15 [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
2 16 [0, 0, 1]
3 18 [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, ...
4 24 [0, 0, 0]

In [13]:
# Now, we can add reorder rates and product counts for each order

order_reorderlist['reorder_rate'] = 0.0
order_reorderlist['product_count'] = 0

for i in range(len(order_reorderlist)):
    reorderlist = order_reorderlist['reordered_array'][i]
    order_reorderlist.set_value(i, 'product_count', len(reorderlist))
    if 1 in reorderlist:
        order_reorderlist.set_value(i, 'reorder_rate', round(np.sum(reorderlist) / float(len(reorderlist))*100, 2))

order_id reordered_array reorder_rate product_count
1167492 3421076 [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0] 87.50 8
1167493 3421077 [0, 0, 0, 0] 0.00 4
1167494 3421078 [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1] 77.78 9
1167495 3421079 [0] 0.00 1
1167496 3421083 [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 40.00 10

In [14]:
# Let's create a master DataFrame that centralizes 
# all order data and newly minted meta-data

testgroup_priororders = orders[orders['user_id'].isin(test['user_id'].values)]
testgroup_priororders = testgroup_priororders[testgroup_priororders['eval_set'] == 'prior']

master_orders_df = pd.merge(testgroup_priororders, 
master_orders_df = pd.merge(master_orders_df, pd.merge(order_sub_categorylist, 

order_id user_id eval_set order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day days_since_prior_order reordered_array reorder_rate product_count products_array aisles_array departments_array
0 1374495 3 prior 1 1 14 NaN [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 0.00 10 [9387, 17668, 15143, 16797, 39190, 47766, 2190... [crackers, fresh fruits, packaged vegetables f... [dairy eggs, produce, snacks]
1 444309 3 prior 2 3 19 9.0 [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] 33.33 9 [17668, 21903, 32402, 38596, 248, 40604, 8021,... [crackers, fresh fruits, nuts seeds dried frui... [beverages, dairy eggs, household, produce, sn...
2 3002854 3 prior 3 3 16 21.0 [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] 50.00 6 [39190, 47766, 21903, 49683, 28373, 7503] [fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts seeds dr... [dairy eggs, deli, produce, snacks]
3 2037211 3 prior 4 2 18 20.0 [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] 20.00 5 [9387, 1819, 12845, 16965, 24010] [fresh fruits, frozen breakfast, ice cream ice... [frozen, pantry, produce, snacks]
4 2710558 3 prior 5 0 17 12.0 [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] 63.64 11 [9387, 17668, 39190, 47766, 21903, 28373, 1696... [fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, ice cream ice... [dairy eggs, deli, frozen, produce]

In [15]:
# Complete list of previously purchased products for each user 
# (includes duplicates!)
user_products = pd.DataFrame(test_user_orders.groupby('user_id')['product_id'].size())

# Prettify DataFrame
user_products.reset_index(level='user_id', inplace=True)
user_products.columns = ['user_id', 'total_products']

# Add total number of orders & averages
temp = orders[orders['user_id'].isin(test['user_id'].values)]
temp = temp[temp['eval_set'] == 'prior']

user_orders_meta = pd.DataFrame(temp.loc[:,('user_id', 'order_number')].groupby(['user_id']).size()).reset_index()
user_orders_meta = user_orders_meta.merge(user_products, on='user_id')

# Prettify DataFrame
user_orders_meta.columns = ['user_id', 'total_orders', 'total_products']

user_orders_meta['avg_products_per_order'] = (user_orders_meta['total_products'] / user_orders_meta['total_orders'])

user_id total_orders total_products avg_products_per_order
0 3 12 88 7.333333
1 4 5 18 3.600000
2 6 3 14 4.666667
3 11 7 94 13.428571
4 12 5 74 14.800000
5 15 22 72 3.272727
6 16 6 70 11.666667
7 19 9 204 22.666667
8 20 4 22 5.500000
9 22 15 69 4.600000

In [16]:
# Lists of products and order frequency for each user
customer_product_counts = pd.DataFrame(test_user_orders.groupby('user_id')
# Prettify DataFrame
customer_product_counts.columns = ['order_instances']


user_id product_id
3 39190 10
47766 9
21903 8
9387 5
17668 5
18599 4
43961 4
1819 3
16797 3
22035 3
24810 3
32402 3
14992 2
16965 2
23650 2
24010 2
28373 2
44683 2
48523 2
248 1
1005 1
7503 1
8021 1
12845 1
15143 1
18370 1
21137 1
38596 1
39922 1
40604 1
42265 1
42557 1
49683 1
4 35469 2
1200 1

In [18]:
# For each user, groups of order_numbers associated with each product_id
customer_orders_assortment = pd.DataFrame(test_user_orders.groupby(['user_id', 'product_id'])
# Prettify DataFrame
customer_orders_assortment = customer_orders_assortment.drop(['order_number'], axis=1)


user_id product_id order_number
3 248 2
1005 10
1819 4
7503 3
8021 2
9387 1
12845 4
14992 6

In [19]:
# The above DataFrame is visually appealing, 
# but I'll update it for easier data manipulation

customer_orders_assortment = customer_orders_assortment.reset_index()

user_id product_id order_number
0 3 248 2
1 3 1005 10
2 3 1819 4
3 3 1819 6
4 3 1819 7
5 3 7503 3
6 3 8021 2
7 3 9387 1
8 3 9387 4
9 3 9387 5
10 3 9387 6
11 3 9387 7
12 3 12845 4
13 3 14992 6
14 3 14992 7

In [205]:
# Let's add product inclusion rates

# Some setup required
customer_orders_assortment['product_inclusion_rate'] = 0.0
user_temp_list = np.unique(customer_orders_assortment['user_id'])
#new = pd.DataFrame()

for i in user_temp_list[65053:]:
    user_df = customer_orders_assortment[customer_orders_assortment['user_id'] == [i]]
    for x in user_df.index.values:
                          (user_df[user_df['product_id'] == user_df['product_id'][x]]['product_id'].count() / float(user_df['order_number'].max())
    if len(new) < len(user_df): 
        new = user_df
        new = pd.concat([new, user_df])

user_id product_id order_number product_inclusion_rate
0 3 248 2 0.083333
1 3 1005 10 0.083333
2 3 1819 4 0.250000
3 3 1819 6 0.250000
4 3 1819 7 0.250000
5 3 7503 3 0.083333
6 3 8021 2 0.083333
7 3 9387 1 0.416667
8 3 9387 4 0.416667
9 3 9387 5 0.416667
10 3 9387 6 0.416667
11 3 9387 7 0.416667
12 3 12845 4 0.083333
13 3 14992 6 0.166667
14 3 14992 7 0.166667
15 3 15143 1 0.083333
16 3 16797 1 0.250000
17 3 16797 7 0.250000
18 3 16797 9 0.250000
19 3 16965 4 0.166667
20 3 16965 5 0.166667
21 3 17668 1 0.416667
22 3 17668 2 0.416667
23 3 17668 5 0.416667
24 3 17668 10 0.416667
25 3 17668 11 0.416667
26 3 18370 5 0.083333
27 3 18599 7 0.333333
28 3 18599 8 0.333333
29 3 18599 10 0.333333
... ... ... ... ...
11792468 206208 45608 36 0.020408
11792469 206208 46069 2 0.142857
11792470 206208 46069 7 0.142857
11792471 206208 46069 8 0.142857
11792472 206208 46069 10 0.142857
11792473 206208 46069 16 0.142857
11792474 206208 46069 19 0.142857
11792475 206208 46069 46 0.142857
11792476 206208 46271 36 0.020408
11792477 206208 46667 14 0.040816
11792478 206208 46667 37 0.040816
11792479 206208 46692 8 0.020408
11792480 206208 46847 5 0.040816
11792481 206208 46847 13 0.040816
11792482 206208 46868 7 0.020408
11792483 206208 47008 43 0.020408
11792484 206208 47209 16 0.020408
11792485 206208 47626 12 0.102041
11792486 206208 47626 15 0.102041
11792487 206208 47626 46 0.102041
11792488 206208 47626 47 0.102041
11792489 206208 47626 48 0.102041
11792490 206208 47752 3 0.020408
11792491 206208 47766 1 0.020408
11792492 206208 48017 43 0.020408
11792493 206208 48364 3 0.020408
11792494 206208 48865 42 0.020408
11792495 206208 49247 6 0.020408
11792496 206208 49385 27 0.020408
11792497 206208 49621 31 0.020408

11792498 rows × 4 columns

In [345]:
# let's jump into user_id 3 to explore trends in order behavior
# Let's start with product counts across orders

user_3_count = new[new['user_id'] == 3]['order_number'].value_counts().sort_index()

f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,5), ncols=1)

_= ax.set_title('Products per Order\nUser_id 3', size=22)
_= ax.set_ylabel('Product Count', size=20)
_= ax.set_xlabel('order_number', size=20)
_= ax.tick_params(labelsize=16)
plt.xticks(ha='right', rotation=55);

count    12.000000
mean      7.333333
std       2.103388
min       5.000000
25%       5.750000
50%       7.000000
75%       9.000000
max      11.000000
Name: order_number, dtype: float64

In [321]:
# Now, let's check out how individual products compare in terms of frequency of reorder. 

user_3 = new[new['user_id'] == 3].groupby(['product_inclusion_rate', 
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,10), ncols=1)

_= ax.set_title('Orders per Product\nUser_id 3', size=22)
_= ax.set_ylabel('Order Count', size=20)
_= ax.set_xlabel('product_id', size=20)
_= ax.tick_params(labelsize=16)
plt.xticks(range(len(user_3)), user_3.index.get_level_values(level=1), ha='right', rotation=55);


  1. There is an initial period of experimentation, categorized by:
    • higher drop-off in product count
    • lower reorder rates for particular products
  2. Then, there is a stabilization period, categorized by:
    • product count approaching the mean as order_number increases
    • as order_number increases, so does product_inclusion_rate for top performing products
  3. General thoughts:
    • there is a long-tail of once-ordered products.


We now have:

  1. Slightly overwhelming DataFrame with complete order history for test users [test_user_orders]

For each test-user's orders:

  1. More approachable DataFrames, including:
    1. product lists
    2. product counts
    3. departments lists
    4. aisle lists
    5. reorder rates
    6. average product counts

And for each test-user:

  1. More approachable DataFrames, including:
    1. order lists [useful for variability]
    2. product lists [useful for basket sizing]
    3. product order frequency
    4. total product counts
    5. product | order_number groups [useful for frequency, cyclicality, variability]
    6. product inclusion rates (% of total orders in which a product was included)

In [207]:
#new1.to_csv('inclusion_rate.csv', index=False)

In [ ]: